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What are you doing right now? (part 4)


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Deciding when I should go to the shoe museum.

And thinking out some ideas (wow, I sounded smart there :aah:) for the shirt I'll be making for Jason Mraz.


Shoe museum? :blink:


I may or may not be stalking you :pinkbow:

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There's a musuem downtown that's just shoes. From all periods in history, all different people and all different places. It's better than it sounds. :naughty:



Ha! It'll be my turn to stalk you some other time. Watch yourself. :biggrin2:


Oh wow, that's pretty cool :punk:




I'm not sure if I've ever seen this Mika video or not, but it was recently added on Youtube...

EDIT: Wow, I don't think I ever had. I love the part where he gets so animated and giddy when he's talking about the fans dressing up. :fangurl:

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I just got back from Harry Potter. It was amazing! And there was only one part I didn't really like.


I thought it's supposed to come out Wednesday :dunno:

EDIT: Just realized it is Wednesday :doh:

Edited by Fmbm
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Perez is 02%. :lol3:



sori but i guess hetero = heterosexual???

if i'm right then it makes sense to Perez:naughty:



i got 79%.


You're winnebago hetero. Get the kids, pack the grill and, for the love of God, don't forget the SpongeBob dvd.



can anybody tell me wt "winnebago" means plzz??? :blink:




i didn't drink coffee, so, still sleepy now................

n a bit confused wif the code discussion thread.:bored:

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sori but i guess hetero = heterosexual???

if i'm right then it makes sense to Perez:naughty:



i got 79%.


You're winnebago hetero. Get the kids, pack the grill and, for the love of God, don't forget the SpongeBob dvd.



can anybody tell me wt "winnebago" means plzz??? :blink:




i didn't drink coffee, so, still sleepy now................

n a bit confused wif the code discussion thread.:bored:

mmm google says it's a trailer :naughty:

Perez is 02%. :lol3:

:roftl: that much?:mf_rosetinted:

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I know :biggrin2:



I have absolutly no idea what those codes and points are about :naughty: they won't affect me though I suppose. I can't buy stuff from his site cause I don't have a credit card cause I'm not old enough :aah:




yeah..I'm trying to make them work...but I'm not sure if I even have any points :roftl:

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