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Mika on the scooter - French press


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I don't think Louboutin is as famous as Mika! His shoes are, of course! but not his face!:wink2:


Hi Chopotte!


Thought he was, i see his face in every Vogue or Elle I read here in Portugal!:shocked:

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Seems to have been all over the British press lately- I'd have said he was more famous than MIka here


Then we can only assume French paparazzi's aren't into fashion and had no clue who was in front of them I guess :wink2:

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Then we can only assume French paparazzi's aren't into fashion and had no clue who was in front of them I guess :wink2:


Maybe they (or their readers) are more into fashion than the personalities behind it? I certainly didn't recognise Louboutin, but then I was distracted.

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Didn't look like they were very experienced papz either:blink:




Maybe they (or their readers) are more into fashion than the personalities behind it? I certainly didn't recognise Louboutin, but then I was distracted.


Lol... by what? :naughty::naughty:

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I don't think Louboutin is as famous as Mika! His shoes are, of course! but not his face!:wink2:


I actually thought he was famous in France...Like here in Germany most people wouldn't know who he is. :wink2:

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Hi Chopotte!


Thought he was, i see his face in every Vogue or Elle I read here in Portugal!:shocked:


Hi! How are you????

Well, maybe, I don't read these magazines actually! Yes , he must be a familiar face for the people who are fond of fashion ..... But I have never seen him on french TV shows or news before ... Just like Niki I discovered his face in Mika's vlog!Even if I knew about his shoes (I can't afford :no:) :biggrin2:

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First you cry foul because moderators do not intervene and now you are telling Niki to mind her own business?


Your games are incredibly tiresome and so is this ridiculous talk of "Mica's collaborators". Unless you are speaking of Imogen Heap or Greg Wells I can't imagine who you are even referring to since the guy who shines Mika's shoes or whoever it is that you think you know is not what is commonly referred to in English as a collaborator of an artist.


If you are so sincerely concerned with the protection of Mika's image and assuring that all here are fond of Mika why don't you start by taking your son to task and admonish him not to insult Mika's character and appearance ad nauseam?


I find both your styles alternately amusing and irritating, but you are by far the most consistently rude posters on the forum, so you should not be surprised that you are now reaping what you have sown.



I don’t remember asking the mods to intervene as I have often pointed out their double standard and have always been pretty sure –and it has just happened here to prove me right- that they won’t criticise the administrator for being insulting or rude on a thread.


She will love being called ‘the guy who shines Mika’s shoes’ ; it might even amuse her.


I know that middle age MFCers consider that a twenty-five ‘boy’ should be scolded when he misbehaves but I don’t put grown ups in metaphorical diapers, either Mica or my son. Incidentallly, I have often found that people who advise parents are the ones who either have no children or have screwed up their children’s education.

Id3 admires the artist tremendously, he often finds the man, or rather the persona, horripilating, which in its turn sometimes annoys me. We agree to disagree, with respect, always.

I am happy to see that you do accept the idea that Id3 is a real person, next step my mother. Whose photo Mika will certainly be happy to send a copy of to whoever asks nicely, but then they won't be anxious to see their wild fantasies shattered.


I guess that Freddiesdouble, who must have been made to realise, privately, that he has gone too far, will from now on put innocuous posts on this thread.



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Perhaps because as the administrator of the FC he should set an example ?


Thank you for your go-ahead, which I didn't ask for, but you are prone on giving unasked for advice, it is a little idiosyncrasy of yours. I didn't wait for it.


Does 'Mind your own business' or 'Have a life' sound insulting ? Even more insulting that Freddie's post ? A matter of education, I suppose.


And yes, it is important, not as a personal issue, my feelings being hurt -fortunately my mother is spared the unpleasantness as I translate posts for her- or Freddie being a childish Boer, but because the MFC is part of Mica's image. THAT is important. To me anyway. And to his collaborators, who are all genuinely fond of him.

Wish everybody here were.




rhoooooooooooooo voyons voyons..... Les apparences sont tellement trompeuses.... Pour vous avoir rencontré vendredi, j'ignorais qu'une femme d'une telle classe que vous puisse s'abaisser à une telle mesquinerie et de tels enfantillages.... Voyons, cessez!

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I actually thought he was famous in France...Like here in Germany most people wouldn't know who he is. :wink2:


Me too, he's having his first store opening this month in Lisbon...


Hi! How are you????

Well, maybe, I don't read these magazines actually! Yes , he must be a familiar face for the people who are fond of fashion ..... But I have never seen him on french TV shows or news before ... Just like Niki I discovered his face in Mika's vlog!Even if I knew about his shoes (I can't afford :no:) :biggrin2:


Not Tv, but i happen to see him in magazines, even Portuguese ones, like Vogue Portugal this month has a full article on him, where of course he's asked which is the soundtrack of his life and again he answers Mika's album...:wink2:

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rhoooooooooooooo voyons voyons..... Les apparences sont tellement trompeuses.... Pour vous avoir rencontré vendredi, j'ignorais qu'une femme d'une telle classe que vous puisse s'abaisser à une telle mesquinerie et de tels enfantillages.... Voyons, cessez!


Vous parlez d'enfantillages ? Le message de Freddie était du niveau -école primaire- des insultes de cour de récréation :shocked: .

Mes élèves de collège sont mieux élevés, fort heureusement :wink2: !




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Vous parlez d'enfantillages ? Le message de Freddie était du niveau -école primaire- des insultes de cour de récréation :shocked: .

Mes élèves de collège sont mieux élevés, fort heureusement :wink2: !




Nous ne travaillons pas dans le même genre de collèges alors!:wink2:

Si on devait disserter pendant des pages et des pages à chaque fois que quelqu'un dit un mot de travers, le MFC deviendrait illisible et ce serait accorder beaucoup d'importance à ces "vilains" mots! Et oui, titiller à ce point devient de l'enfantillage, de mon point de vue....

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