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The Australian Thread: Part Twenty

Rainbow Sky

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Hurro Daughtah

or: This is Mike: @8-D--/-< kthxbai

and: "Mike's happy to finally meet you :das: "

Apparently I have a heart murmur, but it hasn't given me any grief yet...

Another one. Good to hear it's not a problem. :huglove: Most days mine isn't.

I just got back from a two-day trip to a vocal festival with the school choir...it was SO MUCH FUN...we sang in 5-part harmony for the whole bus-ride and terrorised the town in general :roftl Who knew cap guns could be so incredibly amusing...

Excellent! Was it the same group as last year? Cap guns. Lol! I miss them horrible things.


Sooo.... you have a secret club!:fisch:
















:groovy:Love it!

errrrmmm. No :fisch:





It's been kinda quiet there lately.

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It is possible to throw one up in under 30 seconds though ....


So - you tried the rainbow cake again? Lighter touch with the colours, I hope


Now THIS we have to test! :naughty:


Um ... no :no:


Bee-yan-kar. I installed a game on AMF for you. It's called "Bake a Cake"



And the arcade section is open for guests to play. So no excuses "I forget my password"


That game sucks :sneaky2: Look at this, this cake is PERFECT, what a crappy mark, it deserves much better:



And I've never used that excuse, my pasword is the same for everything :naughty:


Erlackkk, the idea of quaffing a Creme Egg makes me feel sick...it takes me about half an hour to eat one


Actually, most of us didn't even get to the cream part in the 30 seconds. We have been planning the competition for weeks and weeks, and have been constantly discussing strategies "30 seconds is AGES, that will be EASY, you just have to keep it in big chunks and swallow and not chew and blah blah blah", but that thing is so much solid chocolate that you can't even finish the first bite of just chocolate in 30 seconds. Chocolate is HARD to force yourself to swallow!

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A party where you eat out of a steamboat. Which is apparently one of these things, and not one of the things depicted on my cake. Everybody brings stuff to put in the steam boat, and then stands around fishing things back out with a little net. :blink:













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Hello all!


In relation to your talk about Cadbury eggs, today in English extension the teacher brought a bag of caramel, turkish delight and normal milk chocolate eggs. Which were very nice! And we discovered that the four of us in that class are pretty much the only people we know who like turkish delight. Every other time we share chocolates with other people we get to eat all of the turkish delight but this time we had to make it even! :shocked::naughty:


Does anybody like turkish delight here?


No school tomorrow because of parent/teacher/student interviews! :groovy:


Oakie Doke, that last picture doesn't look particularly appetising. :naughty:

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Hello all!


In relation to your talk about Cadbury eggs, today in English extension the teacher brought a bag of caramel, turkish delight and normal milk chocolate eggs. Which were very nice! And we discovered that the four of us in that class are pretty much the only people we know who like turkish delight. Every other time we share chocolates with other people we get to eat all of the turkish delight but this time we had to make it even! :shocked::naughty:


Does anybody like turkish delight here?


No school tomorrow because of parent/teacher/student interviews! :groovy:


Oakie Doke, that last picture doesn't look particularly appetising. :naughty:

I love turkish delight, especially when its the cadbury turkish delight eggs.


The cadbury selections bag is a weakness of mine, since it has all my favourite types of eggs in

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Does anybody like turkish delight here?


No school tomorrow because of parent/teacher/student interviews! :groovy:


Oakie Doke, that last picture doesn't look particularly appetising. :naughty:


No :puking:




That's because I took that last picture after everyone had finished and the last few bits of food were left in the turned-off steam boat waiting to be cleaned up. I'm not sticking my new camera that close to a contraption that is emitting steam, I HAVE HAD VERY BAD EXPERIENCES WITH THIS MODEL OF CAMERA AND GASEOUS WATER :shocked:

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SD - I love real Turkish Delight - but not the Cadbury's version


OKD - I am impressed by the cupcakes. And yet again the rainbow cake was :mf_rosetinted: colourful.

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I'm glad to hear most of you like turkish delight. Oakie Doke just isn't sophisticated enough. :naughty:


I just got back from interviews which all went pretty well. My English teacher was like "you're probably the best in the class but you need to try and be a bit more like :das:"


I just smiled and nodded. :naughty:

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Hello all!


In relation to your talk about Cadbury eggs, today in English extension the teacher brought a bag of caramel, turkish delight and normal milk chocolate eggs. Which were very nice! And we discovered that the four of us in that class are pretty much the only people we know who like turkish delight. Every other time we share chocolates with other people we get to eat all of the turkish delight but this time we had to make it even! :shocked::naughty:


Does anybody like turkish delight here?


Love turkish delight... both kinds...


There's an ice cream shop here that sells real turkish delight... and I had it in some fudge I got from Bundanoon...


I just got back from interviews which all went pretty well. My English teacher was like "you're probably the best in the class but you need to try and be a bit more like :das:"


I just smiled and nodded. :naughty:




yeah, I'm sure you'd love to be more like :das:

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I HAVE A SUNBURN!! :woot_jump:






Hurro Daughtah

and: "Mike's happy to finally meet you :das: "




Excellent! Was it the same group as last year? Cap guns. Lol! I miss them horrible things.


Last yearrr...what, the choir? Well the people who didn't graduate last year are still in it, and then there are some new people...it changes every year though.

Haha. A lot of us brought them to school today. One got fired inside by accident. :roftl:


Wow, everything fell of my MQ. AWESOME cake OKD; I'm sure everyone at the party contracted Ebola...


And SD, I think I loike Turkish Delight but I'm not sure if that was what I had or whether if it was something else.

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