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Mikagasmics, part 21!! Behave yourself.


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Hello Anouk :huglove: How are you feeling?

Yes, I agree :sad:


Not well, I'm in a lot of pain, especially in my legs. I've got a chronic pain syndrome in my legs but in times of an infection it's getting worse. Taking morphine now to take away the sharpest pain. And also pain in my lungs, I've had a pneumonial bleeding last night, a small one but the result is a heavy, disturbing and irritating pain on the right. I want to get better, I want to be home soon, I don't want to miss Rock Werchter but the doc said my health is most important. He can think so, but for me my mental condition is more important on this moment, after all what happened already this year. I've been looking forward to it for a very long time and no way that I want to miss it. I need it, I'm really looking forward to spent some days with my bf listening to music and just relaxing, no hospital or work for a few days....

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Not well, I'm in a lot of pain, especially in my legs. I've got a chronic pain syndrome in my legs but in times of an infection it's getting worse. Taking morphine now to take away the sharpest pain. And also pain in my lungs, I've had a pneumonial bleeding last night, a small one but the result is a heavy, disturbing and irritating pain on the right. I want to get better, I want to be home soon, I don't want to miss Rock Werchter but the doc said my health is most important. He can think so, but for me my mental condition is more important on this moment, after all what happened already this year. I've been looking forward to it for a very long time and no way that I want to miss it. I need it, I'm really looking forward to spent some days with my bf listening to music and just relaxing, no hospital or work for a few days....


I hope you feel better, so you can go to the gig :huglove:

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Not well, I'm in a lot of pain, especially in my legs. I've got a chronic pain syndrome in my legs but in times of an infection it's getting worse. Taking morphine now to take away the sharpest pain. And also pain in my lungs, I've had a pneumonial bleeding last night, a small one but the result is a heavy, disturbing and irritating pain on the right. I want to get better, I want to be home soon, I don't want to miss Rock Werchter but the doc said my health is most important. He can think so, but for me my mental condition is more important on this moment, after all what happened already this year. I've been looking forward to it for a very long time and no way that I want to miss it. I need it, I'm really looking forward to spent some days with my bf listening to music and just relaxing, no hospital or work for a few days....


Oh my God. I'm SO sorry to hear that youi aren't feeling any better :emot-sad: I really don't know what to say... What is that illness you've got? I just wish I was there to give you a big hug, I can't imagine how painful and stressful it all must be for you :sad:


All the best from me to you, Anouk :huglove:

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I hope you feel better, so you can go to the gig :huglove:

Thank you, maybe it helps if you're hoping with me:wink2:

Oh my God. I'm SO sorry to hear that youi aren't feeling any better :emot-sad: I really don't know what to say... What is that illness you've got? I just wish I was there to give you a big hug, I can't imagine how painful and stressful it all must be for you :sad:


All the best from me to you, Anouk :huglove:

I've got an immunodeficienty which means that my bone marrow can't make some of the proteins that are essential for a working immunosystem. Those proteins are called immunoglobulines, you have IgG, IgA, IgE, IgM and IgD. My marrow cannot make IgG and hardly IgA. It's very hard to explain it here, but if you're curious, you can have a look on Wikipedia if you search for immunoglobuline or immunodeficiency. In my case it means that I have a lot of infections, and the infections are more severe and harder to treat than in 'normal' cases. Most of the times my lungs are under attack and besides of that I have had a sepsis for about 5 times in the last two years. In 2006 I've had a splenectomy (they took my spleen away because of complications, it was too big and the risk of rupture and then bleed to death was too high) and your spleen has an important role in the immunosystem too, it is the only thing that can kill some specific bacteria. Now those nasty things can freely enter my body when I'm already sick and then they can do what they want and in no time they are in my blood, which means a blood poisoning.

It's a long long long story and it won't end very soon I'm afraid cause beside of this problem I have an auto-immune disease as a complication of that immunodeficiency. My body is creating inflammations in all my organs and there is no cause for that, they don't understand why it is. Those inflammations have already destroyed my spleen and lungs, my lungfunction is less than 50% now and with every pneumonia it's getting worse. That's so frustrating because when I'm not in hospital I'm working so hard to get a better condition. I'm walking with my dog every day for at least 1,5 hour, I've got a crosstrainer and I hate it, but I'm using it every single day just to get some more condition...I'm trying to have a normal life as far as possible but sometimes it's not possible. And that is still something I find hard to accept. I don't want to use a wheelchair (but next week, on Werchter, I will, cause it's the only way to make it there), I don't want to ride an electric bike when only 27 (but I can't use my normal bike anymore, it's too heavy for me, I don't have the air to cycle), I don't want to be the slowest when riding horse, when everyone's speeding up his horse I am slowing it down cause I can't race with them:sneaky2:) Most of the days I feel like I'm 80 and that is not funny. I'm trying as hard as I can to be good for my body; taking the medicines on time, listening to my body when it says stop (but that's too often!) and lay myself to rest, try to be positive and make the best out of everyday, but sometimes it's just too hard. And this week is such a week. AGAIN in hospital, I've been at home for only ten days....Now I have to miss my parents, bf, Dorus my puppy, the horses, cats and rodents and just normal life again and in stead of getting better it only seems to get worse last year....... BLEGH!!!:boxed:

Sorry for my complainment here.....


Wait, is Mika having a gig at Werchter this year at all? :blink:

Nope. Last year he had a great great great gig (remember Bienies pictures and video of Just can't get enough:das:) but this year not. But we're going to see Coldplay, Metallica, Placebo and many many many very nice acts. I'm so looking forward to it:mf_rosetinted:

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Not well, I'm in a lot of pain, especially in my legs. I've got a chronic pain syndrome in my legs but in times of an infection it's getting worse. Taking morphine now to take away the sharpest pain. And also pain in my lungs, I've had a pneumonial bleeding last night, a small one but the result is a heavy, disturbing and irritating pain on the right. I want to get better, I want to be home soon, I don't want to miss Rock Werchter but the doc said my health is most important. He can think so, but for me my mental condition is more important on this moment, after all what happened already this year. I've been looking forward to it for a very long time and no way that I want to miss it. I need it, I'm really looking forward to spent some days with my bf listening to music and just relaxing, no hospital or work for a few days....


I really hope you manage to go :huglove: Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you :biggrin2:

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Goodmorning girls!



I see you liked the pics. :teehee:





no... I didn't like the pics .. LOL... :fisch:



Hi girls' date=' how's life? I came here for some distraction, cause I've got a new pneumonia and am in hospital AGAIN. Have been at home for only 10 days. I am so fed up with this sh*t. It only seems to get worse instead of better with time and it scares me a bit. I just want to be at home for more than 3 months, if that's possible I would be very happy:thumb_yello:

Of course I use this thread to cheer me up, it works always and fantastic:naughty: What a lovely, beatiful picture is this:wub2:[/quote']


Hi Anouk! :bye:

Hope yo'll be better soon...:wub2:


Take care.



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