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The Word Association Game: Part III


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(did you already pre-order it?)





oh my goodness i first typed "waiting" then i changed my mind to "pre-ordered"! u were fast enough to quote me though:roftl:


yes i hv, i ordered it last night:wub2: how abt u?????




holiday (the one i'm having now):sneaky2:

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oh my goodness i first typed "waiting" then i changed my mind to "pre-ordered"! u were fast enough to quote me though:roftl:


yes i hv, i ordered it last night:wub2: how abt u?????




I saw it :hypo: I don't know how I did it! :naughty:


I ordered last Thursday, I guess. :aah:

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(of course! in that way' date=' the waiting would seem shorter :naughty:)







(actually i still hvn't figured out yet.. is it 25/5 or in june now?)



wikipedia! (i seriously luv it!!):mf_lustslow:

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(actually i still hvn't figured out yet.. is it 25/5 or in june now?)


(I think it is 25/5, but dont ask me 'cause I even don't know exactly :naughty:)




Wiki is my favourite online source <3


updated (?!).......

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