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Mikasounds and Twitter Update Thread


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Great News ! :wub2:


Honestly, I don't think the blog is dead. Twitter and Mikasounds are two differnt things, two different way to comunicate.


Twitter enables him to update some news, without spend time making a blog... Sometimes, one sentence is enough and no need to make a blog...


I take these news update on twitter like a foretaste before a real, complete blog on Mikasounds...

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I and have not understood how to write in this Twitter ((... How to understand, whether online the person? Whether it is possible to write, when he not online? At me nothing turned out. I at all do not understand, who-where-whom there has written. In any window I have written words of pair, but I do not understand, for what and to whom... How with it to work??


You have noticed, what His photo is mirror turned?

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I and have not understood how to write in this Twitter ((... How to understand, whether online the person? Whether it is possible to write, when he not online? At me nothing turned out. I at all do not understand, who-where-whom there has written. In any window I have written words of pair, but I do not understand, for what and to whom... How with it to work??


You have noticed, what His photo is mirror turned?


Mika's account on Twitter is here:




You can read what he posts on page 1 of this thread.


If you want to post yourself, you have to set up your own account on Twitter. Then you can be notified when Mika has posted something.


And yes, we have noticed his picture is a mirror image.:naughty:

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I was wondering if the picture had been taken with his iphone ... i think they have a camera front and back dont they ? maybe it was taken looking into the front phone ?


Fantastic news about the recording !!! :punk: Something to get excited about ! ... Finally !!! :original::naughty:

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I'm confused, how do you talk to people on Twitter? I'm looking at Christine's page lol...


You have to follow the person i think caz .. and if you want to reply type @ and then the username ! :thumb_yello: ... example - @Cazgirl and then the message :wink2:

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Mika's account on Twitter is here:




You can read what he posts on page 1 of this thread.


If you want to post yourself, you have to set up your own account on Twitter. Then you can be notified when Mika has posted something.


And yes, we have noticed his picture is a mirror image.:naughty:


Yes, I read, there. But all is equal, I do not understand, how it will be necessary to write. I have already created the account. And 9 hours I wander on a circle from my page up to Mika's page. Here, if to try to be thrown with someone several words...

The notice will come on mail? I come there only from a computer...

вобще it seems to me, that there anybody is not present, everyone sleep..)

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If it is so (which seems more likely by the minute), then I guess there won't be vlogs anymore? pics? :sad::no::thumbdown:


And what about the Blackall Project? :blink:



'The blog is dead'. I am afraid nobody is going to get the Pulitzer prize for journalism with that kind of scoop...


'What about the Blackall Project?'. And what about the questions/answers project, dead in infancy ?


The guy reminds me of those preteens who keep taking up a new sport every autumn term the better to give it up after a semester.

The problem is he is about 10 years too old for that... and his whims involve his fans and audiences while only the kids' family are concerned.

Hopefully when he has lost half his hair, which he is in the process of doing, he will act like an adult. I am not holding my breath, though, asthma attacks can be a bitch.


Cheers anyway,



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'The blog is dead'. I am afraid nobody is going to get the Pulitzer prize for journalism with that kind of scoop...


'What about the Blackall Project?'. And what about the questions/answers project, dead in infancy ?


The guy reminds me of those preteens who keep taking up a new sport every autumn term the better to give it up after a semester.

The problem is he is about 10 years too old for that... and his whims involve his fans and audiences while only the kids' family are concerned.

Hopefully when he has lost half his hair, which he is in the process of doing, he will act like an adult. I am not holding my breath, though, asthma attacks can be a bitch.


Cheers anyway,




Can I ban you , do you mind?

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i hate twitter. it feels so IMPERSONAL. :mad3: i'd rather a blog every two weeks then twitter messages every day.


How is it impersonal? I've been wanting him to Twitter because it's actually not impersonal. His blogs have started to read like essays. They can be quite informative at times, but they are not spontaneous anymore.


Last night in a couple of lines he gave us, for the first time, some inkling of a timeline for the album, he joked about being a stalker and he spoke to me directly.


I know it's easy for me to say, but honestly, this is exactly what I was expecting or at least hoping for.


If it is so (which seems more likely by the minute), then I guess there won't be vlogs anymore? pics? :sad::no::thumbdown:


And what about the Blackall Project? :blink:


Mika is not going to abandon videos as I'm sure that will be part of the content on his new website. He can post pics on Twitter if he wants but I'm sure he'll still use the blog for Sophie's project and lengthier updates.


This is just potentially a way for him to keep in touch on the go. He can do it easily from his mobile and ideally he will integrate all these things so the Twitter updates appear on his blog and the blogs will appear as a link on Twitter.


Although at this point I'd say it's just a new toy and he may not even use it that much in the long run. But I hope he does find a use for it because once he's promoting and touring it is not going to be easy to write blogs all the time so this is better than no updates.


Yes, I read, there. But all is equal, I do not understand, how it will be necessary to write. I have already created the account. And 9 hours I wander on a circle from my page up to Mika's page. Here, if to try to be thrown with someone several words...

The notice will come on mail? I come there only from a computer...

вобще it seems to me, that there anybody is not present, everyone sleep..)


You won't get notices when he is online. If you send him a message he will see it the next time he is online so you can write to him at any time.






At the start of your message and it will get to Mika.


There are software programs that will alert you when he has made an update, but it is probably easiest for you to just check his Twitter page or this thread.

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I actually can't believe Mikasounds responded to Christine???? Jealous much lol xD


haha,i can't belive it too

and i'm very happy that he did it,finally the recognation she deserves:naughty:. and def. cheaper than a box of chocolate:mf_rosetinted:


Can I ban you , do you mind?


you got my permission too:mf_rosetinted:

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No way!!! .. :shocked:


As if :wink2:


I like twitter , it suits my random jibbering mind set:naughty:



No!!! Really? You will ban me! How cruel... :tears::crybaby:



If I subscribe to Twitter, will I be able to send that lovely smilie to M? :original:

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I've been looking at quite a few of the celebs profiles over the last few days , i love how they reply to so many of the posts from fans!!!


It's almost like the only acceptable social networking site for celebs to interact personally with us plebs :naughty:

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I want a blog. :original: And you know why...:naughty:

(will you ban me for that, mods? :roftl:)


No I don't know. Why?


This is not directed at you Laura, as I get the sense you're just joking a bit here...but really I don't understand what the general problem is.


Maybe it's because I get bored easily too, but I like when Mika finds a new toy. I find it a lot more fun when he's having fun. I lost much interest in the blog when people started moaning that they didn't like this and that and stopped responding to what he was saying and just used the blog comments for their own agenda.

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I'm just curious ... what did Christine say, to which Mika responded ?? I can't seem to find it ... :rolls_eyes:


I know. Twitter was so buggy last night. Half my posts are gone. Maybe even more than that. :thumbdown:


Anyway, this was the exchange...



In truth I got on here to stalk Stephen Fry but I'm lking it more by the minute. Love, watermellon face x



@mikasounds I knew this would appeal to your stalking tendencies.



@Skeptique indeed

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