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Mikasounds and Twitter Update Thread


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No I don't know. Why?


This is not directed at you Laura, as I get the sense you're just joking a bit here...but really I don't understand what the general problem is.


Maybe it's because I get bored easily too, but I like when Mika finds a new toy. I find it a lot more fun when he's having fun. I lost much interest in the blog when people started moaning that they didn't like this and that and stopped responding to what he was saying and just used the blog comments for their own agenda.


No, it's not about Twitter, actually!

He disappeared for more than two weeks! and we also started to think he had been kidnapped by aliens :mf_rosetinted: (I don't think they would want him BTW :naughty:)

I admit that the photo on Twitter is funny and the fact that he knew we would get him there is hilarious, but really...we mooed ommed and cooed for an endless amount of pages here. :sneaky2:

And he's also here, reading the forum!!! Hey M! :tongue2:

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I know. Twitter was so buggy last night. Half my posts are gone. Maybe even more than that. :thumbdown:


Anyway, this was the exchange...



In truth I got on here to stalk Stephen Fry but I'm lking it more by the minute. Love, watermellon face x



@mikasounds I knew this would appeal to your stalking tendencies.



@Skeptique indeed


Hahah !! Thanks Christine !! Brilliant ! :kachinga:

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I've been looking at quite a few of the celebs profiles over the last few days , i love how they reply to so many of the posts from fans!!!


It's almost like the only acceptable social networking site for celebs to interact personally with us plebs :naughty:

Are you on there too??? Can I find you? I have to stalk you.:naughty:

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And he's also here, reading the forum!!! Hey M! :tongue2:


:roftl: Well that is not news to me, hence the comment about stalking tendencies.


Hahah !! Thanks Christine !! Brilliant ! :kachinga:


I tried to convince him to follow me after that but he wasn't biting. I guess "indeed" is all I'm going to get but it sure made me laugh so it was enough. :naughty:

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Done, be prepared for some serious stalking! Seriously, I have no idea what to do with the Twitter thingy.:blink: Its a complete chaos to me :naughty:


You make me feel so wanted :wub2::roftl:


No Twatter is a big old mess to me too ! :roftl: .... aslong as i can follow mika's updates its all gurd ! :naughty:

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You make me feel so wanted :wub2::roftl:


No Twatter is a big old mess to me too ! :roftl: .... aslong as i can follow mika's updates its all gurd ! :naughty:

My thoughts exactly, wouldn't want to miss out on watermelonface :wink2:

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Can I ban you , do you mind?


Of course, I do, Federico :shocked: , and I am deeply wounded :sad: ! To think that I was planning to turn you, a Champagne man, into a Burgundy wine lover...


I hadn't noticed that open criticism of the Lord's behaviour on the Forums -in other words, blasphemy ?- was a banning matter :confused:... Plus, if you start banning those who commit that capital sin, there won't be many MFCers left :naughty: ...






P.S. Gevrey-Chambertin of a good year ? Simply divine.

Oh My God, here I am, uttering blasphemy again... and taking the name of the Lord in vain too... I am incorrigible :blush-anim-cl: !

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Everytime ive read watermelonface .... ive actually read watermelonhead :blink::roftl:

That is what i see in my mind when I read it....... Not particulary appealing.............:shocked:

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Mika is not going to abandon videos as I'm sure that will be part of the content on his new website. He can post pics on Twitter if he wants but I'm sure he'll still use the blog for Sophie's project and lengthier updates.


This is just potentially a way for him to keep in touch on the go. He can do it easily from his mobile and ideally he will integrate all these things so the Twitter updates appear on his blog and the blogs will appear as a link on Twitter.


Although at this point I'd say it's just a new toy and he may not even use it that much in the long run. But I hope he does find a use for it because once he's promoting and touring it is not going to be easy to write blogs all the time so this is better than no updates.


I don’t like this sort of “communication”. Maybe I’m this opinion because, as I’ve said in other occasions, I’ve never been an internet monster, I don’t even have a myspace account, facebook or whatever, actually I learnt these things existed as I started to “investigate” him, not before


I think this “new toy”, as you call it, is fun as long as it doesn’t mean less blog updates. Personally, I will always prefer two or three long paragraphs than a short sentence or a joke. If he can keep both, that’s ok, or even better. But if not, I just wouldn’t like to have one blog every two months :thumbdown:


But it’s a matter of tastes, I guess


Oh, and he blogged a lot last summer being on tour. I’m sure he always has a laptop at hand as well as a mobile. :wink2:


By the way, congrats!! :yay:

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You won't get notices when he is online. If you send him a message he will see it the next time he is online so you can write to him at any time.






At the start of your message and it will get to Mika.


There are software programs that will alert you when he has made an update, but it is probably easiest for you to just check his Twitter page or this thread.


I have understood)))


I am afraid, we shall shower the boy with messages and He will escape therefrom or will be closed))

He will not throw the blog. It is necessary to Him




The boy has the right to do everything, that He wants. It not the slave and not the serf. The sensitive, creative person. (I'm not afraid to be the worn out vinyl record)... Oh, such pleasure, at last I has understood how to communicate in Twitter))

The more I meet discontent to address of MIKA, the more strongly I love Him

Edited by Lena
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Why Twitter? Join Tumblr, it's better for pixspamming...

how does it function anyway, now every thousand fangurls can throw short texts on mikasounds?..I predict a riot..


Whenever I decide to jump on the bandwagon u'll recognize me from this bg


if I manage to upload something, that's it

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probably being really brainless here but on twitter can you actually post a comment to a particular person? and how do you do it? just spent nearly an hour on there trying to work it all out! is so confusing.

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probably being really brainless here but on twitter can you actually post a comment to a particular person? and how do you do it? just spent nearly an hour on there trying to work it all out! is so confusing.


:naughty:It makes me kinda dizzy. I guess it's only we're not used to it... yet.


You have to "reply" to the person's comment. When you place the mouse on their "post", you see a little arrow.

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probably being really brainless here but on twitter can you actually post a comment to a particular person? and how do you do it? just spent nearly an hour on there trying to work it all out! is so confusing.


Well you, I are sillier!)) I needed to sit there since early morning till the evening)) that euphoria has left, and brains would become on a place)).

Now I shall explain. You are registered. You come to Him on page. To the right of His words you search by mousy the latent signs - an arrow (Reply) and a star (favorite). You press on "Reply". The small window for your comment opens.)

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:naughty:It makes me kinda dizzy. I guess it's only we're not used to it... yet.


You have to "reply" to the person's comment. When you place the mouse on their "post", you see a little arrow.

And make sure you don't have the security lock on!

I was wondering why only a few people could respond to my responses, then Christine pointed it out.

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... At me nothing turned out. I at all do not understand, who-where-whom there has written. In any window I have written words of pair, but I do not understand, for what and to whom... How with it to work??


This made me laugh. I think you have perfectly understood that Twitter thing in all its nonsense :thumb_yello::huglove:

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