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Mikasounds and Twitter Update Thread


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yeah they are pretty expensive i went with my school when we were on an overnight trip in boston in 7th grade and this past february for my friends bday... YOU HAVE TO GO WHEN THEY ARE NEAR! it is amazing! they are so funny and are really interactive wtih the crowd and they jump on the seats and climb over you and throw jello and stuff into the audience its so much fun!


Darn! Now I really wanna go!

Sounds like a lot of fun!:thumb_yello:

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I have seen comments on mikas blogs being random or boring. if you aren't into random then he would be boring. Unrandom people are boring.When there is an awkward silence you need a random person to break the ice.Partys need random people. The entire way of enjoying life evolves around a random person saying or doing something funny.

I think Mika is completely my kind of person. I like random eg: avocados. in fact I have about 10 avocado trees. but also his music is by far the best I have ever come across.

I think some of his songs are based on the feelings from past events in his life. some of the events are fairly similar to mine except while he was bullied for what he wore for 2 years, I was bullied for no reaon at all for 7 years and have never fitted in anywhere in New Zealand since. People seem to be able to tell as soon as I walk inot a room that I dont think the same as most people because I changed my way of thinking so I didn't have a break down like Mika did. The point is that to truly understand the music, you have to truly understand the idea behind the music. That is probably why people either like Mika or see him as a joke. There are the ones who see themselves as normal or cool and then the ones like us who have odd conversations about avocados. Unfortunately I live in a country full of people who see him as a joke.

I found I have no trouble writing in forums or texting but cant talk in person confidently. I also noticed that Mika Is very loud in his writing but rather quiet and almost shy when he is speaking in his video blogs.

Maybe he is unable to actualy find a reason to post some things in a blog, or is put off posting a lot of interesting things because of peoples reactions to past random things he has said and been bullied for.

Anyway this is all kinda random and the result mostly of writing what i think. lol


He also said that he tried to get his songs noticed and got many many knock backs. If he was that shy and retiring, he would not have been able to cope with that. He's a determined, focussed businessman as well as a musician. I think that if he worried about people's reactions too much he wouldn't be in the position he's in. People say a lot worse about Mika on the web that that his blogs are boring. He can cope. He's got a big support system around him.

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except Mika is GREEN on the inside from too many avocados, and RED on the outside like the watermelon's insides...you have to reverse the picture.


I would if it wouldn't be 1am here and i wouldn't have to get up at 7...:wink2:


See you all tomorrow, girls...

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I found I have no trouble writing in forums or texting but cant talk in person confidently. I also noticed that Mika Is very loud in his writing but rather quiet and almost shy when he is speaking in his video blogs.


I know what you mean:wink2:


and add some curly hair on it, that watermelon is bold:naughty:


haha yeah :roftl:




!!!! :biggrin2:

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Just viewed his twitter :yay::boing:


I think the odds of staying a non twit are slim for me...he's probably gonna announce all his important news there now. :no:


Why, why are blogs out of date already?! :rolleyes: I still prefer them, things change so quickly!



I'll probably cave in and follow the crowd by tommorrow :doh::no:

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I am Rosie, but not before this...


(Thanks to Kah from the Brasilian Forum)





Now i'm hiding in my cavern...:mf_rosetinted:






But I'm still NOT including melons in the new outfit!

You can't make me!!!:naughty:

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:mf _rosetinted:


I am Rosie, but not before this...


(Thanks to Kah from the Brasilian Forum)





Now i'm hiding in my cavern...:mf_r osetinted:


haha :roftl::roftl:


the watermelon has a chicken meaning here :mf_rosetin ted::mf_rose tinted:



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But I'm still NOT including melons in the new outfit!

You can't make me!!!:naughty:


Why not Rosie???


Watermelon as a skirt, avocados as a bra, a mix of Katy Perry and Carmen Mirpanda...


Katen Mirperry, Carmy Piranda...:roftl::roftl:

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I am Rosie, but not before this...


(Thanks to Kah from the Brasilian Forum)





Now i'm hiding in my cavern...


silly girl!:roftl:




But I'm still NOT including melons in the new outfit!

You can't make me!!


oh come on rose!!! watermelon hat! :roftl:

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