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What are you doing right now? (part 4)


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Watching a Sacha Baron Cohen interview -- when he was on David Letterman, explaining how he tracked down a terrorist for his movie Bruno. I love this guy. :lol3:


I'm glad you mentioned it. Now I'm watching it on Youtube :naughty:

I'm in love with Bruno :fangurl:

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I'm glad you mentioned it. Now I'm watching it on Youtube :naughty:

I'm in love with Bruno :fangurl:

Nice! Now I'm also watching

one. He's so amazing. The part with the 3 taps on the bed = :floor:

Ah, it was good, I knew it! Better than Borat? I think I'm going to like Bruno better than Borat.

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Nice! Now I'm also watching
one. He's so amazing. The part with the 3 taps on the bed = :floor:

Ah, it was good, I knew it! Better than Borat? I think I'm going to like Bruno better than Borat.


Will watch after this video's done.:naughty:

Better than Borat? There's no competition. I could care less for Borat :lol3:

Bruno is just fantastic. You'll see :naughty:

But I suggest you don't see it with your parents, unless they're cool with that sort of thing :teehee:

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Will watch after this video's done.:naughty:

Better than Borat? There's no competition. I could care less for Borat :lol3:

Bruno is just fantastic. You'll see :naughty:

But I suggest you don't see it with your parents, unless they're cool with that sort of thing :teehee:

Ooh, nice. Sounds...fantastic. :mf_rosetinted:

I saw Borat with my mom. But I'm seeing Bruno with my friends (if they don't come, I'm going alone -- not waiting for them. :naughty:). But, Bruno is 'worse' than Borat?

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Ooh, nice. Sounds...fantastic. :mf_rosetinted:

I saw Borat with my mom. But I'm seeing Bruno with my friends (if they don't come, I'm going alone -- not waiting for them. :naughty:). But, Bruno is 'worse' than Borat?


Oh yes, a whole lot "worse" :naughty:

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Fantastic, I'll call everyone.


I see. A big job!


He's 14, 15 in September. But he acts like a toddler sometimes. He just gave me the spatula to lick. :)


haha hes my age. well about a month younger!

haha he sounds like he would be my type of friend! xD no joke xDD



sorry i got off to petsit, then i had to work at bingo xD it was fun

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haha hes my age. well about a month younger!

haha he sounds like he would be my type of friend! xD no joke xDD



sorry i got off to petsit, then i had to work at bingo xD it was fun


No worries. :) He's weird around people.. LOL. But I'm sure he'd come around for you.


Uploading CDs to my Zune software


I had a Zune for 2 days. And then I got frustrated because the stupid software wouldn't launch. iPod FTW!


kung-fu fighting w/ mosquitoes :boxed:


This made me :roftl:.


I AM.. smelling daikon. Which stinks.

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I am listening to old episodes of MuggleCast. This was a major part of my life before Mika. It's nice to revisit occasionally.


MuggleCast! I remember that!


Right now, I am.. Youtubing, biting the inside of my mouth, sweating it up, and.. thinking.

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