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What makes you a TRUE Fan?


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Personally I think a true mika fan knows when to criticize and stand up for mika, and when to stop the sarcasm and think about his feelings. Going to far is a bit mean and someone should know to stick up for him when something is unfair, and to laugh when something is genuinely funny and not get all offended just because someone doesn't like him and is taking the piss out of him.



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That's good :mf_rosetinted::roftl:


I'm just thinking what I should do if for some reason Mika & AT would have a gig around on the same day .. Now THAT'S a hard one, even for a TRUE Mika fan :blink:




I had that SAME delimma . . . but between MIKA and Rufus! HOW could I pick between the two? I am a HUGE fan of both. THAT would be a HARD one!!!! And I have no idea WHO would win . . . I'd TRY to find a way to do both or at least part . . . as we ALL know seeing Mika requires an ALL day (and half the night) wait. Rufus - you can walk into the venue 2 minutes before he starts and never miss a beat! :roftl:

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Hi Holly good question, never thougth about it like that...

I dunno what makes me a true fan or a false one....

And I wouln't take bullets for no one, that's for sure...

but this was the greatest thing that happened to me today...




Does it make me a fan? a true one? a false one???

dunno really and i don't actually worry about distinguishing it...;)

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Hi Holly good question, never thougth about it like that...

I dunno what makes me a true fan or a false one....

And I wouln't take bullets for no one, that's for sure...

but this was the greatest thing that happened to me today...





Beware: greatest thing happening today wasn't defo seeing Stephen Schwartz's pic....


I was referring to Greg of course :roftl::roftl::roftl::roftl:

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A real fan?


Just someone who loves Mika and loves his music.

It's different from a "hard core fan" which is about how wacky you are about him. Being a true fan is a silly thing. The only time that it's brought up is when two people who are fans of the same person/group/thing are fighting and one tries to undermine the other by telling them they're not a "real" or a "good" fan.


It's like fat. The only reason it's bad is because people say it in a negative light. It doesn't even mean fat anymore, it just means "descriptive word for someone you don't like" really doesn't it?


Aaarg must stop talking so much :roftl:

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well to me a true fan is someone who loves & adores Mika no matter what


NOT someone who listens to the cd constantly or watches the dvd all the time or spends hours on the mfc (or any other Mika site) or has been to dozens of gigs etc...


but someone who genuinely cares about his feelings, will respect him, not treat him like sh*t, not tear him apart or expect too much for him but will be extremelly grateful for what he does give us & is so happy he has blessed our lives with his beautiful prescence and talent & inner & outer beauty:mf_lustslow:


someone who realises he's just another regular human being with feelings who needs to be treated with the sort of respect you expect from others yourself!


someone who doesn't think he's the most perfect thing in the world realises he has flaws just like the rest of us but that those flaws/quirks make him all the more beautiful


someone who loves him far more for his inner beauty, personality & humour than his physical looks/sexy body and what he wears (but does of course appreciate his physical beauty & sense of style too:wub2:)


and yes I'd say Im a true fan but I don't like the word fan NEVER have!!!


It implies to most people that you are obsessed with the celebrity & follow their every move (not neccessarily in the literal sense) but that you look for EVERY single bit of information about them possible and someone who has way too many pics of them and has watched/read EVEY single interview & will not rest until they get more those who are overly insatiable & obsessive to a scary degree & that's NOT me!!!


Amen to that, my thoughts exactly


I consider myself a fan because I want Mika to be successful in his career and I try to contribute to that as much as I am able to.


Very true, would say that about myself as well


Are there false fans? :blink: I mean, when I say I'm a fan of someone, I'm a true one. :naughty:


Anyway, I know what you mean...


For me, a fan is a person who respects the artist and his work, and of course likes it (which doesn't mean we have to like everything the artist does/says).


I consider myself a "true" fan of Mika (and others), not because of the things I own (because I don't own much memorabilia, I must say), but because of what I feel about them, that's all. :thumb_yello:


Agreed also



And I have to say... I don't think the amount of time spent on the MFC is an indicator of how much of a fan you are. In the last months I have not been able to spend much time on here for various reasons, and I don't think I've been less of a fan because of that...

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Beware: greatest thing happening today wasn't defo seeing Stephen Schwartz's pic....


I was referring to Greg of course :roftl::roftl::roftl::roftl:



Yes it is great !*looks at Greg's sad face and Mika's happy face *:naughty::roftl:

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For me, a fan is a person who respects the artist and his work, and of course likes it (which doesn't mean we have to like everything the artist does/says).


I consider myself a "true" fan of Mika (and others), not because of the things I own (because I don't own much memorabilia, I must say), but because of what I feel about them, that's all. :thumb_yello:


I would take 1000 bullets for him if I had to:blush-anim-cl::wub2:


I totally agree with you.


Me too *high 5 *:cool:

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I feel to be a true is to just love Mika and his music:wub2::naughty:

I completely and utterly agree with you on that...


But also, I think that the ability to see the object of your affection (ie, Mika) as a human being and not putting them up on a pedestal makes you a fan.. having said that, if you disagree about something the object of your affection does or says, or you do treat them like they're on a pedestal can also make you a fan (an enthusiastic fan, but still a fan).


However, I don't think if you laugh at a parody or a joke being made against a famous person that makes you an unloyal fan. And I disagree with people who say that people aren't fans for whatever reason they give (like laughing at a joke made about a famous person).


If that was the case, then I'm definitely not a Hanson or Mika fan!

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well to me a true fan is someone who loves & adores Mika no matter what


NOT someone who listens to the cd constantly or watches the dvd all the time or spends hours on the mfc (or any other Mika site) or has been to dozens of gigs etc...


but someone who genuinely cares about his feelings, will respect him, not treat him like sh*t, not tear him apart or expect too much for him but will be extremelly grateful for what he does give us & is so happy he has blessed our lives with his beautiful prescence and talent & inner & outer beauty:mf_lustslow:


someone who realises he's just another regular human being with feelings who needs to be treated with the sort of respect you expect from others yourself!


someone who doesn't think he's the most perfect thing in the world realises he has flaws just like the rest of us but that those flaws/quirks make him all the more beautiful


someone who loves him far more for his inner beauty, personality & humour than his physical looks/sexy body and what he wears (but does of course appreciate his physical beauty & sense of style too:wub2:)


and yes I'd say Im a true fan but I don't like the word fan NEVER have!!!


It implies to most people that you are obsessed with the celebrity & follow their every move (not neccessarily in the literal sense) but that you look for EVERY single bit of information about them possible and someone who has way too many pics of them and has watched/read EVEY single interview & will not rest until they get more those who are overly insatiable & obsessive to a scary degree & that's NOT me!!!


Out of curiosity, what would you consider tresting Mika like sh!t?




I'm very proud to call myself a fan, and I will happily say that, because I am...


Though I must admit that two words come to mind while reading your post... one would be fangirl and the other would be teenybopper (thank you Hanson haters!)... either of those would fit the person that I think fits the bold part... and also those who truly think that they can and will marry the famous person they love and that if they aren't straight they are devastated...


Not that there is anything wrong with being a fangirl (I will happily admit I was a Hanson fangirl for a LOOOOONG time), but I think it's slightly unhealthy to be that obsessed with someone you don't truly know.

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The things that make me a TRUE fan IMO


* I listen to Mika every day of my life, and have since June 2007 (when I discovered him) :naughty:


* I am on the MFC everyday -- since that time also!


* Mika is an everyday PART of my life - as much as the air that I breathe. He is in my heart and in my thoughts.


* The Bestest Friends in my life in/out of the MFC I met BECAUSE of Mika.


* RESPECTING the artisit for who they are, and accepting them for who they are.

. . and standing behind them with unconditional support - even/especially when they fall.


amen to that.


I'm willing to take a bullet for him. Is that worth anything? :naughty:


i thought about that actually. it would hurt like hell. but he would most likely put his arms around you, rock you and ask you not to die because what you did for him was sooooo brave and thoughtful, so just don't die.:naughty:

until his managers pull him away and cart him to safety.

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well to me a true fan is someone who loves & adores Mika no matter what


NOT someone who listens to the cd constantly or watches the dvd all the time or spends hours on the mfc (or any other Mika site) or has been to dozens of gigs etc...


but someone who genuinely cares about his feelings, will respect him, not treat him like sh*t, not tear him apart or expect too much for him but will be extremelly grateful for what he does give us & is so happy he has blessed our lives with his beautiful prescence and talent & inner & outer beauty:mf_lustslow:


someone who realises he's just another regular human being with feelings who needs to be treated with the sort of respect you expect from others yourself!


someone who doesn't think he's the most perfect thing in the world realises he has flaws just like the rest of us but that those flaws/quirks make him all the more beautiful


someone who loves him far more for his inner beauty, personality & humour than his physical looks/sexy body and what he wears (but does of course appreciate his physical beauty & sense of style too:wub2:)


and yes I'd say Im a true fan but I don't like the word fan NEVER have!!!


It implies to most people that you are obsessed with the celebrity & follow their every move (not neccessarily in the literal sense) but that you look for EVERY single bit of information about them possible and someone who has way too many pics of them and has watched/read EVEY single interview & will not rest until they get more those who are overly insatiable & obsessive to a scary degree & that's NOT me!!!

That's what I feel as well ... :wub2: a part from the fact that maybe I'm a little bit obsessed but not to a scary degree :naughty:
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.. perhaps a true fan always stands up for the music.


Not necessarily, in my opinion. If an artist does some songs you don't like, you are no less of a fan if you voice your opinion...provided you genuinely love the majority of the artist's work.


For me, a fan is a person who respects the artist and his work, and of course likes it (which doesn't mean we have to like everything the artist does/says).




However, I don't think if you laugh at a parody or a joke being made against a famous person that makes you an unloyal fan. And I disagree with people who say that people aren't fans for whatever reason they give (like laughing at a joke made about a famous person).


If that was the case, then I'm definitely not a Hanson or Mika fan!


:roftl: How boring would it be to be a fan of anyone if we could never have a laugh about them sometimes? It'd be unbearable!!

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Not necessarily, in my opinion. If an artist does some songs you don't like, you are no less of a fan if you voice your opinion...provided you genuinely love the majority of the artist's work.








:roftl: How boring would it be to be a fan of anyone if we could never have a laugh about them sometimes? It'd be unbearable!!

Yeah, I have to agree here for the fact that I find Mika spoofs funnier than most famous people I don't like for the sheer fact that I love Mika and I most normally know what is being parodied.


I am also a big Ruru fan. But I cannot see how ANYONE wouldn't fnd THIS funny!


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i love Mika and his music more than any other artists:wub2:


Not necessarily, in my opinion. If an artist does some songs you don't like, you are no less of a fan if you voice your opinion...provided you genuinely love the majority of the artist's work.




:roftl: How boring would it be to be a fan of anyone if we could never have a laugh about them sometimes? It'd be unbearable!!


i absolutely agree:naughty:

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A real fan?


Just someone who loves Mika and loves his music.

It's different from a "hard core fan" which is about how wacky you are about him. Being a true fan is a silly thing. The only time that it's brought up is when two people who are fans of the same person/group/thing are fighting and one tries to undermine the other by telling them they're not a "real" or a "good" fan.


It's like fat. The only reason it's bad is because people say it in a negative light. It doesn't even mean fat anymore, it just means "descriptive word for someone you don't like" really doesn't it?


Aaarg must stop talking so much :roftl:




:clap: BRAVO . . . you just said it ALL - in a nutshell! :naughty:

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