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When people stack their feet.


That's the only way I can think to describe it. You're just sitting at your desk in class, and you see that girl across the way just turn one of their feet so its on its side, and just plant the other foot on top of it.


Maybe I'm the only one that know what I'm talking about. But feet-stacking is a major pet peeve of mine. :naughty:


hey! :sneaky2:


I do this thing :roftl:


I'm doing it right now!

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Wow, that's cold :naughty:

People are such babies here. They can't even handle 60 F degree weather:rolls_eyes:


Haha that's nothing it's supposed to go down to about minus 7 tonight, but you should talk to Christine if you want to know about really cold weather. Toronto is really cold! (I think I'd like it :naughty:)

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How come Romania is so hot, you aren't that far away from us?

Here it's -1 celcius or maybe 28 farenheit?


It's very far from the USA:roftl:about 14 hours by plane :roftl:

England is far from me too it took me about 3 and half hours to get there

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I think I was meant to be born in a hot country :(

My parents and sister were about to move to Australia...until they found out I was on my way, so it's pretty much all my fault :naughty:


It's always your fault Jennie :original:

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I hate people who meander about in supermarkets :mad3:


And then stop dead in front of you :aah:



Especially when I'm in a hurry.




Try working in one ... where you have to put up with this constantly .... never ending bloody annoyance... can't do or go anywhere without someone with a shopping trolley or a basket stopping dead in front of me ..... dawdle ..... dawdle .... dawdle :mad3:

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[begin rant/]


It bugs me when, getting off an escalator, people either walk slow or stop in front of me. At the end of the 'ride' you are supposed to keep walking fast enough so people don't have to trip over their own feet. You are not supposed to stop. You are not supposed to slow down. You are supposed to keep going! :hair:


Second, I don't like it when people think that pyjamas are clothing. Loungwear is for...lounging! For goodness sakes, if I had to get dressed in proper clothes this morning...so do you! :sneaky2:


[/rant over]

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[begin rant/]


It bugs me when, getting off an escalator, people either walk slow or stop in front of me. At the end of the 'ride' you are supposed to keep walking fast enough so people don't have to trip over their own feet. You are not supposed to stop. You are not supposed to slow down. You are supposed to keep going! :hair:

[/rant over]


OMG :shocked: This happened to me yesterday! Someone stopped infront of me and I was about to trip and a woman behind me hit me :boxed: It was horrible!

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OMG :shocked: This happened to me yesterday! Someone stopped infront of me and I was about to trip and a woman behind me hit me :boxed: It was horrible!

Exactly my point! If that person in front of you kept walking, the woman behind you wouldn't have hit you...


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I hate when I break something and someone says "dont break that!"


Or when someone asks "Do you prefer alexandra or alex?" "I prefer alexandra." (I hate being called alex..*AWKWARD*) and they insist on calling me alex.





But most of all I hate when I have to do the kitty litter :lmao:

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Try working in one ... where you have to put up with this constantly .... never ending bloody annoyance... can't do or go anywhere without someone with a shopping trolley or a basket stopping dead in front of me ..... dawdle ..... dawdle .... dawdle :mad3:




its way worse in a hgih school :no:


I'm like going to be late for class and all these girls are in a long line infront of me walking at a TORTOISE LIKE PACE and im like *anticipashuuun face* Then i give up and rush past them pushing people.

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its way worse in a hgih school :no:


I'm like going to be late for class and all these girls are in a long line infront of me walking at a TORTOISE LIKE PACE and im like *anticipashuuun face* Then i give up and rush past them pushing people.

I've mastered this weaving thing. I just kinda move around everybody. It works most of the time, but there are just some people I can't get past!

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