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Go To MikaSounds! - Blog Updates Thread (Part 7)


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sweety :D i can tell you the most easy wayy to download a youtube video :o


go to this siite :





then you copy the liink from the youtube video and insert in that URL thiing on the top,

then you cliick "download" and theen you choose the download liink for the mp4 videoo :D

and baaaamm you have iit :D

and you can even put it on your ipod or whatevaa :D



hope thiis helps =)


Oh thanks! :wub2:

*goes and downloads all the vlogs separatly in mp4*


Edited by Neiobi
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sweety :D i can tell you the most easy wayy to download a youtube video :o


go to this siite :





then you copy the liink from the youtube video and insert in that URL thiing on the top,

then you cliick "download" and theen you choose the download liink for the mp4 videoo :D

and baaaamm you have iit :D

and you can even put it on your ipod or whatevaa :D



hope thiis helps =)


Thanks, that helps indeed!

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Yes, they usually use programs like that to make instrumentals, like the Relax one.


I've got a brilliant idea. If someone has it, we can also use it for the Milano vid part 2, cause you know..that's the one with ''Put your heart back in your pooocket'':das:




Is there also a program to add the missing bits to the song? :naughty:

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Promising? It's sounding ****ing fantastic! And I didn't like it!


Promising - ****ing fantastic, let's not be fussed here. :naughty:

Well that's how I felt after the first listen. Now after like ten I might've used a stronger word. :fisch: Anyway, I said promising cause I haven't heard the whole thing yet and I meant it in the greatest possible way. :thumb_yello: I wasn't too keen on it before either.


Tell me about it! It actually sounds good!



I was a bit "Yeah right, this doesn't sound that great" at first, but I think that album is shaping up the be a good one!


I'm very very intruiged... I'm actually starting to get a wee bit excited about it now!


It really, really does!! :yay: I'm more than a wee bit excited though. That I was before this vlog, now I can hardly contain myself. :roftl:


I can't stop watching it, and I'm sure I'm not the only one... :naughty:


You're not.. :naughty:

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Yeah, it's like being back at the beginning again!


Yes, it's a wonderful feeling, too! :roll1:


Yep, I think you're right. *edits lyrics*


Sheesh, Mika, it would be easier if you just PM'd me with the correct lyrics. :fisch:


"He's got looks, got books, take pages to tell

He's got a face to make you fall on your knees.

He's got money in my bank, take another guess

If you think he's livin..."


And I'd bet that line ends "you think he's livin the dream".


I love this part -- trying to figure out the lyrics!

Although I wouldn't be upset if Mika would email us the

right words, either... :naughty:


I hear, as someone else said, "He's got looks that books take

pages to tell..."


And I wonder if maybe it's "livin' with *ease*" -- since that would

rhyme better with knees? :blink:

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I am so blown away with how amazing the new stuff sounds.


I mean, it's not like I expected anything different from him, but oh my god. It's going to flip my world upside down just as LICM did.


Is it bad that I cried when I watched it? lol?



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Ermmm....Hellooooooo :naughty:

Personally though, I don't think that he's totally unaware of Valentine's. He's just pretending not to be.

What in Spanish we call 'hacerse el Sueco', which more or less means to pretend that you have no idea of what's going on. And, hilariously, if you take the literal meaning of the sentence, it means 'to pretend to be Swedish' :lmfao:


Thank you very much!:roftl:


Maybe he was not aware this would reach the old world as well... :naughty:


And aren't we all a bit Swedish? :wub2:... some more than others, of course...




And now I'm going to read back from page 15 to 70!


I'm leaving for two days and this is what happens....:blink:

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I think....


"he was called the tax baby - but he created enemies of his own"




You know Racha, you might be on to something there!

It seemed so random when he put it on the picture, but maybe it was another carrot, we just didn't know it:naughty:

(I said on YT I would stop going on about dangling carrots, and that's the last time I will say it now:naughty:)

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Yep. They wrote Mike and Saranyde:mf_rosetinted:


What annoyed me a bit aswell is that he sang along to the clapping song:roftl:

There are programs to take the voice away.


Does it occur to anyone that he delibrately talked over it?

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i dun usually leave msg here but this time i reli cant help! our boy's such a freaking genius, isnt he???????? n i know it's silly but i reli burst into tears unconsciouslly when i heard the new Rain in the new vblog!!:blowup:


dunno why.... this's weird!


n he looks handsome wif this hair n the grey tee:wub2:

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The new album is gonna be BRILLIANT !!!

The guy is a complete and utter GENIUS. End of story.



[i couldn't put . . .[/color]



. . . . . . . . . it any better.]

Edited by A. Clay
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i dun usually leave msg here but this time i reli cant help! our boy's such a freaking genius, isnt he???????? n i know it's silly but i reli burst into tears unconsciouslly when i heard the new Rain in the new vblog!!:blowup:


dunno why.... this's weird!


n he looks handsome wif this hair n the grey tee:wub2:



Awww, you should have come here last night, we had plenty of tissues to go around:naughty:

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