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The Australian Thread: Part Twenty

Rainbow Sky

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CONGRATS !! :punk: (if you'e into that kind of music :naughty: )


Yeah, the living end was our first ever concert :wub2: I mean, it's not high up on my playlist, but they put on a good live show :naughty:


Do the Chinese even have barbecues? :naughty:


Yes :naughty:

This is a discussion we non-asians had at the steamboat party. "Oooh, so a steamboat party is like an asian version of a barbeque!" "No, you fool, they have barbeques too, those sizzly-hot-plate restaurant thingies"

Davina: "What are you talking about?"

"If asians have barbeques"

Davina: "Of course we do, are you crazy?"


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Yes :naughty:

This is a discussion we non-asians had at the steamboat party. "Oooh, so a steamboat party is like an asian version of a barbeque!" "No, you fool, they have barbeques too, those sizzly-hot-plate restaurant thingies"

Davina: "What are you talking about?"

"If asians have barbeques"

Davina: "Of course we do, are you crazy?"



Sizzly-hot-plate thingy is not the same as charred-meat-over-fire thingy :naughty:

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So am I, but I guess money can get you a lot of things...



i really liked her outfit... especially her boots! :das:




*watches Cadbury's ad and laughs*


Which Cadbury's ad would that be?

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Okay so apparently I need to cut this assignment down to the word count. So I'm making the reflective journal an appendix and then I shall cut out whole slabs of information which according to the criteria you need, but which are too much analysis or information. Its the fact that this unit is a new unit and never been done before that I blame for this problem

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Thanks Rozeh :das:... more pics will follow when I'm all made up and stuffs...


*awaits impatiently*:naughty:


Happi !! :huglove:



I typed that first as :hoglove: and then :hugvole:


Is my subconscious trying to tell me something? :das:


Bestiality, baby. The only way to go. :thumb_yello:


Hey fellows Aussies!!! thought I'd duck my head in here... For all those who don't know, I'm Zoe... Tegan's sister... I kinda can't sleep atm as I'm still buzzing from this evening... the prom which I'm sure Tegan's mentioned... well you see I'm going too (of course) and I just found out I'm definitely in the top 5 for Prom Queen...


So yeah... a buzzing Zoe = no sleep!!!




OOOOH, you met Taylor Lautner! He was very close to my house not long ago. We never met face-to-face but I know that we felt eachothers' presence. It sent shivers down my spine and I knew in that moment that we were meant to be.


People are bitching about Meeks going out with Lady Gaga...


*wants to slap the fangirls*


He went out with her?


I should probably catch up with this forum...

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Which Cadbury's ad would that be?


The one with the two little kids and the dancing eyebrows...







I want the ringtone...


OOOOH, you met Taylor Lautner! He was very close to my house not long ago. We never met face-to-face but I know that we felt eachothers' presence. It sent shivers down my spine and I knew in that moment that we were meant to be.




He went out with her?


I should probably catch up with this forum...





Yeah, they went out to dinner... and everyone's all upset cause he didn't confer with the fans or smth :sneaky2:

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OOOOH, you met Taylor Lautner! He was very close to my house not long ago. We never met face-to-face but I know that we felt eachothers' presence. It sent shivers down my spine and I knew in that moment that we were meant to be.




Yeah, they went out to dinner... and everyone's all upset cause he didn't confer with the fans or smth


What? It's no one's business who he spends time with. No matter how revolting they may be :naughty:


I'm mad that Mika didn't confer with me...*hmph*

But, really...good thing she got liposuction on her arse because if I were in her shoes (thigh-high boots, so actually I never would be in them...) I would be totally mortified.



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Finished my portfolio and after much cutting got it down to 3300 words (which is about 700 cut). Still too large, but I give up. I've moved margins, and such and only used 1.3 spacing instead of 1.5 so that it fits on 7 pages. (if I didn't add an excerpt from the reflective journal it would be 6 pages) so it looks a bit closer at least

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I'm mad that Mika didn't confer with me...*hmph*

But, really...good thing she got liposuction on her arse because if I were in her shoes (thigh-high boots, so actually I never would be in them...) I would be totally mortified.




I can't say I'm a fan of Lady Gaga. I don't think her music is anything special and she just comes across as another young popstar trying to get attention. But I think Mika can spend time with whomever he chooses and if he enjoys her company, so be it.


Did anyone watch her interview with Jonathan Ross the other week? It was hilarious, in a strange way. :naughty:

Edited by sweet-dreams
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What? It's no one's business who he spends time with. No matter how revolting they may be :naughty:


Exactly right!


I like her though... she has interesting music...




If it were Katy Perry, I would just say I don't like her, I wouldn't say she looks like a whore or that she's got stretch marks on her boobs...

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Finished my portfolio and after much cutting got it down to 3300 words (which is about 700 cut). Still too large, but I give up. I've moved margins, and such and only used 1.3 spacing instead of 1.5 so that it fits on 7 pages. (if I didn't add an excerpt from the reflective journal it would be 6 pages) so it looks a bit closer at least


Good work indeed! :das:


Last edited by sweet-dreams; Today at 09:03 PM.


You came back after four hours and edited your post? :lmfao:


Exactly right!


I like her though... she has interesting music...



If it were Katy Perry, I would just say I don't like her, I wouldn't say she looks like a whore or that she's got stretch marks on her boobs...


But, she does :naughty:


I like the Kooks, but I think Luke is a man-slut. I like the View, but Kyle is a delinquent druggy. I don't like Katy Perry, and she is a plastic-looking fake person. And I don't like Lady Gaga and think she looks like a whore. They are celebrities, and choose to be, and choose to look the way they do and do the things they do, so they choose to have people speak badly of them, and so we may. Not that I'm ever joining that thread. :naughty:

And she chooses to dress in that ridiculous way and expose her stretch-marked boobs, and then have photographers take photos of her, so if people are forced to look at those pictures they can make any comments they wish to :naughty:


EDIT: I just realised what you're saying, and they aren't saying she looks like a whore and has stretch marks on her boobs because they don't like her, they are saying she looks like a whore and has stretch marks on her boobs because she does :smth:

Edited by Oakie Doke
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Hi all ! :bye:

I'm very scarce over the next four or five days ... some of you may remember that we have a 'Counseling Training' here at our place (venue/studio space) each year ... this wonderful teacher comes from Perth (travels to many places OS ) & we are very fortunate to have him here also ... :wub2: He is 78 yrs. old ... we never know if it will be the last year :boxed: ....

Anyway, cos it's at my home I'm involved w/promotion/catering etc. aswell as participating in the training so ... all I'm saying is ... I ain't gonna be around much ... :huglove:

Hope yooz are well & happy ! :wub2:

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Hi all ! :bye:

I'm very scarce over the next four or five days ... some of you may remember that we have a 'Counseling Training' here at our place (venue/studio space) each year ... this wonderful teacher comes from Perth (travels to many places OS ) & we are very fortunate to have him here also ... :wub2: He is 78 yrs. old ... we never know if it will be the last year :boxed: ....

Anyway, cos it's at my home I'm involved w/promotion/catering etc. aswell as participating in the training so ... all I'm saying is ... I ain't gonna be around much ... :huglove:

Hope yooz are well & happy ! :wub2:


Hope you have a great time, Happi. See you soon :huglove:

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Hi all ! :bye:

I'm very scarce over the next four or five days ... some of you may remember that we have a 'Counseling Training' here at our place (venue/studio space) each year ... this wonderful teacher comes from Perth (travels to many places OS ) & we are very fortunate to have him here also ... :wub2: He is 78 yrs. old ... we never know if it will be the last year :boxed: ....

Anyway, cos it's at my home I'm involved w/promotion/catering etc. aswell as participating in the training so ... all I'm saying is ... I ain't gonna be around much ... :huglove:

Hope yooz are well & happy ! :wub2:


HK, you always having cool and interesting things going on in your life/at your home. :punk: My life is so boring/uninteresting in comparison. :naughty:


Have fun!

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Wow HK you always have things going on at your place.




Studying again this morning. beginning the 3rd essay out of 3, so near to the end. Taking notes now (and this one is 2500-3000 words so I won't be going anywhere near over :naughty:)


Soon I may go phone hunting, someone inspired me last night to finally replace the temporary phone with a better one

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