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Mikasounds and Twitter Update Thread (Part 3)


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I don't believe for a minute he hasn't got plans- and I'd think a lot less of him if he didn't.


There are plans. I'm just saying I expect they will pretty much go flying out the window in reality and I'm sure that's what happened last time.


I don't know why you think he only stuck his toe in America with LICM. He was here all the time, he just couldn't get any radioplay in order to really take off.

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There are plans. I'm just saying I expect they will pretty much go flying out the window in reality and I'm sure that's what happened last time.


I don't know why you think he only stuck his toe in America with LICM. He was here all the time, he just couldn't get any radioplay in order to really take off.


Mika seems to have gone all over with LICM, as you would expect with a first album. Different artists do things differently, sometimes America grabs them without them making huge efforts (Amy Winehouse), some never go out of their way, but quite often, usually on a later album, there is a definate decision, and the artist practically moves to the USA for a year or so.


It'll be interesting to see if the singles on the new one are more American airplay friendly. (Though Toy Boy isn't) And whether it affects such things as where he tours early on. I'll also be interested to see if he tries to dump the "for the 50 something mum" tag he's got over here.


I'm not being cynical here, I'm assuming the plans are mostly following the art and not vice versa. Though I don't take the line that artists shouldn't dream of commercial success, and if they do and their art is honest, these dreams will influence it.

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Mika seems to have gone all over with LICM, as you would expect with a first album. Different artists do things differently, sometimes America grabs them without them making huge efforts (Amy Winehouse), some never go out of their way, but quite often, usually on a later album, there is a definate decision, and the artist practically moves to the USA for a year or so.


It'll be interesting to see if the singles on the new one are more American airplay friendly. (Though Toy Boy isn't) And whether it affects such things as where he tours early on. I'll also be interested to see if he tries to dump the "for the 50 something mum" tag he's got over here.


I'm not being cynical here, I'm assuming the plans are mostly following the art and not vice versa. Though I don't take the line that artists shouldn't dream of commercial success, and if they do and their art is honest, these dreams will influence it.


Mika has enough commercial success in other parts of the world that I don't think he is ever going to waste disproportionate amounts of time (i.e. move here for a year) trying to break in the US. It's too risky to wager a sure thing against an unknown even if the payoff is bigger.


I think he can just continue this juggling act unless and until the break comes.


Look at Adele's situation. She had a similar start to Mika. Huge critical acclaim and hype in the UK. A tiny promo tour in N. America where she was well received so she came back to do a regular but small tour. Some favourable press, some late night/early morning TV appearances.


But really most Americans had never heard of her and I'm sure they still wouldn't have except that she had the extraordinary fortune of being scheduled to appear on Saturday Night Live the same night as Sarah Palin. Something even the producers of SNL couldn't have predicted more than a few days in advance, muchless Adele's marketing team.


The next thing Adele knew she was winning a Grammy in the midst of a large sold-out tour. I think I got my presale tickets for that tour just 3 weeks before the gig. The whole thing was thrown together at the last minute to capitalize on her meteroic rise.

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Mika has enough commercial success in other parts of the world that I don't think he is ever going to waste disproportionate amounts of time (i.e. move here for a year) trying to break in the US. It's too risky to wager a sure thing against an unknown even if the payoff is bigger.


I think he can just continue this juggling act unless and until the break comes.


Look at Adele's situation. She had a similar start to Mika. Huge critical acclaim and hype in the UK. A tiny promo tour in N. America where she was well received so she came back to do a regular but small tour. Some favourable press, some late night/early morning TV appearances.


But really most Americans had never heard of her and I'm sure they still wouldn't have except that she had the extraordinary fortune of being scheduled to appear on Saturday Night Live the same night as Sarah Palin. Something even the producers of SNL couldn't have predicted more than a few days in advance, muchless Adele's marketing team.


The next thing Adele knew she was winning a Grammy in the midst of a large sold-out tour. I think I got my presale tickets for that tour just 3 weeks before the gig. The whole thing was thrown together at the last minute to capitalize on her meteroic rise.


Sure, as I said, people get lucky. But plenty of UK bands- the successful ones- do take a chance on making a big push for America. I'd be surprised if MIka doesn't- unless they fall for him anyway- and think he might go for it on this one. Though I might completely change my mind when I hear it properly.

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Sure, as I said, people get lucky. But plenty of UK bands- the successful ones- do take a chance on making a big push for America. I'd be surprised if MIka doesn't- unless they fall for him anyway- and think he might go for it on this one. Though I might completely change my mind when I hear it properly.


I guess I'm not really sure what you mean by push. Short of moving here and neglecting the UK and Europe which I don't see happening. If Mika was that interested in flogging albums to Americans at all costs he could just make a product and project an image that is guaranteed to sell to Americans because he is perfectly capable of doing so.


I'm really not sure how much more he could have done in the US for LICM. Perhaps there could have been better strategic moves that would have generated better results but I really don't think it was a lack of effort or time spent. The only spanner in the works was Mika becoming run-down in August and the September tour had to be postponed until January.

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On the other hand, there are plenty of popular UK acts that are almost unheard of in America.

Do they like pop as much as we do, I wonder?


After hearing Mariah's latest single I'd have to say no. Here is a woman with one of the greatest pop voices in history and she is churning out the same crap that anyone from Britney Spears to Rihanna or any other no talent singer can manage because the sound is generated in a studio. So bizarre.

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On the other hand, there are plenty of popular UK acts that are almost unheard of in America.

Do they like pop as much as we do, I wonder?


After hearing Mariah's latest single I'd have to say no. Here is a woman with one of the greatest pop voices in history and she is churning out the same crap that anyone from Britney Spears to Rihanna or any other no talent singer can manage because the sound is generated in a studio. So bizarre.


Hmmm, this may be the case idd... I remember this charts program that focused on what's hot in the US. Most songs were very 'urban'? Don't have a clue, but no pop that's for sure :naughty: And Mariah... Oh what a shame... I did love her in the early days, loved her voice... But then she started with the whole hiphop thing:huh:

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And Mariah... Oh what a shame... I did love her in the early days, loved her voice... But then she started with the whole hiphop thing:huh:


Exactly. I loved her voice too and she used to be very sweet when she was younger. Never have been her fan, but he had some nice songs. Then she obviously got into that hip-hop thing and r&b thing which I just loathe. :thumbdown: What's the point in that way of singing, is it like... Whispering? Talking? I don't seem to get it really.

I definitely prefer Celine to Mariah :naughty:

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Hmmm, this may be the case idd... I remember this charts program that focused on what's hot in the US. Most songs were very 'urban'? Don't have a clue, but no pop that's for sure :naughty: And Mariah... Oh what a shame... I did love her in the early days, loved her voice... But then she started with the whole hiphop thing:huh:


Yeah, that is my problem with her music too: I just can't stand that stuff, it hurts my ears :roftl:.

Sucha shame, cause her voice is incredible. It should actually be illegal for singers with voices like those to produce crap like this :aah:.


Oh please let's not go there. :aah:


Yeah, I really, really, REALLY can't stand Celine Dion.

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Yeah, that is my problem with her music too: I just can't stand that stuff, it hurts my ears :roftl:.

Sucha shame, cause her voice is incredible. It should actually be illegal for singers with voices like those to produce crap like this :aah:.




Yeah, I really, really, REALLY can't stand Celine Dion.


The problem is that hip-hop and R&B are one of the most popular music genres now. In my school most of the kids listen to that kind of music: Rihanna, Beyonce, 50Cent, Lil' Wayne. They can't stand some other music, for example Adele or Amy Winehouse or Duffy. They just want something you can easily jump and dance to and rap to and shout to. :thumbdown:

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