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When I read that earlier, I thought you'd had a "procedure" you hadn't told us about!:roftl::roftl::roftl:


Ive gone identity mad, mad , mad , MAD! :insane::naughty:


i can be elf , i can be federico .......... etc etc :naughty:

Edited by mikas_gal07
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Ive gone identity mad, mad , mad , MAD! :insane::naughty:


i can be elf , i can be federico .......... etc etc :naughty:

But you can't be a penguin or a panda.... understood?:roftl::roftl::roftl:

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Achieving my style is . . .


. . . a little tiring.


So tiring, I've decided to do mail order for the shoes:

Pretty sure I can get a good deal here--


Edited by A. Clay
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When I read that earlier, I thought you'd had a "procedure" you hadn't told us about!:roftl::roftl::roftl:


Some people are apparently more in the know about others than the latter are themselves. Guess it's all in their horoscope. :thumb_yello:

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I don't think it's so much that people see Mika as a perfect, innocent ethereal being as much as they see him as their perfect soulmate- exactly like them. So some of the "of course Mika drinks, smokes, mugs old ladies in the street" fans are just as besotted as the "sunshine and puppies" fans. They just lead different lives.


That may or may not be the case but the bottom line is that what people would like to believe or not believe has absolutely zero bearing on the facts. Either one drinks, smokes and mugs old ladies in the street or they do not.


In the early days these discussions were interesting because we didn't know much about Mika so often both points of view were fairly plausible. Now that there is 2 years of evidence pointing obviously in one direction or another it can be exasperating to get involved in such discussions.


I am not really complaining - people can believe whatever they want. But I do find it difficult to relate to some other fans at this point because I feel like we are not even talking about the same person at times.


I am, of course, perfectly rational. Though I wouldn't mind being assured that Mika twittered from the theatre during the interval.


:roftl: He was really called to task for that last night. I'm sure he'll never admit it if he didn't wait for intermission.

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