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TOY BOY - Lyrics Discussion


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I've read though all the posts and' date=' well, here's what I think. I like all the interpretations and I do believe all of them are right.

It's the actual purpose of arts to make everyone find something for himself in it. ;) I think. [/quote']


Yes! I agree! That's what's so good about "real" and genuine arts! Good songs are inspiring and have more than one meaning (as there is no such thing the THE ONLY true meaning)


As for "gay" implications... I admit' date=' I had this feeling at first. But... Then I thought it might be that Mika is simply messing with us. I mean, just look at the videos (ok,.. not anymore) how he's emphasising on the lyrics and relishing the reaction... I think he [i']wanted[/i] everyone to get caught on this, to think "Oh my, he's gay, he's just admitted that... again!", to make that first judgement and sweep the forums and chats with a wave of discussions.

He might be laughing somewhere right now.

:roftl: I so can imagine that.


This song is just amzing...It's stuck in my head since I first heard it. There's so many shades to it.

And I also have to say that I love reading through discussions about the lyrics of a song. It is really captivating and enriching to discover what everybody else thinks it is about. :thumb_yello:

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I'm really heart broken because I can't find a video for the song anymore, does anybody have a link that works?(before Universal takes it down too:(


Unfortunately no working links at the moment, but I think the MFCers who took the vids will upload them for us to download asap

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He might be laughing somewhere right now.


I don't think so... I mean, I don't think he is biting his nails about how it has been received but I think he is curious to find out how it is perceived...


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Thank you!:thumb_yello:

Unfortunately none of those is Toy Boy


Thank you Carla but I think natmika was looking for a vid of Toy Boy ;)


I think this vid has toy boy too



Oh sorry didn't realise it, i was looking for TB myself, but your link isn't working to me vanessa...;(

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Mind you, are you sure it's

"With all the little girls who want to pull your hair "? :blink:


I thought it was


"Come a little closer I'm going to pull your hair".


I think so too.

And in the last (before last?) verse he doesn't sing: a boy who'd loved you,

but a boy who'd loved me....

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I think so too.

And in the last (before last?) verse he doesn't sing: a boy who'd loved you,

but a boy who'd loved me....


Hmmm I'll go check for that one cos I can't remember right now:thumb_yello:

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This is one of the interpretations I get from these lyrics, but they are waaay deeper, there is so much going on in these words, I LOVE that about it (and I left this one till last to listen to as well cos the title didn't grab me) how wrong was I love it, I also love the jingly child-like reminiscing feel to the music.



I’m a wind-up toy in an up down world (this is when he IS the toy)

If you leave me all alone, I’ll make a mess for sure (this is like all those stories of toys in your toy box coming to life in the night and getting up to mischief)

I’ve a heart of gold in a smaller size

Leave me in the dark, you’ll never hear me cry (he's trying to be a brave little soldier)


More than an illustration

Points of articulation (there's far more to him than what you can see)

Come to life on a brass spring

Such a wonderful plaything (he's trying to let us know just how cute he is {the toy})


It’s a cruel cross that I have to bear

With all the little girls who want to pull your hair (it's hard when fans want a piece of him)

More than just a toy in a patch-blue suit (I wonder if he actually HAD a toy like this, it reminds me of a stuffed clown my son had)

Hold me in your arms I’m just a boy like you (he is not just a toy but a boy like his owner, it's all very symbolic)


But your mama thought there was somethin’ wrong

Didn’t want you sleeping with a boy too long (his mother thinks he needs to grown up and stop playing with toys now)

It’s a serious thing in a grown-up world

Maybe you’d be better with a Barbie girl (his mother worries playing with doll type toys is "girly" and effeminate)


You knew that I adored ya

But you left me in Georgia

Toys are not sentimental

How could I be for rental?(it changes now and he (the toy) finds himself dumped as if he has no feelings and shocked at being used)


She’s the meanest hag that has ever been (I agree about the HAG word used, if it was on purpose it was very clever.)

Pulled out my insides with an old safety pin this sounds very symbolic cos it's how you DO stuff and unstuff toys)love it.

I’m the sorest sight, now I feel like trash

Clothes are made of rags and they don’t even match(he's feeling dirty, used and abused)


So she dressed me up as the man she loved (darker again now, since the hag who could take on a number of forms, is manipulating his appearance and most likely his mind and soul), it could be someone dressing him in a more manly way like a soldier or something to disguise his effeminacy.

Then threw me in a box when she had had enough

Now the light of day I no longer see

She stuck her voodoo pins where my eyes used to be(this is to show us just how horrid the hag is to him)


Accidentally tragic

Victim of her black magic

How’d a boy who’d so loved you

Now be so afraid of you? (I think it's accidental cos it kinda wasn't' meant to be this way for him and maybe the hag didn't mean to be a hag since he did love her in the beginning)


There is much going on in this one I hope we get to find out the true meaning although it's part of the fun to have our own ideas on it.



Love your interpretation Sparkly and you couldn't put it in better words!:thumb_yello:

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Mika has chosen to keep his private life private. The songs are not some secret message to us about his private life. They are songs. They may be based on him. They may be based on someone else. He may be singing in the narrative voice of the person whose story he is telling. He may be making things up because they amuse him.


It's fun to try to guess what he's singing about, but it's foolish and disrespectful to assume that he is giving us secret messages or clues about his personal life.



I strongly agree with you. Mika is a very intelligent song-writer and because he realizes how much ambiguity there has been concerning his sexuality (which obviously he wants to keep private), I think he is more provoked to write even more ambiguous lyrics. On the other hand he once told that one could learn more about him from his songs than from interviews.

Anyway, let's face the truth: do we REALLY want to know everything about him? Even if so, it's not going to happen and this ambiguity, and really really smart playfullness are the things that make him so intriguing!!!

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This morning, I shared these ideas with the oldlings and was strongly encouraged to share them in this thread. Since this thread got these thoughts percolating, I would like to respectfully share these thoughts here. This is not meant to be an attack on anybody's guess about what the song could be about. It's just some thoughts I had in response to this thread in general.



This is the only part of what you wrote I don't agree with / don't really understand...

This thread was not marked as 'For Younglings only', so why would anyone be offended? It was started by Suzy who is most definitely an Olding and so am I ... (though young at heart:naughty)

If there is some more interesting discussion on this on the Oldlings thread, then off I go ................


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Mika has chosen to keep his private life private. The songs are not some secret message to us about his private life.


sorry, this one I don't understand, either.. I don't remember anyone writing about secret messages in the song here...:blink:

Or maybe I did not read all posts... :blink:


This song have a very easy-to-understand first meaning and whoever is not willing to / capable of going to a second or third level of meanings, is also absolutely fine with this song..

It is all open to any interpretation and you are free to go back and forth between the different levels... It's as simple as that.


PURE BEAUTY:thumb_yello:

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This song have a very easy-to-understand first meaning and whoever is not willing to / capable of going to a second or third level of meanings, is also absolutely fine with this song..

It is all open to any interpretation and you are free to go back and forth between the different levels... It's as simple as that.


PURE BEAUTY:thumb_yello:


Yeees!!! How I love it in this song! Absolutely marvellous!!! Piece of art to me and he's only 25! I'm scared to think what songs he'll write in 10 years time:thumb_yello:

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I will seriously make a point that I don’t especially think this is an autobiographical story at all.

It could be a story about anyone who didn’t fit in to the society in an obvious way.

Like in Billy Brown when Mika explicitly says, when he’s asked the question, this is a story of my friend Billy Brown.

But in my interpretation it’s a story about a gay experience, “sleeping with a boy” “a toy boy”.

Mind my limited nuances in the English and please don’t bite my head off:roftl: this only what I hear in the song, it can be a thousand other ways to listen to it and I think just that is the beauty of it!:wub2:

When you look at him singing this song behind the piano you can see how he's is joking and smiling.

I think it’s a big flirt with the gay community!:naughty:



I’m a wind-up toy in an up down world

If you leave me all alone, I’ll make a mess for sure

I’ve a heart of gold and the smartest styles

Leave me in the dark, you’ll never hear me cry

Just setting it, telling the story.


More than an illustration

Points of articulation

Come to life on a brass spring

Such a wonderful plaything

It is wonderful thing for any (mother) to have a little toy boy.


It’s a cruel cross that I have to bear


-Because I’m gay and not like other little boys


Come a little close I’m going to pull your hair


-But I have learned to protect myself in this matter, just try me!


More than just a toy in a patch-blue suit

Hold me in your arms I’m just a boy like you


-We have found each other and are happy so far, hold me and feel that I’m just like you. Two boys feeling comfort!


But your mama thought there was somethin’ wrong

Didn’t want you sleeping with a boy too long

It’s a serious thing in a grown-up world

Maybe you’d be better with a Barbie girl


Now mama had to break in, this is not acceptable, you are better of with a girl.

-But in my world girls are not the subject of my love, they are Barbie girls, stiff and peculiar.



You were that I adored-ah

But you left me in Georgia

Toys are not sentimental

How could I be for rental?


-How could you fail me and force me to see girls? You left your love for me way behind. In Georgia.


She’s the meanest hag that has ever been

Pulled out my insides with an old safety pin

I’m the sorest sight, now I feel like trash

Clothes are made of rags and they don’t even match

-And from this moment there was only pain and misery in my life!

You couldn’t even dress me, I’m better than you to know what to wear and what suits me.

Of course, how could you even question that, I have it in me.


So she dressed me up as the man she loved


-She tried to dress me the way she thought men was supposed to dress, like my father for example.

And dressing has a wider meaning, manners and the way we behave.


Then threw me in a box when she had had enough


-But she really didn’t care in the long run.


Now the light of day I no longer see

She stuck her voodoo pins where my eyes used to be


-I am tortured and have so much pain.


Accidentally tragic

Victim of her black magic

How’d a boy who’d so loved you

Now be so afraid of you?


-How could it be like this?

How could you not love me for the person I am?

You frighten me.


On a long lost day when you’re grey and old

Would you be there remembering your old toy boy?

When you’re old and wise? will you look at me?

Tell them the story of a boy like me

-Will this be a lesson for you? Ever?

Will you be wiser some day and realise what you have done to me, tell the story?

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I strongly agree with you. Mika is a very intelligent song-writer and because he realizes how much ambiguity there has been concerning his sexuality (which obviously he wants to keep private), I think he is more provoked to write even more ambiguous lyrics. On the other hand he once told that one could learn more about him from his songs than from interviews.

Anyway, let's face the truth: do we REALLY want to know everything about him? Even if so, it's not going to happen and this ambiguity, and really really smart playfullness are the things that make him so intriguing!!!


yep totally agree, it's like when I or we get ideas from his songs it's not necessarily a idea about himself or his life or even his views, but more often than not he is telling stories via lyrics, I love it that is why I write "poetry" myself, you can take from life not always your own and create a story, situation, SONG.

Edited by sparkly1
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Mika has chosen to keep his private life private. The songs are not some secret message to us about his private life. They are songs. They may be based on him. They may be based on someone else. He may be singing in the narrative voice of the person whose story he is telling. He may be making things up because they amuse him.



I think you're making a good point here!:thumb_yello:

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I was just offering the context before I launched into it because it felt like I sort of pulled it out of the blue and just dropped it into the middle of a thread the first time I posted it and didn't want it to feel that way a second time. :blush-anim-cl:


:doh: ok then. I am old you have to explain me things sometimes :naughty:


We're definitely not discussing it there. I believe we are talking about how we can never remember stuff and some of us are more mad than others :naughty:


maybe I will enroll then... In fact, I think I was meant to be listed as 36th or similar number back in 2007 but my name was somehow not put there, and then I just forgot and did not visit... maybe tomorrow.. I should go to sleep now. I am old...:biggrin2:

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I will seriously make a point that I don’t especially think this is an autobiographical story at all.

It could be a story about anyone who didn’t fit in to the society in an obvious way.

Like in Billy Brown when Mika explicitly says, when he’s asked the question, this is a story of my friend Billy Brown.

But in my interpretation it’s a story about a gay experience, “sleeping with a boy” “a toy boy”.

Mind my limited nuances in the English and please don’t bite my head off:roftl: this only what I hear in the song, it can be a thousand other ways to listen to it and I think just that is the beauty of it!:wub2:

When you look at him singing this song behind the piano you can see how he's is joking and smiling.

I think it’s a big flirt with the gay community!:naughty:



Sienna, I love our interpretation. It is most definitely the one closest to what exits in my mind but I am not good at expressing it as I am not a writer... :wink2:...you obviously have an eye for this


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Sienna, I love our interpretation. It is most definitely the one closest to what exits in my mind but I am not good at expressing it as I am not a writer... :wink2:...you obviously have an eye for this



Thank you suzie!:huglove:

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