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The Australian Thread: Part Twenty

Rainbow Sky

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Hey.. just checkin in. Having a quiet night with Sister Melzy and Kobiii staying here.

It's girly night. :groovy:


It's cute reading you all getting excited about a Mika concert 2+years ago :naughty:


I'll watch twitter. I don't like MS because it's a bitch to load. But, hopefully someone notices smth there.


I can knit. So can Mother Melzy. But, if we want smth aboriginal then I can arrange that easily enough too.


And, HK, I'm sure I can find whatever little plastic things you need here in blahblah if you want.



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Hey.. just checkin in. Having a quiet night with Sister Melzy and Kobiii staying here.

It's girly night. :groovy:


It's cute reading you all getting excited about a Mika concert 2+years ago :naughty:


I'll watch twitter. I don't like MS because it's a bitch to load. But, hopefully someone notices smth there.


I can knit. So can Mother Melzy. But, if we want smth aboriginal then I can arrange that easily enough too.


And, HK, I'm sure I can find whatever little plastic things you need here in blahblah if you want.




yeah yeah, you laugh at us, go on. just wait till we meet Mika and your fangurl comes out:mf_rosetinted:


In other news... you're back!:biggrin2:



Sorry, i'm just a little bit mental tonight


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yeah yeah, you laugh at us, go on. just wait till we meet Mika and your fangurl comes out:mf_rosetinted:


In other news... you're back!:biggrin2:



Sorry, i'm just a little bit mental tonight


I will laugh when he annouces more dates too :roftl:


Yeah, I'm around. Been busy with family stuff.


Only tonight?? :fisch:



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"Yet many grey lords go sadly to the masterless men".


I love this passage!


"Oh, the caged whale. You want the Eludicated Brethren of the Ebon Night. Three doors down."


"Who're you, then?"


"We're the Illuminated and Ancient Brethren of Ee."


"I thought you met over in Treacle Street."




I love how it's all the same passwords until about the sixth line:biggrin2:


I love the way their meetings always get sidetracked. They go off topic more times than the MFC :roftl:

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I love the way their meetings always get sidetracked. They go off topic more times than the MFC :roftl:


Yep. And they have the same kinds of little squabbles that we have:naughty:


And the names.... Brother Dunnykin:roftl: "In my family we thought swineherding was a posh job."



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What a day i had yesterday!!!

Spent hours and HOURS filming for my WAG video..............managed to knock out the lightbulb in my room, it hit me in the head, smashed everywhere and damaged the socket so i cant put another bulb back in.............scratched the sh** out of the wooden floor (oops sorry mum!)..........was dancing on the bed, fell forward and tumbled off onto the ground..........no broken bones thank goodness..........im sore, tired and still nowhere near finished!!! :naughty:


:aah: :aah:

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What a day i had yesterday!!!

Spent hours and HOURS filming for my WAG video..............managed to knock out the lightbulb in my room, it hit me in the head, smashed everywhere and damaged the socket so i cant put another bulb back in.............scratched the sh** out of the wooden floor (oops sorry mum!)..........was dancing on the bed, fell forward and tumbled off onto the ground..........no broken bones thank goodness..........im sore, tired and still nowhere near finished!!! :naughty:


:aah: :aah:


Oh my goodness Sen. You almost need to take out insurance to particpate in this don't you?


I do hope that it's worth all the effort in the long run and that you're one of the winners.

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Oh my goodness Sen. You almost need to take out insurance to particpate in this don't you?


I do hope that it's worth all the effort in the long run and that you're one of the winners.


Life insurance sounds like a good idea :naughty:

And thanks!!! It would be fab for one of us aussies to win :aah:

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It's cute reading you all getting excited about a Mika concert 2+years ago :naughty:


I'll watch twitter. I don't like MS because it's a bitch to load. But, hopefully someone notices smth there.


I can knit. So can Mother Melzy. But, if we want smth aboriginal then I can arrange that easily enough too.


I bet you'll get excited when he comes... deep down of course...



I think something Aboriginal might be good...


yeah yeah, you laugh at us, go on. just wait till we meet Mika and your fangurl comes out


She'll pretend she doesn't care... but she will...


Cough cough Twitter .. Aussie land November :wink2::thumb_yello:




I can't find the tweet though..


Thanks for letting us know Freds! Too bad we were all in bed at the time.. Why can't Meeks tweet when it's convenient for us? :naughty:


What a day i had yesterday!!!

Spent hours and HOURS filming for my WAG video..............managed to knock out the lightbulb in my room, it hit me in the head, smashed everywhere and damaged the socket so i cant put another bulb back in.............scratched the sh** out of the wooden floor (oops sorry mum!)..........was dancing on the bed, fell forward and tumbled off onto the ground..........no broken bones thank goodness..........im sore, tired and still nowhere near finished!!!


Suffering for your art, right? :naughty:

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I can't even find the bloody thing, I found one where he's talking about trekking down a mountain but that's it...


It was in a reply to someone.


@mikasounds u coming to oz anytime soon?


@QIT Nov me thinks

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Wow..........i never even got that tweet :shocked:


It was this morning, in response to someone named @QIT. I contacted QIT to see if they'd heard about MFC. They replied and said no, but they were curious, so I've given a link and told them about the Aussie thread etc.


Sen, I didn't even realise you were on twitter.

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It was in a reply to someone.


@mikasounds u coming to oz anytime soon?


@QIT Nov me thinks


It was this morning, in response to someone named @QIT. I contacted QIT to see if they'd heard about MFC. They replied and said no, but they were curious, so I've given a link and told them about the Aussie thread etc.


Sen, I didn't even realise you were on twitter.


Awesome, thanks for letting us know :thumb_yello: !!! NOVEMBER cant come soon enough !!!


Yup i is on twitter :biggrin2:

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I bet you'll get excited when he comes... deep down of course...

:naughty: I read that twice and I thought you were being rude.

But yeah, I'll probably be more into it by the time he gets here.

I think something Aboriginal might be good...

Ok, I'll do smth. I have some ideas.

She'll pretend she doesn't care... but she will...

:naughty: Honestly, I really don't care atm.

But I'll still go if he does come here because A) I'll probably regret it if I don't and B) you guys will never let me forget it and C) he needs to learn not to neglect us :teehee:

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I'll probably be excited if/when he comes as well (provided he avoids my delayed 21st dates :wink2:)


Anyways how is everyone?

I know what you mean. I've instilled it into myself that I'm not to get excited about anything until I know for sure if things are going to work out for me. That way, I avoid the major disappointment that would occur had I got my hopes up, and then it turned out that it wasn't convenient for me.

(For those who don't know, I can't do anything until after the 16th of Nov (which is graduation). Even better would be after the 20th, since that's my last day of school (ever), and I think being there might be nice.=])

That is, if this all goes ahead. =]


Other than that, I'm gone now. Sleep is inevitable in the end. =]

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:blink: You know 10 year old girls who look like that?


Scrawny and wearing overalls :naughty: Although, nowadays not so much.


:lmfao: Dreams are excellent, that was ridiculous.


I had a little glance on google for them (Aussie animals) last night Teegs ... but they were from America & cost $30 .... :shocked::sneaky2: So if you have the time to check a few other shops, that would be great ... no stress tho' ... it all needs to be affordable & easy. :original:


What are we looking for? Plastic australian animals similar to farm animal necklace circa 2007?


I'll watch twitter. I don't like MS because it's a bitch to load. But, hopefully someone notices smth there.


MS is mikasounds? What would one be checking for on mikasounds? This I do not understand.


Well HELLO Bianca !!! *stranger*


Are you not here much lately cos you are studying ??


Hello, nice to meet you :teehee:


Um, one could say that. But then they'd probably be lying :naughty: I have not been online/here much lately because I have been super busy and have a very very dodgy internet connection. Most of the time that I am online/on my computer at all it is to study (aka, at the moment I am procrastinating study, I have an exam in a few days). I have been busy just .. um, doing STUFF. Living with my friends is funnn, and I am doing stuff all the time instead of sitting around wasting time on the internet (mfc/email isnt counted in my wasting time definition, but it comes with the not doing it part), and it feels nice although I miss all of youuu :cheerful_h4h:

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:naughty: I read that twice and I thought you were being rude.

But yeah, I'll probably be more into it by the time he gets here.


I read it three more times before I figured out your rude reading.


Honestly, I really don't care atm.

But I'll still go if he does come here because A) I'll probably regret it if I don't and B) you guys will never let me forget it and C) he needs to learn not to neglect us :teehee:


Me too, and D) I get to hang out with you guys. Although I need some more ****ing money from centre**** because as of next thursday I'll definitely start going into debt and I have no idea what I'll do, borrow money off my parents or something, ****.


(For those who don't know, I can't do anything until after the 16th of Nov (which is graduation). Even better would be after the 20th, since that's my last day of school (ever), and I think being there might be nice.=])

That is, if this all goes ahead. =]


How odd that you still go to school after you graduate, but you soo can't miss that, that would be awful. I won't let you :sneaky2:


I don't like that tweet at all "me thiks" doesn't sound very definite. I hope it's just him trying to sound like a small child.

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