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I hate it when people bring extremely large bags to concerts and wack people with it continuously before turning around and asking you to move because they need their personal space.


#1 this is a concert, there really is no such thing as personal space once you get there.


#2 what in the name of all that is Holy are you bringing in a giant bag?!



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There's good rap. That just isn't it.




I hate it when people bring extremely large bags to concerts and wack people with it continuously before turning around and asking you to move because they need their personal space.


#1 this is a concert, there really is no such thing as personal space once you get there.


#2 what in the name of all that is Holy are you bringing in a giant bag?!




I agree with this but I'm gonna have to build on it slightly and add some more things I don't like at concerts.


At the concert in Chicago, there were several failed attempts at trying to get up one row...one row...seriously? What you see in row 3 is basically the same as row 2.



Attempt #1: Calling out random fake names and proclaiming loudly that you know your "friend" is somewhere near the front. Doesn't work, especially when your other friend who's with you isn't on the same page and keeps asking, "Who are you talking about?"


Attempt #2: Gradually leaning into the person in front of you until you make them lose your balance and then steal their spot. Works for about a second until everyone pushes back. At this point you have pissed off everyone around you so they are all ganging up on you. You might as well give up, but oh no, you still think you have a few tricks up your sleeve.


Attempt #3: When the smoke comes out at the beginning and no one can see a darn thing, you try to make a mad dash for the front. Again, doesn't work because unfortunately for you, everyone instinctly knows it's you and guesses what you are doing and blocks you.


Attempt #4: Constantly ramming into the person in front of you, attempting to annoy them so much that they let you take their spot. Then when you get called out, you lie and say it's not your fault because people are pushing you from behind even though you just tried to take advantage of the smoke and push your way to the front. Obviously this doesn't work either because everyone knows you're lying.


Attempt #5: Never even happens because the guy next to you calls you an a**hole and tells you to grow the f*** up.



Actually, I wasn't even mad at this girl, I was just amused that she was pulling out all the tricks. It was like she came prepared.

Edited by kk448
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I don't like cockroaches! :mad3: I really hate them! :protest:

Once one touched my leg and I began to cry! haha. I was a little girl! :blink:


HAHA i remember once one of them was walking on my leg it tickled so i just shook it off and then i looked at the floor and there it was a giant cockroach...:boxed::roftl:

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When people/somone is all: so and so should stop taking my ideas.

And then I/other people ask: what ideas did he take?

And she says: Oh, he know.



Seriously? :shocked: WTF? :sneaky2: OMG! WTF. WHY the f**k would you even say that? :sneaky2: Just f**king tell the guy to stop. Don't blab it to everyone and then wait for a response, only to leave us hanging! Holy f**k, that made me mad. :hair:


/rant over. :)

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I hate it when people call Mika "Our Boy"


Do they think he is some kind of puppet or toy?


Sounds either patronising or sounds like we are all old aunts wanting to give him a slobbery kiss and a £ to buy sweeties.



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