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The Australian Thread: Part Twenty

Rainbow Sky

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I'll try, but I wouldn't expect it :naughty:


Wow, but that messes with my head, IN MY HEAD SHE IS 25!


Ooh, wow, where is this news? I'd like to analyse the wording now. If it's Japan then it is likely he'd announce an aussie one shortly after, isn't Japan like half way to Australia from London? When are the Euopean dates?


Didn't expect anything else from you!



Nope, defo not 25...



I can't remember hte exact dates, but I think one is on the 1st of June... London is on the 8th of June...



I really do think it's unlikely to be outside of Europe...


Oh nah, I've seen it now, if it was anything remotely unexpected he would make a bigger deal out of it than that. I'd bet $50* that it'll be another London date. There are two paris dates and one in London, yeah, I think it'll just be another London one :naughty:


*figure of speech, not to be taken literally.


They're still selling London dates and people are saying prob not... my money's on Madrid...


Damn... I was hoping to have a bet with you!


I thought the first sign would've been allowing the Cherisse gropage in GK to not be edited out.


And unlike Wendi, you did it intentionally.


That'sa good point... I forgot about that...






Failing London, it will be somewhere else in the US


Doubt it... if it was US, they would have a couple of dates... it's likely another Europe date...


And sookie stackhouse books. Their what the tru blood series is based on, and are my current reading addiction.


I wish I had a new one to read now actually, since I can't sleep. I fell asleep at 10, then woke up at 1 and have been unable to fall back to sleep because of cramps...


OG... you're like Zoe!


She's on number 5... she keeps giving them to me to read.. .I have a frigging big pile to read, and she keeps adding books to it!


It won't be a London gig, going by ticket sales - you can still get them for Sadlers Wells. Somewhere else in Europe, I think - Spain?


I concur...


To quote Teegs "Ooh sparkly"




It's not that...


Sorry Silv. ... *being a pedant here*


To quote Teegs ... "Oooh Shiny " ....


That's it! *gigglesnort*

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Blame dad for me reading the sookie books. He brought the first one home from work, after ages of me saying I should get it, and I've been getting the others ever since. I'm up to the 5th as soon as I can get it from big w (would have quoted teegs so this'd be easier to see I'm replying to her... but stupid net is being stupid speed limited)

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And sookie stackhouse books. Their what the tru blood series is based on, and are my current reading addiction.


What's tru blood?


And OKD .... that Bob Evans thing was LAST night ....


I knoooow :tears:


I'll let you know about new stuff on MFC and MS then - but I won't bother with every Tweet, most of it is not important/interesting anyway.


It won't be a London gig, going by ticket sales - you can still get them for Sadlers Wells. Somewhere else in Europe, I think - Spain?



But then why didn't he just announce it allong wit the others? And why give such a big lead up tp the announcement? Something more important that a random european city, but less important than Japan or australia, I think.


Article in Belgian press btw - very long so only part of it translated so far




Yeah yeah have a look, I translated a bit, aren't I fabulous?


I don't wear them on my head, in my mind or anywhere else


Soooo funny you said this, because I had JUST clicked on this window to keep reading from looking at a picture of my friend on facebook wearing a pair of children's my little pony underwear on her head.


Off to bed at 11am?!


HK!! :shocked:

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Dunno the capacity, but they're selling the 2nd level publicly... prob no more than about 2000...



True Blood is a TV show based on a series of books... vamp books to be exact...


*goes back to drooling over ZQ*

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:lmfao Unless one is BFF with Lady Tena ... :teehee



Talking of underwear ...



It just makes me want to give Mika a wedgie.

I wonder what 'Spring Cleaned' '09/10 will look like ... :dunno

*Dirtier ... * ??? :das

I hope so. :das:


Where were these taken? :lmfao


The top half screams bogan but the rest seems more muzzah.



:blink Muzzah ??! :blink

"A muzza is a young male, usually of southern European decent (even though they've never been there), that are born and raised Melbournians. Living in middle-class western and northern suburbs they are depicted by their cars..

Usually canary yellow VL turbos (often built by the Rajabs), VN 5 litre's, VQ Statesmans or the R33 Skyline."


Coincidentally enough - I believe he was in Morocco. naughty:



Hi y'all btw. :biggrin2

Yep. He was.



(Thanks to AClay)

And, Hi! How's your buns?

That'sa good point... I forgot about that...

And, Mzee's favourite moment where Mika grabs himself. :naughty:

Doubt it... if it was US, they would have a couple of dates... it's likely another Europe date...

Yeah, it only says "DATE" not "DATES" and US will be DATES. Where as Oz would be "DATE"... But even then I doubt it's Oz and it's 95% probable it's Europe (again).

But then why didn't he just announce it allong wit the others? And why give such a big lead up tp the announcement? Something more important that a random european city, but less important than Japan or australia, I think.

Maybe it's Asia then..

Can Mika really not sell out one acoustic show in London? What's the capacity?

Maybe people who went last time didn't really like the orgy silhouette at the end and are expecting it to be similar. :naughty:

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*ahem* :fisch:


How do you know that?



And how can you be semi vegitarian?


And, Mzee's favourite moment where Mika grabs himself. :naughty:


Yeah, it only says "DATE" not "DATES" and US will be DATES. Where as Oz would be "DATE"... But even then I doubt it's Oz and it's 95% probable it's Europe (again).


Maybe it's Asia then..


Maybe people who went last time didn't really like the orgy silhouette at the end and are expecting it to be similar. :naughty:


I forgot about that one too...


US would be DATES for sure... I very much doubt it would be Oz. Possibly Asia (more likely Japan than anywhere else)... if it is Japan I would be very seriously considering going... and crashing on BS's floor (though I haven't asked :naughty:)!



And that's probably the reason... either that or people are going "Mika who?" :teehee:


:sneaky2: I was tired


That's okay..> 'l forgive you.. for now...


Especially if you give me pics of the very delish Zachary Quinto (aka young Spock)...


Mika will suffice if you don't have any Zach ones on hand....

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Hahahahahahaha, yep :teehee:




I want it. I want the ep. Should I buy it? Who is buying it? I want it. Why do I suddenly want it now? Gosh. Yeah, I think I'm going to buy it.

I'm buying it...


Are you thinking of getting the physical one or the download?

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