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The Indie Rock Fag: Rockin’ the Closet


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indeed I know of a singer who was in a band with his siblings & OMG did he look gay (still does more so now than back then to be honest) but he's as straight as they come it certainly makes people's jaws drop i'll tell you!


I think in some ways it would be just damned simpler if Mika just said one way or another what he is it'd shut people the f**k up you know what I mean? he's just gonna get pestered for the rest of his career & I can really see it doing his head in in the end


I'm not saying as a celeb he has to it should be something they all do or anything or that's it's anybody's business but if he said look i'm straight, gay, bi whatever then people would initially go ohhhhhhh realllyyyyy???


then it would all die down & they'd concentrate on his music & hopefully leave him alone & stop bugging him about it so much


I don't know about any of you lot but I'm finding it just a tad annoying hearing about it all the flipping time


I personally couldn't give a hoot who he sleeps with & whatnot I'm just sick of hearing the is he isn't he is he isn't he is he isn't he ALL the Flipping time :hair::mad3::hunter:


sorry it just really grates on my fricken nerves


there's more to life than some bloomin' popstars sexuality *rolls eyes*



I agree with you, on the whole is he/isn't he subject, but not that Mika should give in and say, but that the whole media circus about it should die down.

There are much more important things going on in this world, and this really isn't!

It's something he doesn't want to talk about, so for gods sake can't they just leave it alone, it's getting SO FREAKING TIRESOME!

And I agree that kids shouldn't keep using celebs as role models, I mean look at the majority of them, drugs, drink, abuse of whatever kind, it's a joke!

Personally, I never had any rolemodel to look up to when I was a kid, I just muddled my way through best as I could, and thank goodness too, otherwise lord knows how I'd have ended up!

I admire Mika for sticking to his guns and living his life the way he wants to, and these people who keep coming out of the woodwork, whining and complaining at him for doing so, should just take their whiney, complaining backsides to the edge of a proverbial cliff and do the decent thing!

Sorry, just feel very strongly about this.

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I agree with you, on the whole is he/isn't he subject, but not that Mika should give in and say, but that the whole media circus about it should die down.

There are much more important things going on in this world, and this really isn't!

It's something he doesn't want to talk about, so for gods sake can't they just leave it alone, it's getting SO FREAKING TIRESOME!

And I agree that kids shouldn't keep using celebs as role models, I mean look at the majority of them, drugs, drink, abuse of whatever kind, it's a joke!

Personally, I never had any rolemodel to look up to when I was a kid, I just muddled my way through best as I could, and thank goodness too, otherwise lord knows how I'd have ended up!

I admire Mika for sticking to his guns and living his life the way he wants to, and these people who keep coming out of the woodwork, whining and complaining at him for doing so, should just take their whiney, complaining backsides to the edge of a proverbial cliff and do the decent thing!

Sorry, just feel very strongly about this.


completely agree with you, Rose :thumb_yello:


The parts I put in red, yep, well said. Everyone needs to find who they are themselves, rather than look for someone to copy or to follow. :thumb_yello:

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I agree with you, on the whole is he/isn't he subject, but not that Mika should give in and say, but that the whole media circus about it should die down.

There are much more important things going on in this world, and this really isn't!

It's something he doesn't want to talk about, so for gods sake can't they just leave it alone, it's getting SO FREAKING TIRESOME!

And I agree that kids shouldn't keep using celebs as role models, I mean look at the majority of them, drugs, drink, abuse of whatever kind, it's a joke!

Personally, I never had any rolemodel to look up to when I was a kid, I just muddled my way through best as I could, and thank goodness too, otherwise lord knows how I'd have ended up!

I admire Mika for sticking to his guns and living his life the way he wants to, and these people who keep coming out of the woodwork, whining and complaining at him for doing so, should just take their whiney, complaining backsides to the edge of a proverbial cliff and do the decent thing!

Sorry, just feel very strongly about this.


i agree:punk:

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I agree with you, on the whole is he/isn't he subject, but not that Mika should give in and say, but that the whole media circus about it should die down.

There are much more important things going on in this world, and this really isn't!

It's something he doesn't want to talk about, so for gods sake can't they just leave it alone, it's getting SO FREAKING TIRESOME!

And I agree that kids shouldn't keep using celebs as role models, I mean look at the majority of them, drugs, drink, abuse of whatever kind, it's a joke!

Personally, I never had any rolemodel to look up to when I was a kid, I just muddled my way through best as I could, and thank goodness too, otherwise lord knows how I'd have ended up!

I admire Mika for sticking to his guns and living his life the way he wants to, and these people who keep coming out of the woodwork, whining and complaining at him for doing so, should just take their whiney, complaining backsides to the edge of a proverbial cliff and do the decent thing!

Sorry, just feel very strongly about this.

Well said Rose, I fully agree. Why can't they all just leave it alone, I wonder. It's not like it's not clear to see for anyone who's half observant anyway, so tbh there is no questionmark in my ming and I couldn't care less who he decides to sleep with as long as he's happy... But this is the press and they will always focus on that, sadly.

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Well said Rose, I fully agree. Why can't they all just leave it alone, I wonder. It's not like it's not clear to see for anyone who's half observant anyway, so tbh there is no questionmark in my ming and I couldn't care less who he decides to sleep with as long as he's happy... But this is the press and they will always focus on that, sadly.

Oops, not ming lol, minD.

Funny cause minga is a spanish slang word for erm, a certain male appendage, hahaha. How juvenile of me, yes, sorry.

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Oops, not ming lol, minD.

Funny cause minga is a spanish slang word for erm, a certain male appendage, hahaha. How juvenile of me, yes, sorry.


A little Freudian slip hit you again maybe?:naughty:

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This is just my two cents, but MIKA reminds me very much of a good friend of mine, who's most people believe to be gay, but he's actually straight. He just has alot of "queer" mannerisms and habits, and since he get's harrased about being Gay so much, he just stoped ansewering the question XD


I love MIKA gay straight bi or indifferent. I don't really see why people find his orientation so important.


Very nice article, thanks for posting greta!!

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Thanks for posting.

I looked at the title and thought OH NO HERE WE GO AGAIN....


They say any publicity is good publicity but is it really?


MIKA and anyone me, you and the guy down the street has the right to keep their sexual orientation...PRIVATE!

The press ALL want to make it a scoop and be the first to announce they heard it from him. I don't believe that the journo that wrote that article is really thinking of young people needing a role model....he is thinking about how much he would get paid if he was the one with the breaking news....sad but that is the way the world is these days.

Everyone needs a label if you are in the celebrity spotlight and good on MIKA's "people" and friends for helping keep his life the way he wants it. :thumb_yello:


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