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Mikasounds and Twitter Update Thread (Part 2)


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You're still getting a good deal with the seating arrangement and all, I was fairly fast on the buy button, you'll probably get a good spot if that thing works out as planned :naughty:


Haha you almost killed your computer mouse didn't you:roftl:

That's nahce!

I don't even know you but so far you've been awesome:mf_rosetinted:

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yes, thats good. I hate it when people want to make money out of concert tickets... everyone deserves good music for a reasonable amount of money.


I bought 1 ticket, just for myself...everyone else should just buy their own. And whenever I would buy more, or I'd give them away..or sell them for the same amount of money I bought them for :thumb_yello:

Yes, there are situations that for example, when Madonna came here, there were people selling tickets for 8 hundred, even a thousand euros I think.. They even got arrested! It's just ridiculous.


Everyone should act like you lot... Unfortunately people aren't mostly reasonable.

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Haha you almost killed your computer mouse didn't you:roftl:

That's nahce!

I don't even know you but so far you've been awesome:mf_rosetinted:


i almost killed my whole damn computer when MFC crashed :naughty: Well I kinda think it's awesome if I get rid of those tickets, cause otherwise I'm gonna start planning how to get there anyway and then I'm gonna have serious trouble paying my bills :freak:

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Yes, there are situations that for example, when Madonna came here, there were people selling tickets for 8 hundred, even a thousand euros I think.. They even got arrested! It's just ridiculous.


Everyone should act like you lot... Unfortunately people aren't mostly reasonable.


For mika's first gig here, in the netherlands 11-11-07 some people paid €1000 euros to see him! :shocked: 1000! I would've gotten on that plane to LA if I got 1000 euros..:naughty:


But it's not only some people selling on ebay, but there are huuuge websites...and all they do is buy 500tickets for one show and sell them for 500% of the price they bought them for. :boxed: I think they should be illegal..

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i almost killed my whole damn computer when MFC crashed :naughty Well I kinda think it's awesome if I get rid of those tickets, cause otherwise I'm gonna start planning how to get there anyway and then I'm gonna have serious trouble paying my bills :freak

:lmfao: Panic:naughty:

But you'll manage anyways:mf_rosetinted: MFCers always find a way to get some cash, at least from what I've seen:teehee:

For mika's first gig here, in the netherlands 11-11-07 some people paid €1000 euros to see him! :shocked: 1000! I would've gotten on that plane to LA if I got 1000 euros..:naughty


But it's not only some people selling on ebay, but there are huuuge websites...and all they do is buy 500tickets for one show and sell them for 500% of the price they bought them for. :boxed I think they should be illegal..

That's insane!:shocked:

Same here xD


Yes that's also ridiculous...:boxed: Things should be like they're supposed to and not being abused of..

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:lmfao: Panic:naughty:

But you'll manage anyways:mf_rosetinted: MFCers always find a way to get some cash, at least from what I've seen:teehee:


Yeh I could sell my spare tickets for... oh wait :sneaky2::teehee:

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You're not going to London ? :tears:


Not if I can avoid it :mf_rosetinted: Well kinda depends on where Neiobi ends up going :teehee: Realized I have to be home in the middle of the week, so my fancy plan of going directly from London to Paris didn't work and I can't possibly afford to fly Cph-London-Cph-Paris-Cph :freak:

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Yes, there are situations that for example, when Madonna came here, there were people selling tickets for 8 hundred, even a thousand euros I think.. They even got arrested! It's just ridiculous.


Everyone should act like you lot... Unfortunately people aren't mostly reasonable.




For mika's first gig here, in the netherlands 11-11-07 some people paid €1000 euros to see him! :shocked: 1000! I would've gotten on that plane to LA if I got 1000 euros..:naughty:


But it's not only some people selling on ebay, but there are huuuge websites...and all they do is buy 500tickets for one show and sell them for 500% of the price they bought them for. :boxed: I think they should be illegal..




I'm really too innocent! :boxed:

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Mind reads everyone wishing she won't go to London:roftl:


If you succeed in keeping me away from gigs, then Mika might hire you to go to every gig :naughty:

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I didn't know you could ask all that money for a ticket. :boxed:

And that somebody was willing to pay! :shocked:


I guess I work too much. :aah:


You certainly do:roftl:

Yeah there are some pretty insane people that will do anything jus tto go to a show... Not that it's bad, but paying so much money for it is nonsense!

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Well a) emotions can't be called right or wrong surely, they are what they are if you are the one feeling them?

and b) if that's the case, why isn't he doing way more in the UK?


Yeah, right. And why isn't he doing one in MY BACK YARD?

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Not if I can avoid it :mf_rosetinted: Well kinda depends on where Neiobi ends up going :teehee: Realized I have to be home in the middle of the week, so my fancy plan of going directly from London to Paris didn't work and I can't possibly afford to fly Cph-London-Cph-Paris-Cph :freak:


Mind reads everyone wishing she won't go to London:roftl:


I demand you BOTH to be there and you should cancel paris :mf_rosetinted:

And dont worry kata ... if neiobi decides to go to London .. im sure someone else will have a spare ticket for you :roftl::wink2:

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I've been waiting for so long...

Buying tickets and queueing on...

But now, but now...

he's on his way...






hey mika are you gonna come?

or i still have to wait for you,eh?

reading what other fans have done,

and watching videos from you talking talking!!!!:teehee:

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Clearly you have no family in Ireland!

The South of Ireland has it's own government, independent of the North, which is under the British government.

I guarantee to you, if you said to any Southern Irish person that they were British, you better be a fast runner!

They even have separate passports for heavens sake!

And the South use Euros, where the North use Pound Sterling. Are you getting the picture now?


No, true, I don't have any family in Ireland, but I happen to have taught, for one academic year, at Queen's University in Belfast, I even had the privilege to have lunch at the -then unused- Northern Ireland parliament... so, yes I had got the picture, crystal clear, a few years before your post :naughty: .


Which would have been very kind and helfpul if it had responded to what I wrote before. Sometimes reading before answering saves time.


I never said to any Southern Irish person that she/he, was British, I told Ireland that it was physically part of the British Isles... do you think I'd better be a fast runner ? So would the people who wrote the article for Wikipedia ; we might organise a race, to make things more lively.


Eire use Euros ? Ulster use Pounds ? You don't say :shocked: !



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Well that wasn't what you said before - you said you kept them and wanted to frame them:doh: I just fail to see how that should benefit anyone, not even Mika, it's not like his shows don't get sold out :blink: I haven't seen anyone one MFC sell tickets for a profit, I have bought several tickets from MFCers for the price they gave and I have even been given spare tickets sometimes - just like I have sold tickets for the price I gave or even given them away, that's not really unique for you :mf_rosetinted:


What would you have done with the discarded tickets : wiped yourself clean with them ? I wouldn't do that but if I did, it would be my right to do so, without being given unasked for advice from people.


Neither the Parc des Princes nor the Beirut gig were sold out. Well maybe theoretically but because people bought tickets in order to sell them for a profit and found themselves unable to do so.


I never said I was the only one to give away tickets. I know I am not the only generous MFCer on the planet, I just resent being lectured for what I do with my hard-earned money. Let the lecturing to older MFCer, some veterans do that beautifully.



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What would you have done with the discarded tickets : wiped yourself clean with them ? I wouldn't do that but if I did, it would be my right to do so, without being given unasked for advice from people.


Neither the Parc des Princes nor the Beirut gig were sold out. Well maybe theoretically but because people bought tickets in order to sell them for a profit and found themselves unable to do so.


I never said I was the only one to give away tickets. I know I am not the only generous MFCer on the planet, I just resent being lectured for what I do with my hard-earned money. Let the lecturing to older MFCer, some veterans do that beautifully.



I wasn't giving you advice, I was making sarcastic remarks about your stupid reasoning :dunno: I don't care what you do with your unused tickets, I frankly just find it lame to take a public dump on people who can't even go to a gig - but that's not advice, just a rant - I do that so much better :mf_rosetinted:

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I wasn't giving you advice, I was making sarcastic remarks about your stupid reasoning :dunno: I don't care what you do with your unused tickets, I frankly just find it lame to take a public dump on people who can't even go to a gig - but that's not advice, just a rant - I do that so much better :mf_rosetinted:


I didn't take a public dump on anybody ; assuming that I was thinking of you when I wrote that post is giving yourself too much importance.

But then being self-centered is hardly a crime, rather a weakness.


As for giving advice when it is unasked for, whether you are good at it or not -and you seem to enjoy it- better avoid it, bad form, very dogmatic...



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