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MIKA @ Ancienne Belgique | Brussels, BELGIUM


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A lot of fun to everyone who's going! :thumb_yello:


Unfortunately I can't go, I don't have a ticket, owing to a technical problem on the abconcert ticket site :emot-sad:

Who wants to buy Misia tickets if you click on MIKA tickets! :mad3: Can't help it but the word ticket "service" irritates me on this moment.

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Nope, I'm pretty sure this one is GA.


I'm off to the venue in a little while here, just need to grab a shower. I have the MFC flag, so I'll be pretty obvious. :roftl:



Aaah, thanks, I see :thumb_yello:.

Btw, did Mika sign the flag in Amsterdam?? It would be great if he signed it at all the gigs!

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Olga is already there??? Bloody hell, that's early.


Hope you meet up with her Mana, and have the flag at the front there.:teehee:


Have a very speshul time you lot. I'll be waiting for you when you get back:wub2:

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Aaah, thanks, I see :thumb_yello:.

Btw, did Mika sign the flag in Amsterdam?? It would be great if he signed it at all the gigs!


He did. :original:



Have fun everyone who's going to this gig! I'll be waiting for your reports, cos it's much more fun than the studying I'm supposed to be doing. :naughty:

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Olga is already there in the queue from 7.00am ... she is completely mad :lmfao:


Or brilliant .... I haven't decided which yet .... I'm leaning towards the former though .... she is certainly dedicated though .... :wub2:


I wouldn't have the guts to queue on my own at 7.00am anywhere :blink:

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He did. :original:



Have fun everyone who's going to this gig! I'll be waiting for your reports, cos it's much more fun than the studying I'm supposed to be doing. :naughty:



Thanks! :thumb_yello: That is fantastic :biggrin2:. I think that Mika is really excited about this 'signing the flag at each gig' thing, and will make sure he does it now hahaha. So cute.

I have a video of the moment when he was signing the flag in Berlin,which I will try and post soon.

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