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Mikasounds and Twitter Update Thread (Part 2)


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You are so brave :thumb_yello: !

If you choose the Paris gig I'll be happy to welcome you with some :flowers2: . And teach you how to jump queues :wink2: .





hmm, are you serious when you say we jump queues in France or is it a joke ?! :blink:


Good Neiobi ! If you come, we'll all be happy to welcome you don't worry, and if you need help (flights, airports, transports...) don't hesitate to ask us (by PM or in the French speaking thread ) :wink2:

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I do believe that he is going to spoil those of his fans, all over the world, who so far haven't got the opportunity of seeing him on stage unless they were bursting with money. All those 'forgotten' countries that will soon be put on Mica's map.

Unlikely during the acoustic tour though, a tour is very expensive to organise and run and it is worth it only if you fill in very large venues, nevertheless you'll see him perform, and you're going to have the shock of a lifetime, don't forget your oxygen masks, you'll need them !


What do French fans have that makes us so special ? I don't know. I can only answer for the ones I have already met and for myself of course.

We have a great respect for him, we don't stalk him -I actually declined many many times the privilege of knowing where he lived in London-, we are pretty intense in our admiration for the artist.

I know that I feel so grateful to Mica for what he gives me as a musician that I buy his recordings in triplicate. For the Parc des Prince I had booked four tickets just to be sure I would get a good spot, and still was disappointed, and for Beirut, five tickets, but I was able to sell two of them and give one to the mother of a Lebanese friend of mine. What do I do with the unused tickets ? Keep them as souvenirs. I haven't had time to frame them yet ; I am working on it :wink2: !

And I am not the only one to do that -buy several copies of CDs and DVDs and several tickets for the same shows-, so I am not the only :freak: circulating freely in France.


But I am sure most of his British fans behave more or less in the same way.

So, why France ? Perhaps because Mica, whether he is lucid about it or not is another issue, believes that his French childhood was an enchanted one. He does believe it ; sometimes, in interviews, you hear him talk and you think : 'That was just the image you want to project, Mica, we are not taken in...' but whenever he talks about his brilliant childhood he is totally sincere, even though details about it he gives here and there, in different interviews, make us think that it was probably 'a little bit of heaven' but also 'a little bit of hell'...


I think his privacy will be more protected and respected in France, I mean as far as the press is concerned, laws are pretty drastic here.

And it is for him a way of breaking free from his family without too much pain involved as he will still keep a flat in London and it is only one hour's flight or maybe a little longer on the Eurostar from one capital to the other, hardly the other end of the world.

He may also be emotionally involved in France, who knows, he clams up like a tickly oyster when people try to invade his secret garden...


Sorry I was so verbose ! I meant every word I wrote though...





Not sure this answer ticks all boxes for me.

I have seen photos of people in certain parts of London that show me that this certainly isn't true, and having had experience at gigs where Mika's family are constantly asked for access to backstage or whatever, I sometimes have thought that barriers are being crossed by some fans.


I am not saying that British fans are any better though, so I agree with that point.


As for the press, the press in the UK are really not interested in Mika. The only time he is in the papers is when he obviously wants to be. Things about his singles or public appearances or where he is out in public with someone else famous.

The press have been aware of where he lives since the start of his fame, but never hang around his door waiting for him coming or going. The only reason they were there a few weeks ago was for Lady Gaga, they weren't interested in him, he was just a by product.

So I don't think he has anything to fear from the press here. His sexuality is already assumed here anyway, so no interest there either.


I have to say I always call Mika Mika, I thought Mica was his pet name for family and friends? Unless you taught him in his halcyon childhood days in France? :wink2:

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Not sure this answer ticks all boxes for me.

I have seen photos of people in certain parts of London that show me that this certainly isn't true, and having had experience at gigs where Mika's family are constantly asked for access to backstage or whatever, I sometimes have thought that barriers are being crossed by some fans.


I am not saying that British fans are any better though, so I agree with that point.


As for the press, the press in the UK are really not interested in Mika. The only time he is in the papers is when he obviously wants to be. Things about his singles or public appearances or where he is out in public with someone else famous.

The press have been aware of where he lives since the start of his fame, but never hang around his door waiting for him coming or going. The only reason they were there a few weeks ago was for Lady Gaga, they weren't interested in him, he was just a by product.

So I don't think he has anything to fear from the press here. His sexuality is already assumed here anyway, so no interest there either.


I have to say I always call Mika Mika, I thought Mica was his pet name for family and friends? Unless you taught him in his halcyon childhood days in France? :wink2:


They would be if he did the things they talked about. I don't think they're more interested in other stars per se- the mags and tabloids would take an interest soon enough if he fought photographers, shot heroin between his toes, or had screaming rows/ make ups/ break ups with a partner. And to be honest, so would the serious music press. And even the Frech press can't have got much mileage out of him in the last couple of years, surely?

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and i hope i can go to one at least!

it's like dublin....i need a gig to visit lisbon!

love the 2!!!


carla...not coming to milan? :no:


Nope, not in June it's not possible, have no one to keep the children...;(

In July I can go wherever if he doesn't come here...:thumb_yello:


agree bab :thumb_yello:



i think he loves spain quite the same intensity.

shall we declare war to spain too?


and NYC?...and china?




Oh puuuleaaaze, declaring war is so last century...:biggrin2:


Now you just send virus...

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I'm really glad to hear that you are a lot of people buying tickets so you can frame them, that is like so much cooler than if someone could actually go to the gig :yay:

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agree bab :thumb_yello:



i think he loves spain quite the same intensity.

shall we declare war to spain too?


and NYC?...and china?




Well according to his recent tweets, he's in love with every city in Europe that's he's ever been to.

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Nope, not in June it's not possible, have no one to keep the children...;(...


Sorry to hear that. Would be nice to meet you.



Oh puuuleaaaze, declaring war is so last century...:biggrin2:


Now you just send virus...


cough, cough

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hmm, are you serious when you say we jump queues in France or is it a joke ?! :blink:


Good Neiobi ! If you come, we'll all be happy to welcome you don't worry, and if you need help (flights, airports, transports...) don't hesitate to ask us (by PM or in the French speaking thread ) :wink2:

Thank you so much:wub2::biggrin2:

I will! If I go I'll definitly need help with this so:bleh:

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Sorry to hear that. Would be nice to meet you.


cough, cough


Yeah, i'd love meeting you too, I'd have a ball in London with you all...:wub2:


But June is only half taken and there's July...:teehee:


Maybe we can meet sooner than we think...:thumb_yello:


I'm hoping he sorts out July dates soon to places near me...or even Lisbon (daydreaming)...:wink2:

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Nope, not in June it's not possible, have no one to keep the children...;(


Oh puuuleaaaze, declaring war is so last century...:biggrin2:


Now you just send virus...


WW, there are wars everywhere :shocked: -apart from Portugal, maybe- nasty, bloody, old fashioned ones. Open your eyes, girl !


The Corsican weather is gorgeous just now, perfect, sunny, warm... and Corsican sheperds are delicious :fangurl: . A bit too fond of their goats, true :emot-sad: , but they don't seem to hate ash-blond guys from the continent :wink2: ... (Patrick, my precious, you never read that because I never wrote it :blush-anim-cl: .)

And sooo welcoming : I had forgotten to buy Corsican currency and they paid for everything !


Have the Brits cooled down a bit :sniper: ? Because I do need to go back to the coal mine tomorrow first period...





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Not sure this answer ticks all boxes for me.

I have seen photos of people in certain parts of London that show me that this certainly isn't true, and having had experience at gigs where Mika's family are constantly asked for access to backstage or whatever, I sometimes have thought that barriers are being crossed by some fans.


I am not saying that British fans are any better though, so I agree with that point.


As for the press, the press in the UK are really not interested in Mika. The only time he is in the papers is when he obviously wants to be. Things about his singles or public appearances or where he is out in public with someone else famous.

The press have been aware of where he lives since the start of his fame, but never hang around his door waiting for him coming or going. The only reason they were there a few weeks ago was for Lady Gaga, they weren't interested in him, he was just a by product.

So I don't think he has anything to fear from the press here. His sexuality is already assumed here anyway, so no interest there either.


I have to say I always call Mika Mika, I thought Mica was his pet name for family and friends? Unless you taught him in his halcyon childhood days in France? :wink2:


You've lost me here... London, France ? Or London, England ? If the French fans you have met so far were as irrespectful as that, then I guess we don't go out with the same ones... queue jumping excluded, but it's a sport here :wink2: .


I call Michael Holbrook Penniman 'Mica' to humour him, as he is bent on making us believe that is his true christian name.


I googled then wikipediaed 'British Isles' and came up with the following :


The British Isles are a group of islands off the northwest coast of continental Europe that include Great Britain and Ireland, and numerous smaller islands.[7] There are two sovereign states located on the islands: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Ireland.[8] The British Isles also includes the Crown Dependencies of the Isle of Man and, by tradition, the Channel Islands, although the latter are not physically a part of the island group.[9]


The term British Isles is controversial in relation to Ireland, where there are objections to its usage. The government of Ireland discourages its use.[10][11][12][13] "Britain and Ireland" is a frequently used alternative name for the group.[14][15]


The first English use of the term Brytish Iles was in 1577 by John Dee,[16] an advocate of imperial expansion.[17] Since Irish independence, the term British Isles is deprecated by some speakers, while others regard it purely as a geographical rather than political description.[16]


If it's all right by you, I'll stick to the geographical approach rather than the pc one. I think it would be silly to say, for instance, that Switzerland is not a European country because it is not part of the EU. It is not, is it ?



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hmm, are you serious when you say we jump queues in France or is it a joke ?! :blink:


Good Neiobi ! If you come, we'll all be happy to welcome you don't worry, and if you need help (flights, airports, transports...) don't hesitate to ask us (by PM or in the French speaking thread ) :wink2:


We are both talking about France, Earth, Universe, aren't we ?

If we are... dah !


Not that the French are the best at it, in international contests we are beaten flat by people from the Middle East and North Africa but compared to the British people we are really good !



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If it's all right by you, I'll stick to the geographical approach rather than the pc one. I think it would be silly to say, for instance, that Switzerland is not a European country because it is not part of the EU. It is not, is it ?




Be it on your own head. :naughty:

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We are both talking about France, Earth, Universe, aren't we ?

If we are... dah !


Not that the French are the best at it, in international contests we are beaten flat by people from the Middle East and North Africa but compared to the British people we are really good !




Ok, I'm maybe too "naive" as you said before, but I don't see what you talk about, I don't have the impression that french fans do queue jumping more than others. Some people do it, in evry country, and wil always do it, it's a shame, but we can't change anything.

Well, I've been to 4 Mika gigs and I never had this impression, maybe because we didn't have made the same ones....

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Ok, I'm maybe too "naive" as you said before, but I don't see what you talk about, I don't have the impression that french fans do queue jumping more than others. Some people do it, in evry country, and wil always do it, it's a shame, but we can't change anything.

Well, I've been to 4 Mika gigs and I never had this impression, maybe because we didn't have made the same ones....


Yes, everyone's experiences are very different depending on where they've been and who they've met I guess.

And people will queue jump no matter where they're from, I agree, it's a mentality.

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Are you Irish :furious: ? Well, at least you don't know where I live... but you do know how I look :shocked: !




Haha no, but I've known plenty of Irish people who would rather chop of their arm than say they were part of the British Isles.

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Nope, not in June it's not possible, have no one to keep the children...



That shouldn't be a problem : you just tie them up to the bedstand, with a large supply of water and junk food, long rope so that they can walk to the bathroom and they'll have the time of their life.


Come with me to the June 12th Paris gig and if you're suffering from kid withdrawal symptoms I'll introduce you to my baby godson who'll be getting his first Mica fix :fangurl: ...


More seriously -and sadly- there are quite a few parents, for want of a better word, who bring their children to hospital with a pretended high temperature and then go away on holiday for a week.

:bash: :sniper: :gun_bandana: :chair::hunter: Sorry, I got carried away :blush-anim-cl:...





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That shouldn't be a problem : you just tie them up to the bedstand, with a large supply of water and junk food, long rope so that they can walk to the bathroom and they'll have the time of their life.


Come with me to the June 12th Paris gig and if you're suffering from kid withdrawal symptoms I'll introduce you to my baby godson who'll be getting his first Mica fix :fangurl: ...


More seriously -and sadly- there are quite a few parents, for want of a better word, who bring their children to hospital with a pretended high temperature and then go away on holiday for a week.








What if I'd just...:boxed:




Oh, nevermind...



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