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The official 'We don't care about Mika's new album or acoustic tour' thread


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OMG!!! i just had a brilliant idea! he could have a travelling cooking show! we could buy tickets to "learn how to cook with mika" !!!! :naughty:



That is SUCH a great idea!!! :punk::roftl:

He should stay in each city for 3 nights and do this schedule:

night 1: gig

night2: cooking class

night3: off

Then we can book tickets for gig+class (special discount package) or just the one gig or one class......ace!


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That is SUCH a great idea!!! :punk::roftl:

He should stay in each city for 3 nights and do this schedule:

night 1: gig

night2: cooking class

night3: off

Then we can book tickets for gig+class (special discount package) or just the one gig or one class......ace!



Ahem...cooking class + dinner. We need to try what we cook! :naughty:

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I was going to say something but guess the following expresses my feelings better:




PS - This thread made my afternoon lol


That means you're in for the cooking lessons, Wonka? :roftl::roftl:

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Yep- You heard it right.

We had a 'We don't care about Mika's sexuality' thread, and now we have a 'We don't care about Mika's new album or acoustic tour' one...Not that they are related in any way, obviously, but you get the jest.

This is the thread for all those who don't care about when/if the new album will come out, and of course it applies to the tour as well.

So...if you don't care, have decided that you will be following Britney from now now, (at the end of the day, she also does a circus thing :original: ), and really can't see what all the fuss about this acoustic tour is about (I mean, a small acoustic gig in a beautiful theatre, pfff, how overrated is that :naughty:)...this is the thread for you!

Feel free to post alternative activities that you think Mika should be embarking on rather than recording and touring, and we can discuss those; If deemed necessary, we can even send him a petition for some!

For example: honey harvesting.

:punk:Post away! Let's see who else doesn't care!!!




(Do you think this is reverse psych enough, WW? :bleh: )


Ouch !! ... :naughty:

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Oh he should definitely go with honey harvesting!:naughty:


My regular beekeeper’s been has died all of a sudden, it seems to be a problem all over the world.

I’m sure he could find a new source of income in the bee business if he is tired of the singing potter!:original:



But inside am I crying....:blink:


sorry was just browsing through this thread to see what it all about & I was reading your comment & thought it said brace keeper lmfao :lmfao: shows you I'm very tired doesn't it lol (only 3 & a half hours sleep!!)


and btw I do care I'm sorry but I do I just can't help it I can't get enough of Mika:wub2::mf_lustslow:

Edited by DarkLight
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I might care when it happens :blink: Until then, I honestly don't give a hoot and I'm not even being sarcastic :blush-anim-cl:


Yeah, me too. This isn't a thread for people that don't care. It's a thread for people who pretend they don't care.


Kata, let's go to our own thread where we can really not care.

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Yeah, me too. This isn't a thread for people that don't care. It's a thread for people who pretend they don't care.


Kata, let's go to our own thread where we can really not care.



Oi! :sneaky2: How dare you disrespect 'my' thread :naughty:

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I'm more than IN for the cooking lessons!

Need some Lebanese recipes and Mika can always learn how to make Feijoada a Transmontana and Tripas a Moda do Porto...I'm sure he'll love it...lol


Oooh yeah! And "Francesinha"! :naughty:

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He could let out training disk " Learn English with MIKA! " For a long time I dream... Repeating words for Him, I precisely would learn language...

Certainly it not instead of...



Oh Lena, it would be perfect if you would teach Mika your Kind and Fine Wizard teachings! :roftl::naughty:

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