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What Do You Guys Think Of The New Songs?

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Watching your video of this song I can totally understand where you're coming from on this one. In the version I managed to download before it was removed the lyrics are unintelligible, but in your video it is almost impossible to hear him singing over the rest of the things going on. I'm looking forward to a version where we can actually hear the lyrics!


Maybe the 'noise' of the instruments is worse depending on where in the room one is located? Although I do find it strange that I didn't find the same problem with other songs, though I was in the same place. How strange :blink:

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Maybe the 'noise' of the instruments is worse depending on where in the room one is located? Although I do find it strange that I didn't find the same problem with other songs, though I was in the same place. How strange :blink:


I think his mic was just too low. They probably raised the volume once they realized no one could hear anything:naughty:

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I agree with Sara about the Georgia part. But he tweet and said there were lyrics scrapped and changed, so maybe that part is changed aswell? Let's be hopeful, and otherwise..otherwise we just need to live with it:naughty:


I must admit that this was also the first thing that I thought of when I read his tweet :roftl:

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After the gig, all I could think of was Toy Boy and Blame it on the Girls... but Blue Eyes is REALLY growing on me. I love it. Still can't get interested in Good Gone Girl yet though... maybe I'll change my mind when I hear the recording.


Blue eyes makes me want to be barefoot on a sailboat with a pina colada and a cool breeze in the air.

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haha, mika is brilliant!! I love all of his new songs!!


Toy Boy_ I adored it, What can i say?? I heard the lyrics but was a little confused by the meaning though. . . .any one have any ideas??


The Clap Clap song was sooo catchy, and the chorus was brilliant!!


I didn't understand any of Good Girl Gone. It's making me really sad, because I love the melody but can't attach any meaning to it!!! Again, if anyone has any thoughts, please, please, PLEASE, fill ,me in.


Oh I love Mika, and I can't wait for his new album to come out!! His new songs are WAY different than LICM, but still how can you not love it!?!?!?!? : ))

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Well I have listened to the 4 new ones he played at the Roxy and I at first I liked GGG best, and being fair I haven't hardly listened to the others properly because I got obsessed with TB, and funnily enough I left this one till last to listen to cos the title put me off, but when I saw him singing and saw his facial expressions, and got into the lyrics meanings (and boy it has meanings on many levels).

I just put it in a totally different league to the others, I adore the melody it works for me on all levels this song it's just AWESOME!

I was never keen on Rain, it's ok but I always preferred HMDYLM and some of the other ones he wont be putting on this album :(

So now I need to try to get into the other ones a bit more which is hard when I love TB so much. I ought to listen to BE a bit more too lol, the clapping one doesn't grab me as yet too.

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I've tested the songs on my daughter and the only one she likes is GGG, she thinks the rest are really boring :boxed: The only word she caught from Toy Boy was Barbie :naughty: Guess it's really not very interesting if you don't understand the lyrics :boxed:

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basing merely on the clips from the LA secret gig:


so far, I don't like any of the new songs. :boxed:


I liked the lyrics of toy boy kindly transcribed on forum, till 3/4 my way through them, then I got seriously disappointed.


I'm in a very low mika period.. :boxed:


on the other hand, I beyond adore rain (see sig) and all the songs in the music blogs, though they do include the clap song that possibly sounded better to me in that bit, or in a non acoustic version. :boxed:


*goes in a corner and cries* :tears:


I SO HEAR YOU, GIRL!!!!:wink2::huglove:

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haha, mika is brilliant!! I love all of his new songs!!


Toy Boy_ I adored it, What can i say?? I heard the lyrics but was a little confused by the meaning though. . . .any one have any ideas??


The Clap Clap song was sooo catchy, and the chorus was brilliant!!


I didn't understand any of Good Girl Gone. It's making me really sad, because I love the melody but can't attach any meaning to it!!! Again, if anyone has any thoughts, please, please, PLEASE, fill ,me in.


Oh I love Mika, and I can't wait for his new album to come out!! His new songs are WAY different than LICM, but still how can you not love it!?!?!?!? : ))

have you seen the threads about the new songs?

You can find them here http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=49

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basing merely on the clips from the LA secret gig:


so far, I don't like any of the new songs. :boxed:


I liked the lyrics of toy boy kindly transcribed on forum, till 3/4 my way through them, then I got seriously disappointed.


I'm in a very low mika period.. :boxed:


on the other hand, I beyond adore rain (see sig) and all the songs in the music blogs, though they do include the clap song that possibly sounded better to me in that bit, or in a non acoustic version. :boxed:


*goes in a corner and cries* :tears:

Avoca, I think in order to fully appreciate them you have to listen to them again and again

The more I listen to them the more I like them; I love them all, my fav so far is Toy Boy, I think its pure genius and can't wait to listen to the album versions, which will surely sound much better

Edited by mari62
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...It has taken me a while to get myself to writing about new songs as there are so many things - images and melodies - flying around in my head but I have to do it now otherwise I will never take the time to do so..

My first thought is that the new album will be even more sophisticated both in terms of lyrics and music. You put together the bits you catch from his vlog, the Roxy performance of the new songs and the new instrumentation of the old songs and you understand that this guy is working hard on getting better and better... He is a fighter and I have strong confidence in not only the quality but also the success of the follow up of LICM.


On new songs:

Blue Eyes: not a single type, but it has a nice groove and it has a new sound vs Mika’s previous works (as Blue Eyes pointed out, a bit Paul Simon’ish... sorry for comparisons, they are deliberate, though, I usually look for points of comparison)

Rain : To tell the truth, I did not like the live version but when I heard how he transformed it with the help of Owen Pallett, I am sure it will be one of my favourites on the album. A typical case of a song working through its musical arrangements and not necessarily the melody.

Blame it On the Girls : I expect a lot stronger impact on us when it comes out on the album or probably as the first single. I can already hear in my head as I put together the clapping sound from the vlog with the live performance.. You can actually see in Mika’s performance how he was feeling the groove -a kind of J5-ish song / boogie.

Good Gone Girl: will be a bit hit – it’s like SITM and BG put together – written in that style...deberately not mentioning name here.

And finally, Toy Boy...I really am still at a loss for words when trying to explain how I feel about it. I usually do not pay much attention on lyrics, yet there are lines that keep coming to my head and I keep wondering how this boy could have written something that so simple but complex, beautiful but heartbreakingly sad and most importantly, so visual that it comes to life. He once said he admired writers as they have to create pictures with words... Well, what he did in this one is more than a writer does in a book. In 9 verses he drew a piture that does not simply have multiple meaning levels but you can actually go back and forth those levels, enabling countless interpretations and having tons of images in your head from musicboxes with carousels on top via string-puppets to pantomimie shows. And it is such a piece of art how the music supports the original meaning so that you always go back to it and however sad the story is you feel a positive note.

Yes, the music, to me the most important in any song. I can absolutely hear Papageno’s musicbox in it and towards the end it brings up the image an MC in a French cabaret singing this strory..... Then I re-watched his latest vlog today and it turns out it will be the Kurt Weill type of orchestra playing under with the fairy wings’ sound.... :blush-anim-cl:

It was also re-assuring to see how he is starting to turn into a kind of theatrical performer. I hope that the performance at the Roxy will somehow be documented as the atmosphere when he first sang this song with the fans drinking his words (and the ooh’s and the wow’s) can never be repeated. Plus, he really did pay attention to how he was singing it and was probably much more interested in fans’ reaction than he will ever be about any song.. For this one is not just ’any’ song..:wub2:

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Suzie .. agree


"Rain : To tell the truth, I did not like the live version but when I heard how he transformed it with the help of Owen Pallett, I am sure it will be one of my favourites on the album. A typical case of a song working through its musical arrangements and not necessarily the melody."


I cant wait to hear the album version

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thanks so much suzie...you helped me explaining what's going on in my mind these days, ther's such a twingle of emotions in it!:blush-anim-cl:


i agree with your analysis, but i haven't got a favourite, i love them all!:wub2:

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...It has taken me a while to get myself to writing about new songs as there are so many things - images and melodies - flying around in my head but I have to do it now otherwise I will never take the time to do so..

My first thought is that the new album will be even more sophisticated both in terms of lyrics and music. You put together the bits you catch from his vlog, the Roxy performance of the new songs and the new instrumentation of the old songs and you understand that this guy is working hard on getting better and better... He is a fighter and I have strong confidence in not only the quality but also the success of the follow up of LICM.


On new songs:

Blue Eyes: not a single type, but it has a nice groove and it has a new sound vs Mika’s previous works (as Blue Eyes pointed out, a bit Paul Simon’ish... sorry for comparisons, they are deliberate, though, I usually look for points of comparison)

Rain : To tell the truth, I did not like the live version but when I heard how he transformed it with the help of Owen Pallett, I am sure it will be one of my favourites on the album. A typical case of a song working through its musical arrangements and not necessarily the melody.

Blame it On the Girls : I expect a lot stronger impact on us when it comes out on the album or probably as the first single. I can already hear in my head as I put together the clapping sound from the vlog with the live performance.. You can actually see in Mika’s performance how he was feeling the groove -a kind of J5-ish song / boogie.

Good Gone Girl: will be a bit hit – it’s like SITM and BG put together – written in that style...deberately not mentioning name here.

And finally, Toy Boy...I really am still at a loss for words when trying to explain how I feel about it. I usually do not pay much attention on lyrics, yet there are lines that keep coming to my head and I keep wondering how this boy could have written something that so simple but complex, beautiful but heartbreakingly sad and most importantly, so visual that it comes to life. He once said he admired writers as they have to create pictures with words... Well, what he did in this one is more than a writer does in a book. In 9 verses he drew a piture that does not simply have multiple meaning levels but you can actually go back and forth those levels, enabling countless interpretations and having tons of images in your head from musicboxes with carousels on top via string-puppets to pantomimie shows. And it is such a piece of art how the music supports the original meaning so that you always go back to it and however sad the story is you feel a positive note.

Yes, the music, to me the most important in any song. I can absolutely hear Papageno’s musicbox in it and towards the end it brings up the image an MC in a French cabaret singing this strory..... Then I re-watched his latest vlog today and it turns out it will be the Kurt Weill type of orchestra playing under with the fairy wings’ sound.... :blush-anim-cl:

It was also re-assuring to see how he is starting to turn into a kind of theatrical performer. I hope that the performance at the Roxy will somehow be documented as the atmosphere when he first sang this song with the fans drinking his words (and the ooh’s and the wow’s) can never be repeated. Plus, he really did pay attention to how he was singing it and was probably much more interested in fans’ reaction than he will ever be about any song.. For this one is not just ’any’ song..:wub2:



First of all, thank you suzie, I really enjoyed reading your take on the songs and I agree very much!:wub2:


The bolded part...I've been thinking about that too and it is a lovely and maybe not so unexpected side if our boy, he shows a big potential just as a theatrical performer and I absolutely love it.

I've been looking at especially the video where he sings Toy Boy and at least half of the experience is to watch his facial expression when he's telling the story!:wink2:

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I wanna hear them live myself before I form a true opinion...so this is where I stand on the LA songs so far..


Blue Eyes ...is tops! Love it. Love itttt! but then I have blue eyes and am kinda constantly sad so is very apt. Maybe I should look and see what I might find in lost and found? lol


Toy Boy...very Lollipop girlesque lyrics wise..dark and twisted Meeks at his best! Sounds more puppet than wind up toy but see where he is going with it. Excellent the way you can actually visualize the lyrics ..like a pop up book from a song. Sad and lonely always seems to be the ending of so many songs...heartbreak must be something M is very aware of. Knowing him it will have a completely different meaning. I have realised best never to try and figure out what MIKA's songs are about as what starts of as a name/feeling person ends up being entwined into some deep dark fantasyland, mashed up and then gets pulled out of the other side meaning and being something quite the opposite of what everyonelse thinks it means...I love that aspect of his song writing. The guy is a genius no doubts about that!


GGG...A HIT! can't hear much of the lyrics but the tune ...No1 for sure.


Blame it on the Girl....the clapping idea is great but again if those are the lyrics we have found (sorry probably took months to write) too much chorus for my liking. But catchy which is always a bonus.


The rest I will have to wait and see.

I wish people wouldn't talk at gigs over the quieter songs tho as those are in my opinion are some of the best ones like OMS and Meeks never plays them live as the crowd lose interest...so annoying as I love them.

That was his first performance of the newbie songs,so I am sure they will sound totally different on the EP/ CD which ever is released first..and I will love them all.

With LICM I played a bit of a song and went on to the next one...found I adored every one..hope this is the case with this one as this CD has a lot to live upto...Mr Meeks have you managed it twice in a row? Hope so!

Just hope I get to hear you sing them live to broaden my opinion and then my last and final descision will be on hearing the full CD.


Edited by daisylou
I'm a dick and can't spell!
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Thanks for the thanks ... :biggrin2: I felt so happy yesterday having written it down on Sunday night. It felt like a confession I had to make and now I am free to think about other things now.

(Like yesterday I was listening to Simon&Garfunkel in the morning and by the afternoon Toy Boy was gone and Blue Eyes kept playing...)

I really need to listen to the album now or I'll go mad:cool:


Just hope I get to hear you sing them live to broaden my opinion and then my last and final descision will be on hearing the full CD.


... yes, I am sure we can analyse the songs further when the album is out.

I don't know what the summer project is about, but I hope is not only graphical art but art with music...

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Avoca, I think in order to fully appreciate them you have to listen to them again and again

The more I listen to them the more I like them; I love them all, my fav so far is Toy Boy, I think its pure genius and can't wait to listen to the album versions, which will surely sound much better

I was saying on another thread, but it needs to be said again. I started off raving about GGG, and rightly so, for it has "hit single" in every phrase of the music and lyrics. Much like Love Today.

However, something has dawned on me, and it's this, GGG could be a great hit, but TOY BOY is going to be one the greatest songs in hstory!

It's dawned on me that it is just SO GOOD! It has everything, pathos, humour, and a great story. Mika's voice when he sings it is so beautiful. It is just right for the song and the feeling he puts in toevery sylable is astonishing! You can tell he means every word. He has the best vocal range I've ever heard and in TB, we get to hear his wonderful lower register. I wonder if Mika knows himself, what an amazing song he's written and how much the world is goin to love it, and him for singing and writing it!

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Don't remember if I've written in this thread yet, but I think the new songs are fabulous. You can really tell that Mika's developed as a songwriter since LICM and I know this will be a fantastic album :punk:

I can't wait to hear it in its entirety. :biggrin2:

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