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TOY BOY - Lyrics Discussion


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As I wrote before in another thread -I am so lazy I am just going to copy it-


'And in spite of what he said before -about LICM being a coming of age thing, the kind of album you only write once- it seems that he hasn't done with settling a few accounts yet... but then he is the guy who doesn't want to grow up, so it makes sense :wink2: .'


Am I the only one here to see in it a breaking free song ?


True his lyrics are cryptic enough for everybody to read in them what they want to but I don't think that safety pins are used on adults or even teenagers, unless in very weird perversions :blush-anim-cl: .


Sire still had a huge and heavy account to settle and wasn't ready when he wrote LICM. He obviously is now.

Can't have been easy though... either for him or the recipient :emot-sad:.





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so, heart of gold in a smaller size then?





I’m a wind-up toy in an up down world

If you leave me all alone, I’ll make a mess for sure

I’ve a heart of gold in a smaller size

Leave me in the dark, you’ll never hear me cry


More than an illustration

Points of articulation

Come to life on a brass spring

Such a wonderful plaything


It’s a cruel cross that I have to bear

Come a little close I’m going to pull your hair

More than just a toy in a patch-blue suit

Hold me in your arms I’m just a boy like you


But your mama thought there was somethin’ wrong

Didn’t want you sleeping with a boy too long

It’s a serious thing in a grown-up world

Maybe you’d be better with a Barbie girl


You knew that I had adored ya

But you left me in Georgia

Toys are not sentimental

How could I be for rental?


She’s the meanest hag that has ever been

Pulled out my insides with an old safety pin

I’m the sorest sight, now I feel like trash

Clothes are made of rags and they don’t even match


So she dressed me up as the man she loved

Then threw me in a box when she had had enough

Now the light of day I no longer see

She stuck her voodoo pins where my eyes used to be


Accidentally tragic

Victim of her black magic

Had a boy once who loved me

Now he’s so afraid of me


On a long lost day when you’re grey and old

Would you be there remembering your old toy boy?

When your only son's wondering what to be

Tell him the story of a boy like me

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I kind of agree with you Daisy. We probably won't ever know the real meaning of the song, and I can't see much point analysing every last word and phrase to be honest because as you say, there are so many layers and double entendres.


And a general point (not directly at Daisy): sometimes I think over-analysing lyrics spoils the enjoyment..and asking a songwriter to explain lyrics is futile, though no doubt he will get asked constantly about thees particular lyrics when the album comes out *yawn*.


agree, although I think Mika will give us some clues about every new song like LICM's ones


Does hag mean witch?


I ask because the dutch word for witch is heks....


No, now it's just a derogatory term for a woman, but I'm pretty sure that was its original meaning...like probably back in Old English..so I guess that's where the connection with Dutch comes in...interesting!
due to the verse: "Victim of her black magic" I assume in this case the term "hag" might mean more a witch than just a woman.

and I recall him mentioning "black magic" in one of his blogs

<<One strange side effect to writing and being in the studio, is the enormous amount of books I’ve been buying. From art, to fashion to black magic.>>



btw I'm officially in love with this song: love everything about it: the lyrics, which IMO are genius , the melody, the way he sings it, his voice... to me listening to it is just like reading a fairytale, and like children do, I like listening to it over an over again

its the one that arouses more emotions in me: it makes me move, smile and laugh at the same time :wub2::wub2::wub2:

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the point of the matter is MIKA! will never tell you what the meaning of this song is...I for one have realised by now that whatever we all "think" it is...the song will have some dark, other meaning behind it...he is a tease and twists things till they make sense on many levels to him. They have more tiers than a wedding cake!


ps. can't fathom the words out...

On a long lost day when you're grey and old

Would you be there remembering your old toy boy

When your ******** wondering what to be

tell them the story of a boy like me




Yep, and the guy aims at making everybody happy, including his female fans who may think the song is a rebound one from an unhappy love affair with OMG, a woman :wub2: !


Not to be excluded either : need a rhyme here, a pretty word there :naughty: ?


And anyway any creation stops belonging to its creator when it is no longer private but is given away to viewers, listeneners, readers...


Still sticking to my analysis of TB : a breaking free song, very harsh but the man can be pretty ruthless :devil: .


If HMDYLM is not part of the album, my answer to that question is definitely going to be : 'I hate your guts, mate.'. Could survive without HJ though.





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It does not matter whether or not they are in any way autobiographical. What matters is that he writes songs expressing an emotion/mood/feeling, and you can't do that unless you understand those emotions and that point of view.


(If they were all autobiographical, that might not be true, but I'm taking his word for Billy Brown and Holy Johnny at least. :roftl:)


What that means to me is that he is a deeply empathic person, and really does receive what other people 'tell' him, and can enter into their feelings. That skill is so rare... He's not just doing the standard 'love and lust and lost', he's seeing the wholeness of people...


Oh, let’s not tell anyone, it’s a secret amongst the creative artists!:naughty:


Just kidding… yes I agree I think it’s the beauty of writers and songwriters and poets.

Some of them, those who really hit a cord in other peoples feelings, has been given an ability to feel, to put themselves in an other persons situation, a kind of sensibility or possibility to empathy.:wink2:




Another thought while I am on a roll -


This sort of song, with strong storyline lyrics and amazing melody is strongly reminiscent of the best songs in musicals like Phantom of the Opera, and Les Miserables.


I wonder...


Is he hearkening back to his past, or giving a glimpse of his future - or both?


This is really an exciting thought!:wub2::thumb_yello:

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I agree with you there:wink2: I like the fact that his songs can be about so many different things. Most songs you hear are about relationships/love/wanting but not getting any... And those songs just are what they are, there aren't *insert number here* different interpretations possible.


That is big part of what I love so much in Mika's lyrics:wub2:...you can get back to them over and over again and all the time discover new angles of interpretation!


A clever boy he is!:naughty:


Dare I say in this thread that Lily Allen has a little of that too, not in a such big level as Mika though, but she's getting there!:wink2:

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Oh, let’s not tell anyone, it’s a secret amongst the creative artists!:naughty:


Just kidding… yes I agree I think it’s the beauty of writers and songwriters and poets.

Some of them, those who really hit a cord in other peoples feelings, has been given an ability to feel, to put themselves in an other persons situation, a kind of sensibility or possibility to empathy.:wink2: :


Ok. point taken, but since I mostly hang out in the current music space, rather than the artistic/poetic, I find it a rare commodity.


Given his background, training and family, it's not surprising that he should be 'artistic' in the truest sense, so I just remain very grateful that Mika likes 'pop' music, and I found him!

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Ok. point taken, but since I mostly hang out in the current music space, rather than the artistic/poetic, I find it a rare commodity.


Given his background, training and family, it's not surprising that he should be 'artistic' in the truest sense, so I just remain very grateful that Mika likes 'pop' music, and I found him!


Oh yeah, grateful is truly the word!:wub2:


He is unusual in the pop world!:wink2:

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Es así señoras y señores!!!

Se me ocurrió crear nuestra propia tribu, pero bien MIKERA!!!

Un poco loco no???



La o el que se quiera prender la tribu consiste:


1- Usar chupines de colores

2- Usar remeras de colores en escote en V ó camisas blancas, etc.

3- Usar collares como los de la pick, con muñequitos

4- Usar pulseras bien gordas y llamativas

5- Usar tiradores

6- Peinarse con mucho rulo (Acá en Argentina se va usar muchísimo para esta temporada, bien por mí!!)

7- Profesar la Religión Mikeista:


Cumplirás los 10 mandamientos:


1- Venerarás al Señor MIKA todos los días.

2- Rezarás el Padre Penniman dos veces al día:


“Padre Michael Holbrook Penniman que estás en Los Ángeles,

amado sea su rostro

venga a nosotros su melodiosa voz

hágase sus shows en Argentina* así como también en Uruguay*

danos hoy, el post de cada día

perdona nuestros delirios,

así como también perdonamos a las Big Girls

no nos dejes caer en la oscuridad

y regálanos su amor



3- No adquirirás CD’S y DVD’S truchos.

4- Harás dibujos que tengan que ver con el Señor MIKA, por lo menos 2 veces al año.

5- Tendrás más de 1000 fotos de él.

6- Tendrás un Fotolog o Metroflog etc. sólo del Señor MIKA.

7- Actualizarás y devolverás todas las firmas a los peregrinos de MIKA. (Mikera/os.)

8- No pensarás locuras y cosas descabelladas (Carnales) con el Señor MIKA.

9- Escribirás MIKA, siempre en mayúsculas, como aparece su nombre en CD’S y DVD’S. Él es MUY IMPORTANTE, por eso SIEMPRE en mayúsculas.

10- Siempre lo amarás y respetarás. Tendrás actualizadas biografías y letras de canciones de él, te informarás sobre MIKA y si alguna noticia es importante (Siendo de MIKA, todo es importante) tratarás de comunicarles a tus hermanos Mikera/os)



YO NO VOY A PODER CUMPLIR EL NUMERO 8!!!!!!!!!!!:blush-anim-cl:

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I don't care wether he is or not...If he is, good for him!:naughty: If he's not, it's still good! :roftl: But I won't talk much about this.

I just think he wouldn't make a joke out of it in a song or put in one of them in such an obvious way. He's more subtle.:bleh: But if it is, ah well... We'll never get to know it is probably!


(This post looks like it's just the same from the others I wrote in this tread:lmfao:)

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I don't care wether he is or not...If he is, good for him!:naughty: If he's not, it's still good! :roftl: But I won't talk much about this.

I just think he wouldn't make a joke out of it in a song or put in one of them in such an obvious way. He's more subtle.:bleh: But if it is, ah well... We'll never get to know it is probably!


(This post looks like it's just the same from the others I wrote in this tread:lmfao:)

Maybe this is his way of coming out....*shrug*


It's really clever.


Because maybe he's tricking us?



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I don't care wether he is or not...If he is, good for him!:naughty: If he's not, it's still good! :roftl: But I won't talk much about this.

I just think he wouldn't make a joke out of it in a song or put in one of them in such an obvious way. He's more subtle.:bleh: But if it is, ah well... We'll never get to know it is probably!


(This post looks like it's just the same from the others I wrote in this tread:lmfao:)


I agree :thumb_yello:

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This is a case where the answer is too much fun and too easy. I wandered away, knowing I shouldn't, and came back because I just can't resist it. No offense intended, so please, don't snap back except in fun....


Sincere apologies in advance!



Oh damn, he's gay.:blush-anim-cl::roftl:



Wow, when you hear it screaming in a song other than Billy brown it makes you a bit....well...there's no more mystery...anymore.....


Careful what you wish for.


Oh damm...


Did you wish......????


Well, I guess all you young things will have to cross him off your list of prospective husbands, and try to find a decent straight guy somewhere else...


So where does that leave the poor fellow....?


Next concert, he'll look down the row of who's been waiting in line all day, and see all these oldling hags, all happily married with kids of their own, who just adore the music... and the person who sings it ....




Things will never be the same again!!!!


If only he'd guessed what he was giving away when he sang this song in public!!!!

Edited by mouselle
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This is a case where the answer is too much fun and too easy. I wandered away, knowing I shouldn't, and came back because I just can't resist it. No offense intended, so please, don't snap back except in fun....


Sincere apologies in advance!





Oh damm...


Did you wish......????


Well, I guess all you young things will have to cross him off your list of prospective husbands, and try to find a decent straight guy somewhere else...


So where does that leave the poor fellow....?


Next concert, he'll look down the row of who's been waiting in line all day, and see all these oldling hags, all happily married with kids of their own, who just adore the music... and the person who sings it ....




Things will never be the same again!!!!


If only he'd guessed what he was giving away when he sang this song in public!!!!

I wished to know, and now I kinda don't want to know. I wouldn't want to if he was straight either. Takes the fun, mystery out of everything. :roftl:





and, BTW, me being a young thing doesn't label me as "in it for the looks" does it?

I loved Grace kelly before I knew who sang it.

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and, BTW, me being a young thing doesn't label me as "in it for the looks" does it?

I loved Grace kelly before I knew who sang it.


But, I mean, the looks are a bit of an added bonus aren't they? :das:

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I have just gotten addicted to this song, I think it's so clever. I cannot wait for the recorded version.


And I love how he sings it melodic like a lullaby and the tinkling noise to me sounds like a jewelry box when you open it and the ballerina turns.

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And I love how he sings it melodic like a lullaby and the tinkling noise to me sounds like a jewelry box when you open it and the ballerina turns.


Me too! :wub2:

I think it's very clever how he related the sounds and instruments to the theme of the song.

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