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The strange world of Mika - Observer - June 12 2009


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Thank for the scans! It really made my day!


I finally read the whole article ... it made me smile and cry at the same time. It was so touching :wub2:


"No one knows what I am and really, I wonder if I do, at the end of the day" :o

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This is the best article about him I've ever read. The best part of it is that it shows Mika as a very complex (yes, strange too) human being. Most articles I've read treat him like a colorful, flamboyant artist that makes catchy tunes, but this one goes deeper.

Though I don't know why, but it left me feeling a little bit sad.Does anybody feel the same?:blink:

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This is the best article about him I've ever read. The best part of it is that it shows Mika as a very complex (yes, strange too) human being. Most articles I've read treat him like a colorful, flamboyant artist that makes catchy tunes, but this one goes deeper.

Though I don't know why, but it left me feeling a little bit sad.Does anybody feel the same?:blink:

Yeah! I felt a slight pang of sadness after I read it.

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My grandparents just emailed me saying that they got me the issue and would be sending it tomorrow. :yay: I am going to refrain from reading anything in this thread to spoil the surprise. Or at least I will try to do just that. :naughty:

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Yeah! I felt a slight pang of sadness after I read it.


I must say, I did feel some sadness too.

I thought over the last year, that because things have gone so well for him, that it might have boosted his confidence considerably, but it seems, he still feels the same vunrability. I guess it will take a while longer, if at all for him to shake it.

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Blue Eyes, thank you so much for the scans! :groupwave:


Anybody still has a spare one for me? I'll pay the shipping fee etc. of course straight away. I usually don't feel urged to get a physical copy of a Mika article, but this one's special. So I would love to have one.

Just PM me if you want to discard :aah: your mag. :teehee:Thank you.


Wow probably the longest article but definitely the best! It was so thorough. Dr. John can't wait!

I agree! Took me some time to fully read it - but it wasworth it! So "We are golden" is gonna be thefirst single...Can't wait to hear it!

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My grandparents just emailed me saying that they got me the issue and would be sending it tomorrow. :yay: I am going to refrain from reading anything in this thread to spoil the surprise. Or at least I will try to do just that. :naughty:


Hihi I don't want to spoil the surprise either, but it's hard to resist the temptation:aah:

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Wow...I really don't know what to say about this interview. Just that it's the best I've ever read.:shocked: Call it an exaggeration, but that's what I feel about it. It just describes him and portrays him in a much better way than any other interview and still not revealing that much, but really trying to get him more deeply and not superficially. Still can't quite get what he is as he says, but I just give in to not knowing. It's the way he shows things, the way he tells them, the way his life appears to be or was before... He may be compared to all those huge pop stars but there's something that can never be compared between them. Especially the confidence. He's quite a character and he doesn't seem to notice how great he is himself. That's what makes me a bit sad because it can be limitative... But I'm sure he's gone over that and it's just something that belongs to who he is. I loved that he said you can't make a record, or write one based on just wanting it to be a hit. You have to like what you're doing and you have to know that's something that will make you happy... I think if he did his records or anything just based on how it would suceed, things would come out meaningless in some way. Because there'd be no real feelings put onto it, it wouldn't be faced by him as another creation of his, but just something he's creating for others...

I feel sad as some of you but have no idea why... In a way I have an idea why and that's because I see he's proud of being different, and a freak, but he still wants people to understand him and that's what makes things hard... I don't know if that's the truth for him and if that annoys him that people sometimes don't even try to get him but it's what I think...

What makes me sad aswell is how he wants to sometimes seperate private life and his sexuality from his music or just for people not to regard his music thinking about that but people will always be questioning themselves and him about it like that part of his private life absolutely define their love for him or can put them off of him or...It's just a bit frustrating. I'm not going on Mika's defense here, it's just again my opinion.

I also think that the part of having a close circle of friends is because having a larger one is just something that doesn't appeal to him that much... Because most of those people won't understand him or won't like to spend time with the person he really is and not the person he publically is.

I think his mom also did well on modelling him, or teaching him seperately from all that outside world because someone who's different from anybody else in many ways can get a bit lost out there with all the "common" people and standard opinions and I think by giving him that education he could really take advantage of his oddness for his own good.

"because I think that things that are really good should never cost a lot of money. " And I so agree to this...


This post is so confusing for me but this interview was a lot to again, sink in and think about...:insane: And geez, it's big.

Edited by Neiobi
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Wow...I really don't know what to say about this interview. Just that it's the best I've ever read.:shocked: Call it an exaggeration, but that's what I feel about it. It just describes him and portrays him in a much better way than any other interview and still not revealing that much, but really trying to get him more deeply and not superficially. Still can't quite get what he is as he says, but I just give in to not knowing. It's the way he shows things, the way he tells them, the way his life appears to be or was before... He may be compared to all those huge pop stars but there's something that can never be compared between them. Especially the confidence. He's quite a character and he doesn't seem to notice how great he is himself. That's what makes me a bit sad because it can be limitative... But I'm sure he's gone over that and it's just something that belongs to who he is. I loved that he said you can't make a record, or write one based on just wanting it to be a hit. You have to like what you're doing and you have to know that's something that will make you happy... I think if he did his records or anything just based on how it would suceed, things would come out meaningless in some way. Because there'd be no real feelings put onto it, it wouldn't be faced by him as another creation of his, but just something he's creating for others...

I feel sad as some of you but have no idea why... In a way I have an idea why and that's because I see he's proud of being different, and a freak, but he still wants people to understand him and that's what makes things hard... I don't know if that's the truth for him and if that annoys him that people sometimes don't even try to get him but it's what I think...

What makes me sad aswell is how he wants to sometimes seperate private life and his sexuality from his music or just for people not to regard his music thinking about that but people will always be questioning themselves and him about it like that part of his private life absolutely define their love for him or can put them off of him or...It's just a bit frustrating. I'm not going on Mika's defense here, it's just again my opinion.

I also think that the part of having a close circle of friends is because having a larger one is just something that doesn't appeal to him that much... Because most of those people won't understand him or won't like to spend time with the person he really is and not the person he publically is.

I think his mom also did well on modelling him, or teaching him seperately from all that outside world because someone who's different from anybody else in many ways can get a bit lost out there with all the "common" people and standard opinions and I think by giving him that education he could really take advantage of his oddness for his own good.

"because I think that things that are really good should never cost a lot of money. " And I so agree to this...


This post is so confusing for me but this interview was a lot to again, sink in and think about...:insane: And geez, it's big.



I really liked what you said here and I also felt some sadness in this interview. I still don't elaborate my opinion but what you said help me a lot. Thanks :thumb_yello:.

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I really liked what you said here and I also felt some sadness in this interview. I still don't elaborate my opinion but what you said help me a lot. Thanks :thumb_yello:.


I'm glad, and you're welcome!

Yeah in a way I know why I felt a bit sad but in another way I don't...

Thought I wasn't going to post anything further than "It's the best interview I've ever read" but it all came out:aah:

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I'm glad, and you're welcome!

Yeah in a way I know why I felt a bit sad but in another way I don't...

Thought I wasn't going to post anything further than "It's the best interview I've ever read" but it all came out:aah:


I had the same feeling too. Sad but not so sad. I'll read again to elaborate more and I'll be back here to tell. I also hope to see other people opinions :biggrin2:.

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Thank goodness! I'm not the only freak out there!:naughty:

No, no! You're not a freak! (well...maybe we all are) It's understandable. I suppose we all project ourselves into Mika's shoes and just...imagine what it's like...or know what it's like. If not, we can see there is something in Mika that each one of us can relate to.

Edited by alice.loves.mika
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I had the same feeling too. Sad but not so sad. I'll read again to elaborate more and I'll be back here to tell. I also hope to see other people opinions :biggrin2:.



Looking forward to read:biggrin2:

Yep, I'd like to know if I'm not the only one thinking certain things and want to know what everybody else has to say about it.. Because it's something worth discussing, IMO:biggrin2:

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Wow, wow, wow. Am I the only one who thinks that this might be the best Mika interview ever? Maybe it's because there was so much time put into it. Mika has really grown up, and it shows. Bring on the next record!


I have a few spare copies :wink2:


PM me to let me know when to send the money via Paypal. :wink2:


I must say, I did feel some sadness too.

I thought over the last year, that because things have gone so well for him, that it might have boosted his confidence considerably, but it seems, he still feels the same vunrability. I guess it will take a while longer, if at all for him to shake it.


True. :no:

As much as we'd like to know everything about Mika, it's fair to let him keep as much about himself private as he wants to. As Neil Patrick Harris says: "I'm not such a fan of the pushing-pushing-pushing people to make decisions."

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Wow, wow, wow. Am I the only one who thinks that this might be the best Mika interview ever? Maybe it's because there was so much time put into it. Mika has really grown up, and it shows. Bring on the next record!




PM me to let me know when to send the money via Paypal. :wink2:




True. :no:

As much as we'd like to know everything about Mika, it's fair to let him keep as much about himself private as he wants to. As Neil Patrick Harris says: "I'm not such a fan of the pushing-pushing-pushing people to make decisions."


Not the only one at all!

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Wow, wow, wow. Am I the only one who thinks that this might be the best Mika interview ever? Maybe it's because there was so much time put into it. Mika has really grown up, and it shows. Bring on the next record!




PM me to let me know when to send the money via Paypal. :wink2:




True. :no:

As much as we'd like to know everything about Mika, it's fair to let him keep as much about himself private as he wants to. As Neil Patrick Harris says: "I'm not such a fan of the pushing-pushing-pushing people to make decisions."

I like that he's set up boundaries around his private life; It's good to know he respects himself to that point. I mean, if he didn't, and I suppose if other celebs don't, don't you think they'd end up like Susan Boyle? It'd be too much for them - like it was too much for her - for the media to come crashing down on you and start trying to find out more and more things about you, trying to get into your private life and so on.

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I like that he's set up boundaries around his private life; It's good to know he respects himself to that point. I mean, if he didn't, and I suppose if other celebs don't, don't you think they'd end up like Susan Boyle? It'd be too much for them - like it was too much for her - for the media to come crashing down on you and start trying to find out more and more things about you, trying to get into your private life and so on.

Yep... I think as long as he doesn't "crack", they won't show much interest on his private life unless as usual he's seen with someone famous at the moment. And if they do find something, the impact that will have will be relative... If he isn't minimally interested on what they found and doesn't have anything to hide or doesn't care about what the press think or makes others think, he won't even comment on that and the subject will eventually be forgotten... If he does make a fuss about it, wich I doubt, they'll try and dig up more things... I think:naughty::aah:

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i've already posted about the article earlier today but i just wanted to say how much i enjoyed reading it! it was a lovely (if not a little sorrowful) insight into Mika's mind, well this is what i thought anyway.:wub2: i just took the magazine into the kitchen to show my mum and asked her if she wanted to read it. when she saw me holding it she said 'so is he gay or not?' (oh dear!) and she just brought it back to me now, i asked her what she through of it and all she said was, 'he's very strange!'. haha lmao:naughty: :-) x

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i've already posted about the article earlier today but i just wanted to say how much i enjoyed reading it! it was a lovely (if not a little sorrowful) insight into Mika's mind, well this is what i thought anyway.:wub2: i just took the magazine into the kitchen to show my mum and asked her if she wanted to read it. when she saw me holding it she said 'so is he gay or not?' (oh dear!) and she just brought it back to me now, i asked her what she through of it and all she said was, 'he's very strange!'. haha lmao:naughty: :-) x


That's what my friends always ask.. Pfft:naughty:

He's strange, and that's what I think we all like about him:teehee:

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