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Mikasounds and Twitter Update Thread (Part 2)


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I think that's only because most of the French fans stick their own forum. :naughty:

We may be too scary?


Ok, just to close the debate !! :naughty: Ok, we have a french forum, that exists untill the very early beginning. We have the chance to have a huge community on this forum too, and many members belong to it since more than 2 years, like some of you on the MFC. We know each other perfectly, and we have the chance that it's a very active forum. We're not stick to it, it's just our home, because it's in French, and it's easier for many of us to express our feelings. And then, when you're used to this kind of website and community, you can't do without it :wink2: At the beginning, MFC was "just" a forum, but an international one and we had our.

But I can say that many of us belong to the MFC too, since the beginning or espacially since it became "oficial", and it's not a problem, even if we don't post many often, we read it, and we are in the French thread.

I think wa can belong to both of them without any problem...


End of the debate. Sorry, but I just wanted to be clear :wink2: and we aren't scare !!! :naughty:


If, like every other act in creation, he had done a proper world tour from the outset, then we wouldn't even be discussing this.

The fact is he has been insular from the beginning. Only doing Europe, N.America/Canada as his basic gig pattern.

Okay for him, but when he's releasing the songs WORLDWIDE, and getting a WORLDWIDE fanbase, he has to be prepared to tour to those places too.

Funnily enough, people in these other countries would like the opportunity of seeing him too, after shelling out on his CDs!


You're totally right !!



So with these new updates, where he's gonna go now ??

nobody has a world map and we could make bets !! :naughty:

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For the ones who want to know, for this Bordeaux mystery gig (announced in one spanish article and on a website from Universal)


someone called the theatre and this gig has been canceled.

Maybe it happened the same for the Dublin one....

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For the ones who want to know, for this Bordeaux mystery gig (announced in one spanish article and on a website from Universal)


someone called the theatre and this gig has been canceled.

Maybe it happened the same for the Dublin one....


Thanks so much for clearing that up :wub2: then I'll quit pulling out my hair :freak:

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For the ones who want to know, for this Bordeaux mystery gig (announced in one spanish article and on a website from Universal)


someone called the theatre and this gig has been canceled.

Maybe it happened the same for the Dublin one....


Oh...maybe that is what happened with Dublin :(


But no I refuse to believe it-he will be here:thumb_yello:

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new twitter updates!!!

waiting for my flight to Berlin, must admit i am a total Spotify convert. its rather brilliant isnt it?

8 minutes ago from web


X ray que

about 1 hour ago from Tweetie


Happy Calvin Harris day. It's official. I'm standing in a security a ray que at heathrow, waiting for Godot

about 1 hour ago from Tweetie



:lmfao: Mika I LOVE you! :roftl:

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Actually we can hardly start a social club for people who share that fantasy because every MFCer would be part of it.


Still, nothing wrong about indulging in a little daydreaming, is there :wink2: ?





Well day dream is all I can do seeing as he's not coming to Ireland :(


Unless I win the lotto?? Does that count as another day dream?!:naughty:

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So standing on a QUE to Berlin, waiting for someone who will show up...;)


Ok, last week was:







This week:


Monday - Germany


We are taking bets for the rest of the week...

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So standing on a QUE to Berlin, waiting for someone who will show up...;)


Ok, last week was:







This week:


Monday - Germany


We are taking bets for the rest of the week...


Brussels? :wink2:

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I don't understand the Calvin Harris Day... is it just a random joke that Calvin started up and then Mika played along? :boxed:

I'm totally cool with it though. HAPPY CALVIN HARRIS DAY! :]


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I don't understand the Calvin Harris Day... is it just a random joke that Calvin started up and then Mika played along? :boxed:


I'm totally cool with it though. HAPPY CALVIN HARRIS DAY! :]


check out his twitter updates (e.g the ones from this morning). This guy is hilarious.

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i must say i don't get his last 3 tweets. :blink:




but then i'm too lazy to search to whom he replied to or what he really meant.

good to know he's alive. :thumb_yello:

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