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Can this be purchased in the US?


The magazine? Yes. The EP? Not sure yet.


They sell Q magazine here too :wink2:









Yup. But don't go looking for it now. I think I remember reading that FD got an early copy from the editor or something.


Actually FD was kidding when he said that. He just bought it at a

news stand. Around here, Q magazine is sold in the bigger book stores

like Borders and Barnes and Noble. This is the June issue, so I'm not sure

when it might reach the US, though -- I'm going to have a look when

I'm out and about tomorrow, will let you know. :thumb_yello:

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Actually FD was kidding when he said that. He just bought it at a

news stand. Around here, Q magazine is sold in the bigger book stores

like Borders and Barnes and Noble. This is the June issue, so I'm not sure

when it might reach the US, though -- I'm going to have a look when

I'm out and about tomorrow, will let you know. :thumb_yello:



Thanks for the info :wink2:

I'll have to beg my mom to take me to Borders every weekend :)

I heard a lot of Borders will be closing though. Stupid economy :thumbdown::tears:

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Actually FD was kidding when he said that. He just bought it at a

news stand. Around here, Q magazine is sold in the bigger book stores

like Borders and Barnes and Noble. This is the June issue, so I'm not sure

when it might reach the US, though -- I'm going to have a look when

I'm out and about tomorrow, will let you know. :thumb_yello:


Thank you Deb! :wub2: Looking forward to getting my hands on one.

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I am super-happy to have this information on the forum, and it does me good to remind myself that I don't need to go on ebay or some import record shop in order to get my own copy....


There is no hurry to go out and buy Q magazine, they will not be selling out just yet! Not everyone is a Mika fan, and it is far more likely the fans of the fellow on the cover will be buying it than Mika's diehards!!


I have already bought WAAAAAY too many Mika-featured magazines, etc.

http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/album.php?albumid=123 (and that is only the music, not the shelves of other stuff :blink:)


So I am glad FD bought the mag and uploaded the necessary info, it reduces my clutter:naughty:

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I am super-happy to have this information on the forum, and it does me good to remind myself that I don't need to go on ebay or some import record shop in order to get my own copy....


There is no hurry to go out and buy Q magazine, they will not be selling out just yet! Not everyone is a Mika fan, and it is far more likely the fans of the fellow on the cover will be buying it than Mika's diehards!!


I have already bought WAAAAAY too many Mika-featured magazines, etc.

http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/album.php?albumid=123 (and that is only the music, not the shelves of other stuff :blink:)


So I am glad FD bought the mag and uploaded the necessary info, it reduces my clutter:naughty:


ha! soon you'll have to get your own warehouse for your mika stuff!

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Come on now, that's the fun of it. Catching Mika out is great sport and learning to read between the lines is an artform I think some of us have learned to master after two years. That's why I'm sure I wouldn't find Mika anywhere near as entertaining if I wasn't an English speaker.


Mika's really not all that inherently interesting and I find some of the nonsense he tries to project even less interesting than he seems to believe people will find it. But I am fascinated by the fact that he does it and that he is so adept at masking the truth and telling contradictory stories without actually lying in the strictest sense of the word.


I find it all a part of his charm. :naughty:


I do. Find him interesting.


He just needs to grow up, realise that childhood is not necessarily a golden age, can be a rotten one, in spite of what you mum's been telling you since you started understanding what went out of adults' mouths.

Point is, seeing a therapist might help and he won't. Not yet anyway.


When he half-lies or contradicts himself, I tend to wonder which part of it is manipulation and which is being taken in by his own half-truths :confused:... very likely a bit of both :naughty:






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I do. Find him interesting.


He just needs to grow up, realise that childhood is not necessarily a golden age, can be a rotten one, in spite of what you mum's been telling you since you started understanding what went out of adults' mouths.

Point is, seeing a therapist might help and he won't. Not yet anyway.


When he half-lies or contradicts himself, I tend to wonder which part of it is manipulation and which is being taken in by his own half-truths :confused:... very likely a bit of both :naughty:







Actually he may believe that settling accounts in his songs constitutes a very effective therapy... which it must, in a modest way.





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]i can't help but to think he must have been a hard teenager to handle[/b] :naughty:



As far as I can judge -but then it's only second-hand and just observing people round me, no kids of my own- with adolescents, as well as with children or adults, parents to some extent reap what they have sown.

'to some extent' being the operative phrase though :wink2: .





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I do. Find him interesting.


He just needs to grow up, realise that childhood is not necessarily a golden age, can be a rotten one, in spite of what you mum's been telling you since you started understanding what went out of adults' mouths.

Point is, seeing a therapist might help and he won't. Not yet anyway.


When he half-lies or contradicts himself, I tend to wonder which part of it is manipulation and which is being taken in by his own half-truths :confused:... very likely a bit of both :naughty:







Hopefully the bit (when? I forget) about not seeing a therapist because your mental problems are what make you interesting is one of the things that shouldn't be believed. Daftest thing he's said yet!

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Yeah, I agree. You hit the nail on the head with your use of the word "growl" - in the Roxy performance, he really is growling through the right parts of the song, innocently singing other parts. I think his intonation will be lost amidst all the strings and flutes or whatever he has.


I want to hear Toy Boy with just Mika on a proper piano. :wub2:


There is hope that the orchestra and the flutes will only come in loud in between verses if not, we can still complain then - no need to worry now.



"OMG, no, I'm not into that whole plushy thing, it's just fun, I didn't even know about such a fetish, blah, blah, blah".


~Mika spends two years with everyone thinking he's making music for six year-olds, gets tired of it, changes his spin~


June 2009


"Oh yeah, I make mature music, even the costumes thing is a reference to a fetish community. See? Not children's music, nope, nuh-uh. I make grownup music that references slightly deviant orgies!"



I only hope that he won't be apologetic about the things he did while promoting the first album or claim that it was all meant to be understood differently...etc. The media will kill him. I have seen that before.:cool:

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Come on now, that's the fun of it. Catching Mika out is great sport and learning to read between the lines is an artform I think some of us have learned to master after two years. That's why I'm sure I wouldn't find Mika anywhere near as entertaining if I wasn't an English speaker.


Mika's really not all that inherently interesting and I find some of the nonsense he tries to project even less interesting than he seems to believe people will find it. But I am fascinated by the fact that he does it and that he is so adept at masking the truth and telling contradictory stories without actually lying in the strictest sense of the word.


I find it all a part of his charm. :naughty:


In other words, he doesn't take himself seriously but takes his profession seriously... you cannot but adore this attitude:wub2:

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There is hope that the orchestra and the flutes will only come in loud in between verses if not, we can still complain then - no need to worry now.




I only hope that he won't be apologetic about the things he did while promoting the first album or claim that it was all meant to be understood differently...etc. The media will kill him. I have seen that before.:cool:


No- I'm a bit uneasy about how he seems to be changing the age LICM covers. But I'm looking forward to the full version of toy boy- I wasn't keen on the LA version musically. Sounded like those awful comedy songs you used to see on the telly sunday nights.

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In other words, he doesn't take himself seriously but takes his profession seriously... you cannot but adore this attitude:wub2:


I'm not sure how you got that from what Christine said, but it seems to be somehting that changed (for the better) over the course of the last 2 years. Let's see how a year in the studio has affected him

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I'm not sure how you got that from what Christine said, but it seems to be somehting that changed (for the better) over the course of the last 2 years. Let's see how a year in the studio has affected him


The first part is what Christine said. The second part is a fact we agree on, isn't it?


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Hopefully the bit (when? I forget) about not seeing a therapist because your mental problems are what make you interesting is one of the things that shouldn't be believed. Daftest thing he's said yet!


And he has said a few :lmao: !


The point is that like most people -he is highly intelligent but his learning is patchy to say the least- he thinks that therapy changes people :no: while it is aimed at helping them get a better knowledge of who they are and what makes them act in such and such a way. Whether they change or not is their own personal choice.

Therapists should never suggest. As a matter of fact the best ones are practically mute :naughty: .


I can't resist, here is a good friend of mine's analysis of neurosis (he is a psychiatrist and a therapist) : 'We all are neurotic but most of us get along beautifully with our neurosis, it's when we start having issues with it that we need help...'.

I find it very refreshing :wink2: ; so few physicians are pragmatic :thumbdown: .






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In other words, he doesn't take himself seriously but takes his profession seriously... you cannot but adore this attitude:wub2:


Oh but he does take number one very seriously... very seriously indeed :shocked: !

As well as his job but then you can't sever one from the other, music and he are siamese twins.


It's his interlocutors he doesn't take seriously :wink2: .





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The point is that like most people -he is highly intelligent but his learning is patchy to say the least- he thinks that therapy changes people :no: while it is aimed at helping them get a better knowledge of who they are and what makes them act in such and such a way. Whether they change or not is their own personal choice.

Therapists should never suggest. As a matter of fact the best ones are practically mute :naughty: .



Practically speaking, a therapy session is the modern way of confession that can be found in all religions.

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'We all are neurotic but most of us get along beautifully with our neurosis, it's when we start having issues with it that we need help...'.


I like this :thumb_yello:


I know ! All the more so as at first sight it just seems clever and catchy but when you analyse it more deeply it is so very true...


Is Sire still getting along well with his own neurosis ? Seems to have found some kind of balance... but then he is so private, difficult to say. And it is none of our business anyway :wink2: .





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Oh but he does take number one very seriously... very seriously indeed :shocked: !

As well as his job but then you can't sever one from the other, music and he are siamese twins.


It's his interlocutors he doesn't take seriously :wink2: .







Well, what I meant is that he has no sleepless nights over what people think about him as long as he believes the acts that he does supports the message he wants to convey... but I think you know what I meant:wink2:

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Practically speaking, a therapy session is the modern way of confession that can be found in all religions.


Ah, but then priests are hardly mute :naughty: and they do tell you to change :thumbdown: ...

If you want an emotional and judgmental reaction, why not just tell your best friend :wink2: ?

But if you really need help, better go for the real thing.


Come to think of it, Sire, who described himself as 'a good Roman Catholic boy', may get confused :confused: and think therapists are cuter versions of confessors ?





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Well, what I meant is that he has no sleepless nights over what people think about him as long as he believes the acts that he does supports the message he wants to convey... but I think you know what I meant:wink2:


No, actually I had got it wrong -thanks for explaining what you meant :thumb_yello:-.


And when I say that he doesn't take his interlocutors seriously I mean that he doesn't mind telling pretty fibs to them as long as the image they get of him is the one he tries to convey.

If he failed he might well lose some of his beauty sleep over it as he is very image conscious and as we are supposed to accept -and admire- his authorised persona.


I am afraid I can hardly adore him for that :wink2: .





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No, actually I had got it wrong -thanks for explaining what you meant :thumb_yello:-.


And when I say that he doesn't take his interlocutors seriously I mean that he doesn't mind telling pretty fibs to them as long as the image they get of him is the one he tries to convey.

If he failed he might well lose some of his beauty sleep over it as he is very image conscious and as we are supposed to accept -and admire- his authorised persona.


I am afraid I can hardly adore him for that :wink2: .






Yes, I understood what you meant and I fully agree with it.... I think the confusion basically was that I was talking about 'taking himself seriously' in general, and not regarding interviews.. I meant him getting dressed in animal costumes and singing Dolly Parton at concerts..etc. On the surface it all looks pretty shallow, while the message he conveys is the opposite but not everyone has the receptors to get it, particularly the press...

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