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Yes but it resulted in people moaning to Mika on Twitter. I don't see the need to hold him personally responsible for everything that happens and go bitching to him when we don't like it.


He's got staff and in this case a third party who has been hired for the purpose. It was hardly an emergency situation that required his immediate and personal attention.


We need to pick our battles and I think people should be careful about abusing the unusual access we have to him.


I agree.


Using Twitter allows fans to voice their frustrations without any further reflection and without a chance to filter it. But I'm sure he is aware of this and can tackle being the front figure that has to weather the storm for his people publicly. As long as the spokespeople for MFC i.e mods are reasonable and don't add to any harassment it'll be o.k.

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Oh My Gawd! Geez after reading through this thread I can TRULY appreciate just how 'lucky' I was with Mika last year. Never really looked at it 'the way I am seeing it now' sheeessh . . . and to tell you the truth - I don't even know if I want to sacrifice EVERYTHING just to make it to New York next month. One thing is evident WE ALL have different views of the world and 'life' and what is fair or not. And it seems the ONLY ones screaming, "it is life' . . . on here are the privileged ones. Just an observation.


It is times like these that bring out the BEST or WORST in people . . .


. . . . in a Fan Club. . . . . .


kinda makes me just want to step back and not even try at all.


sure goes doesnt it?

i know that when i do have the money- ill go across the globe (something i did before my mika sensation) to get to chit chat with him... even if it never happens- its worth the shot!

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:blink: I'm in no way blaming Mika...I adore Mika....it's only my opinion....I'm sorry for speaking/typing my mind.

Seems your being a bit harsh to me.


Yeah I know that's what life is...and I'm very happy for people who have met Mika......you seem to be making me out as stupid..........



I'm very upset.


I'm also sorry I can't word things the right way.....as I'm a very quiet person in real life.

should I go away again?.





I'm sorry to hear that you're upset about it, and in no way did I intend to make you feel that way. I personally found your post upsetting and harsh so maybe now we're even in the 'upset stakes' :bleh::naughty:.


Nobody (and believe me, I certainly do it all the time) has a problem with anyone speaking their mind here, but I found it unfair that you were talking about special private parties and whatnot, implying all these things that had no fundament.

Anyway, we've both spoken our minds now and it's ok to disagree (if that is the case) but thre's no need to get so upset about it as to make this a reason to 'leave' :wink2:.

Oh and for the record I said nothing that wanted to make you out as stupid. Very far from my post and my intention!

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Not arguing? :crybaby: I feel bullied

Ok, just kidding. You know that I also love you so I'm not arguing back either (not that I was earlier either, but just to clarify).

Here I go:





Well, if that is the case, and in my humble opinion, I do think that they should refrain from making such an unfair post before they check their facts. Nothing like overreacting and creating chinese whispers with false facts :roftl:.


One can't put themselves in a position where they are out of the loop and then come in branding accusations about when they are basing these on things that are a fabrication of their misinformation/imagination/X.



Ok, I really need to go in a few minutes so I will reply to the longer part of your post later because it will take me too long to write it all up now :naughty:





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I am just growing weary of the moaning coming from all directions about everything all the time. It was one thing when Mika wasn't doing anything for a year but the bitching seems to have kicked up to a new level now that he's active and I don't get it.


The music is not in the format I want. The concerts are not in the places I want. Let's have a 100-page bitch session because we didn't get our codes at 12:01 am.


Jeez can't we just enjoy things for once? I thought a year ago that every MFCer would have been over the moon just to hear a new song. But now it seems that if Mika doesn't hand deliver it to your house, along with a footrub, he's being unfair to his fans.


I'm happy with the idea I can't see him this year (at least if he comes close to my country but I don't see it happen ) cause I've seen him 5 times last year the only thing I want it's the new album :)

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Go to the gig. Don't make me come over there and pack your suitcase for you. :sneaky2::teehee:


I'm not So sure it is worth it anymore . . . :boxed:


sure goes doesnt it?

i know that when i do have the money- ill go across the globe (something i did before my mika sensation) to get to chit chat with him... even if it never happens- its worth the shot!


That's JUST the thing . . . ALL of us would jet around the world just to see Mika (with the chance of meeting him/whatever) and that isn't even the REALLY important part to tell the truth. The ones that are able to take off at the drop of the hat and Do are the ones saying shut your mouth and stop complaining it is LIFE . . all the while they are happy as larks boarding a plane. Look at it both ways.


To me the BEST part of getting to go to a gig is meeting all the MFCers. The people we talk to everyday (all day :teehee:) and e v e r y t h i n g else is just icing on the already delicious cake. I am just not feeling it now. . . the vibes here are SO negative they are radiating through my computer screen and giving me a migrane . . .

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I'm not So sure it is worth it anymore . . . :boxed:




That's JUST the thing . . . ALL of us would jet around the world just to see Mika (with the chance of meeting him/whatever) and that isn't even the REALLY important part to tell the truth. The ones that are able to take off at the drop of the hat and Do are the ones saying shut your mouth and stop complaining it is LIFE . . all the while they are happy as larks boarding a plane. Look at it both ways.


To me the BEST part of getting to go to a gig is meeting all the MFCers. The people we talk to everyday (all day :teehee:) and e v e r y t h i n g else is just icing on the already delicious cake. I am just not feeling it now. . . the vibes here are SO negative they are radiating through my computer screen and giving me a migrane . . .

If you can go, then go. Don't let a little MFC politics stop you. There's always underlying issues between us fans, but we pull through and are friends (or civil at least) at the end of the day. The people you'd be going to see are people you share views with probably, so go for them, and go for Mika because he makes you all fuzzywarm inside. But, most importantly go for YOU.


Never mind the bollocks.

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If you can go, then go. Don't let a little MFC politics stop you. There's always underlying issues between us fans, but we pull through and are friends (or civil at least) at the end of the day. The people you'd be going to see are people you share views with probably, so go for them, and go for Mika because he makes you all fuzzywarm inside. But, most importantly go for YOU.


Never mind the bollocks.


GREAT points. Mika sure does make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I just don't want to lose sight of what is important. BEING A MIKA FAN . . . naturally fangurl mode jumps into high gear (in this case - off the charts) and I find myself scrambling trying to find a way . . any way . . . any means at all to go (seriously my son told me to sell my body :teehee:) EVEN he gets how MUCH this means to me. But, I have to STOP thinking like a FAN and start thinking with a bit of logic!!!!!

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I'm sorry to hear that you're upset about it, and in no way did I intend to make you feel that way. I personally found your post upsetting and harsh so maybe now we're even in the 'upset stakes' :bleh::naughty:.


Nobody (and believe me, I certainly do it all the time) has a problem with anyone speaking their mind here, but I found it unfair that you were talking about special private parties and whatnot, implying all these things that had no fundament.

Anyway, we've both spoken our minds now and it's ok to disagree (if that is the case) but thre's no need to get so upset about it as to make this a reason to 'leave' :wink2:.

Oh and for the record I said nothing that wanted to make you out as stupid. Very far from my post and my intention!



:tears: It's okay....

I didn't mean private party as in sitting down sipping tea and having a lovely conversation with Mika cause he's got all the time in the world. "duh"....I'm not that stupid.

I will go back and delete most of my post because I did word it the wrong way.As I said.


Sorry to everyone.I respect Mika and don't blame him for anything. I never have.

It's just me whining and it just went the wrong way.


I do like being on this site....because I love reading everyone's stories......I'm happy for all who have had the opportunity and privilege to see Mika Live.You are all lovely people!!!


Edited by Bianca
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If you can go, then go. Don't let a little MFC politics stop you. There's always underlying issues between us fans, but we pull through and are friends (or civil at least) at the end of the day. The people you'd be going to see are people you share views with probably, so go for them, and go for Mika because he makes you all fuzzywarm inside. But, most importantly go for YOU.


Never mind the bollocks.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

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That's JUST the thing . . . ALL of us would jet around the world just to see Mika (with the chance of meeting him/whatever) and that isn't even the REALLY important part to tell the truth. The ones that are able to take off at the drop of the hat and Do are the ones saying shut your mouth and stop complaining it is LIFE . . all the while they are happy as larks boarding a plane. Look at it both ways.


All I'm asking is for people to look at it both ways.


I am not "privileged". I am 40 years old and I never had children. Those are simply my life circumstances on the day that Mika announces a concert to NYC and it hardly makes me blessed my some extraordinary fortune.


Holly you have moved heaven and earth and travelled hundreds of miles to see Mika so you know what I'm talking about. You are saying now that you don't know if it's worth it. That's the choice we all make. How much is it worth? None of us are millionaires with zero responsibilities. We all have to sacrifice and decide how much we are willing to give up and go through in order to make these gigs.


The people I feel bad for now are the under 18s who could have made this gig but won't be allowed in. The rest of us in North America are adults and just have to accept it one way or another. I would love it if Mika would come to Toronto and save me from blowing tons more time and money but it's simply not going to happen.

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This is kinda like an AA thing.:naughty:


The thing is it isn't funny at all...I cannot enjoy it whatsoever. I try to think of it as being something nice, but I keep worrying that I won't get the tickets on time and is sooo frustrating.


and besides noone ever sees my question about the EP...:no:


is there something to be known about it? it feels as if it has been pushed aside.


A bientot,




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Over 18 venue? Wohoa:teehee: I just know I'd be whining right now if I had the chance to go.:naughty: I think it sounds interesting in a way, but there are younger fans too... And some could go to it when it comes to money and distance but the age is a problem:boxed: I know I'm on the outside of the situation, but this could turn out to be something different and particularly interesting. Guess it wouldn't be the same with overexcited teenagers:naughty:

I do think it's a bit about the venue... It looks like it might not be very appropriate for underage...But the restriction sounds a bit narrow-minded. I do get it that for younger people it could be unappropriate, but that depends from person to person... If that makes sense.

I hope many american MFCers and around that area can go. As Kata said, Europe's having more right now... But soon there will be more gigs around the world and in far more countries, I'm pretty sure about that!:biggrin2:

And it's a cabaret! Looks really nice and intimate from what I've seen.:wub2:


I'm sorry for the members who feel that their country is being left out once again.. I know it's not nice. And it's hard to wait. But I think you will really get a chance to see him and meet him soon... If not soon, I doubt that he won't come to Australia for example once in his career. Same goes for the ones that haven't had a gig in a while... I think it's normal to feel a bit of jeaulosy...We're all human, and I also did when I saw people going to gigs before I've ever had a chance to go to one.

Not everyone can go abroad to see him, and not everyone that lives in a country where he does a gig can go either. I can go this time and just because I was given the chance to go... I would've NEVER dreamt I could just go to another country to see him... I saw the tour dates, was a bit sad, but got over it and said myself to wait once more. Then I was surprised, and that was really good for me...

It can feel unfair to be "left out" but as said, that's life... And I'm not saying that just because I've had the opportunity to experience a gig before.

You shouldn't blame Mika(I know most of you aren't) nor his team about this. He/they can't please everyone. The whole touring strategy is to go to countries where he's been asked to go to, where they see it has relevance to the success of the promotion etc.. I don't think they "pick" the countries just randomly and leave out those untoured for no reason. I think they have to have priorities... Those being the countries where he's more known, liked etc.

I could be wrong to following this criteria but I think that's how it goes...


About M&G's. I might not know anything at all when it comes to this, but I know for someone who tells the experience it's far more bigger than it actually was. We make exaggerations without intention sometimes, but that's maybe how it just felt to meet him for us... Like a big amazing thing, even it lasting 10 seconds.

I watched those Brixton videos, and I know you couldn't have a "decent" and "normal" conversation in those conditions. Even though some people didn't have the chance to talk to him at all, you can see they were all having an amazing time... I think these things are not just about handshaking Mika, having a hug etc. It's the "vibe" and being in that situation, even not meeting him, I don't know, you can feel that "magic". Everyone can be sad not to get the chance to meet him, and I get that. It can be a huge letdown, but he's not a "common" person that you see in the streets (If you know what I mean) and things just don't happen peacefully for everyone most times... That's also life. I think you're already lucky to go to one of his gigs, to listen to new music, to have the "previledge" to get close to him, not in a personal way, but getting involved you know... With his music, how he is(at least how he appears to be) etc.. This might not make sense but it's just what pops out of my brain when I talk about this:naughty:


Sorry, big post... But all expresses what I have to say!

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Sorry, big post... But all expresses what I have to say!

Thank you for your very honest, and very looooooonnng post. :huglove: You're right about the vibe. Even though I haven't felt it, I can still see it on peoples faces when they're around Mika.

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Stripper ...


Thats what is , lets get down to basics :aah:


You know, I'm with you on this FD. To me it's just same dog, different collar (tassle) :roftl:.



Have you already forgotten about titties galore and her bull riding skills?


:lmao: Not sure how she would have fared with a real bull...Maybe next time?



But i only spoke the truth !! Im being honest ! I dont understand how its art ! ... I could do the same on a friday night ! would it be called art if i had boobie tassles on ?


Totally agree, I just can't see it either. But hey, feel free to demonstrate, maybe Mika will add you to his entourage for the upcoming UK gigs :mf_lustslow:



:tears: It's okay....

I didn't mean private party as in sitting down sipping tea and having a lovely conversation with Mika cause he's got all the time in the world. "duh"....I'm not that stupid.

I will go back and delete most of my post because I did word it the wrong way.As I said.


Sorry to everyone.I respect Mika and don't blame him for anything. I never have.

It's just me whining and it just went the wrong way.


I do like being on this site....because I love reading everyone's stories......I'm happy for all who have had the opportunity and privilege to see Mika Live.You are all lovely people!!!



It's ok, now that we've cleared it up maybe we can put it behind us and move forward? As I said, I wasn't trying to make you feel bad at all :huglove:

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Thank you for your very honest, and very looooooonnng post. :huglove: You're right about the vibe. Even though I haven't felt it, I can still see it on peoples faces when they're around Mika.


You're welcome!:biggrin2: I just wanted to share my opinion about this.. And be more straight forward than I usually am.

Yep I think it changes people a bit... Sometimes to better, other times to worse. I think the whole thing is more special about that element... How most people feel so comfortable and happy when around him. And the best is that he's very approachable, orelse this wouldn't happen!

And you will feel it:wub2: I really think he'll come to Oz soon enough. If not soon, he will come.:biggrin2: The waiting's hard but worth it..

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NYC!!!!!! SO CLOSE yet so far away.. :shocked:


I already went there this year !! :sneaky2::aah:


why does it have to be the like most expensive city on earth? :boxed:



and P.S those of you who are ocmplaining about getting 1 date. You poor babies, at least you get a date. (Sorry, couldn't have said that nicer in this mood. :thumb_yello:)

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