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@ wasabi, idd! I hope people will stop with the whole 'Europe doesn't love uk' now :naughty: A decent song and amazing voice were all it took :wink2:


Yeah, that's also what I think :wink2:

My dad told me today that he voted for the UK :aah:



But I have to say, my faith is being restored in the Eurovision....the last few years were really awful, but the standard is improving and it's gradually returning to its former glory

(although I still think Spain should've been in the top 5 :mf_rosetinted:)



I agree! I think it was one of the best Eurovision finals in years, if not the best. There were only few songs I didn't like AT ALL...so yeah, that's pretty cool.

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I watched a bit of in on BBC.

Graham: ''I wanna wear some trashy old wrapping paper, wonder where I can find one?''

*Camera zooms in on dress of host*

''Oooh, there's one!''


I'm glad Norway won.:original:

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The Norwegian song is growing on me more and more...I mean, I liked it anyway, but there's something about the tune to the words LOVE and FAIRYTALE in the chorus that sound too minor or diminished or something for me.....


But I have to say, my faith is being restored in the Eurovision....the last few years were really awful, but the standard is improving and it's gradually returning to its former glory

(although I still think Spain should've been in the top 5 :mf_rosetinted:)



I know right, maybe the standard's improved cause countries knew there would be a jury this time? Perhaps now they have a feeling they have a chance.


I also think Norway deserved to win, only got some doubts about the other numbers in the chart...anyway must agree also on the ~brilliance of the ESC 2009 edition...the host country wanted to make a blingin impression at any cost :pinkbow:


Yeah true... I don't really get why some songs didn't end up higher... But all in all, I really think the top five was somewhat deserved :thumb_yello:


Best Eurovision ever :woot_jump:


Best moment was when Dima's jacket got caught :naughty:


Another lmao moment was when those confetti thingies flew in his eyes/mouth/nose/ears :aah:

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I hope people will stop with the whole 'Europe doesn't love uk' now :naughty: A decent song and amazing voice were all it took :wink2:


The UK song was nice - though not exceptional IMO - and Jade's performance was really excellent, but let's not be fooled: the main reason UK did well this year (unlike previous few years) was due to the change in the voting system. :thumb_yello:


It was great to see Eurovision back to its former glory, with the best songs and performances getting due recognition again rather than being lost amid the awful political block voting of the last few years :biggrin2:.


I take it back: it wasn't that Europe didn't like us. The voting system just didn't like us. Last night was proof.

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Hmmm, I do agree on some level, but I really have to stress that I really liked the song and especially the voice, wow! The uk entries from the last couple of years were... well.. not good imo. So this good song combined with the new voting system did the trick!


I'm really glad the 'block-vote' that was soooo obvious last year, was hardly there:thumb_yello:

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just one final note on Eurovision.....


On UK entry: as Droopsy said 'a decent song and amazing voice were all it took ' ... but it really was nothing special. Not all ALW songs are special.. Last year and especially the year before the UK entries were a nightmare, you have to be realistic on that.


Results were only partly due to the change of the voting system...


1., I strongly believe that the 4 founding nations would always do better if they were participating inthe semi-finals as most viewers would already be exposed to the song and they would get more media coverage...etc. By the time of the finals most people already have a favourite that they heard in the semi-finals, the media across Europe has favourites... I think the UK, Germany, France and ...( I don't remember which the fourth country is) should give up their rights of not having to take part in the semi-finals. It is working against them!


2., Don't be fooled and think a Western European song won the competition.

As I mentioned on Thursday, when first hearing it, it was NOT a Norwegian song ... And now it turns out that this guy is Belorussian and he wrote the song himself, proving that blood is thicker than water.

What I mean is that it was a SLAVIC SONG performed by a violinist whoso virtuoso appealed to Eastern and Western Europeans alike. + guy is Xtra cute, of course. Hence the landslide victory:cool:


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I watched a bit of in on BBC.

Graham: ''I wanna wear some trashy old wrapping paper, wonder where I can find one?''

*Camera zooms in on dress of host*

''Oooh, there's one!''


I'm glad Norway won.


I loved that bit too :crybaby: And the part where he made a joke about the microphone /electric toothbrush that the astronaut had :roftl:. Graham is just hilarious, he was definitely one of the highlight of the show for me.



The UK song was nice - though not exceptional IMO - and Jade's performance was really excellent, but let's not be fooled: the main reason UK did well this year (unlike previous few years) was due to the change in the voting system.


It was great to see Eurovision back to its former glory, with the best songs and performances getting due recognition again rather than being lost amid the awful political block voting of the last few years.


I take it back: it wasn't that Europe didn't like us. The voting system just didn't like us. Last night was proof.


I thought that the UK song was ok, but not exceptional or even great by any means. I personally found it quite bland and uninspiring. Jade has a great voice and did her best, but the song just didn't have "it" for me. I'm sure that it only did so well because it was by ALW; If it had been by someone else, I reckon it had done a lot worse.


Some of the other songs I enjoyed a lot more, for example the Finnish entry :biggrin2:.


just one final note on Eurovision.....


On UK entry: as Droopsy said 'a decent song and amazing voice were all it took ' ... but it really was nothing special. Not all ALW songs are special.. Last year and especially the year before the UK entries were a nightmare, you have to be realistic on that.


Results were only partly due to the change of the voting system...


1., I strongly believe that the 4 founding nations would always do better if they were participating inthe semi-finals as most viewers would already be exposed to the song and they would get more media coverage...etc. By the time of the finals most people already have a favourite that they heard in the semi-finals, the media across Europe has favourites... I think the UK, Germany, France and ...( I don't remember which the fourth country is) should give up their rights of not having to take part in the semi-finals. It is working against them!


2., Don't be fooled and think a Western European song won the competition.

As I mentioned on Thursday, when first hearing it, it was NOT a Norwegian song ... And now it turns out that this guy is Belorussian and he wrote the song himself, proving that blood is thicker than water.

What I mean is that it was a SLAVIC SONG performed by a violinist whoso virtuoso appealed to Eastern and Western Europeans alike. + guy is Xtra cute, of course. Hence the landslide victory:cool:


I found the Norwegian guy nice, and I would have liked him to win just because it was his own song, written by him (both music and lyrics) and he played an instrument on it.

To me, this has a lot more value than singing someone else's songs, which is what most people do at Eurovision, so I was happy to see him win just because of that.

Having said that, I don't really think that the song was particularly amazing either, tbh, just that the whole "package" was of a higher level than your regular singer who just goes there to put their voice to someone else's song, and do some moves prepared by some coreographer.

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just one final note on Eurovision.....



Interesting... You know, I do believe you're right about the semi finals... At least you've heard the songs twice if they qualify for the final... Some people just watch the shows and don't go looking around the internet for the other songs that perform in the final (the big 4). e.g. France, I didn't hear it before, just in the final. It was a nice song... but the first time I've heard it. So it didn't really stick with me. I did have some favorites already :naughty:


Don't be fooled and think a Western European song won the competition.


Agreed, now, I have to admit I really love Eastern European music and folklore. I'd prefer it over Western European music any day. But that's all subjective of course:naughty: Just want to stress that it also does have to do with taste. Not just with where you're living.

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2., Don't be fooled and think a Western European song won the competition.

As I mentioned on Thursday, when first hearing it, it was NOT a Norwegian song ... And now it turns out that this guy is Belorussian and he wrote the song himself, proving that blood is thicker than water.

What I mean is that it was a SLAVIC SONG performed by a violinist whoso virtuoso appealed to Eastern and Western Europeans alike. + guy is Xtra cute, of course. Hence the landslide victory:cool:




Agreed, now, I have to admit I really love Eastern European music and folklore. I'd prefer it over Western European music any day. But that's all subjective of course:naughty: Just want to stress that it also does have to do with taste. Not just with where you're living.


Well, I don't find the interview right now...but there is one on youtube where Alexander tells on a Russian tv show that his song is Norwegian folklore, and that it is very similar to Russian folklore....so yeah, this fact halps a lot of course...also the fact that he speaks fluently Russian, but as he said it's a Norwegian song. :wink2:

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2., Don't be fooled and think a Western European song won the competition.

As I mentioned on Thursday, when first hearing it, it was NOT a Norwegian song ... And now it turns out that this guy is Belorussian and he wrote the song himself, proving that blood is thicker than water.

What I mean is that it was a SLAVIC SONG performed by a violinist whoso virtuoso appealed to Eastern and Western Europeans alike. + guy is Xtra cute, of course. Hence the landslide victory:cool:





I have to correct you on this, the song is inspired by an oooold Norwegian folk melody called Fanitullen, the bit he's playing on the violin is simply the hook from Fanitullen played in minor instead of major as the original does..

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I have to correct you on this, the song is inspired by an oooold Norwegian folk melody called Fanitullen, the bit he's playing on the violin is simply the hook from Fanitullen played in minor instead of major as the original does..


This is Fanitullen:



...lacking the dynamics of virtuosity I was talking about when I said I associated that song with Slavic music. It is not better or worse, it is different. To me the guy's performance was not folklore Norwegian at all... Like you have violins in Irish folk music as well and that is more similar in sound to Norwegian folk music.:wink2:

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well obviously it's not an exact copy of Fanitullen he plays, but you DO hear the hook, yeah?


And obv he does blend the two cultures' folklore, but to say that he has no Norwegian folklore in there and that the song is Slavic in its entirety is just plain wrong. That's my point ;)

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well obviously it's not an exact copy of Fanitullen he plays, but you DO hear the hook, yeah?


And obv he does blend the two cultures' folklore, but to say that he has no Norwegian folklore in there and that the song is Slavic in its entirety is just plain wrong. That's my point ;)



I did not want to hurt your feelings... I only talked about how this song sounded when I heard it first... and I stand by it. It obviously draws influences from more than one culture but as I said I don't really think it was Norwegian passion the song was performed with... But that's the beauty of a multi-cultural society.

(and before anyone thinks I am campaigning for the recognition of my cultural heritage, let me state that I am not Slavic by any means)

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hahaha, no worries, like I said, I'm a passionate person and it comes off too passionate at times :P


One good thing about this discussion though, it made me search youtube for music and I fell even more in love with Frikar (his dancers) than I already was (if possible)


God I love my country and our culture- even though this might seem a bit weird to people not used to it:



edit: one more:


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One good thing about this discussion though, it made me search youtube for music and I fell even more in love with Frikar (his dancers) than I already was (if possible)


God I love my country and our culture- even though this might seem a bit weird to people not used to it:






Thank you for posting this!


I loved it, especially the first one. No weird at all, to my ears.

It would be amazing if most countries were basing their performance (at least partly) on their culture. I really want Irish, Spanish, Portuguese , Italian...etc music back in Eurovision ...and possibly without mixing it with dumb disco beats.


This is the reason why this year I only really liked Norway and Moldova in the second semi-finals (the first semi-final and the final I did not watch)



Last year I liked Croatian performace with folk roots - not a winning tune but definitely more original than most of the others last year



Actually, it would be interesting to have thread on FOLK music here, with links to youtube pages and a bit of background if needed...

If you want to start one with Alexander's song and the influences, I'll add other countries, too ( I am not sure if it's only me interested, that's why I don't want to start the thread)

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Thank you for posting this!


I loved it, especially the first one. No weird at all, to my ears.

It would be amazing if most countries were basing their performance (at least partly) on their culture. I really want Irish, Spanish, Portuguese , Italian...etc music back in Eurovision ...and possibly without mixing it with dumb disco beats.


(the first semi-final and the final I did not watch)


I couldn't agree more... The sad thing about that is... well, I wouldn't have the slightest idea what kind of song we should send! Belgian music? It's dance all over the place! :sneaky2: I rather have something like the Moldova entry. Traditional clothing, dancing, music... Great!



Actually, it would be interesting to have thread on FOLK music here, with links to youtube pages and a bit of background if needed...

If you want to start one with Alexander's song and the influences, I'll add other countries, too ( I am not sure if it's only me interested, that's why I don't want to start the thread)


I think there already was a thread like that? Maybe it doesn't exist anymore though... I've been around for a while now :naughty: It gets confusing at times with all those threads :fisch:

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There are no threads with "folk" in the title at least, but there are so many threads, it's impossible to look through all the threads with other names to see if one of them might conceal "folk music" as something else..


And the only thread I can remember being about something similar, was the one about "music from your country" but that was more about pop music and bands and artists..?

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There are no threads with "folk" in the title at least, but there are so many threads, it's impossible to look through all the threads with other names to see if one of them might conceal "folk music" as something else..


And the only thread I can remember being about something similar, was the one about "music from your country" but that was more about pop music and bands and artists..?


Yes, you are right...

I have just searched titles with 'music' and there is no thread on folk music...

So how about starting a thread like

FOLK MUSIC from your country???

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Okaaaaay, back to the reality now :naughty:

I must say I quite liked this Eurovision. There were like 4 or 5 songs that I didn't like at all (I'm talking about the final), but the others were okay IMO and pretty much 'listenable' (is that a word??:naughty:) as well.

My favourites were Norway, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lithuania, Malta, Russia (from the final), and others Slovenia, Slovakia. Iceland is a very nice song me thinks, typical Eurovision-esque :biggrin2: Germany, Denmark and France were pretty good too!

I hated Moldova, UK (the singer has got an amazing voice, but the song is very boring to me, pardon those who like it!),Sweden and Bulgaria.


And Serbia, of course :naughty:

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