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Ah omg. Shoot me now. I hate school work/assignments/projects/reports/etc. :(


I hate it too :sad:

but its almost summer :teehee:


You sound like me, though I'm quite hesitant about moving there now if Mika's going to be doing secret gigs here for every new album :teehee:


I wonder if he would really do that :naughty:

maybe some on the east coast next time...:teehee:

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Why do I have this weird obssession of writing everything I have in my mind down?


"To do list"

"To buy list"

"Unread books list"

"Interesting new hobbies"



It's sad:lmfao:

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I still love him, but she does too and she will take him far away from me.... THAT BITCH!




I cried today. :teehee:



About what?


Hope you're doing better *hugs* Everything will be alright


About White Lies' new music... but i'm not anxious anymore

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Yes! And I haven't even started. :naughty

Aww, it's okay. Thanks though. :wub2:

:roftl: You know, it's normal... Highschool doesn't make it any easier. We're all programmed to stress about our future:insane:

You're welcome:wub2::huglove:




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I still love him, but she does too and she will take him far away from me.... THAT BITCH!


Hope you're doing better *hugs* Everything will be alright


About White Lies' new music... but i'm not anxious anymore

That kinda, sorta, not really applies to me. :mf_rosetinted:


Thanks! I got over it already. Kinda. :naughty:


Oh cool! Was it a good anxious?

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