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LiCM one of the worst album titles in history


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Ooooh, maybe that's it!



I love how I changed the thread from "NME thinks LICM is a crap title" to "How is Mika like Roger Rabbit?" :roftl:


yes it was quite an astounding piece of work you did there, VERY impressive, and lets face it probably much more interesting than what they say in NME lol.

PS. yeah he DOES have a Roger Rabbit look about him now you come to mention it, he might just be quite chuffed about that since he likes cartoons so much.

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Ehm, thankyouverymuch. I read it and a lot of my friends do, too. I wouldnt necessarily say that my favourite bands consist of drug-addicts or people that look like this. And I would also say that I know more than nothing about music. :blink:


Same. Except for the drug addicts part. My favourite band happens to consists out of druggies (MGMT):naughty:


I don't like NME's attitude though. They always get a new band, love them, and a week later they treat them like sh*t already and step over to the next ones.


Oasis, ‘Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants’ (2000). Just the one shoulder then?-Tsssk, how stupid can you be? You obviously can't stand on both shoulders, because they are GIANTS!:doh:

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Same. Except for the drug addicts part. My favourite band happens to consists out of druggies (MGMT):naug hty:


I don't like NME's attitude though. They always get a new band, love them, and a week later they treat them like sh*t already and step over to the next ones.


Agreed :naughty:. Well, it's true that they tend to unlike bands as soon as these get to poppy or popular but :smth:. And I had a look through an old bunch of NMEs a few days ago and I found a gigantic Kooks-poster. Hence, they are allowed to write whatever they want now (or at least until the omg-a-****ing-kooks-megaposter-:das:-:das: -feeling ebbs down :naughty:).


However, I don't like getting a direct smash in the face with an "They are all idiots that don't know anything at all" :blink:


Oasis, ‘Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants’ (2000). Just the one shoulder then?-Tsssk, how stupid can you be? You obviously can't stand on both shoulders, because they are GIANTS!:do h:


:lmfao:!!! Very true :lmao:

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Agreed :naughty:. Well, it's true that they tend to unlike bands as soon as these get to poppy or popular but :smth:. And I had a look through an old bunch of NMEs a few days ago and I found a gigantic Kooks-poster. Hence, they are allowed to write whatever they want now (or at least until the omg-a-****ing-kooks-megaposter- -feeling ebbs down :naughty:).


However, I don't like getting a direct smash in the face with an "They are all idiots that don't know anything at all" :blink:




!!! Very true :lmao:


Haha:naughty:I know the feeling, when they started to write about MGMT more and more (and more) and also had posters of them I started to hate them a little bit less.:naughty:


Me neither. That's kinda predjudiced.

I mean, you can say you don't like the magazine, but I don't like when people say: ''All people who read this are idiots.'':boxed:

And I think I've got more music knowledge than most people of my age. I mean, how many 15 year olds actually know about bands like ''the Doors'', for example?

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Haha:naughty:I know the feeling, when they started to write about MGMT more and more (and more) and also had posters of them I started to hate them a little bit less.:naughty:


It's a bit like reading teen magazines - I usually hate them but then they have posters, stickers and lots of other nice things :lmfao:.


Me neither. That's kinda predjudiced.

I mean, you can say you don't like the magazine, but I don't like when people say: ''All people who read this are idiots.'':boxed:


Thank you!!!!!


And I think I've got more music knowledge than most people of my age. I mean, how many 15 year olds actually know about bands like ''the Doors'', for example?


Oi, I had no idea you were 15! God, I'm old :tears:

But yes - I know what you mean. Haha, at work we had a guy that was 24 or so and knew EVERY. BLODDY. BAND. from 1950 onwards. He was GOOD.

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HI mean, how many 15 year olds actually know about bands like ''the Doors'', for example?


There are 15-year olds who don't know the Doors? :shocked:







I don't know what made them put Life in cartoon motion in this list...I actually think it's a genious title! But hey, let them say what they wanna say. It's just one opinion after all (and we know the truth haaaa :mf_rosetinted:).


It's always the same with the press: They have the power to hype a band/singer, but they can also drop them like a hot potato only sortly after. C'est la vie...and it won't change.

It's up to us to decide what to believe and what to make out of it.

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It's a bit like reading teen magazines - I usually hate them but then they have posters, stickers and lots of other nice things :lmfao:.




Thank you!!!!!




Oi, I had no idea you were 15! God, I'm old :tears:

But yes - I know what you mean. Haha, at work we had a guy that was 24 or so and knew EVERY. BLODDY. BAND. from 1950 onwards. He was GOOD.


Haha. I like that too. The only magazines I read now are CosmoGirl and such. Most magazines for my age suuuuck.


Haha. How old did you guess me?:naughty:And I'm not even 15 yet. I'll turn 15 Wednesday.

WOW! SERIOUSLY?:shocked:THAT is awesome!

In my class most people don't even know who Queen/Freddie Mercury were. And I was one of the only people that knew what Mick Jagger looks like. When I heard that I was shocked.

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In my class most people don't even know who Queen/Freddie Mercury were. And I was one of the only people that knew what Mick Jagger looks like. When I heard that I was shocked.


Holy **** but you're not the only one I know ppl who haven't heard of Abba :roftl:

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Same. Except for the drug addicts part. My favourite band happens to consists out of druggies (MGMT):naughty:


I don't like NME's attitude though. They always get a new band, love them, and a week later they treat them like sh*t already and step over to the next ones.


I did not say I did not like druggies' music (MGMT in particular ar awesome, I think). We would have never had the music of the 70s without drugs... I just don't like when music is judged by appearance. The junkie look was just an example but I might as well have said drunken look or in the 90s those psychadelic bands with the funny haircuts...

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I did not say I did not like druggies' music (MGMT in particular ar awesome, I think). We would have never had the music of the 70s without drugs... I just don't like when music is judged by appearance. The junkie look was just an example but I might as well have said drunken look or in the 90s those psychadelic bands with the funny haircuts...


I know you didn't say that. But I still think they sort of have the ''junkie look'':naughty:

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Haha. How old did you guess me?:naughty:And I'm not even 15 yet. I'll turn 15 Wednesday.


Haha, I had NO IDEA. But simply judging from your level of English you CANNOT be 'just' 14 :naughty:



WOW! SERIOUSLY?:shocked:THAT is awesome!


Well, Ed is hard to describe but... that guy knew. *shrugs* It was a bit annoying though. :naughty:


In my class most people don't even know who Queen/Freddie Mercury were. And I was one of the only people that knew what Mick Jagger looks like. When I heard that I was shocked.


What what what what? God, I don't understand humans. (But it's the same with people here. :blink:)




Suzie, honestly - this was IMO not necessary but anyway. "Historically they do not recognise talented performers. Their journalists only go for the look. (i.e if you look like a drug addict , always have a cigarette hanging out of your mouth and a bottle of beer in your left hand, then you can appear in NME) They and their readers know NOTHING about music, and are proud to be 'intellectual snobs' - whilst they are just poor, depressed people with a literature degree from Cambridge or a high school degree with 204 unpublished poems - they are so cool.:cool:" It IS a bit like a smash in the face.

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NME really hates him, no? :shocked::thumbdown:



That's so low. "Life In Cartoon Motion" is one of the best album titles ever, at least for me. It's so expressive and inspiring. :wub2:

I think the same. And some of the titles in that list aren't even that bad. I like the really long ones, and some of the pun ones:naughty:

Some of the pun ones are veeery bad though:roftl:And some are just stupid.

I meant it that way. I can be very aggressive in writing.:bonk:


Thanks then.


You're right about the poor and depressive part though, at least for me. I'm not the richest person, and I can be VERY depressive sometimes. I wish I had a degree in anything though.:naughty:

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I think the same. And some of the titles in that list aren't even that bad. I like the really long ones, and some of the pun ones:naughty:

Some of the pun ones are veeery bad though:roftl:And some are just stupid.



Yeah, I agree! There have been some titles which aren't so bad at all! But again there WERE some quite stupid... :roftl: for example, "Whoa Nelly!" .





sorry Nelly:naughty:

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In my class most people don't even know who Queen/Freddie Mercury were. And I was one of the only people that knew what Mick Jagger looks like. When I heard that I was shocked.


:boxed: Ouch!


Last year I was tutoring some kids, and one of them (a 13/14 yr old girl) got there all excited because her music teacher had showed her class a fabulous band they had never heard of....


...THE BEATLES!!!! :roftl:


(I'm not making fun, don't get me wrong. I just find funny the difference of musical culture between generations... And I'm glad they like some "old" bands, even if they discover them late, or by accident! :wink2:)

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Yeah, I agree! There have been some titles which aren't so bad at all! But again there WERE some quite stupid... :roftl: for example, "Whoa Nelly!" .




sorry Nelly:naughty:

I need to agree with that one:roftl:And the blablabla Pussy one was quite stupid aswell:naughty:



Last year I was tutoring some kids, and one of them (a 13/14 yr old girl) got there all excited because her music teacher had showed her class a fabulous band they had never heard of....


...THE BEATLES!!!! :roftl:


(I'm not making fun, don't get me wrong. I just find funny the difference of musical culture between generations... And I'm glad they like some "old" bands, even if they discover them late, or by accident! :wink2:)


It's a shame.:naughty:

My parents thought it was important for me to know who Queen, the Rolling Stones and so were. I was just brought up with that, and bands like Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin.

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It's a shame.:naughty:

My parents thought it was important for me to know who Queen, the Rolling Stones and so were. I was just brought up with that, and bands like Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin.


Me too, I grew up listening to my dad's records, including Queen, Pink Floyd, Janis Joplin, The Doors and many others.


But I think that it's normal for a 15 yr old not knowing bands that were famous 20 years before they were born.

I mean, ok, it's a bit shocking yes, but it's just the way things go. I don't know a lot of bands my dad and uncles use to listen to and sometimes I'm like "who??" and they look at me like I'm a freak! Then they remember I'm 25 and explain who those people were :naughty:



Aaaaannnnddd...we're like TOTALLY off topic, right? :naughty:

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