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You know I just read back what you highlighted where I said "who cares?" I didn't mean that people shouldn't care if he's exhausted. I think we've all got that mother hen in us that we worry if he's not well or working too hard.


It's just the context...like I think he looks great and if he happens to be jetlagged it's certainly not ruining his looks. I honestly cannot see whatever it is that makes people think he looks tired so I'm confuddled. :blink:


Oh , i worry about everyone ... im wayyyyyy to soft AT TIMES ! :naughty: probably like unessessary worriers on mfc ... I also said i think he looks healthy and happy ! tired and exhausted was the back end of the last tour in my eyes :wink2:


considering he had jet lag most probably , he looks great ! :thumb_yello:




On a personal note ...

Even if im not keen on his jacket :roftl: ............. In RL my friend would hate me if i let her go out in anything that looked hideous ... I think that is whats good about opinions ! :naughty:

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It is a good feeling! (wich I don't understand, coz LA or UK, still far away from me, but still nice to have him in London again)


It's probably really silly, because it's not like I see him at all or meet him for coffee :roftl: when he's here, but I just love knowing that he's in London, just because he's in the same city. Very strange.




Id3, my dear lovely friend, wasn't it you who said not so long ago that M's been in a year-long relationship? Getting lost there, are ya?


Nice one :naughty:



i can't wait til the next album is out and that we have more things to talk about then if we like or don't like his jacket


Somehow I think that Mika will have a lot more interest in knowing what people think of his new music than of his clothes. And care more.


I guess that the whole 'discussing his clothes' thing doesn't faze me because I'm sure that he wouldn't give a flying feck what we think of his clothes, as he has said many times that his style was always different to everyone else's, and his taste 'special', so he's used to people finding his look unusual to say the least.

He's the first one who makes a joke of it all, when he even said in an interview: 'my poor brother, having to wear the clothes that I was into' (Roxercise with Alex Zane- Yes, I am that sad, I remember when he said it)


Anyway Guy, I am not having a go at you, but I just happened to go on about this after quoting your post.


I guess that all I'm trying to say is that it doesn't really matter if we comment on his clothes- He's going to public events, he knows that he will be talked about, and he probably doesn't care much about what anyone thinks anyway.






I'm just curious if anyone else, when they see this particular picture, imagines him wearing a kilt?


I just can't get it out of my head, and I really like the idea of it!



Yeah funny that you said that because I thought the same thing. On my tiny low res screen, the folds in the jacket look like a fly plaid draped over his shoulder.


Yes, I know EXACTLY what you two are talking about, I totally saw that!!! It's the way the jacket looks in the pic, the shape of the shoulder thingies like Christine said.

Very clear :naughty:.





i can't wait for new interviews too. i like watching those.

and hopefully he'll have new questions and answers this time around, since we all know where he is born etc..


It would be amusing to hear the good old 'I was born in Beirut in 1983' again, it's kinda reassuring hahaha.




Yeah it should be.. and why he wrote Grace Kelly


Yep, that one too. The two best interview moments for sure. Oh, and let's not forget the archetypical 'I don't comment on my sexuality' one :roftl:.




Yes I have noticed that right from the beginning but not really drawing the same conclusion from it.


I think he just realizes there is only so much flamboyant Americans will tolerate and he needs to tone it down a bit to walk the fine line between standing out and being an outcast.


And by "flamboyant" I'm not making any allusions to sexuality but just a style that would be deemed incredibly not cool by American standards. I thought he looked very stylish at the Vanity Fair Oscar party but some of the things he has worn to events in France would just not go over well in the US.


To be honest, I think that some of the things that he has worn in France wouldn't go down well here in the UK either. I can't see him doing a mega gig like PDP in London for example, and wearing that curtain-like-inspired jacket; I honestly can't see it.


In my humble opinion, part of the reason why he has a bit less of a following as he should do in the UK is due to the image that he has portrayed, which is not doing him any favours in the popularity stakes.


I don't think that he has the 'natural flamboyancy' required to pull the look off and to be accepted as one of 'those' artists, like for example Elton John or Jake Shears. I think that Mika is not really into that sort of stuff when he's being his own private person, and that this shows when he's wearing those outfits in public, making it all just that little bit too unnatural for it to catch.


This is obviously just MY opinion so please cut me some slack here :naughty:.





Either we want it or not, we're minimally influenced by what's sorrounding us. I can't deny it, sometimes I become a whole different person when I'm with some people, with no intention!




... Take the jacket off he still looks stunning



You dirty little thing, you :naughty:.




Well no reason not to call bullsh*t on people when you see it. I certainly do!


For myself I just don't dismiss everything as rubbish automatically. I consider the source, ask questions, etc. before I decide that people don't know what they're talking about.


Sure I don't know Mika. But not every other person on the planet has the same state of non-relationship with Mika that I do so I don't assume that every person I may speak to knows nothing.


But that's just me and it really doesn't matter what people choose to believe or dismiss. That's entirely up to them.


Exactly (to all of it).



Yeah, I start feeling like a mother protecting her cubs.


Don't get me wrong, I am VERY protective of Mika myself when I read something that I think is an unwarranted criticism or attack on him, or when I think people are just being mean or unfair.

It's just that some things I percieve as unimportant, and one of those is commenting on his clothes.

I'm sure that he doesn't get upset about it, or he would dress A LOT more 'safely'. I get the feeling that he actually likes it when people say that they don't like his clothes.

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On a personal note ...

Even if im not keen on his jacket :roftl: ............. In RL my friend would hate me if i let her go out in anything that looked hideous ... I think that is whats good about opinions ! :naughty:


I was actually wondering yesterday if I would be so quick to decide I don't like the look in RL. What looks good/bad in these photos is not necessarily the impression you'd get in person.


I always get sucked in by da stare and don't notice the clothes anyway. :naughty:

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You dirty little thing, you :naughty:.

...... :sneaky2: ....... :lmfao:

I was actually wondering yesterday if I would be so quick to decide I don't like the look in RL. What looks good/bad in these photos is not necessarily the impression you'd get in person.


I always get sucked in by da stare and don't notice the clothes anyway. :naughty:


I guess thats where the saying comes from and the saying fits .... "You would look good even if you wore a bin bag" :naughty::roftl:

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I agree he doesnt look tired all the time hun ... :wink2: But i think some fans are sentimental :wub2: ... I worried too on december 2nd ... im guilty ! .... i keep forgetting you were there ! and Suzy ! ... I am a fan of you both ! honest !


Oh, goodness, I also worried TONS on Dec 2! He was so clearly sick, that despite having the incredibly great front row center spot right in front of him, I didn't enjoy the gig because all that I could focus on was the obvious pain that he was in, and every time he sang a line I cringed thinking of the harm it must be doing him :blink:.


It was really horrible; I remember getting home that night and thinking to myself: 'I have no idea how he will get through tomorrow's Hammersmith gig'. So yes, I was actually relieved that he cancelled that one :blush-anim-cl:.




I was actually wondering yesterday if I would be so quick to decide I don't like the look in RL. What looks good/bad in these photos is not necessarily the impression you'd get in person.


I always get sucked in by da stare and don't notice the clothes anyway.


Yes, I must admit that I am guilty of that myself. Clothes don't matter in those situations :roftl:

He could be wearing a Polynesian dancer outfit, complete with straw miniskirt and coconut boobie covers and all, and I wouldn't care :roftl:


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Haha, thanks:naughty:

It's kinda crappy yeah, but I hope I'll be okay soon.

My brother is now extremely nice to me, cause he thinks I'm gonna die or something.:roftl: I've explained him it's only a flu, but I think it might take a while before he understands. It's nice though, him being so nice to me.:naughty:

You're welcome!

Haha just cease it while you can!:naughty:

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looking tired is the new hottt :mf_rosetinted:


I think he looks great, the jacket makes you look twice and really see the picture. instead of saying 'he looks just ok' :thumb_yello: [gosshh...I've heard this before] :naughty:


He does look soooo tired!

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Oh, goodness, I also worried TONS on Dec 2! He was so clearly sick, that despite having the incredibly great front row center spot right in front of him, I didn't enjoy the gig because all that I could focus on was the obvious pain that he was in, and every time he sang a line I cringed thinking of the harm it must be doing him :blink:.


It was really horrible; I remember getting home that night and thinking to myself: 'I have no idea how he will get through tomorrow's Hammersmith gig'. So yes, I was actually relieved that he cancelled that one :blush-anim-cl:.


Yo got a good show none the less ........ off me and jemmalee in bar 38 :mf_rosetinted: at least we were upto scratch ! ... Mika who ??? :cool::roftl:


I agree with you too though ! ... cant believe i keep forgetting christine was there ! ........ Dont worry christine , i have crappy short term memory , pretty sure alzeimerz will set in at ummmm .......28 ??! :naughty:

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It's probably really silly, because it's not like I see him at all or meet him for coffee :roftl: when he's here, but I just love knowing that he's in London, just because he's in the same city. Very strange.


No it's not silly (at least I hope so :roftl: ) as I feel the same and I'm not even living in the UK :naughty: I just have this sense of relief knowing that he's in London :blink::roftl:

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In Italian: Oh mamma!

or the more popular... Mamma mia!


Why does 'oh mamma' sound so chickeny in my head? :blink:


Yep, same in Spanish


Really? I have to start working on my Spanish.

That was my new year's resolution. I'm rubbish at sticking to them :boxed:

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Oh my mum! :lmfao:

You know Lena, if there is one place I would wish for Mika to go, it's Russia. You deserve a gig!

Already one it pleases me). Also encourages. Thanks BAB for your wish)

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Don't get me wrong, I am VERY protective of Mika myself when I read something that I think is an unwarranted criticism or attack on him, or when I think people are just being mean or unfair.

It's just that some things I percieve as unimportant, and one of those is commenting on his clothes.

I'm sure that he doesn't get upset about it, or he would dress A LOT more 'safely'. I get the feeling that he actually likes it when people say that they don't like his clothes.


I see it as the whole Marmite thing love it or hate it just don't say it's OK and as you say he will be far more interested in what people think of his albums, music and gigs.

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