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Mikasounds and Twitter Update Thread


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Not that he didn't have that opportunitly on myspace etc... :roftl:


Oh, and twitter suits the classical tease much better than anything else...



Ah but nobody replies to their fans on myspace (only the small time artists)


But it's like the new celeb craze is twitter, a LOT of them are replying to the fans, mostly cos it's quick and has to be under 140 characters so it's not time consuming for them. I for one am liking Twitter :punk:

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Ah but nobody replies to their fans on myspace (only the small time artists)


But it's like the new celeb craze is twitter, a LOT of them are replying to the fans, mostly cos it's quick and has to be under 140 characters so it's not time consuming for them. I for one am liking Twitter :punk:

I haven't had one reply on any of the celebs, just my friends.

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I don't have it, and I won't let someone convince me to take it either.

I've got MSN, Hyves (Dutch kind of myspace-ish thing), Myspace, a Youtube account, a Lastfm account, Facebook account, a Blogspot/Google account, CJP account (thats for an artpass I get from school), Girlscene account (what? A girl needs her dose of fashion!:naughty:), an account on here, and an account on MGMT Forum (the unofficial one, since the official one is full of pretentious and naive hipsterkids).


Although Twitter looks like fun, I'll just try to avoid it, otherwise it's too much:sad:

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i created an account there on twitter some time ago, but didnt use it... but now mika using it too its much more fun ;)


@RAK1: you don't know how beautiful your signature is!! i love it :thumb_yello:


Oh .... she definitely does ... she likes to torment us :wink2:

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hey laura:bye:


still don't have twitter? c'mon you're gonna like it:mf_rosetinted:



After M has blogged and got my "finger smilie" on the forum I'll open an account. :original:



Really M, I love you. :mf_rosetinted:

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I haven't had one reply on any of the celebs, just my friends.


I had Hilary Duff twitter me back twice. I was surprised because I saw her and Dane Cook twitting back and forth and I made a comment about something funny she said and she replied.

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true,same old mika dropping clues only on another page:naughty:


Yep.. And us all excited about it:naughty:

I can't believe, so many information in so little time... Now when I come home I run to my laptop to check the fecking twitter thingie:naughty:

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I had Hilary Duff twitter me back twice. I was surprised because I saw her and Dane Cook twitting back and forth and I made a comment about something funny she said and she replied.


What did she saaay? Share the juice:roftl:

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Ah but nobody replies to their fans on myspace (only the small time artists)


But it's like the new celeb craze is twitter, a LOT of them are replying to the fans, mostly cos it's quick and has to be under 140 characters so it's not time consuming for them. I for one am liking Twitter :punk:


I´m still waiting a reply from The Russ, but you´re right :naughty:

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Do I just don't get it or why am I so underwhelmed by that new toy? :blink:

Maybe it just loses a bit of its glamour if you don't have time to keep track all day long... :thumbdown: Have I missed a lengthy discussion in all its psychological depth between Mika(sounds) and a couple of MFCers? Backups anywhere? :roftl:

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:naughty:It makes me kinda dizzy. I guess it's only we're not used to it... yet.


You have to "reply" to the person's comment. When you place the mouse on their "post", you see a little arrow.



an hour of looking around trying to find out how to do it and thats all it takes!! my brain was obviously not working earlier!

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Posting the same thing that I wrote in the new album thread, as it's basically my views on the Twitter thing:



For those of us who don't like Twitter and refuse to look at it?


We'd like to know too and shouldn't be left in the dark just because we don't jump on the newest coolest thing every time the internet presents us with a new fad.


I suppose we'll just have to settle for hearing about second, third, or millionth hand on the MFC.


I'll get excited when I get a release date and a pre-order link on Amazon.



I agree not everyone wants to join so many sites ! ....... mika's addiction isnt everyones addiction ... and would have taken 2 minutes to explain he was sunburnt and going to an avacado farm on his blog ... In a way , if he wants to satisfy all his fans , he should stick to the official blog and the other sites he updates on ... as not everyone wants to join other networks !




But, it's the same as when he started using Myspace and then 'switched' to the Mikasounds blog.

Nobody complained then that he was abandoning myspace...people just started looking at the blog instead (as he stopped paying myspace attention the minute the blog started getting all his time and efforts :naughty:). This is the same. One doesn't need to 'join' twitter to see what he posts, all you need is to look at his page, the same that we look at his blog or his myspace page. I really can't see the big deal :blink:.

This has nothing to do with jumping on a new fad; It's just a case of 'if you want to be informed, you have to look for the info', and if the info is in Twitter, then there it is where we look for it. What difference does the address that you type on your browser make?

I agree with you about the getting excited part; I'm sure that there is still a lot of work to be done until the album actually hits the shelves, so I will also reserve my excitement until then.

Oh, and I'm sure that when Mika actually has an 'announcement' to make re release date or such, he will do so on his blog. This was just a spontaneous, quick, excited update through his mobile, and that is why I find it precious.

The fact that he feels happy to post those little nuggets for us real time, and that he's clearly communicating and interacting (which he does NOT do on the blog) I find precious beyond words, and the silly Mika that I am seeing posting these things about looking like watermelons on Twitter is what has made my 'Mika love' come straight back after all these months of draught and disenchantment.

So yes, I for one am loving it, and I hope that he keeps at it. It's an invaluable tool to make quick easy updates on the go, and for that reason it will always be a 1000 times more immediate and spontaneous than any blog that he can write up and anyone else can post for him.

Heck, he doesn't even need to read the comments to approve them; Anyone can do that.

LONG LIVE THE MIKA TWITTER I say :wub2::naughty:

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i agree, Sarah!


Sara, Sara :sneaky2:.

:roftl: But thanks.

It's just my opinion of course and others will think differently (as we've seen :naughty:) , but I wanted to express how positive I feel about these Twitter updates and that I don't understand the whole 'it should go on the blog' movement :blink:.

It's just that it always feels like we have to moan about something: he blogs about this that I don't like, he doesn't blog, now he twitters and he should blog...If I was Mika I'd say 'feck them all' :roftl:.

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Do I just don't get it or why am I so underwhelmed by that new toy? :blink:

Maybe it just loses a bit of its glamour if you don't have time to keep track all day long... :thumbdown: Have I missed a lengthy discussion in all its psychological depth between Mika(sounds) and a couple of MFCers? Backups anywhere? :roftl:


you should follow the MFC'ers or you won't see their updates.


for ex:you won't see the convo between me and mika:mf_rosetinted: cause you're not following me right now.


and you don't see the convo between mika and christine(that's true:naughty:) cuz you're not following her either.


and no i'm not stalking you,just following:fisch:

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Sara, Sara :sneaky2:.

:roftl: But thanks.

It's just my opinion of course and others will think differently (as we've seen :naughty:) , but I wanted to express how positive I feel about these Twitter updates and that I don't understand the whole 'it should go on the blog' movement :blink:.

It's just that it always feels like we have to moan about something: he blogs about this that I don't like, he doesn't blog, now he twitters and he should blog...If I was Mika I'd say 'feck them all' :roftl:.


i knew i would get it wrong, damn!!! :roftl:


i am happy about any message from him! he still finds the time to think of us. that's niiice!

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LONG LIVE THE MIKA TWITTER I say :wub2::naughty:



I agree there with you, Sara!

He doesn't have to please everyone, he can't please everyone, and I'm sure wanting it wold be too much dedication already, he knows he has fans that do everything they can do to get the best out of his music and himself, and he knows there are fans that just don't want to, and he respects that, and just don't cares about it.:naughty:

If he lets the blog die, and twitter comes alive, I have to say, I don't care! As long as I get news, it's fine by me.:naughty:

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