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What makes you a TRUE Fan?


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:clap: BRAVO . . . you just said it ALL - in a nutshell! :naughty:

Aaaw! (blush) that is so nice!

Merci :huglove:



You can take it . . . really I will stand a little more to your left! :roftl:

And just a step to your right...

*sings and does the Rocky Horror Dance* :roftl:

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Aaaw! (blush) that is so nice!

Merci :huglove:


And just a step to your right...

*sings and does the Rocky Horror Dance* :roftl:


Tis true -- you got it! That's great! Makes me feel MUCH better! :doh:


. . . It's just a jump to the left - - - and then a step to the right. PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HIPS ...... :fisch:


I can never resist that song!!!

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Tis true -- you got it! That's great! Makes me feel MUCH better! :doh:


. . . It's just a jump to the left - - - and then a step to the right. PUT YOUR HANDS ON YOUR HIPS ...... :fisch:


I can never resist that song!!!

And bring you knees in tiiiiight, but it's the pelvic thrust.. IDK the rest either :wink2:


Yeah, I figured that's what this is about, some people get stroppy and accuse someone of not being a true fan OR they disaprove of something that someone has done (ie taking the micky out of Mika) and they say that because they make fun of him, they're not real fans.

I get ya :wink2:

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hard question...


i know i`m a true fan because i love Mika and his music too much :wub2:

i don`t know really.. i haven`t been to any gig yet.. and about official stuff i have the cd and the dvds.. nothing more cause here they don`t sell not even singles :thumbdown: sad.. but hey! it`s reality!

anyways.. for me all the materialistic stuff doesn`t matter that much.. i feel that the love i have to mika and his music grows up everyday a little bit more.. it`s weird.. i never though i`d have been in a mfc for so long.. i`m here all day :blink:

i think that truly fans really are the people who really LOVES his music.. that`s the reason i fell in love with him :wub2:

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Out of curiosity, what would you consider tresting Mika like sh!t?




I'm very proud to call myself a fan, and I will happily say that, because I am...


Though I must admit that two words come to mind while reading your post... one would be fangirl and the other would be teenybopper (thank you Hanson haters!)... either of those would fit the person that I think fits the bold part... and also those who truly think that they can and will marry the famous person they love and that if they aren't straight they are devastated...


Not that there is anything wrong with being a fangirl (I will happily admit I was a Hanson fangirl for a LOOOOONG time), but I think it's slightly unhealthy to be that obsessed with someone you don't truly know.


what I would consider treating him like sh*t?


in my opinion is treating him with disrespect, like expecting him to do more & more & more things for you when he's already given you enough as it is, trying to find out where he lives (I know some people have done that) or when they meet him people who are rough with him those who try & jump on him or grab him (roughly & in a bad way) & stuff you know things like that and I know he mentioned people trying to do many horrible things to him ( I think you should know what I mean) stuff like that is treating him like sh*t IMO




I think it's ok to maybe fantasize about marrying him or whatever that's no problem we all do it at some point in our lives it's just when the fangirliness goes overboard that it becomes a problem (if you get my point)

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All jokes aside, to me a real fan is someone who loves Mika, but is not afraid to judge him if he does something wrong and doesn't kiss the ground he walked on, but will defend him when needed without getting overly aggressive (think TH fans) and support Mika to make his career possible.


Oh and respect him, not hunt him down like dogs and ring his bell when they've got the chance.:blink:


Basically all that's been said:naughty:

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Anyone who likes Mika's music is a fan. I've got friends who count as Mika fans. One has LICM, one as Grace Kelly as his ring tone. But that's as far as it goes. Neither have been to a gig, or logged onto MFC. Does that make them "true" fans? I don't see why not. Mika can always use more fans of any variety.


However, on here, we have a community comprised of a lot of the most hardcore, diehard fans. To a lot of us, me included, Mika isn't just some guy making music out of London. His music and everything associated with it is a kind of "world". It's the songs and the live versions and the DVDs and the artwork and the Blackall project and the blogs and the gigs and the meetups and the friends.


It's not just 12 catchy pop songs on some CD. The music and the friendships and the experiences have truly changed our worlds. And that sounds totally cliché, and someone on the "outside" wouldn't get it. :naughty:


But we get it. And that's why I love this place. :huglove:


PS: I have Mika's artwork tattooed on my ankle. If that doesn't make me a true fan, I don't know what would. :mf_rosetinted:

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Anyone who likes Mika's music is a fan. I've got friends who count as Mika fans. One has LICM, one as Grace Kelly as his ring tone. But that's as far as it goes. Neither have been to a gig, or logged onto MFC. Does that make them "true" fans? I don't see why not. Mika can always use more fans of any variety.


However, on here, we have a community comprised of a lot of the most hardcore, diehard fans. To a lot of us, me included, Mika isn't just some guy making music out of London. His music and everything associated with it is a kind of "world". It's the songs and the live versions and the DVDs and the artwork and the Blackall project and the blogs and the gigs and the meetups and the friends.


It's not just 12 catchy pop songs on some CD. The music and the friendships and the experiences have truly changed our worlds. And that sounds totally cliché, and someone on the "outside" wouldn't get it. :naughty:


But we get it. And that's why I love this place. :huglove:


PS: I have Mika's artwork tattooed on my ankle. If that doesn't make me a true fan, I don't know what would. :mf_rosetinted:



I could NOT agree more! - with ALL of it!


. . . and the tattoo -- uuuummm you are down right HARDCORE to the bone!!!! :roftl: FOR LIFE - - or a very expensive, painful removal process or cover-up. :naughty:

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All jokes aside, to me a real fan is someone who loves Mika, but is not afraid to judge him if he does something wrong and doesn't kiss the ground he walked on, but will defend him when needed without getting overly aggressive (think TH fans) and support Mika to make his career possible.


Oh and respect him, not hunt him down like dogs and ring his bell when they've got the chance.:blink:


Basically all that's been said:naughty:


Hmm, you're ruling a lot of people out, Ingie. :naughty:

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Hmm, you're ruling a lot of people out, Ingie. :naughty:


I know:roftl:


I think everybody who loves Mika can be categorised as a true fan, but in that term you've got different branches as: Fangirls, Stalkers, Quiet fans, Pretend-to-not-care-but-secretely-love fans, controversial fans etc.:naughty:

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To me a true fan is someone who is fanatic about the band or artist that they like.

Someone who spends every penny they own and every spare second on their obsession.


Someone who likes an artist's music and maybe thinks he/she is cute is an admirer (I can't find the right word to explain what I mean).

In case you're wondering, I don't consider myself to be a fan.

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To me a true fan is someone who is fanatic about the band or artist that they like.

Someone who spends every penny they own and every spare second on their obsession.


Someone who likes an artist's music and maybe thinks he/she is cute is an admirer (I can't find the right word to explain what I mean).

In case you're wondering, I don't consider myself to be a fan.


ZOMG! How can you say something like that! How is it possible that a non fan is a mod?:shocked:



Just kidding:naughty:

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To me a true fan is someone who is fanatic about the band or artist that they like.

Someone who spends every penny they own and every spare second on their obsession.


Someone who likes an artist's music and maybe thinks he/she is cute is an admirer (I can't find the right word to explain what I mean).

In case you're wondering, I don't consider myself to be a fan.


For curiosity sake what do you call it? Personally I DETEST the word FAN.

Unless we are referring to a cooling device :naughty:


I feel like so much more. I hate the label!

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For curiosity sake what do you call it? Personally I DETEST the word FAN.

Unless we are referring to a cooling device :naughty:


I feel like so much more. I hate the label!


I just said that I can't find the right word.

In Dutch I'd call it a 'liefhebber' but I haven't found the right English word for it yet.

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What makes a person a fan of anything is love.


Everybody has different ideas about love and expresses love differently.


In romantic relationships, some people start wearing the same clothes and spend every minute possible together. Other people maintain some of their individuality and value having time alone even though they love spending time with their partner.


Does that mean that they love their partner less than the people who spend every possible minute together? Absolutely not. Everybody has different needs. Ideally we all end up with people who understand and respect our needs and have similar needs so that everybody's needs get met.


Likewise, people come to fandom at different times and express their fandom in different ways, but they are always fans if they love something.


Some people are single-minded fans, devoting as much time, energy, and money as they can to their fandom. I was such a fan when I was 15 and had not yet discovered how many amazing things there are in the world.


Now, I feel that my life is richer because I am a fan of many things/people. I feel that I get more from my fandoms because I express them in less obsessive ways. I don't look down on people who are obsessive. I don't think that they get less out of their fandom than I do. We all express love in different ways.


I live in a small town with almost no access to new things. I find out about things years after they became popular. Most of the things I love already fell off the public radar before I found them. I am no less a fan than people who found out before anybody else. My fandom will probably last longer because it isn't dependent on popularity or productivity. I simply love what I love.


Mika could go into hiding and never produce another album and I would STILL be a fan because I love what he made. He could stop posting in his blog until the new album comes out and I would still be a fan because I love what he makes. I don't need a constant stream of news to love what I love.


I'm a fan of Joss Whedon, but I couldn't tell you what project he's working on right now because none of my friends have mentioned it to me. I've heard rumors of different projects he was supposed to be doing that never came to fruition, but nothing concrete since Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.


The only reason I know Mika is working on a new album is because I enjoy this message board. If I hadn't find this website, I'd still be listening LiCM in my room and wondering when this Mika person was going to write a new album so that I could enjoy more of his work. If I hadn't enjoyed this forum, I'd be wondering and not finding out until long after everybody else in the world had heard the next album.


But I'm the kind of person who would need time alone in a romance and is seriously considering having a room of my own if ever get married because I toss and turn like a maniac and would want my partner to be able to get some sleep. Who knows, maybe if I had one, I wouldn't toss and turn. There are things I won't know until I experience them. What I do know is that my love is steadfast.


If Mika went into hiding and I ran into him on the street years after everybody forgot he made an album. I'd still be awestruck, talk to him like it was no big deal, and run up to one of my friends afterwards and squeal, "I MET A ROCK STAR! I MET A ROCK STAR!"


I don't see a need to compare fandoms and figure out who the REAL fans are because a fan is anybody who truly loves something whether that love is steadfast for life or fickle like a bee buzzing from flower to flower.

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