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Mikagasmics, part 21!! Behave yourself.


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I was well thsse days, but today I'm not ok :boxed: ... and I'm VERY bored :blush-anim-cl:


but it's the weekend, and I hope that tomorrow will be a better day :thumb_yello:




>> Hi to you too Silver !!!!!!!


Owww, why is that? :sad: I'm bored too apparently :naughty:


I'm sure it will, is it nice weather there in Brazil? If so you should go out for a walk, nice weather always makes me feel better :thumb_yello:

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Owww, why is that? :sad: I'm bored too apparently :naughty:


I'm sure it will, is it nice weather there in Brazil? If so you should go out for a walk, nice weather always makes me feel better :thumb_yello:



ow, I have some disagreements with my sister but I'm trying forget this :thumbdown:


the weather is great here, I almost forgot that we are in the fall here :naughty:

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ow, I have some disagreements with my sister but I'm trying forget this :thumbdown:


the weather is great here, I almost forgot that we are in the fall here :naughty:


Aww :boxed: I'm really sorry to hear about that :sad: hope evrything will get sorted out asap! :huglove:


The weather has been very nice here as well! I'm so lucky because of it :D


have to go now tho, ttyt :huglove:

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I've been cleaning up my pc and I found one old magazine scan from one Lithuanian magazine. Tho I never posted this one before. The article itselft is only about his life, which we all know more or less, about his music and carrier. The tittle says "Carefully: The phenomenon"







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I've been cleaning up my pc and I found one old magazine scan from one Lithuanian magazine. Tho I never posted this one before. The article itselft is only about his life, which we all know more or less, about his music and carrier. The tittle says "Carefully: The phenomenon"






Ooh, thats adorable! Thanks for posting! :flowers2:


Does anyone have that top right picture in the last page? It's so cute! :wub2::kaf:

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