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Mikasounds and Twitter Update Thread


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So - apart from the snippet about the album - has he actually posted anything important on Twitter?:mf_rosetinted:


he posted that he ate too many avocados and that he needs to go to 5 michael jackson gigs :roftl:

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But, it's the same as when he started using Myspace and then 'switched' to the Mikasounds blog.

Nobody complained then that he was abandoning myspace...


Probably because that was a change for good :wink2:


I really can't see the big deal :blink:.:


What difference does the address that you type on your browser make?


There’s no big deal that I know of:wink2: It’s people expressing opinions. I’ll state mine for the last time, since it gets a bit tiring repeating the same idea over and over.


In a scale from 0 to 10, being 10 the highest punctuation, I enjoy blogs 15 whereas I enjoy twitter messages 8. So, if twitter means less blogs (as it apparently does)… let me think… that means: I enjoy less. I think it’s quite simple, isn’t it? :naughty:


The difference is not only typing an address or another on the browser. There’s a significant difference in contents and length of messages.


Still, I’m conscious there’s no choice, so I just have to accept it and make the best of it. I’ll probably be used to it in a couple of weeks, though I’ll keep on thinking blogs are much better than this. But I’m not complaining at all, for me every message from him is always a gift, whether he uses twitter or smoke signs. :thumb_yello:


The fact that he feels happy to post those little nuggets for us real time


Why assume he posts those messages specifically for fans? :blink: The blog was obviously intended to keep fans informed, but this tool may have other uses. He may want to communicate with friends of his, other artists… I don’t know if his idea of twitter was having 1749 fans following him and 5358 messages waiting for him everytime he logs in…


See this is why I prefer it to the blog.... you don't get stuff like this on there!


Indeed, as well as you don’t get blog stuff on twitter. :wink2:

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i know! such a funny expression:roftl:

I know it's so great :D


You know, I sent my friend a bebo comment this morning and because there was first the avocados and now the melon, I said "*resists the urge to make joke about being fruity or a fruit... Gets weaker... Holds on by my last finger nail... Resistance is futile"

Hahaha what a fruit!"


She appreciated it :P


Seriously though, is he trying to faintly hint something about the new album being all about fruit?

"Touch my melons" featuring Mariah Carey and "Look mommy, I saw an avocado"


You know what?

I just couldn't handle this Mika, I really couldn't!



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Has anybody already thought of the possibility that the whole Mika-on-Twitter-thingy is an Aprilfoolsdayjoke?


(Making us happy that the album is almost ready and so on?)

I have an email from Perez saying it is Mika's real account.

I doubt he'd be so cruel as to make it himself...

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You mean Mika or Perez...? But do I doubt the same, both of them:wink2:


I saw a message from perez on his twitter account which says hello to Mika to twitter or something like that, and they're friends, i think it's him.

and i believe about the cd too why should him be liyng. and the fact that he finish with the whole recording thing doesn't mean that the cd will be released soon, i think take months all the mix and everything.

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added you to the people i follow sienna:thumb_yello:


how many mfc-ers have a profile on twitter now? i've found some of you but i wanna follow you all :D


mine is http://twitter.com/netina


Added you too!:thumb_yello:


I am on twitter as well: http://twitter.com/Micimic

Feel free to add me :)


Working on it!:thumb_yello:


Twitter is still a little confusing to me, can you view a conversation between people, or do you have to click "backwards" to see the whole thing?


Strange question? I know!

But I mean view conversation like we can do on peoples home pages on the MFC, all in one page!:naughty:

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Added you too!:thumb_yello:




Working on it!:thumb_yello:


Twitter is still a little confusing to me, can you view a conversation between people, or do you have to click "backwards" to see the whole thing?


Strange question? I know!

But I mean view conversation like we can do on peoples home pages on the MFC, all in one page!:naughty:


That makes two of us Sienna, it is a little confusing to me too :bleh:.

But I like all the short, random messages :thumb_yello:. From Mika, that is, I haven't been to other pages yet.

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That makes two of us Sienna, it is a little confusing to me too :bleh:.

But I like all the short, random messages :thumb_yello:. From Mika, that is, I haven't been to other pages yet.


It seems to me like it's going to be lots and lots of clicking back and forth and I'm seriously going to need a list on who is who so I know who I'm talking to and even worse... who is talking to whom!!!!:roftl:


This is crazy but funny so far!:wink2:

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Has anybody already thought of the possibility that the whole Mika-on-Twitter-thingy is an Aprilfoolsdayjoke?


(Making us happy that the album is almost ready and so on?)


Hi AMP, I guess you made a point there...I was almost sure it was Mika until last night burguer and winged jackass, and having Greg answering me....But then ImogenHeap spoke to them both too so now i dunno...


I have an email from Perez saying it is Mika's real account.

I doubt he'd be so cruel as to make it himself...


Yep, that's a proof...


You mean Mika or Perez...? But do I doubt the same, both of them:wink2:


No, Perez is for sure...he has been on Twitter long ago...


I saw a message from perez on his twitter account which says hello to Mika to twitter or something like that, and they're friends, i think it's him.

and i believe about the cd too why should him be liyng. and the fact that he finish with the whole recording thing doesn't mean that the cd will be released soon, i think take months all the mix and everything.


Yep same thing with Imogen...


Mika loves the toy Tweet already :roftl:He wrote about 5 times 13 hours ago :shocked:


and strangely I don't understand a thing he is saying .


He was high on sugar, no one did:roftl:

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Why does everyone find it so unbelievable that Mika would have a Twitter account? For me it was just a matter of when, not if, he would get one. If it had taken him more than another month to sign up I would have been surprised.


The account was opened on Friday evening on or about the time he would have been out with Perez and when he made his first post Perez welcomed him on board and has spoken to him several times since. Imogen Heap has also spoken to Mika and Greg and Greg has been chatting to Mika and Katy Perry.


There is nothing unusual about this. There are far bigger stars than Mika using Twitter in the same way.


Yes Twitter has other uses, but he called it Mikasounds and his updates are not protected so it's very much a public account. We're not spying on anything personal. He's well aware we're all watching and he can turn it off if he gets bored of fans yapping at him. Since he's not following any of us he can filter the @replies out and just look at messages coming from his friends if he wants to chat to other people in peace. But I really don't think he would have called it Mikasounds if he didn't intend to use it as a tool to update fans.


And why is there an assumption that this is now replacing blogs? He has only been on Twitter a couple of days but he hasn't blogged in weeks and he still doesn't appear to have anything to say that's worthy of a blog. That has nothing to do with Twitter.

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It seems to me like it's going to be lots and lots of clicking back and forth and I'm seriously going to need a list on who is who so I know who I'm talking to and even worse... who is talking to whom!!!!:roftl:


This is crazy but funny so far!:wink2:


Yep, this is going to be wonderful for my RSI wrist :wink2:.

At this point I can only read Mika's posts, no responses to his posts etc. (but I haven't made an account myself yet), is that normal? Or ar you not the right person to ask this to :roftl:?

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Why does everyone find it so unbelievable that Mika would have a Twitter account? For me it was just a matter of when, not if, he would get one. If it had taken him more than another month to sign up I would have been surprised.


The account was opened on Friday evening on or about the time he would have been out with Perez and when he made his first post Perez welcomed him on board and has spoken to him several times since. Imogen Heap has also spoken to Mika and Greg and Greg has been chatting to Mika and Katy Perry.


There is nothing unusual about this. There are far bigger stars than Mika using Twitter in the same way.


Yes Twitter has other uses, but he called it Mikasounds and his updates are not protected so it's very much a public account. We're not spying on anything personal. He's well aware we're all watching and he can turn it off if he gets bored of fans yapping at him. Since he's not following any of us he can filter the @replies out and just look at messages coming from his friends if he wants to chat to other people in peace. But I really don't think he would have called it Mikasounds if he didn't intend to use it as a tool to update fans.


And why is there an assumption that this is now replacing blogs? He has only been on Twitter a couple of days but he hasn't blogged in weeks and he still doesn't appear to have anything to say that's worthy of a blog. That has nothing to do with Twitter.


Agree Christine !! :thumb_yello:

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Well, not everyone finds this unbelievable. I don't (and I am sure there are many others). And according to the randomness of the texts I do think it is Mika himself talking :naughty:. Much to my own surprise I like this Twitter.

Edited by Monie
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We are mostly all newbies at this Twitter thing. I have to say, the most helpful thing was when I discovered the Tweet Deck, so I didn't have to keep refreshing so many pages to see what was happening. This morning I could follow Mika's tweets (including the ones with Greg Wells) in real time, because the Tweet Deck beeps you and lets you know. You can make groups so you can specifically get notified when one of your groups has had tweets. I made a group just for mikasounds, so then it is instant notification when he posts.


Lovely tool, cannot recommend it enough.:thumb_yello:

Download free here:


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This morning I could follow Mika's tweets (including the ones with Greg Wells) in real time, because the Tweet Deck beeps you and lets you know.


This is the most critical thing to enjoying it. If you just go look at Mika's Twitter page of course it doesn't look particularly interesting. You have to see it in real time and be interacting with other fans.


It reminds me of the days when everyone is buzzing in a thread about a gig or a TV appearance or whatever, except that Mika is right there too.


Aside from when he posted the new music, the blog hasn't been that exciting since the first day we were able to comment on them.


Perhaps the fun of it will wear off quickly for him and even for us but may as well enjoy it while it lasts.

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Well, not everyone finds this unbelievable. I don't (and I am sure there are many others). And according to the randomness of the texts I do think it is Mika himself talking :naughty:. Much to my own surprise I like this Twitter.

I like it too! It makes perfect sense to me. I would much prefer the odd sentence from Mika about how he's doing, more often, and Twitter seems the place to do that.


I'm sure he will still blog and vlog, but I'm liking that he can just write something quick for us, since he's obviously very busy.


My only bugbear about twitter is that I can't use the thing! I can't even get it to upload a photo of me and I can't seem to get the "What are you doing" box to work on my page. I also haven't got a clue how to do a comment. But once I know how to use Twitter it should be great!

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No, Perez is for sure...he has been on Twitter long ago...


Actually Perez only joined Twitter at the beginning of this year, so not

that long for him either. In fact, I remember an interview I saw with him

right at the end of last year when he said he didn't get the whole Twitter

thing -- that it was just too much information for him. Guess he's

changed his opinion :naughty:

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