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Mika finishes recording his album in one week!!


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Oh I'm so happy.

This was so unexpected!!!


Before I was here,I was on Mikasouds,and I saw the worms where still there,that was a bit depressing and than I came here and the first thing I saw was this thread. I was wondering... is it aprilfoolday already?

or did Angie post this?

But I saw it on Twitter and now I was excited

that Mika had tweet and than again fexcited for the album and than again for the tweet and than......you know:naughty:

But the album recordings are almost done,that's the best.:dance_man:

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For those of us who don't like Twitter and refuse to look at it?


We'd like to know too and shouldn't be left in the dark just because we don't jump on the newest coolest thing every time the internet presents us with a new fad.


I suppose we'll just have to settle for hearing about second, third, or millionth hand on the MFC.


I'll get excited when I get a release date and a pre-order link on Amazon.



I agree not everyone wants to join so many sites ! ....... mika's addiction isnt everyones addiction ... and would have taken 2 minutes to explain he was sunburnt and going to an avacado farm on his blog ... In a way , if he wants to satisfy all his fans , he should stick to the official blog and the other sites he updates on ... as not everyone wants to join other networks !




But, it's the same as when he started using Myspace and then 'switched' to the Mikasounds blog.

Nobody complained then that he was abandoning myspace...people just started looking at the blog instead (as he stopped paying myspace attention the minute the blog started getting all his time and efforts :naughty:). This is the same. One doesn't need to 'join' twitter to see what he posts, all you need is to look at his page, the same that we look at his blog or his myspace page. I really can't see the big deal :blink:.

This has nothing to do with jumping on a new fad; It's just a case of 'if you want to be informed, you have to look for the info', and if the info is in Twitter, then there it is where we look for it. What difference does the address that you type on your browser make?

I agree with you about the getting excited part; I'm sure that there is still a lot of work to be done until the album actually hits the shelves, so I will also reserve my excitement until then.

Oh, and I'm sure that when Mika actually has an 'announcement' to make re release date or such, he will do so on his blog. This was just a spontaneous, quick, excited update through his mobile, and that is why I find it precious.

The fact that he feels happy to post those little nuggets for us real time, and that he's clearly communicating and interacting (which he does NOT do on the blog) I find precious beyond words, and the silly Mika that I am seeing posting these things about looking like watermelons on Twitter is what has made my 'Mika love' come straight back after all these months of draught and disenchantment.

So yes, I for one am loving it, and I hope that he keeps at it. It's an invaluable tool to make quick easy updates on the go, and for that reason it will always be a 1000 times more immediate and spontaneous than any blog that he can write up and anyone else can post for him.

Heck, he doesn't even need to read the comments to approve them; Anyone can do that.

LONG LIVE THE MIKA TWITTER I say :wub2::naughty:

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But, it's the same as when he started using Myspace and then 'switched' to the Mikasounds blog.

Nobody complained then that he was abandoning myspace...people just started looking at the blog instead (as he stopped paying myspace attention the minute the blog started getting all his time and efforts :naughty:). This is the same. One doesn't need to 'join' twitter to see what he posts, all you need is to look at his page, the same that we look at his blog or his myspace page. I really can't see the big deal :blink:.

This has nothing to do with jumping on a new fad; It's just a case of 'if you want to be informed, you have to look for the info', and if the info is in Twitter, then there it is where we look for it. What difference does the address that you type on your browser make?

I agree with you about the getting excited part; I'm sure that there is still a lot of work to be done until the album actually hits the shelves, so I will also reserve my excitement until then.

Oh, and I'm sure that when Mika actually has an 'announcement' to make re release date or such, he will do so on his blog. This was just a spontaneous, quick, excited update through his mobile, and that is why I find it precious.

The fact that he feels happy to post those little nuggets for us real time, and that he's clearly communicating and interacting (which he does NOT do on the blog) I find precious beyond words, and the silly Mika that I am seeing posting these things about looking like watermelons on Twitter is what has made my 'Mika love' come straight back after all these months of draught and disenchantment.

So yes, I for one am loving it, and I hope that he keeps at it. It's an invaluable tool to make quick easy updates on the go, and for that reason it will always be a 1000 times more immediate and spontaneous than any blog that he can write up and anyone else can post for him.

Heck, he doesn't even need to read the comments to approve them; Anyone can do that.

LONG LIVE THE MIKA TWITTER I say :wub2::naughty:


Oh i have no problem wih twitter ! It was just in reply to rivers that yes it maybe isn't everyones cup of tea .... everyone to thier own i suppose ... some people prefer blogs others twitter ... I guess its hard to please everyone :thumb_yello:





Not me though ...

Im a twitter addict already , mika or no mika :roftl:

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I prefer the blogs.


high five.




I did join twitter as, like I posted in the other thread, I'd go many places to follow mika's updates (like many of us anyway), but it doesn't quite match my tastes as the blogs did/do.

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high five.


I did join twitter as, like I posted in the other thread, I'd go many places to follow mika's updates (like many of us anyway), but it doesn't quite match my tastes as the blogs did/do.


I'm enjoying following other MFCers on twitter more than Mika and the other celebs. But it's a bit time consuming.

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I'm enjoying following other MFCers on twitter more than Mika and the other celebs. But it's a bit time consuming.



Yeah, it is time consuming alright :roftl:. And once you get going, you can't stop hehehe.



Oh i have no problem wih twitter ! It was just in reply to rivers that yes it maybe isn't everyones cup of tea .... everyone to thier own i suppose ... some people prefer blogs others twitter ... I guess its hard to please everyone





Not me though ...

Im a twitter addict already , mika or no mika :roftl:


I'm also pretty addicted :boxed:, and not just cause of Mika at all, I am enjoying being silly with everyone, and just for the sake of it :naughty:.



Just for the record though: I didn't say that I don't like the blogs, or even that I prefer Twitter.

I also love the blogs, vlogs, pictures, etc.. and I hope that he will keep doing them.

All that I'm saying is that one thing doesn't exclude the other, and I believe that him Twittering from his iphone on the go isn't detracting him from the blog: He probably wouldn't be blogging in the first place. He will go back to it at some point, when he has stuff to talk about or post, and that's it :thumb_yello:.

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This has nothing to do with jumping on a new fad; It's just a case of 'if you want to be informed, you have to look for the info', and if the info is in Twitter, then there it is where we look for it. What difference does the address that you type on your browser make?


I'll read whatever Mika writes wherever he posts it, but I'm only going to know about any new location because it tends to get posted here. I'm not going to be Googling him so that I can find every word he's posted on every site he's tried.


I call it a fad because that's what most networking sites are. Everybody was on Live Journal. Then, everybody moved to MySpace. Then, Facebook. Now, Twitter. Next, it will be some other site.


My distaste for such things is no reflection on Mika. Following the trends is part of his job. He needs to keep his name where the people are in order to build and maintain and audience. I don't have a problem with that.


I'm just saddened by change. If I had it my way, I'd still be able to walk into a store and buy clockwork manual-wind pocket watches and manual typewriters. It makes me sad that wonderful things are constantly being abandoned for the latest and greatest. I don't like living in a disposable world.


I'll enjoy the Mika news wherever I can get it. I just wish I didn't have to keep going to different places to get it.

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All that I'm saying is that one thing doesn't exclude the other, and I believe that him Twittering from his iphone on the go isn't detracting him from the blog: He probably wouldn't be blogging in the first place. He will go back to it at some point, when he has stuff to talk about or post, and that's it :thumb_yello:.


true, i think twitter is good if he uses it for filling the long breaks between blogs.


when he post blogs just for the sake of it,ppl start saying things like he's being random again,he's running out of blog ideas etc. but it won't happen on twitter because twitter is being random as far as i see:naughty:

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Yeah, it is time consuming alright . And once you get going, you can't stop hehehe.





I'm also pretty addicted :boxed:, and not just cause of Mika at all, I am enjoying being silly with everyone, and just for the sake of it



Just for the record though: I didn't say that I don't like the blogs, or even that I prefer Twitter.

I also love the blogs, vlogs, pictures, etc.. and I hope that he will keep doing them.

All that I'm saying is that one thing doesn't exclude the other, and I believe that him Twittering from his iphone on the go isn't detracting him from the blog: He probably wouldn't be blogging in the first place. He will go back to it at some point, when he has stuff to talk about or post, and that's it :thumb_yello:.


Bolded Part - Me too :roftl::roftl:


and i agree with you ! Twitter is great for a quick update , blogs and vlogs for more info ....... hopefully the next one will be an album sampler :fisch::naughty:



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I was very excited to see the post, and to read that he's nearly done. What I don't understand is this constant request for him to also blog it= What's the point in that? Duplication?

The beauty of Twitter is that he can make quick, spontaneous, short posts like these from the convenience of his phone, without having to sit at the computer and think out a paragraph to write, including WHAT to write about, then worry about how it looks, etc...

This is fun and easy, and I am embracing it. I think that we should go with the flow and just enjoy what he's doing now :punk:


yup indeed i agree! he's a very busy bunny & probably can't be doing with writing blogs all the time (mush as some of us would love him to!)


Wohooo one more week one more weeeekkkkkkkkkkk wha? i think i must be on something coffeee coffeeee cofeeee hang on wait i don't drink coffee then why am I so hyper?? Mikaaaaaa that's why eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :boing: :boing: :boing:

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yup indeed i agree! he's a very busy bunny & probably can't be doing with writing blogs all the time (mush as some of us would love him to!)


Wohooo one more week one more weeeekkkkkkkkkkk wha? i think i must be on something coffeee coffeeee cofeeee hang on wait i don't drink coffee then why am I so hyper?? Mikaaaaaa that's why eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :boing: :boing: :boing:


Well, to me the fact that he's updating Tweeter from his phone and not the net already suggests that we wouldn't be getting blogs right now anyway, so yes, he's busy and/or on the go and this is ideal :naughty:

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I really can't guess when the album is going to hit the shelves. Aside from the fact that Greg will still be working on it after Mika is finished recording, there are marketing considerations and I have no idea what their game plan is.


I don't understand all this fuss about him not posting on the blog because this isn't critical news by any stretch. We still don't have a release date or any details on what will happen leading up to it. Honestly it seemed to me like he just threw it out there as an afterthought and no one should leap to any conclusions based on this small piece of incomplete info. If I have to hear about how Mika is breaking promises again because we don't have an album next week I'm going to scream.


Mika has not stopped blogging because he's distracted with Twitter. He hadn't blogged in weeks. When he doesn't have anything critical to say on his blog people moan at him so what is the point?


It seems this argument always comes down to exactly the same thing...everyone wants information on the album and tours. But he's just not ready to announce it yet and that is that. If he wants to use Twitter to keep us amused in the interim I am all for it.

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I really can't guess when the album is going to hit the shelves. Aside from the fact that Greg will still be working on it after Mika is finished recording, there are marketing considerations and I have no idea what their game plan is.


I don't understand all this fuss about him not posting on the blog because this isn't critical news by any stretch. We still don't have a release date or any details on what will happen leading up to it. Honestly it seemed to me like he just threw it out there as an afterthought and no one should leap to any conclusions based on this small piece of incomplete info. If I have to hear about how Mika is breaking promises again because we don't have an album next week I'm going to scream.


Mika has not stopped blogging because he's distracted with Twitter. He hadn't blogged in weeks. When he doesn't have anything critical to say on his blog people moan at him so what is the point?


It seems this argument always comes down to exactly the same thing...everyone wants information on the album and tours. But he's just not ready to announce it yet and that is that. If he wants to use Twitter to keep us amused in the interim I am all for it.


that's what i was trying to say too!


let him be random on twitter,and give important information on blog.

and if the album recording being finished was huge news,he would post a blog.

i think it was as important as the vegge burger he just had:naughty:


he's just telling what he's up to,a sign of life as someone says.

and isn't that what we always wanted?:blink:

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that's what i was trying to say too!


let him be random on twitter,and give important information on blog.

and if the album recording being finished was huge news,he would post a blog.

i think it was as important as the vegge burger he just had:naughty:


he's just telling what he's up to,a sign of life as someone says.

and isn't that what we always wanted?:blink:


it is. twitter is perfect randomness.

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he's just telling what he's up to,a sign of life as someone says. and isn't that what we always wanted?:blink:


As I mentioned I think what people want is release and tour dates. And until we get it there will always be an excuse to moan about something. I think we're really scraping the bottom of the barrel here complaining that he is posting on one page of the internet and not another. :rolls_eyes:

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As I mentioned I think what people want is release and tour dates. And until we get it there will always be an excuse to moan about something. I think we're really scraping the bottom of the barrel here complaining that he is posting on one page of the internet and not another. :rolls_eyes:


ohhhhhh absolutely... dam if he does, dam if he doesn't :wink2:

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*rolling around on the floor laughing and gasping for air*


I still don't like change or fads or any of the stuff I previously whined about, but I DO like Mika.


I just like him.


He's a nut.


I like nuts. :wub2:


(Also, I have NEVER participated in whining about which news he chooses to share or withhold or what he chooses to post or not post. That kind of stuff had nothing to do with my point that there is nothing wrong with duplicity across multiple forms of communication for those who choose to stick with one source rather than stalking people across multiple venues of communication. Thank goodness we have MFC as a hub of news. Without the MFC I wouldn't even know that he was recording an album.)

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I really can't guess when the album is going to hit the shelves. Aside from the fact that Greg will still be working on it after Mika is finished recording, there are marketing considerations and I have no idea what their game plan is.


I don't understand all this fuss about him not posting on the blog because this isn't critical news by any stretch. We still don't have a release date or any details on what will happen leading up to it. Honestly it seemed to me like he just threw it out there as an afterthought and no one should leap to any conclusions based on this small piece of incomplete info. If I have to hear about how Mika is breaking promises again because we don't have an album next week I'm going to scream.


Mika has not stopped blogging because he's distracted with Twitter. He hadn't blogged in weeks. When he doesn't have anything critical to say on his blog people moan at him so what is the point?


It seems this argument always comes down to exactly the same thing...everyone wants information on the album and tours. But he's just not ready to announce it yet and that is that. If he wants to use Twitter to keep us amused in the interim I am all for it.


i fully, completely agree with you.

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As I mentioned I think what people want is release and tour dates.


As for the album release, did I only dream that someone posted 28th September on one of the threads a couple of weeks ago?


This sounds most realistic.

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Well, to me the fact that he's updating Tweeter from his phone and not the net already suggests that we wouldn't be getting blogs right now anyway, so yes, he's busy and/or on the go and this is ideal :naughty:

I agree! Twitter is brilliant for a guy who is as busy as Mika must be. I think he took to heart the fact that we want more updates from him, but he doesn't have time to post a blog on his site. Therefore, Twitter suits his, and our, purposes.

But I don't think he's abandoned his site, it's just that Twitter is more convienient. He will probably post the new Sophie Blackall round when he's ready to, and hopefully, his tour dates, album/single release dates, etc on the mikasounds site.

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I agree! Twitter is brilliant for a guy who is as busy as Mika must be. I think he took to heart the fact that we want more updates from him, but he doesn't have time to post a blog on his site. Therefore, Twitter suits his, and our, purposes.

But I don't think he's abandoned his site, it's just that Twitter is more convienient. He will probably post the new Sophie Blackall round when he's ready to, and hopefully, his tour dates, album/single release dates, etc on the mikasounds site.


He has already, check the new blog from last night on mikasounds :naughty:

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