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What made you happy today?


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I was in a meeting. Quite unexpectedly, the chair of the meeting (who I don't know well) thanked me & my staff for all our hard work :blush-anim-cl:


This never happens usually


nice, it's always nice when someone notice and appreciate your effort and work!




and what made me happy today - I totally accidentally ran into old school friend which I haven't seen in almost 8 years and she was with her 11 month old daughter!:wub2:

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England? Oh! So lucky!


Didn't really have a happy moment today . . . though I suppose I was a little happy when I finally escaped from work.

I barely made it, truck drivers kept coming in.

I was like "Noooooooooo! . . . okay.":thumbdown:

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my teacher is a woman in her latest 40.. :bleh: who loves talking about how much do we have to study to get out of our country :roftl:


oh my :floor:


Didn't happen today, but it happened yesterday. Oh well...


I found out that I may go to England in the summer for a vacation...and I won't have to pay for the plane ticket. :boing::naughty:


wow :shocked: I hope that happens :wub2:

where do you live btw?

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England? Oh! So lucky!


Didn't really have a happy moment today . . . though I suppose I was a little happy when I finally escaped from work.

I barely made it, truck drivers kept coming in.

I was like "Noooooooooo! . . . okay.":thumbdown:

Thank you!


Damn, that sucks. :sad:


wow :shocked: I hope that happens :wub2:

where do you live btw?

Me tooooo! :punk:


The lovely nation called Canada! :biggrin2::wub2:

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lets start from the beginning

this morning i was just in a good mood

in my 2nd period class, we were working on Word, and i was on myspace, going to my profile so i could plug in my headphones and listen to music, and my teacher blocked my computer. but then he unblocked it. also, my friend and i were having a blast being dorks. lol.

i forgot why 3rd period went so well, but my happyness didnt die down.

lunch was great because i got food :P

science was awesome because my teacher couldnt hear today, and we didnt really do anything.

and after school i got an iced tea

then our swim coach was a half hour late today

and we got our team suits

and we didnt do anything really at practice besides finding out 100 yard times.

then getting mikas news

and talking to some really good friends online

theres other stuff im leaving out, im just to lazy to add it in, and have a lot of homework i have to do.

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I dunno, 't was just quite a good day:original:

And tomorrow I will be free 2 hours earlier:punk:

And Friday I'm going to the Mac (McDonalds) with some friends, and my crush will probably come too, so that will be nice.:biggrin2:

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