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New Live Show!


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I've missed plenty of shows when I was like 17 and a half. Yes, it's a bummer, but the world of concert touring doesn't stop when you turn 18. There are always more chances and more things that you are lucky for.


If you beg a security guard to let you in underage, it could put their job at risk. Just sayin', let's be logical. I can sympathise because it's tempting to be underage, but everyone is at one point in their life. Hugz.


Thanks for that, Kate -- maybe since you're closer in age, these younger

girls will hear you more than they're hearing me.


Girls, there's really NOTHING we can do to get you in at this venue, if

they are set on this being an over-18 show. We can't do anything

illegal, you know, and we can't condone illegal behavior. We can't

condone sneaking in, or trying to bribe the club bouncer, or

carrying fake ID... we just can't. We did ask about the age requirement

-- at first we were afraid it was going to be 21+! And we did ask if

under-18s could get in with a guardian. But the answer has come back

multiple times: this is a strictly over-18 show. I think that's how this

venue is. It's a very small place, it's got a very prominent bar...


I really do feel for you -- but our hands are tied. :boxed:

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Thanks for that, Kate -- maybe since you're closer in age, these younger

girls will hear you more than they're hearing me.


Girls, there's really NOTHING we can do to get you in at this venue, if

they are set on this being an over-18 show. We can't do anything

illegal, you know, and we can't condone illegal behavior. We can't

condone sneaking in, or trying to bribe the club bouncer, or

carrying fake ID... we just can't. We did ask about the age requirement

-- at first we were afraid it was going to be 21+! And we did ask if

under-18s could get in with a guardian. But the answer has come back

multiple times: this is a strictly over-18 show. I think that's how this

venue is. It's a very small place, it's got a very prominent bar...


I really do feel for you -- but our hands are tied. :boxed:



I'm just curious, I'm sure that there must be lots of other venues they could have got, that could have let under 18s in. Why did they pick one that doesn't?

It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

We had a nightclub in my home town years ago, that did the occassional, under 16 evening, between 6 and 10pm, where the bar only had soft drinks on display.

Could they not do that in this place?

I am aware of licensing laws being different, but can't they do what we do here for special events, apply for a special license for the night?

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I must be going mad ..... I read that as maybe the comp will be to strip him on stage :roftl: I do not have pervy thoughts .... honest :naughty:




well that would be far better a show than having to suffer while some woman removes her undergarments in a public place :teehee: zzzzzzzzzz how BORING!!!! lets just strip Mika instead :naughty: (ARTISTICALLY of course).

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I'm not going to lie, I found it a surprise that this new show is in the US (North America for that matter). I honestly thought Mika would add another show in Europe.


I was surprised by that too.


Darn, no way I can get off work to go to this . . . not that I'd have a way to get there. Ah well, there's always next time I suppose.


I want pics posted from everyone who does get to go!

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I'm not going to lie, I found it a surprise that this new show is in the US (North America for that matter). I honestly thought Mika would add another show in Europe.


hm, yeah I thought that too, I thought like one where he was born or something special like that....But I really thought it would be in Europe somewhere ...

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I am horrifcly upset about this show being over 18 only.

I have waited for two years for a mika gig, and one finally comes. 45 minutes away from my house. My parents told me they would take me.


And its over 18 only.




I cried this morning. Its not fair.

:no: aww man that sux big time no wonder your gutted.

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Sorry Neiobi, I just have to pull you up on this one. There were quite a few people that were not having an amazing time. But you wouldn't have seen them because they weren't on the videos, because they weren't mugging Mika.


agreed :sneaky2:

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Nope Ruth, we're still waiting on the code thing


EDIT: Okay, to avoid confusion: We haven't heard anything about the original ticket/EP codes, the NYC tickets are also getting codes. It would now appear that we are not getting any info until June 8th.

how is that going to work when we will not be attached to our pc's with the mouse umbilicus? I don't have a phone that can go on the internet, and I am usually kinda out of the clique so don't get to find out the goss and shizz. :blink:

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how is that going to work when we will not be attached to our pc's with the mouse umbilicus? I don't have a phone that can go on the internet, and I am usually kinda out of the clique so don't get to find out the goss and shizz. :blink:


Well I'll have my phone with me, and I've got 2 batteries, which will be fully charged, so find me and I'll keep you updated:wink2:

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Well I'll have my phone with me, and I've got 2 batteries, which will be fully charged, so find me and I'll keep you updated:wink2:


thanks Rose I'll PM you my mobile since everyone has booked up to a diff travel lodge to the one I suggested in the thread pffft I went and booked up first too cos I thought it was the nearest one, it IS only the next tube stop the the city one but never mind wots done is done, it's only a bed for the night after all. :thumb_yello:

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Okay this thread has gone off on so many tangents I'm going to close it and direct people to more relevant threads.


For information about the live show in NYC, including how to purchase tickets.




To discuss the codes:






Sammy's thread about all ages shows:




If Rose and Sparkly want to get in touch with each other in London :teehee:



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