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What made you happy today?


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How warm?


Sorry I'm curious:blush-anim-cl: I want to know what you consider warm in the UK...


The hot weather should make me happy but it's made me tired instead.. It's too hot:boxed: Been sweating all day.. 35ºC.


I think it was around 22 degrees. There was no breeze either.


There is no way I could cope with 35.

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I think it was around 22 degrees. There was no breeze either.


There is no way I could cope with 35.


Wow, lucky.. That's nice:wub2:

I just had to.. I struggled all day to breath normally!

Hate hate hate it..

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went to 6 flags today on a band trip, they played grace kelly on the speakers in the park (lets just say i reacted the way any mfcer would react to hearing mika...squealing like a fan girl and shouting out the lyrics:teehee:) and new vlog:biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2: today was verrrry good

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Today I went to the MTV Video Music Awards in Japan for the second time ever. It reminded me of the adventure I had seeing Mika for the first time there 2 years ago.


This year I saw Katy Perry (went to her show last night too.) She was great and her costume was fantastic:





and before the show she wore this dress:



and everyone just loved her here in Tokyo, so all in all a great night!


Oh, and her #1 fan in Japan was invited to the VMAJs last night by Katy herself as her guest, and got to sit down the front with all the VIPs. She looked so cute down there, I was so happy for her!:wub2:

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Going to a concert and having lots of fun:wub2:

My friend played there, it was her music academy's concert, and when she was finished, me her and two of her cousins were dancing and screaming when the combos (like bands) came and all the kids playing the violin stopped coming:naughty: Aleluia, they would never end!:roftl:

We got told off a lot because we were laughing about some people on stage etc but had a great time:teehee:

There were some great improvisations on electric guitar, piano... And some people played known songs really good.:biggrin2: Others.. Ruined them.:naughty: But I can't talk much, because when it's my concert the nerves blow the whole thing!

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