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If you don't learn to put up with the older fans' patronising attitude -and I am not referring to Christine, who may be a bit blunt at times but never sanctimonious and whose opinion is always interesting :thumb_yello: - you're going to suffer a lot here, love :naughty: !


Either you make fun of it or you just ignore it but I have found that blanking people is the most cruel thing to do. Are you a cruel person :shocked: ?






Surely- SURELY- you have noticed that I am the sweetest person in the entire universe?

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I can't even describe it... I never knew! When I first caught the Mika bug in summer/fall 2007 I watched every single video I could find, every performance, every interview. Thought I knew everything there was to know. Then I joined MCF a few months later and realized I'd only seen the tip of the iceberg... spent hours watching even more videos, reading gig report threads, discussing Mika. Then I went to my first Mika gig in Jan 2008, and thought I'd had "the experience", since Sara & Christine were saying it was the best gig of his they'd been to, and was thrilled I got to have a glimpse of him outside the venue after.


I thought that being in about the 6th/7th row at the Kool Haus was good. It was an amazing gig. I thought I 'got' it.


I am not meaning this in a patronizing way, but I have never experienced anything like I've just experienced at the Roxy. And to have THIS as my first time with the full experience (waiting in the queue all day, being in the front row in his direct line of sight from the keyboard, tiny stage, etc etc) was beyond words.


SUCH a high. Knowing that I was standing side by side at the front of the stage with other 'die hard' MFC'ers who's faces he recognized, getting SO much eye contact, smiles, (and - of course - the big high five I got after I gave him the thumbs up for BIOTG, which I will likely never shut up about). Feeling the hysteria in the room when the ENTIRE room started jumping during Love Today - seeing him grin at that and scream back to us "YOU'RE F*CKING AMAAAAAZING"! Seeing the happines & relief on his face when his new songs went over well, seeing his eyes scanning the crowd, watching us intently for our reactions during Toy Boy. Seeing all the little tiny facial expressions, gestures and nuances that I had missed even 7 rows back the year before. Hearing the quiet words that aren't meant for the audience, that you can't really hear in the videos or in the back of the room. Feeling the connection with him, the energy, knowing that he is looking back at you and feeding off of the way that you are responding to him.


On one hand I left the gig saying "My Mika experience is complete. Anything more than this is a bonus, but I am completely satisfied with having what I had tonight, and it can't get better than this anyway." (Well, that last part might be true - it was a one-of-a-kind gig)


But... I came back from it and couldn't stop grinning for two weeks. I sang out loud with my ipod in the grocery store. This sounds so lame to me, but I felt like my heart was bursting! For the first week it was like that all-encompassing, overwhelming, euphoric high that you have when you've fallen hard & fast in love. I couldn't do my work at the office. I couldn't think of anything else. I wanted to communicate to him how grateful I was for the experience because it is rare in life for things to bring you that level of joy. I do know that I sound ridiculous here. Trust me... it sounds extreme... but that's exactly how I felt.


Now that I've drifted back to earth I feel sane again. And now I want another concert. Now I'm willing to use my credit card to travel to get my hands on this drug again.







It sounds amazing- I think it says a lot about your character that things keep on getting better, as well as the experience.


It looks very much as if I'm not going to be able to go to the current tour- May/June is hugely busy both at university and in audit. And if I do it might be a flying visit. But if I can I'm gonna try the full queue experience. I'm quite severely phobic and might fail, but hey- I've failed before. However- I might cut up all my credit cards beforehand.

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You like his music very much, you have watched a few videos of his former gigs so you think that more or less you know what's going to happen and the way you are going to react to it.

But then, the moment he jumps on stage you take the full impact of his bigger-than-life presence, and it catches you unawares, no matter what you may have heard or read about it before.

And it is true that you can only feel it to the full standing in the first row.

As a matter of fact I have always thought that the Parc des Princes and Beirut concerts were inferior to the Brixton and Werchter ones but I wonder if, to some extent, it iwas not due to the distance from the stage.

A funny thing happened.

When I was standing in front, the high was so dizzy that I was completely oblivious of what wasn't happening on stage.

So much so that when, during Lollipop, a very big girl who must have been standing a few rows back, kept crushing me against the barriers in the most ruthless way, I only realised she had damaged my spine irretrievably when the paramedics took me to hospital .

But when I was in the PDP or Place des Martyrs in Beirut, I felt much more detached and enjoyed the show vicariously from the obvious pleasure, sheer happiness in B., the crowd was experiencing .

Yes, I agree with your post completely, you described it just the same way that I see it.

I need to comment on the bolded text though; I was at the front of the stage/catwalk end at Parc des Princes, more or less 3rd row, and saw Mika very close up, but STILL for me it was an inferior concert.

The “quality” of the audience interaction was far less, the quality of his singing was far less, and in general it just felt incredibly detached. Of course I won’t go as far as saying that it was crap, because no gig of M can be that, but it was definitely “my” personal worst Mika gig.

So no, I don’t think that it depended on the closeness to the stage in the PDP case.

I am not quite sure the first concert is not the best. The ones that follow you find back a feeling that is now familiar to you but at the first one you enter an entirely new plane, until then unknown to you .

Absolutely. Totally, totally true. The first time is always magical. I was lucky to experience it in a tiny venue (ICA, itunes festival June 07) so for me it ticked both boxes, but still the feeling I had when I saw him there in front of me was irrepetible.

I can't even describe it... I never knew! When I first caught the Mika bug in summer/fall 2007 I watched every single video I could find, every performance, every interview. Thought I knew everything there was to know. Then I joined MCF a few months later and realized I'd only seen the tip of the iceberg... spent hours watching even more videos, reading gig report threads, discussing Mika. Then I went to my first Mika gig in Jan 2008, and thought I'd had "the experience", since Sara & Christine were saying it was the best gig of his they'd been to, and was thrilled I got to have a glimpse of him outside the venue after.

I thought that being in about the 6th/7th row at the Kool Haus was good. It was an amazing gig. I thought I 'got' it.

I am notmeaning this in a patronizing way, but I have never experienced anything like I've just experienced at the Roxy. And to have THIS as my first time with the full experience (waiting in the queue all day, being in the front row in his direct line of sight from the keyboard, tiny stage, etc etc) was beyond words.

SUCH a high. Knowing that I was standing side by side at the front of the stage with other 'die hard' MFC'ers who's faces he recognized, getting SO much eye contact, smiles, (and - of course - the big high five I got after I gave him the thumbs up for BIOTG, which I will likely never shut up about). Feeling the hysteria in the room when the ENTIRE room started jumping during Love Today - seeing him grin at that and scream back to us "YOU'RE F*CKING AMAAAAAZING"! Seeing the happines & relief on his face when his new songs went over well, seeing his eyes scanning the crowd, watching us intently for our reactions during Toy Boy. Seeing all the little tiny facial expressions, gestures and nuances that I had missed even 7 rows back the year before. Hearing the quiet words that aren't meant for the audience, that you can't really hear in the videos or in the back of the room. Feeling the connection with him, the energy, knowing that he is looking back at you and feeding off of the way that you are responding to him.

On one hand I left the gig saying "My Mika experience is complete. Anything more than this is a bonus, but I am completely satisfied with having what I had tonight, and it can't get better than this anyway." (Well, that last part might be true - it was a one-of-a-kind gig)

But... I came back from it and couldn't stop grinning for two weeks. I sang out loud with my ipod in the grocery store. This sounds so lame to me, but I felt like my heart was bursting! For the first week it was like that all-encompassing, overwhelming, euphoric high that you have when you've fallen hard & fast in love. I couldn't do my work at the office. I couldn't think of anything else. I wanted to communicate to him how grateful I was for the experience because it is rare in life for things to bring you that level of joy. I do know that I sound ridiculous here. Trust me... it sounds extreme... but that's exactly how I felt.

Now that I've drifted back to earth I feel sane again. And now I want another concert. Now I'm willing to use my credit card to travel to get my hands on this drug again.


What can I say? You have described it all beautifully, and precisely. 100 % agree.

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I can't even describe it... I never knew! When I first caught the Mika bug in summer/fall 2007 I watched every single video I could find, every performance, every interview. Thought I knew everything there was to know. Then I joined MCF a few months later and realized I'd only seen the tip of the iceberg... spent hours watching even more videos, reading gig report threads, discussing Mika. Then I went to my first Mika gig in Jan 2008, and thought I'd had "the experience", since Sara & Christine were saying it was the best gig of his they'd been to, and was thrilled I got to have a glimpse of him outside the venue after.


I thought that being in about the 6th/7th row at the Kool Haus was good. It was an amazing gig. I thought I 'got' it.


I am not meaning this in a patronizing way, but I have never experienced anything like I've just experienced at the Roxy. And to have THIS as my first time with the full experience (waiting in the queue all day, being in the front row in his direct line of sight from the keyboard, tiny stage, etc etc) was beyond words.


SUCH a high. Knowing that I was standing side by side at the front of the stage with other 'die hard' MFC'ers who's faces he recognized, getting SO much eye contact, smiles, (and - of course - the big high five I got after I gave him the thumbs up for BIOTG, which I will likely never shut up about). Feeling the hysteria in the room when the ENTIRE room started jumping during Love Today - seeing him grin at that and scream back to us "YOU'RE F*CKING AMAAAAAZING"! Seeing the happines & relief on his face when his new songs went over well, seeing his eyes scanning the crowd, watching us intently for our reactions during Toy Boy. Seeing all the little tiny facial expressions, gestures and nuances that I had missed even 7 rows back the year before. Hearing the quiet words that aren't meant for the audience, that you can't really hear in the videos or in the back of the room. Feeling the connection with him, the energy, knowing that he is looking back at you and feeding off of the way that you are responding to him.


On one hand I left the gig saying "My Mika experience is complete. Anything more than this is a bonus, but I am completely satisfied with having what I had tonight, and it can't get better than this anyway." (Well, that last part might be true - it was a one-of-a-kind gig)


But... I came back from it and couldn't stop grinning for two weeks. I sang out loud with my ipod in the grocery store. This sounds so lame to me, but I felt like my heart was bursting! For the first week it was like that all-encompassing, overwhelming, euphoric high that you have when you've fallen hard & fast in love. I couldn't do my work at the office. I couldn't think of anything else. I wanted to communicate to him how grateful I was for the experience because it is rare in life for things to bring you that level of joy. I do know that I sound ridiculous here. Trust me... it sounds extreme... but that's exactly how I felt.


Now that I've drifted back to earth I feel sane again. And now I want another concert. Now I'm willing to use my credit card to travel to get my hands on this drug again.







I know ! Your cheekbones ache so much :shocked: but you can't do anything about it :no: until they have come down on their own accord. Still, it's a lovely pain, isn't it :wink2: ?





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Yes, I agree with your post completely, you described it just the same way that I see it.

I need to comment on the bolded text though; I was at the front of the stage/catwalk end at Parc des Princes, more or less 3rd row, and saw Mika very close up, but STILL for me it was an inferior concert.

The “quality” of the audience interaction was far less, the quality of his singing was far less, and in general it just felt incredibly detached. Of course I won’t go as far as saying that it was crap, because no gig of M can be that, but it was definitely “my” personal worst Mika gig.

So no, I don’t think that it depended on the closeness to the stage in the PDP case.

Absolutely. Totally, totally true. The first time is always magical. I was lucky to experience it in a tiny venue (ICA, itunes festival June 07) so for me it ticked both boxes, but still the feeling I had when I saw him there in front of me was irrepetible.

What can I say? You have described it all beautifully, and precisely. 100 % agree.


Yep, a rather soulless concert I am afraid... although I must say that I was sitting, then soon standing, next to people who had never watched a M gig before and seeing the magic operate on them gave me a very warm feeling.


As for Beirut the vibes from and to the stage were so intense that it gripped you in the chest, even though the musicians were understandably nervous and exhausted by their year and a half on the road.

Being there was a wonderful privilege and if, in the years to come, Mica graces Beirut with his presence again I hope to be able to go to that fair city and watch his concert.


Concerning the PDP, I have a confession to make : I left before the end, during the French version of GK, I think, in order not to be caught in the throng.

No way I would have done that at Brixton Academy or the Werchter !





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Yep, a rather soulless concert I am afraid... although I must say that I was sitting, then soon standing, next to people who had never watched a M gig before and seeing the magic operate on them gave me a very warm feeling.


As for Beirut the vibes from and to the stage were so intense that it gripped you in the chest, even though the musicians were understandably nervous and exhausted by their year and a half on the road.

Being there was a wonderful privilege and if, in the years to come, Mica graces Beirut with his presence again I hope to be able to go to that fair city and watch his concert.


Concerning the PDP, I have a confession to make : I left before the end, during the French version of GK, I think, in order not to be caught in the throng.

No way I would have done that at Brixton Academy or the Werchter !






Well, I'm glad that I didn't do that at Brixton, or I would have missed the highlight of my year when he walked out on stage wearing the T-shirt that I had made for him several months prior :roftl::wub2:

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I can't even describe it... I never knew! When I first caught the Mika bug in summer/fall 2007 I watched every single video I could find, every performance, every interview. Thought I knew everything there was to know. Then I joined MCF a few months later and realized I'd only seen the tip of the iceberg... spent hours watching even more videos, reading gig report threads, discussing Mika. Then I went to my first Mika gig in Jan 2008, and thought I'd had "the experience", since Sara & Christine were saying it was the best gig of his they'd been to, and was thrilled I got to have a glimpse of him outside the venue after.


I thought that being in about the 6th/7th row at the Kool Haus was good. It was an amazing gig. I thought I 'got' it.


I am not meaning this in a patronizing way, but I have never experienced anything like I've just experienced at the Roxy. And to have THIS as my first time with the full experience (waiting in the queue all day, being in the front row in his direct line of sight from the keyboard, tiny stage, etc etc) was beyond words.


SUCH a high. Knowing that I was standing side by side at the front of the stage with other 'die hard' MFC'ers who's faces he recognized, getting SO much eye contact, smiles, (and - of course - the big high five I got after I gave him the thumbs up for BIOTG, which I will likely never shut up about). Feeling the hysteria in the room when the ENTIRE room started jumping during Love Today - seeing him grin at that and scream back to us "YOU'RE F*CKING AMAAAAAZING"! Seeing the happines & relief on his face when his new songs went over well, seeing his eyes scanning the crowd, watching us intently for our reactions during Toy Boy. Seeing all the little tiny facial expressions, gestures and nuances that I had missed even 7 rows back the year before. Hearing the quiet words that aren't meant for the audience, that you can't really hear in the videos or in the back of the room. Feeling the connection with him, the energy, knowing that he is looking back at you and feeding off of the way that you are responding to him.


On one hand I left the gig saying "My Mika experience is complete. Anything more than this is a bonus, but I am completely satisfied with having what I had tonight, and it can't get better than this anyway." (Well, that last part might be true - it was a one-of-a-kind gig)


But... I came back from it and couldn't stop grinning for two weeks. I sang out loud with my ipod in the grocery store. This sounds so lame to me, but I felt like my heart was bursting! For the first week it was like that all-encompassing, overwhelming, euphoric high that you have when you've fallen hard & fast in love. I couldn't do my work at the office. I couldn't think of anything else. I wanted to communicate to him how grateful I was for the experience because it is rare in life for things to bring you that level of joy. I do know that I sound ridiculous here. Trust me... it sounds extreme... but that's exactly how I felt.


Now that I've drifted back to earth I feel sane again. And now I want another concert. Now I'm willing to use my credit card to travel to get my hands on this drug again.







Just love your post ..... I've only seen him once ..... I would give anything to see him again ..... :wub2: I want some Mika magic .... I got some last year .... but It's never enough ..... the more I read and the more I watch ..... it just becomes a ...... need ..... I can't describe it ..... I just want to go .... now ..... If I can get to the London/UK acoustic gig .... I would die a happy girly .... ok .... woman (must remember I am not a teeny :wink2:) I can't really go to any of the others abroad even if and when he announces them ..... but as long as I get to see him this year - my year will be complete .... :blush-anim-cl:


He just makes me feel ..... like I've not felt in a long time ..... I can't even explain it .... it just is ..... :bleh:

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Well, I'm glad that I didn't do that at Brixton, or I would have missed the highlight of my year when he walked out on stage wearing the T-shirt that I had made for him several months prior


Were you the girl who went 'Oh my goodness, my t-shirt, he's wearing my t-shirt !' :shocked: ?

I have known three-year-olds who sounded less happy on Christmas day :wink2: .


And Sire seems to like it too : he has been wearing it again and again... 'it' or 'them', I am sure you didn't forget to send him three, it is very dangerous to play with a freak's nerves, faced with just one t-shirt he might have had a panick attack :naughty: .


Confessions do have their usefulness : I feel so much better now, and no judgmental priest to tut tut me... bet you a MFCer is soon going to tell me off for such blasphemous behaviour though :mad: .





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Were you the girl who went 'Oh my goodness, my t-shirt, he's wearing my t-shirt !' :shocked: ?

I have known three-year-olds who sounded less happy on Christmas day :wink2: .


And Sire seems to like it too : he has been wearing it again and again... 'it' or 'them', I am sure you didn't forget to send him three, it is very dangerous to play with a freak's nerves, faced with just one t-shirt he might have had a panick attack :naughty: .


Confessions do have their usefulness : I feel so much better now, and no judgmental priest to tut tut me... bet you a MFCer is soon going to tell me off for such blasphemous behaviour though :mad: .





It was me indeed... :blush: I'm afraid that I will never live that one down. I must say though that I didn't realise at all that I was being so loud and that it would be so clear in the video,haha :original:


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If you don't learn to put up with the older fans' patronising attitude -and I am not referring to Christine, who may be a bit blunt at times but never sanctimonious and whose opinion is always interesting :thumb_yello: - you're going to suffer a lot here, love :naughty: !


Either you make fun of it or you just ignore it but I have found that blanking people is the most cruel thing to do. Are you a cruel person :shocked: ?






Please do not mix older MFCers up with just older fans. Different concepts. Thanks!

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Were you the girl who went 'Oh my goodness, my t-shirt, he's wearing my t-shirt !' :shocked: ?

I have known three-year-olds who sounded less happy on Christmas day :wink2: .


And Sire seems to like it too : he has been wearing it again and again... 'it' or 'them', I am sure you didn't forget to send him three, it is very dangerous to play with a freak's nerves, faced with just one t-shirt he might have had a panick attack :naughty: .


Confessions do have their usefulness : I feel so much better now, and no judgmental priest to tut tut me... bet you a MFCer is soon going to tell me off for such blasphemous behaviour though :mad: .





Oh and it was only one Tshirt. Took me enough effort to make one!

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I went to buy the Go to last postQ magazine today, but they only had the May and it was 8.50 Euros. :shocked::tears: So I guess I won't buy it. And I went to the music shop, and asked about the EP, and they said they would have it around 22/23th of May, and that it would cost aroung 17 Euros. But I think the man I talked to thought that it was the 2nd CD.

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Oooooooh.... Celien...Thank you for this photo! I admired to it already seeing its small picture.. And here it is greater and bright. Mika such such ... As if Him have disturbed and have lowered from His Heavens to the transitory Earth

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It was me indeed... :blush: I'm afraid that I will never live that one down. I must say though that I didn't realise at all that I was being so loud and that it would be so clear in the video,haha :original:



Sorry to rub it in (actually, I am enjoying every minute of it :devil: ) but was it on the 28th ? I was to the right of the stage and I think I heard you but then when I am music high my perception is at the same time blurred and enhanced so I may be mistaking what I heard that night and what I watched on utube.

Id3 on acid... that's scary :shocked: !





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I can't read what is written next to it, but I can read the lyrics a bit,

I think you can find them in this thread:




I bought it in an international press shop in Ghent :thumb_yello:




you're welcome :wub2:


thx for the scans, celien!! :punk:


so the lyrics in the little pic should be blaime it on the girls ones..? :blink: am curious about it :bleh:

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thx for the scans, celien!! :punk:


so the lyrics in the little pic should be blaime it on the girls ones..? :blink: am curious about it :bleh:


yep! They're Blame it on the girls lyrics! :punk: They're in the BIOTGthread!

Edited by celien
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But there are a couple of things I always tell newbie concertgoers and follow-up surveys almost always confirm my theory.


1. If you think going to a concert will get Mika out of your system you are wrong. No matter how desperately you think you want to see Mika you don't even know what you're missing until you experience it and it will only get worse after the first gig.



So so true. My first Mika gig in Leeds was my first gig in - how many years??? lots of years. I was about half way back and struggled to see sometimes but I loved every minute. And, I thought, that would be the one and only. But it isn't possible.



I know !


You like his music very much, you have watched a few videos of his former gigs so you think that more or less you know what's going to happen and the way you are going to react to it :original: .


But then, the moment he jumps on stage you take the full impact of his bigger-than-life presence :shocked: , and it catches you unawares, no matter what you may have heard or read about it before.


And it is true that you can only feel it to the full standing in the first row.


I am not quite sure the first concert is not the best. The ones that follow you find back a feeling that is now familiar to you but at the first one you enter an entirely new plane, until then unknown to you :wub2: .






I'm fairly sure that first one is most special. And all the stuff you read about addiction is so true where Mika is concerned. I'll just see him once, and once more.... and I won't go to Ireland, except that I would if it was confirmed in time for me to organise...




Well, I'm glad that I didn't do that at Brixton, or I would have missed the highlight of my year when he walked out on stage wearing the T-shirt that I had made for him several months prior


Did he? Have you mentioned that before? It seems an oversight on your part :roftl:


Sorry :sorry:... and I anyway I don't notice people's age, I am blind to it :wink2: .






Well done :)

Edited by Ruth
sorry, rubbish quoting................
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Sorry to rub it in (actually, I am enjoying every minute of it :devil: ) but was it on the 28th ? I was to the right of the stage and I think I heard you but then when I am music high my perception is at the same time blurred and enhanced so I may be mistaking what I heard that night and what I watched on utube.

Id3 on acid... that's scary :shocked: !






It was on the 28th, yes, but I was to the left of the stage (looking towards the stage), on Martin's side, so I doubt that you would have heard me screaming from the other side :naughty:.

You most likely heard me on the video:



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It was on the 28th, yes, but I was to the left of the stage (looking towards the stage), on Martin's side, so I doubt that you would have heard me screaming from the other side :naughty:.

You most likely heard me on the video:



I have the mp3 version of that video on my ipod.


You're reaction always makes me smile when I listen to that song. :naughty:

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