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but on the Paul O'Grady show she was at before she went to pick Mika up a little kid asked her if she had a boyfriend and she said no. I have to go now but anyone could find it by putting LADY GAGA PAUL O'GRADY SHOW in Youtube :thumb_yello:


You're right, she did, but she paused before she said it, so maybe she wasn't sure whether she should say or not.

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but on the Paul O'Grady show she was at before she went to pick Mika up a little kid asked her if she had a boyfriend and she said no. I have to go now but anyone could find it by putting LADY GAGA PAUL O'GRADY SHOW in Youtube :thumb_yello:


You're right, she did, but she paused before she said it, so maybe she wasn't sure whether she should say or not.



Well, to be fair, if I had been going out with a guy for just a month I wouldn't go around calling him my 'boyfriend' in public either. I would wait a bit before making such a public 'commitment' if you know what I mean....So I can understand that.

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This morning I was really bored in class...so while I was teaching I was thinking about this precious date...


it's such a pity that Sire wasn't in his best swearing mood :mad3:,

otherwise he could have opened his lavender door with a "****! Crap! Crap! Cover your ****ing arse!" :rolls_eyes:

Stupid good manners... :thumbdown:




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This morning I was really bored in class...so while I was teaching I was thinking about this precious date...


it's such a pity that Sire wasn't in his best swearing mood :mad3:,

otherwise he could have opened his lavender door with a "****! Crap! Crap! Cover your ****ing arse!" :rolls_eyes:

Stupid good manners... :thumbdown:





That's exactly what I was thinking... But instead he said "Ah capote good choice!" :naughty:

****ing good manners... :roftl:

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Similar to the comparison I made about her and the outfits that Mika's Big Girls wore on his last tour (in the other thread) - didn't Mika just have burlesque dancers wearing nothing but stickers on their nipples last week? :naughty:


Why is it only okay if Mika promotes or condones this type of dress? :bleh:

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Why is it only okay if Mika promotes or condones this type of dress? :bleh:


'Cause AFAIK Mika wasn't taking Ava Garter out for a bite at a trendy LA restaurant with nothing but pasties on her boobies. :roftl:


It's all about setting. The Big Girls look fine in their costumes on stage - because that's just it, they're costumes.


Lady GaGa just looks peculiar going out in public like that. But all things considered, that outfit was freakin' awesome compared to this number she tried to pull off in Paris:



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'Cause AFAIK Mika wasn't taking Ava Garter out for a bite at a trendy LA restaurant with nothing but pasties on her boobies. :roftl:


It's all about setting. The Big Girls look fine in their costumes on stage - because that's just it, they're costumes.


Lady GaGa just looks peculiar going out in public like that. But all things considered, that outfit was freakin' awesome compared to this number she tried to pull off in Paris:




I think that's just it though - to Lady Gaga, the world's her stage. Perhaps she is always putting on a performance and the lines are blurred.

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WHAT??? :yikes: You think that Mika's worth only £10,000? :shocked: Our boy is PRICELESS! :wub2:


:crybaby: its all i gooott.


*pulls out $10,000,000,000,000,000,000* OK ,this is worth about half an hour i think. damn i'll spend the rest of my life paying that off, but it'll be sooo worth it. :wub2:

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I think that's just it though - to Lady Gaga, the world's her stage. Perhaps she is always putting on a performance and the lines are blurred.


That's exactly what I think and I don't see why her lack of distinction is viewed as such a horrible character flaw. I also get this sort of method acting sense from her interviews and the way she seems to view the visuals as integral to her art and image. From what I've seen of her she is always "on" in the same way that Michael Jackson is.


Mika also goes out in public in what I consider to be costumes but it just so happens that his costumes are more conservative, which is a given considering that he's a man and not a young female popstar who makes a living wearing revealing clothing.


In Mika's case I think it is often the public whose lines are blurred and they don't understand that this public face is not exactly the "real" Mika which is how we end up with 50 pages of people moaning that he's changing for the worse when he's spotted in a simple polo shirt.

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That's exactly what I think and I don't see why her lack of distinction is viewed as such a horrible character flaw. I also get this sort of method acting sense from her interviews and the way she seems to view the visuals as integral to her art and image. From what I've seen of her she is always "on" in the same way that Michael Jackson is.


Mika also goes out in public in what I consider to be costumes but it just so happens that his costumes are more conservative, which is a given considering that he's a man and not a young female popstar who makes a living wearing revealing clothing.


In Mika's case I think it is often the public whose lines are blurred and they don't understand that this public face is not exactly the "real" Mika which is how we end up with 50 pages of people moaning that he's changing for the worse when he's spotted in a simple polo shirt.


I totally agree. :thumb_yello:

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:crybaby: its all i gooott.


*pulls out $10,000,000,000,000,000,000* OK ,this is worth about half an hour i think. damn i'll spend the rest of my life paying that off, but it'll be sooo worth it. :wub2:


there there :huglove:

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Similar to the comparison I made about her and the outfits that Mika's Big Girls wore on his last tour (in the other thread) - didn't Mika just have burlesque dancers wearing nothing but stickers on their nipples last week? :naughty:


Why is it only okay if Mika promotes or condones this type of dress? :bleh:


You know, this whole thing about 'burlesque', I just don't get. To me she was just a stripper. She was taking her clothes off doing some rather stiff moves. Not dancing, not doing anything that required any particular skill. All she did was lean on that big bull and take her clothes off.

Maybe I just don't get it :bleh: but to me it's all a major waste of time. I'd rather have the Chippendales any time :roftl:.

So yeah, Mika or no Mika, it makes no difference to how I feel about the whole striptease thing: bored out of my witts.




Well, if they date - they date. We can like, love or hate whoever he dates, but all that should matter to us as fans is that Mika is happy. :wink2:


That is very true, and a healthy attitude to the situation. One day, Mika will come out revealing whoever he's with at the time and some people will probably have trouble accepting whoever he's with, so they may as well just accept that he is who he is and therefore is with whoever he wants to.

This whole "he's single and whiter than white" school of thought is just a bit silly. He has obviously not been single for the past 2-3 years so we may as well accept whoever he is with. Mind you, not that I think that there is any chance that he's with Gaga but hey :naughty:.

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You know, this whole thing about 'burlesque', I just don't get. To me she was just a stripper. She was taking her clothes off doing some rather stiff moves. Not dancing, not doing anything that required any particular skill. All she did was lean on that big bull and take her clothes off.

Maybe I just don't get it :bleh: but to me it's all a major waste of time. I'd rather have the Chippendales any time :roftl:.

So yeah, Mika or no Mika, it makes no difference to how I feel about the whole striptease thing: bored out of my witts.






That is very true, and a healthy attitude to the situation. One day, Mika will come out revealing whoever he's with at the time and some people will probably have trouble accepting whoever he's with, so they may as well just accept that he is who he is and therefore is with whoever he wants to.

This whole "he's single and whiter than white" school of thought is just a bit silly. He has obviously not been single for the past 2-3 years so we may as well accept whoever he is with. Mind you, not that I think that there is any chance that he's with Gaga but hey :naughty:.



first part of your post..I SO agree with you sara!:thumb_yello:


second part...i'm SO fed up of agreeing on this point!:naughty:

it's been two years of agreeing so far!:roftl:

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I'd rather have the Chippendales any time :roftl:.


This whole "he's single and whiter than white" school of thought is just a bit silly. He has obviously not been single for the past 2-3 years so we may as well accept whoever he is with..


If Mica joins the Chippendales, yes, any time :wub2: .

Although they'd make him wax his chest and that would be such a shame :shocked: . So, come to think of it, I'd rather wait for him to flash his hairy bod on stage. Wonder on which new song it will be :wink2: ?


Rather two than three I believe but as for accepting it, don't hold your breath.

I bet you that if we found in the gutter press a photo of Mica snogging a guy's tonsils off 999 out of 1000 of his female fans would go : 'It's a hoax, the pic's a fake, he should sue their balls off :furious: !'.

Good to see that one MFCer at least has the candour to confess that she lives in denial, pity she is the only one to be so lucid :naughty: .





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If Mica joins the Chippendales, yes, any time :wub2: .

Although they'd make him wax his chest and that would be such a shame :shocked: . So, come to think of it, I'd rather wait for him to flash his hairy bod on stage. Wonder on which new song it will be :wink2: ?


Rather two than three I believe but as for accepting it, don't hold your breath.

I bet you that if we found in the gutter press a photo of Mica snogging a guy's tonsils off 999 out of 1000 of his female fans would go : 'It's a hoax, the pic's a fake, he should sue their balls off :furious: !'.

Good to see that one MFCer at least has the candour to confess that she lives in denial, pity she is the only one to be so lucid :naughty: .






Well, thanks for the lucidity comment, but I can assure you that I am well aware of the situation, and I am far from being in denial :naughty:.

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