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For me to go to a Mika gig ... I would have to drive for 8 hrs. ... hop on a plane & fly for 24 hrs. ... & with all general costs taken into consideration it would probably cost me at the very least $3,000 .... hmmm , smth. to think about , eh ??.... :mf_rosetinted:


:shocked: so how many gigs are you going too?

did you see him when he was on your continent?

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I thought it was a no no for you before july.. maybe I misunderstood. :blink: well, I'm happy for ya, you'll manage. :bleh: not that you care to see him of course.. :mf_rosetinted: wouldn't mind to see you again too btw.. :wub2:


I highly doubt dublin will be the only -forgive me expression- "reasonable" date for us in europe.. i think soon others will add up, in the uk, most likely. and possibly others on the continent too. why not france, for ex.?


I obviously hope to go to dublin, but maybe other more convenient locations, esp. connections wise, would do for me.


:lol3: Well, actually it was a no no. Just because I started on a new job not very long ago and it's common practice that you don't have holiday entitlement for the first six months. Hence my reluctance to ask for days off earlier. Yet my addiction was strong enough to ask anyway and I was told it was not a problem. So basically Dublin/end of May is an option. I just don't want to wait very much longer to book flight/hotel as it is not getting cheaper the closer we get to the date. I might take the risk and end up in Dublin without Mika being there or me getting hold of a ticket :roftl: - but then that would not be a total desaster, as I won't go alone (in case I go at all) and I was told Dublin is worth a visit. It would be nice to have that gig, though, I really don't not care to see Mika. But that's not news, is it? :roftl:


Btw, France will remain a no no for me. At least as far as Mika gigs are concerned. It's just too crazy there.

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do you go to fewer gigs because of the travelling or would you see the same amount if you lived closer to london?





for fun... i just checked to see how much a flight to ny and tor would cost me in may...

montreal-new york = $426 + taxes + fees (by bus... $162)

montreal-toronto = $259 + taxes + fees (by bus $216)


to uk, it is about $2500

i guess i won't be going :naughty:


Well if I loved closer to London I'd be able to go to more ...... cos' I could travel back home the same night ..... and save myself the cost of hotel's/taxi's ...... specially as normally tickets would cost you £35.00 anyway ...... it's just that Clacton is the last station on our line and they just don't see the need to travel down here that late ...... :thumbdown:


When we get new operators ... they always promise us later services leaving London ..... but they always go back on it when they get the service ..... :(

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at least you saw him at least once :roftl:

for us (argentinean fans) if we are lucky we`ll get to see him this year as he promised.. but no dates yet :( and about money.. well.. a lot of argentinean girls live in the provinces and they`ll have to travel to Buenos Aires to see him.. that`s a lot of money and i bet that the ticket will be quite expensive too.. specially for someone like Mika :P

i think avoca is right :bleh: but i think at least they have to consider a little bit mfcers needs.. sadly, i think they won`t

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people, do you think seriously mika team is considering our needs and hopes and therefore planning the tour in good time for us to be better organised..? you must be kidding. :blink:


sorry if it sounds harsh, but I think the only thing taken in consideration by MT is when mika decides his album is ready, if he wants to launch it with book/site/video too (that may delay release) AND (I hope for him) marketing strategies.


then they may consider some MFC devoted presales of the gigs ticks or whatever, but as far as about the rest, i think it's just wishful thinking.


I fully agree with you, Avoca! :wink2:....

the only thing we can do is waiting .... when will have exact dates ( if ever ) we'll evaluate what to do

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people, do you think seriously mika team is considering our needs and hopes and therefore planning the tour in good time for us to be better organised..? you must be kidding. :blink:


sorry if it sounds harsh, but I think the only thing taken in consideration by MT is when mika decides his album is ready, if he wants to launch it with book/site/video too (that may delay release) AND (I hope for him) marketing strategies.

then they may consider some MFC devoted presales of the gigs ticks or whatever, but as far as about the rest, i think it's just wishful thinking.


Oh I think this would be one of the main factors.

Where can Mika play where it will have the most impact and net him the most sales.

Like avoca says we may be considered, but it will be after the fact, we won't be the main reason. At the end of the day, Mika is a business and as much as he may say he does it for the love of it, his management and record label don't - it's profit all of the way for them.

Surely he is likely to play in those places where he is likely to sell most albums/seats or markets that he wants to break, which will be lucrative?

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at least you saw him at least once :roftl:

for us (argentinean fans) if we are lucky we`ll get to see him this year as he promised.. but no dates yet :( and about money.. well.. a lot of argentinean girls live in the provinces and they`ll have to travel to Buenos Aires to see him.. that`s a lot of money and i bet that the ticket will be quite expensive too.. specially for someone like Mika :P

i think avoca is right :bleh: but i think at least they have to consider a little bit mfcers needs.. sadly, i think they won`t


that's true... but he did say he's coming your way. so that is something to look forward to. mika better book a large hall... argentineans are so anxious to see him

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:shocked: so how many gigs are you going too?

did you see him when he was on your continent?

How many gigs ?? Haha ! Well, none at this rate ... :blink:


However, yes ... I was one of the lucky one's who managed to travel to see Mika when he did his one promo. show in Sydney ... we drove for the 8 hrs. to Sydney ... & then got a hotel for 2 nights ... it was expensive to do .... but an amazing experience !


Many of our other Aussies didn't have the chance ... :no:

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For me to go to a Mika gig ... I would have to drive for 8 hrs. ... hop on a plane & fly for 24 hrs. ... & with all general costs taken into consideration it would probably cost me at the very least $3,000 .... hmmm , smth. to think about , eh ??.... :mf_rosetinted:


It is something to think about indeed...........and I DO think about it. I think how much I would hate to live in a place that Mika rarely plays or indeed, like for instance Argentina, has never yet played.


Us Europeans are moaning because we don't know WHEN he will play and yet for a lot of you it must seem very very petty. Yes, I know it would be very nice for us to know..............we are desperate to be able to make our plans, save our money etc......................but I really do feel for those of you that it just isn't an option (at the moment):wub2:

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It is something to think about indeed...........and I DO think about it. I think how much I would hate to live in a place that Mika rarely plays or indeed, like for instance Argentina, has never yet played.


Us Europeans are moaning because we don't know WHEN he will play and yet for a lot of you it must seem very very petty. Yes, I know it would be very nice for us to know..............we are desperate to be able to make our plans, save our money etc......................but I really do feel for those of you that it just isn't an option (at the moment):wub2:

Kath ..... :huglove:

'At the moment' sounds good ... :wink2::wub2:

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90% of the people who go to gigs go there by car, arrive 30' in advance, and go back home just after the gig. They don't need to stay overnight, they don't need to skip work, they pay for the tick and fuel, period. Hardcore fans don't do this, obviously, hardcore supporters either, but they remain exceptions in the "real world"... Of course, the MFC is not the real world, we're obsessed, face it :roftl:


I am going to see Franz on Thursday simply because they ARE playing fairly locally to me. I wouldn't go any further than that.


But for Mika................if my finances and holiday entitlement would allow it, I would go anywhere.


people, do you think seriously mika team is considering our needs and hopes and therefore planning the tour in good time for us to be better organised..? you must be kidding. :blink:


If they're waiting, they must have a very good reason to do so: a) there's no gig on that date b) it's not 100 sure.


Totally agree with everything you say :thumb_yello:

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It is something to think about indeed...........and I DO think about it. I think how much I would hate to live in a place that Mika rarely plays or indeed, like for instance Argentina, has never yet played.


Us Europeans are moaning because we don't know WHEN he will play and yet for a lot of you it must seem very very petty. Yes, I know it would be very nice for us to know..............we are desperate to be able to make our plans, save our money etc......................but I really do feel for those of you that it just isn't an option (at the moment):wub2:

That is very true! I was so fortunate to meet him at the very first Mika gig I went to. But there are people on this forum who have never had the chance to see him live. I hope they do get the chance to, very soon.

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But for Mika................if my finances and holiday entitlement would allow it, I would go anywhere.


I so wish I could say/do that:naughty:


If I didn't have three little kids who still need their mama, and their mama's money...then I would be standing beside you at every gig in every country kath!!


But as you know, I am always there in spirit. Sitting here on MFC during gigs. That's ma job. :thumb_yello:

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I so wish I could say/do that:naughty:


If I didn't have three little kids who still need their mama, and their mama's money...then I would be standing beside you at every gig in every country kath!!


But as you know, I am always there in spirit. Sitting here on MFC during gigs. That's ma job. :thumb_yello:

I will join you :sneaky2: just payed for my sons swimminglessons, do you know how many gigs i could go to with that amount of money.....:shocked: Ah well, being a mom is the most rewarding job in the world :wink2::naughty: I want my Mika gigs! You know what, who needs to swim anyway.:roftl:

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I so wish I could say/do that:naughty:


If I didn't have three little kids who still need their mama, and their mama's money...then I would be standing beside you at every gig in every country kath!!


But as you know, I am always there in spirit. Sitting here on MFC during gigs. That's ma job.


Yes, I know. And to Miek as well (who has used too many smilies to quote!)


I am very very thankful that Mika came along when he did, for me. Ten years ago I wouldn't have even been here I don't suppose, I was so wrapped up in bringing up kids. I am very fortunte.


But Miek.............Children DO need to swim:naughty:

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Yes, I know. And to Miek as well (who has used too many smilies to quote!)


I am very very thankful that Mika came along when he did, for me. Ten years ago I wouldn't have even been here I don't suppose, I was so wrapped up in bringing up kids. I am very fortunte.


But Miek.............Children DO need to swim:naughty:

Nah, he can learn when he's 15 :thumb_yello:

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