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And I keep thinking you're biased, sorry :naughty: 90% of the people who go to gigs go there by car, arrive 30' in advance, and go back home just after the gig. They don't need to stay overnight, they don't need to skip work, they pay for the tick and fuel, period. Hardcore fans don't do this, obviously, hardcore supporters either, but they remain exceptions in the "real world"... Of course, the MFC is not the real world, we're obsessed, face it :roftl:



Oh, yes, I am the first to admit that MFC is not the real world, and that what we do is not normal (and often, not even desirable, like this stupid queuing, as Agnieszka highlighted in the The Killers thread) :roftl:.

But what you say about 90% of people getting to the gigs by car and then driving back home...I really don't think that this is an accurate figure, at least here.Most Mika gigs last winter in the UK were on weekdays, and plenty of people (non MFC) were there during the day, hence taking time off work.

Many also stayed overnight as late transport is such a hard thing in this city, and that was even more the case in other cities from what I have heard by people who went to those gigs.

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And I keep thinking you're biased, sorry :naughty: 90% of the people who go to gigs go there by car, arrive 30' in advance, and go back home just after the gig. They don't need to stay overnight, they don't need to skip work, they pay for the tick and fuel, period. Hardcore fans don't do this, obviously, hardcore supporters either, but they remain exceptions in the "real world"... Of course, the MFC is not the real world, we're obsessed, face it :roftl:


Yes, I agree. I am going to see Franz Ferdinand in Glasgow on Thursday night. I will leave work, drive to Glasgow, meet Vicky, have something to eat......go to the gig, arriving about half an hour before.....and leave straight afterwards. Drive home and go to work the following day.


That is the point of tours after all isn't it................taking the gig to the people in their local area.


But as you say, hardcore (or obsessive) fans are a different entity.

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Oh, yes, I am the first to admit that MFC is not the real world, and that what we do is not normal (and often, not even desirable, like this stupid queuing, as Agnieszka highlighted in the The Killers thread) :roftl:.

But what you say about 90% of people getting to the gigs by car and then driving back home...I really don't think that this is an accurate figure, at least here.Most Mika gigs last winter in the UK were on weekdays, and plenty of people (non MFC) were there during the day, hence taking time off work.

Many also stayed overnight as late transport is such a hard thing in this city, and that was even more the case in other cities from what I have heard by people who went to those gigs.


I can't tell, I wasn't at Brixton, but I'm pretty sure if you count all the students and jobless people, or independant people who can actually take a day off when they want to, you won't be far from the figure I gave you. And how many people actually stayed after the gig to see Meeks? 200? That's a lot, but that's still 10% only. If you leave right after the gig, I'm pretty sure you can catch the last train or underground ;)


Anyway, I do agree that if there is indeed a gig in may, they should announce it like NOW. 3 months is already short notice compared to most gigs, which are announced between 4 and 6 months in advance.

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Yes, I agree. I am going to see Franz Ferdinand in Glasgow on Thursday night. I will leave work, drive to Glasgow, meet Vicky, have something to eat......go to the gig, arriving about half an hour before.....and leave straight afterwards. Drive home and go to work the following day.


That is the point of tours after all isn't it................taking the gig to the people in their local area.


But as you say, hardcore (or obsessive) fans are a different entity.

Ok let's take Mika's 2007 tour then, and which cities he toured. It was mostly 'largeish' places, and not that many of them, which meant that many people (whoever didn't live close to those cities) had to travel quite a bit to get to them.

Leaving a gig around 11 pm and going off on a 2-3 hour drive is probably not everyone's cup of tea, especially after they already did that drive before the gig, and especially if they had to go to work before that.

Not to mention the fact that if one finishes work at 5, adding a 2-3 hr drive to that makes them reach the gig quite late.

It's just a bit tight and tiring, for what should be a nice pleasurable experience.

I am guessing Kath that you live close enough to Glasgow in order to do this, but what about the many people who live just far enough from all these places where there are gigs?

That is what I am trying to say. They don't need to be hardcores in order to being forced to travel and stay; They just need to live 'just that tad further away' than the rest.

And many people fit that category.

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I can't tell, I wasn't at Brixton, but I'm pretty sure if you count all the students and jobless people, or independant people who can actually take a day off when they want to, you won't be far from the figure I gave you. And how many people actually stayed after the gig to see Meeks? 200? That's a lot, but that's still 10% only. If you leave right after the gig, I'm pretty sure you can catch the last train or underground ;)


Anyway, I do agree that if there is indeed a gig in may, they should announce it like NOW. 3 months is already short notice compared to most gigs, which are announced between 4 and 6 months in advance.


Oh Niki, how obvious that you're not familiar with the London transport system from a 'local who doesn't live central' perspective :naughty:.

I will give you an example. I live in London Zone 4 (so what is still considered within the London area, which has like 6 zones and then A,B and I think C.

Basically, I am not far.

However, my last train home leaves London Victoria at 23:25.

That means that it is really difficult to get to my place after certain times, as there is no underground close either, and the best that I can do is take a last tube (around 12) and then get a cab (15-20 pounds).

Some people can get trains out until around 12, but that is it. Not every location has a late train either, so it's just highly dependant on where you live and where you need to go.

If you have a connection to make, forget it, it will be too late. Driving to London can be a nightmare if you factor in congestion charge and parking, not to think of actual finding a place to drop the car, etc...

Basically, it's just not as simple as it sounds, that is what I am trying to say, and it's often cheaper and less hassle to just get a room for the night.

Anyway, forgive the long explanation but I wanted to show the point with a 'real' example :roftl:.

And yes, totally agree with the notice/gig announcement times that you mention.

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Ok let's take Mika's 2007 tour then, and which cities he toured. It was mostly 'largeish' places, and not that many of them, which meant that many people (whoever didn't live close to those cities) had to travel quite a bit to get to them.

Leaving a gig around 11 pm and going off on a 2-3 hour drive is probably not everyone's cup of tea, especially after they already did that drive before the gig, and especially if they had to go to work before that.

Not to mention the fact that if one finishes work at 5, adding a 2-3 hr drive to that makes them reach the gig quite late.

It's just a bit tight and tiring, for what should be a nice pleasurable experience.

I am guessing Kath that you live close enough to Glasgow in order to do this, but what about the many people who live just far enough from all these places where there are gigs?

That is what I am trying to say. They don't need to be hardcores in order to being forced to travel and stay; They just need to live 'just that tad further away' than the rest.

And many people fit that category.


Sara, I live in a s**thole, trust me :roftl: But this is exactly what I do for most (non Mika) gigs if I have no choice but go on a weekday: I leave after work, drive for 2 hours, enjoy the gig, come back home, have 3 or 4 little hours of sleep, and wake up at 5:30 AM the next day to go to work lol. Of course I'd like it to be less tiring, but it doesnt spoil the gig itself.

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Ok let's take Mika's 2007 tour then, and which cities he toured. It was mostly 'largeish' places, and not that many of them, which meant that many people (whoever didn't live close to those cities) had to travel quite a bit to get to them.

Leaving a gig around 11 pm and going off on a 2-3 hour drive is probably not everyone's cup of tea, especially after they already did that drive before the gig, and especially if they had to go to work before that.

Not to mention the fact that if one finishes work at 5, adding a 2-3 hr drive to that makes them reach the gig quite late.

It's just a bit tight and tiring, for what should be a nice pleasurable experience.

I am guessing Kath that you live close enough to Glasgow in order to do this, but what about the many people who live just far enough from all these places where there are gigs?

That is what I am trying to say. They don't need to be hardcores in order to being forced to travel and stay; They just need to live 'just that tad further away' than the rest.

And many people fit that category.



Well yes. I have lived a large part of my life in York which is useless for gigs. You have to travel to one of the lerger cities to see anyone decent. But if I did , I still did so in the one evening.....and went to work very tired the next day. But my point was that for most people who are just going to go to the one gig, they would go to their most local one (making whatever arrangements were nessersary to do so). I am going to see Franz on Thursday simply because they ARE playing fairly locally to me. I wouldn't go any further than that.


But for Mika................if my finances and holiday entitlement would allow it, I would go anywhere.

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I can't tell, I wasn't at Brixton, but I'm pretty sure if you count all the students and jobless people, or independant people who can actually take a day off when they want to, you won't be far from the figure I gave you. And how many people actually stayed after the gig to see Meeks? 200? That's a lot, but that's still 10% only. If you leave right after the gig, I'm pretty sure you can catch the last train or underground ;)


Anyway, I do agree that if there is indeed a gig in may, they should announce it like NOW. 3 months is already short notice compared to most gigs, which are announced between 4 and 6 months in advance.


Ok let's take Mika's 2007 tour then, and which cities he toured. It was mostly 'largeish' places, and not that many of them, which meant that many people (whoever didn't live close to those cities) had to travel quite a bit to get to them.

Leaving a gig around 11 pm and going off on a 2-3 hour drive is probably not everyone's cup of tea, especially after they already did that drive before the gig, and especially if they had to go to work before that.

Not to mention the fact that if one finishes work at 5, adding a 2-3 hr drive to that makes them reach the gig quite late.

It's just a bit tight and tiring, for what should be a nice pleasurable experience.

I am guessing Kath that you live close enough to Glasgow in order to do this, but what about the many people who live just far enough from all these places where there are gigs?

That is what I am trying to say. They don't need to be hardcores in order to being forced to travel and stay; They just need to live 'just that tad further away' than the rest.

And many people fit that category.


I agree totally- most people in the UK don't live in towns which get big name gigs. My nearest venue is Newcastle- and I'd have to stay over, paying some £50 for travel and accom- if I was early enough to get a £29 room at teh Travelodge. It might be different if I had a car AND could be assured of safe parking, which is unlikely.

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Sara, I live in a s**thole, trust me :roftl: But this is exactly what I do for most (non Mika) gigs if I have no choice but go on a weekday: I leave after work, drive for 2 hours, enjoy the gig, come back home, have 3 or 4 little hours of sleep, and wake up at 5:30 AM the next day to go to work lol. Of course I'd like it to be less tiring, but it doesnt spoil the gig itself.


Well, you're clearly more dedicated and sacrificed than me then, because I am quite sure that if I had to do this for gigs, I wouldn't go to many that I go to now :roftl:

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You know Sara, I think you may have hit the nail on the head there!

It does feel like they are in some parallel universe to the rest of us, which is strange considering the blog Mika wrote expressing his concerns after seeing news reports about the economic climate!

They are going to have to start sorting out how tthey arrange things for the whole of this albums campaign, as this recession is going to be around a while and most of us have to re organise and prioritise the way we do things now.



Yeah speaking of blogs, I was thinking the other day that it might be possible that nothing will happen in 2009 :blink: but I remembered his new year blog..he wrote: "Happy new year everyone. Thank you for all your supoort over the past few years, 09 as you can imagine will be a busy year." .. I mean all the times where he excitedly posted about new music and seagulls :naughty: and all that I was excited too. But it was the last video blog that made me all :yay: feeling as if the album is ready and I'll be getting it the next day :roftl:


I feel confused :blink: Hopefully things will get clearer soon :cheerful_h4h:

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But for Mika................if my finances and holiday entitlement would allow it, I would go anywhere.


I subscribe to that. But I don't do that for any other artist. Only have the time, money and energy to do this for one :naughty:.


I agree totally- most people in the UK don't live in towns which get big name gigs. My nearest venue is Newcastle- and I'd have to stay over, paying some £50 for travel and accom- if I was early enough to get a £29 room at teh Travelodge. It might be different if I had a car AND could be assured of safe parking, which is unlikely.


Yes, that was my point, SS. That many people have that circumstance.

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Well, you're clearly more dedicated and sacrificed than me then, because I am quite sure that if I had to do this for gigs, I wouldn't go to many that I go to now :roftl:


Well I don't do THAT many for that very reason lol. I only go to the ones I wouldn't miss for all the gold on this earth. And doing that kinda things keeps me young and totally messed up in the head, that's good :mf_rosetinted::roftl:

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And I keep thinking you're biased, sorry :naughty: 90% of the people who go to gigs go there by car, arrive 30' in advance, and go back home just after the gig. They don't need to stay overnight, they don't need to skip work, they pay for the tick and fuel, period. Hardcore fans don't do this, obviously, hardcore supporters either, but they remain exceptions in the "real world"... Of course, the MFC is not the real world, we're obsessed, face it :roftl:


I would just like to say, that not everyone who goes to a show, in say London is from that town/city.

I think you'll find that a larger proportion than you think come from outside.

I come from Wiltshire, and the nearest places I can go to see artists like Mika or bigger artists, is either London, Birmingham, Exeter or possibly Bournemouth, due to the fact that they have got so big they won't play Bristol anymore, and Wiltshire itself has no facility(which is about time it did, considering the amount of stars living here now, Madonna, Sting, Robbie Williams!). So to do this, I, and lots of others, have to travel to go to conerts.

Now it's not a problem for me to drive back the same night, it's only a couple of hours from any of these locations, even after waiting to see Mika. But if I was to do what I did before, do a follow on show, I would have to stay in a hotel.

Now obviously in this climate I won't be doing that, but if I felt too tired to drive back, I would want to stay over, so therefore extra expense.

I know it's my choice, but as I don't go anywhere throughout the year, maybe the odd cinema trip, this is my only time I have a night out, due to the nature of my work, I don't go out for drinks.

All I'm asking from Team Mika, is to give us a fair amount of warning for gigs, like before. I don't see that is too much to ask.

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I would just like to say, that not everyone who goes to a show, in say London is from that town/city.

I think you'll find that a larger proportion than you think come from outside.

I come from Wiltshire, and the nearest places I can go to see artists like Mika or bigger artists, is either London, Birmingham, Exeter or possibly Bournemouth, due to the fact that they have got so big they won't play Bristol anymore, and Wiltshire itself has no facility(which is about time it did, considering the amount of stars living here now, Madonna, Sting, Robbie Williams!). So to do this, I, and lots of others, have to travel to go to conerts.

Now it's not a problem for me to drive back the same night, it's only a couple of hours from any of these locations, even after waiting to see Mika. But if I was to do what I did before, do a follow on show, I would have to stay in a hotel.

Now obviously in this climate I won't be doing that, but if I felt too tired to drive back, I would want to stay over, so therefore extra expense.

I know it's my choice, but as I don't go anywhere throughout the year, maybe the odd cinema trip, this is my only time I have a night out, due to the nature of my work, I don't go out for drinks.

All I'm asking from Team Mika, is to give us a fair amount of warning for gigs, like before. I don't see that is too much to ask.


Well I don't disagree with you rose, like I said, I think 3 months is too short notice, and they'd better announce it NOW if there's indeed a gig in may.

I was merely contradicting sara on her "real world" argument :naughty:

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well the thing is this....

in my case, i have no choice but to do the 1 gig... i have other priorities that stops me from gig hopping, it's called "my job". like rose, i am self employed. so i'm not too concerned about expenses for one show. to see a 2nd show, i'd have to drive to toronto (6/7 hours) or new york (10/11 hours)... and i'm not prepared to do that. so i have to be content with the one show. but if mika would do 2 gigs in montreal, then i'd go to both.:naughty:


to go to mika's gig, i have to take my car to the nearest metro station and then head for downtown montreal. 40 minutes. if i miss the last metro, then i'd take a cab back to my car. it's very little money involved, since i'm not far and i'm not doing more then one show.


i think that what niki said was also true for montreal people... 90% didn't make special arrangements.


although it would be nice to know right now, maybe team mika is not reporting on gig situation simply because they aren't sure yet. it's easy to blame them, but maybe they are waiting for the "go ahead" from higher up? maybe someone has to finish an album before dates can be official? :fisch:

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Well I don't disagree with you rose, like I said, I think 3 months is too short notice, and they'd better announce it NOW if there's indeed a gig in may.

I was merely contradicting sara on her "real world" argument :naughty:

It's funny you should mention that too!

Yesterday, I was listening to a programme on R4 (yes, I do listen to highbrow things occasionally:naughty:), and it was saying before the recession hit, the second most successful industry was the creative services industry, and that even now it's holding it's own.

So it makes me wonder in light of this, whether the people involved in this industry ARE living in cloud cuckooland, thinking that everything is all sweetness and light, while the rest of us are doing our best to keep going!

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well the thing is this....

in my case, i have no choice but to do the 1 gig... i have other priorities that stops me from gig hopping, it's called "my job". like rose, i am self employed. so i'm not too concerned about expenses for one show. to see a 2nd show, i'd have to drive to toronto (6/7 hours) or new york (10/11 hours)... and i'm not prepared to do that. so i have to be content with the one show. but if mika would do 2 gigs in montreal, then i'd go to both.:naughty:


to go to mika's gig, i have to take my car to the nearest metro station and then head for downtown montreal. 40 minutes. if i miss the last metro, then i'd take a cab back to my car. it's very little money involved, since i'm not far and i'm not doing more then one show.


i think that what niki said was also true for montreal people... 90% didn't make special arrangements.


although it would be nice to know right now, maybe team mika is not reporting on gig situation simply because they aren't sure yet. it's easy to blame them, but maybe they are waiting for the "go ahead" from higher up? maybe someone has to finish an album before dates can be official? :fisch:


I think that little detail can very much be the reason!:wink2:

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well the thing is this....

in my case, i have no choice but to do the 1 gig... i have other priorities that stops me from gig hopping, it's called "my job". like rose, i am self employed. so i'm not too concerned about expenses for one show. to see a 2nd show, i'd have to drive to toronto (6/7 hours) or new york (10/11 hours)... and i'm not prepared to do that. so i have to be content with the one show. but if mika would do 2 gigs in montreal, then i'd go to both.:naughty:


to go to mika's gig, i have to take my car to the nearest metro station and then head for downtown montreal. 40 minutes. if i miss the last metro, then i'd take a cab back to my car. it's very little money involved, since i'm not far and i'm not doing more then one show.


i think that what niki said was also true for montreal people... 90% didn't make special arrangements.


although it would be nice to know right now, maybe team mika is not reporting on gig situation simply because they aren't sure yet. it's easy to blame them, but maybe they are waiting for the "go ahead" from higher up? maybe someone has to finish an album before dates can be official? :fisch:


If this is the case, wouldn't it be more prudent to do the tour a little later on then?

Not too much later, but maybe a month or 2!

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If this is the case, wouldn't it be more prudent to do the tour a little later on then?

Not too much later, but maybe a month or 2!


for sure, maybe that's why they didn't say when he is touring yet...

they are waiting for a sign from up above! :naughty: i'm only speculating, of course, but it could be a possibility.


this is my interpretation.... :fisch:

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When I go to gigs I have no choice really but to stay overnight in London nowadays ...... I'm going to see Franz at Hammersmith Apollo on the 9th .... I live in Clacton .... which is about 1hr 30 mins by train from London Liverpool Street .... the service goes every hour .... so getting there isn't a problem, it's getting back that is .... the last train directly to Clacton is about 10.00pm ..... which would mean actually not seeing the show at all ...... :( So when I used to go by train .... I would have to get the train back to Colchester (they still run till about 1.00am) and then pay for a taxi back to Clacton ..... being after midnight by the time I'd arrive at Colchester station it would cost me about £35.00 to get home by taxi ..... :(


So that's the money I use to pay for a hotel ..... I don't even care what kind of hotel .... as long as it's walking distance from the venue or just a few stops by tube ..... also because I now normally don't go by train at all ..... it's far more expensive to even get into London by train ... and I'd rather save what pennies I have ..... I always go by coach now.... National Express costs me in total about £15.00 .... For Franz I'm going up on the day of the concert and coming back on the 10th ...... :)

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for us coming from out of the Uk it's always ticket+flight+hotel for 2/3 days, and more expenses.....and low cost flights will rise soon.


we won't see any acoustic date in italy 99%...so it will be travelling for sure!


what can i say, i hope i can go....i'll do my best, but of course i'd like to have dates soon, as all of you.

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people, do you think seriously mika team is considering our needs and hopes and therefore planning the tour in good time for us to be better organised..? you must be kidding. :blink:


sorry if it sounds harsh, but I think the only thing taken in consideration by MT is when mika decides his album is ready, if he wants to launch it with book/site/video too (that may delay release) AND (I hope for him) marketing strategies.


then they may consider some MFC devoted presales of the gigs ticks or whatever, but as far as about the rest, i think it's just wishful thinking.

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people, do you think seriously mika team is considering our needs and hopes and therefore planning the tour in good time for us to be better organised..? you must be kidding. :blink:


sorry if it sounds harsh, but I think the only thing taken in consideration by MT is when mika decides his album is ready, if he wants to launch it with book/site/video too (that may delay release) AND (I hope for him) marketing strategies.


then they may consider some MFC devoted presales of the gigs ticks or whatever, but as far as about the rest, i think it's just wishful thinking.


Sadly, I think you may be right:thumbdown:

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For me to go to a Mika gig ... I would have to drive for 8 hrs. ... hop on a plane & fly for 24 hrs. ... & with all general costs taken into consideration it would probably cost me at the very least $3,000 .... hmmm , smth. to think about , eh ??.... :mf_rosetinted:

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When I go to gigs I have no choice really but to stay overnight in London nowadays ...... I'm going to see Franz at Hammersmith Apollo on the 9th .... I live in Clacton .... which is about 1hr 30 mins by train from London Liverpool Street .... the service goes every hour .... so getting there isn't a problem, it's getting back that is .... the last train directly to Clacton is about 10.00pm ..... which would mean actually not seeing the show at all ...... :( So when I used to go by train .... I would have to get the train back to Colchester (they still run till about 1.00am) and then pay for a taxi back to Clacton ..... being after midnight by the time I'd arrive at Colchester station it would cost me about £35.00 to get home by taxi ..... :(


So that's the money I use to pay for a hotel ..... I don't even care what kind of hotel .... as long as it's walking distance from the venue or just a few stops by tube ..... also because I now normally don't go by train at all ..... it's far more expensive to even get into London by train ... and I'd rather save what pennies I have ..... I always go by coach now.... National Express costs me in total about £15.00 .... For Franz I'm going up on the day of the concert and coming back on the 10th ...... :)


do you go to fewer gigs because of the travelling or would you see the same amount if you lived closer to london?



for us coming from out of the Uk it's always ticket+flight+hotel for 2/3 days, and more expenses.....and low cost flights will rise soon.


we won't see any acoustic date in italy 99%...so it will be travelling for sure!


what can i say, i hope i can go....i'll do my best, but of course i'd like to have dates soon, as all of you.


for fun... i just checked to see how much a flight to ny and tor would cost me in may...

montreal-new york = $426 + taxes + fees (by bus... $162)

montreal-toronto = $259 + taxes + fees (by bus $216)


to uk, it is about $2500

i guess i won't be going :naughty:

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