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Just to be clear there has been one party at Brixton and to call it private is a stretch since there were 125+ people there. To call it a party is a bit of a stretch too because it was just a bunch of people mobbing Mika along with a glass or two of champagne. There was no music, no food and no long leisurely chats with Mika.


I know people like to discuss their meetings with Mika in exaggerated terms - he was holding their hands, looking into their eyes, giving them recognition, etc. But the reality is no one person ever gets more than a couple of minutes of his undivided attention...and they are the extremely lucky ones.


If you go back and watch the video where Suzy gave Mika the yearbook it was all over in literally 60 seconds and Suzy was the only person of a dozen or so that were there that managed to speak to him at all.


If anyone is private partying it up with Mika they certainly aren't discussing it on MFC, so take what you read here as filtered through fangurl-coloured glasses.


I understand there are people who don't have the means no matter how hard they try but there is definitely an implied blame when people use the word "unfair" to moan about Mika not playing their country or lamenting the fact that the same people get to meet him over and over again.


Unless you are simply blaming fate, there is nothing unfair about it. It's just life. I'm not saying people need to be happy about it, but you can expect some defensiveness if that unhappiness is constantly pointed in the direction of Mika or the people who get to a lot of his gigs.


Mika is never going to play a country based on what is deemed "fair" to his fans. They will never decide that they can't play France next because there are people in South America that haven't seen him yet. Fans should just come to terms with that because that is the reality.



But it is not all down to luck. As you said previously you have to travel back and forth across the country and get to as many gigs as possible. The idea that people ALWAYS meet Mika is an illusion. They just meet him more times than others because they go to more gigs than others.


I have been to 7 gigs and I have had one conversation with Mika. These gigs have cost me thousands of dollars, weeks of vacation time, dozens of hours standing in queues, etc. It is not down to luck that I got to meet him and I don't have some unbalanced "fairness" in my favour.


All I'm asking is for people to look at it both ways.


I am not "privileged". I am 40 years old and I never had children. Those are simply my life circumstances on the day that Mika announces a concert to NYC and it hardly makes me blessed my some extraordinary fortune.


Holly you have moved heaven and earth and travelled hundreds of miles to see Mika so you know what I'm talking about. You are saying now that you don't know if it's worth it. That's the choice we all make. How much is it worth? None of us are millionaires with zero responsibilities. We all have to sacrifice and decide how much we are willing to give up and go through in order to make these gigs.


The people I feel bad for now are the under 18s who could have made this gig but won't be allowed in. The rest of us in North America are adults and just have to accept it one way or another. I would love it if Mika would come to Toronto and save me from blowing tons more time and money but it's simply not going to happen.



I just had to quote this post because you said everything that I am thinking, and worded far better than I could have.


Some say that I'm 'lucky' because I met him a couple of times in lucky circumstances, and yes, it was lucky in a way, but also down to probability. I went to more gigs than I can remember, and at most of them I just stood quietly at the back of the mob and never got to speak to him. I only ever spoke to him in situations like LA, where it was small and controlled, or Amsterdam, where it was also controlled, and I was very lucky in Brixton because I was close to him when he spoke so I could catch him there quickly.

Besides these times, I've actually not spoken to Mika at more gigs than I did speak to him.


Someone else may also say that it was lucky when Rose and I ran into him at that Yelle gig and had a nice sitdown chat with him for half an hour or so, just the 3 of us, but AGAIN, I had been telling all and sundry that I had the feeling that he'd turn up, so really it was because I went there that I was in that situation.


Of course if I had lived in say, Shanghai, I wouldn't have been able to make that choice, but this is just the circumstance that I am in.


I am not originally from the UK and made the decision to come live here a few years ago because I thought that London was a good place to be, so again, is it really luck that I live here? I could have stayed at home in Spain forever, and I decided to leave my job there and go to Ireland with no job and just a few savings. Things worked out and I found a job, so I stayed.

I did the same coming over to the UK from Ireland: I came with no security, just a little money saved, hoping that I would find a job so that I could stay. I was 'lucky' that I did, and later I got a good one in which I progressed, so I am comfortable, but it was all down to damn hard work on my part and on having the drive to do it. Nobody gave me anything for free and if I had stayed in my easy job initially I would have never been in the situation that I am now.


I’m not even saying that I am in a privileged situation, because I am NOT. I just happen to be 38 (in a month), have no kids, no flashy cars, no massive house, and therefore can choose to travel for a gig every now and then. Other people make other things their priorities, and that is their prerogative, but implying that others are simply privileged or “lucky” is not right.


This is what bothers me about people saying that everything is down to luck. Well, not always. You often create your own luck as an adult. It's about choices, and often about taking the safe route and not moving forward or risking things. Sometimes even if you risk it, or make an effort, it takes years to reap benefits so if you’re caught in the moment where you’re in the “working towards the goal” stage, you won’t be able to do any of these extravagant things, but again, that is life and the cards that we are dealt at any certain moment.

It’s not fair or unfair, just a series of circumstances, choices, and even cycles in those in one same person’s life.

Edited by sariflor
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They've told us this gig is for 700 -- so this must be their standing



Thanks. I heard back from the venue and the guy was really nice and knew the situation I'm in.

He did say that there's some stools around the perimeter of the venue but there's also an elevated section with seating that's usually used for VIP but he wasn't sure if it was going to be used for VIP that night or open for the public. I'm going to guess that it'll be turned into a VIP section for his friends/family so I wouldn't want to intrude.


He said that I'd have to get there early and talk to the doormen. I'm really tempted to because my best friend wants to go if he has the money and has had to miss him both times he's been near us and he doesn't want to go alone, but I'm afraid because usually doormen are tough and I have no clue how I'd talk to them.

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That def works, I've just been eyeing up tickets! lol


eye em up all you like, you know you can't really sell your granny to go, but maybe if you offered your services as a stripper he would let you in for free, or maybe he will hold a comp to be a stripper on stage with him... :naughty:

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I put people who say "it's all down to luck" and people who say "luck doesn't come into it" into the same category


Let's just say it's not all blind luck. Mika is never going to come knocking on your front door in order to meet you.

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eye em up all you like, you know you can't really sell your granny to go, but maybe if you offered your services as a stripper he would let you in for free, or maybe he will hold a comp to be a stripper on stage with him... :naughty:




I must be going mad ..... I read that as maybe the comp will be to strip him on stage :roftl: I do not have pervy thoughts .... honest :naughty:



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Let's just say it's not all blind luck. Mika is never going to come knocking on your front door in order to meet you.


Are you SURE about that? I mean come on... it's me after all! Of course he'd knock on my front door. :teehee:


Ah ha just kidding. I have no clue what all the drama is about but I'm going to go take a nap. He can use the doorbell when he gets here. :wink2:

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Well maybe he will if you have the right code. :wink2:


And even though your "privileged" lifestyle allows you to fly everywhere to see Mika at the drop of a hat - you have been sooooo unfortunate with the codes. You never got any. :no: I feel so sorry for you the most. :mf_rosetinted:



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Well maybe he will if you have the right code. :wink2:


:roftl: I'd probably give it away then. :roftl:

Thinking about it, having Mika standing in my door, I would not really know what to do with him. :blink:


I have crayons, though :cheerful_h4h:, hm, guess I will keep my codes :teehee:

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it is awful for other the countries ..he hasn't been too as the US (huge as it is) as had a secret gig already.

OK we (UK) get one date and yes am sooooo pleased about that and I know it is not a full worldwide tour and that will come later in the year.


The distance between Los Angeles and New York is even greater than some countries in Europe.


I just had to comment on this, because while I'm very happy for NYC fans, or fans who can get to NYC, it's beyond ridiculous to say "Oh, Mika played LA, and now he's doing NYC, the US fans are being favoured!"


Um. The distance between New York and LA is nearly the distance between London...and Baghdad, Iraq. So each and every stop on this acoustic tour is closer to London than NYC is to LA. Something to keep in mind. :wink2:


And if it's because of the dancer/stripper whoever, maybe he should just drop her, as from what I saw of the LA show, she didn't really add anything to it!


I don't think that's the reason, unless New York State has some weird state-level laws that don't apply in California. Obviously there were no legal issues with under-18s seeing the burlesque dancer in LA, so I can't imagine there's some legal reason why they couldn't see the same performance in NYC.


That said, we have no reason to believe that's his opener, anyway. :thumb_yello:


Jeez can't we just enjoy things for once? I thought a year ago that every MFCer would have been over the moon just to hear a new song. But now it seems that if Mika doesn't hand deliver it to your house, along with a footrub, he's being unfair to his fans.


Let's just say it's not all blind luck. Mika is never going to come knocking on your front door in order to meet you.


If Mika doesn't come knocking on my door, how will he come deliver my footrub? What a jerk. :sneaky2:

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I put people who say "it's all down to luck" and people who say "luck doesn't come into it" into the same category


It's a bit of both, mixed in different measures at different times. :wink2: Nothing is ever either or, is it?



Are you SURE about that? I mean come on... it's me after all! Of course he'd knock on my front door.


Ah ha just kidding. I have no clue what all the drama is about but I'm going to go take a nap. He can use the doorbell when he gets here. :wink2:


:lmao:That's the spirit



I can help talk to them for you when I get there. :biggrin2: Also - I have bad ankles and knees which is partly why I make the extra effort to be front row (being short, wanting Mika to sweat on me, etc ) and the barrier or stage is a great leaning structure for support. Lastly - I've seen canes that come with a little fold down seat (walkers too, but there a little bit more obtrusive).


And you forgot to add another reason: so you can scream out at him at the top of your lungs:

:mf_lustslow: I SAW YOU AT THE MOD CLUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Are you stressed, dear?

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That's true, but some of it is. Take Hammersmith Apollo for example. The security guards told us to stand on one side of the road as that's the side Mika was gonna come out on. I waited that side. Mika came out in a van. Wrong side. He stood there in front of loads of screaming fans running up to him. Security said don't run. I didn't run. I got stuck at the back, managed to see Mika's head. Tried to go round other side of the van to get a better view but Mika had already got back in the van and I nearly got run over (:roftl:)

But that's just my example, there are probably others that I or others could use.


But what you say is true, I understand your viewpoint.


I was already on the side opposite to the one the security guards said Mika was going to come out on. When it became clear Mika was coming out on the side I was on, everybody just pushed in front of me. I didn't get to speak to Mika either despite being in the right place at the right time.

C'est la vie.

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