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Mika on the scooter - French press


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First I said :hehe: then I said :heh: then I said :hah: then I said :haha: then I said :wink: but forgot the 2. So then I finally said :wink2: :rpft;"




It's :roftl:


I just attempted several games on neopets that require skill and speed.

So right now I feel a bit of an idiot for not being able to make levle 3 of "Edna's shadow" and I'm all pumped with adrenaline! :roftl:



You have to chillax and play the Mika game now.. Then you can go back to neopets:roftl:

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You have to chillax and play the Mika game now.. Then you can go back to neopets:roftl:

Hahaha yeah, Mika dressup!


A Mika fan needs to do one of these so we have a complete closet!


I can't see if these two are different. But I like the second one best!


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I wonder if Mika's bum got numb from all that scooting around town.


I know mine does when we do it together. :mf_rosetinted:






















































Move along people. Nothing to see here! :mf_rosetinted: (I almost said _boff and not :rose OOPS!)

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Move along people. Nothing to see here! :mf_rosetinted: (I almost said _boff and not :rose OOPS!)

There's plenty to see here. I'll brag, but you're all not invited. :mf_bofftinted: :roftl:


Love the jacket, btw. :mf_lustslow: It's very "But, I don't want to choose only one colour".

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There's plenty to see here. I'll brag, but you're all not invited. :mf_bofftinted: :roftl:


Love the jacket, btw. :mf_lustslow: It's very "But, I don't want to choose only one colour".

Well I'm inviting MEH! *jumps on bike*


I know!

The whole outfit is so kitch and pretty and cool and Mikaish!


I wants! :drool:




4000th post! :yay:

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Nous ne travaillons pas dans le même genre de collèges alors!:wink2:

Si on devait disserter pendant des pages et des pages à chaque fois que quelqu'un dit un mot de travers, le MFC deviendrait illisible et ce serait accorder beaucoup d'importance à ces "vilains" mots! Et oui, titiller à ce point devient de l'enfantillage, de mon point de vue....


Alors peut-êre que l'infantilisme est contagieux ? Dans mon collège un élève qui aurait insulté n'importe quel personnel, professeur ou agent d'entretien, de 16 ans son aîné, passerait en conseil de discipline une première fois, une récidive amenant une exclusion. Je suis navrée pour vous si votre principal(e) n'a pas la poigne nécessaire pour diriger un établissement scolaire.


Est peut-être aussi contagieuse la paranoia -prendre pour une critique personnelle ce qui est dirigé vers une autre personne-... Mais ici je ne vois pas bien contre qui étaient dirigées ces insultes, sinon moi. Si je me suis trompée et que je n'en étais pas la cible, je suis prête à m'excuser.



Edited by marie-andrée de rougemont
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i checked around' date=' and it seems that it's not been posted yet

if it is, or if i made it wrong, please mods feel free to remove it, or to change the thread title or whatever... :thumb_yello:






Après avoir fait son cirque sur la piste du Bouglione avant-hier et hier soir, où il chantait les nouveaux tubes de son nouvel album Songs for Sorrow , Mika n'a eu besoin que du reste de la nuit pour se remettre de ses concerts, avant de repartir en selle le sourire au lèvres ! C'est dans une tenue haute en couleur et une attitude hyper décontractée que le chanteur a quitté le luxueux George V, devant lequel l'attendait... un scooter ! Les limousines et les grosses berlines, très peu pour lui : Mika préfère ce qu'il y a de plus simple pour naviguer dans la capitale, sans se faire remarquer. Cela aurait presque pu réussir, si son gilet n'attirait pas autant l'attention!











really nice pics!! love this jacket!


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We all like to think MFC is important but my hunch is that Mika and his collaborator (Es Devlin? Imogen Heap? Dawack? Jodi Marr?) might have other priorities beyond copying pics of your mother to give to members of a message board.


If they're too busy, perhaps you could try another one of Mika's collaborators - Perez Hilton. Word on the street is that he loves hearing complaints about what goes on on MFC.


I don’t think that the MFC -rather dismissively referred to as ‘the forum’ by Mica’s people- is very important. It is very useful as it allows fans to share information, pictures and videos, although I must admit shamefully that my mother and I have been often been on the receiving side.

That is why it was I was so anxious to post the video of the Beirut press conference because it is the only footage that has been circulating, local televisions only showing very small extract of it. I was very privileged to be admitted and happy to share that privilege with other members.


Fishing for information ? Sorry, I won’t give her name, unlike you who flash them around. She doesn’t appear in gossip columns, is content with working in the big man’s shadow and doing a beautiful job. Some people don’t flirt with the spotlights.


You seem to find it difficult to understand what has actually been written in posts you are reacting to. Language barrier ?


I never told Niki to mind her own business and not intervene as a mod, I was responding to her offer -witty in her eyes I suppose- to lend me her dad or one of his lawyers friends. Her dad who, given her own age, must have been long superannuated. Surely it is all right to joke about MFCers’ age and their elderly parents, as it seems to be allowed to the administrator ? As we all know, there is no double standard on this forum :wink2: .


In the same way, I know that Mica has family and friends who would be delighted to photocopy a document for him, to say nothing of his shoe shining guy who would feel promoted. Better still, I am sure the ‘boy’ can do it to, I have been told that they teach them how to photocopy documents in kindergarten…

Furthermore, and strange as it may seem to people who think of him as a pampered nonentity, he can and does write and send letters. Abiding by the French rule, which the Lebanese middle-class have adopted, he always writes his personal letters by hand. His is a beautiful, flamboyant, nervous and slightly overwhelming writing. Much like the man himself I suppose.


Still he is also very charitable and so wouldn't like to be instrumental in shattering some MFCers' delusions, hallucinations or fantasies by giving them proof that Marie-Andrée de Rougemont is a bona fide member of this forum.


Living in denial must have some advantages and give pleasure or nobody would chose to.



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I wonder if Mika's bum got numb from all that scooting around town.


I know mine does when we do it together. :mf_rosetinted:


We reallly are devoted and dedicated fans, all of us worrying about Mica's bum reaction to long scooting around. He is lucky, we are very special people.

My command of the English language is very poor and I am wondering, now, if 'fantasizing' wouldn't have been more appropriate than 'worrying' ...:confused:


And anyway we shouldn't be worrying too much : from the George V to the Cirque d'Hiver it is at most 15 mn's, very likely less as CL seems to be brilliant on a saddle :wink2: .



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i checked around' date=' and it seems that it's not been posted yet

if it is, or if i made it wrong, please mods feel free to remove it, or to change the thread title or whatever... :thumb_yello:






Après avoir fait son cirque sur la piste du Bouglione avant-hier et hier soir, où il chantait les nouveaux tubes de son nouvel album Songs for Sorrow , Mika n'a eu besoin que du reste de la nuit pour se remettre de ses concerts, avant de repartir en selle le sourire au lèvres ! C'est dans une tenue haute en couleur et une attitude hyper décontractée que le chanteur a quitté le luxueux George V, devant lequel l'attendait... un scooter ! Les limousines et les grosses berlines, très peu pour lui : Mika préfère ce qu'il y a de plus simple pour naviguer dans la capitale, sans se faire remarquer. Cela aurait presque pu réussir, si son gilet n'attirait pas autant l'attention!











Tentative translation :


After doing his circus on the Bouglione ring, yesterday evening and the night before, and singing some of the new hits from his new album, 'Songs for Sorrow', Mika only needed the rest of the night to recover from his gigs.

Before getting back in the saddle again, with a smile on his lips !

It's in a flamboyant outfit that the singer left the luxury Hotel George V, in front of which... a scooter was waiting for him !

Limos and big saloon cars, not his cup of tea.

Mika favours what is the most convenient way of negotiating the capital's street, without attracting attention. He might have nearly succeeded, had not his sweater been so eye-catching.


I am sorry, 'tout ce cirque' means 'all that jazz' so it is a bit derogatory and I was unable to render it. Come to think of it, given the kind of newspaper, they probably never thought that far...



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Du beau monde dans le palace parisien ce week-end ! Les acteurs américains Shia Lebeouf et Megan Fox' date=' dont la récente idylle fait beaucoup de buzz sur internet, ont passé la nuit ensemble dans l’une des chambres du George V. Parmi les clients de l’hôtel, Mika a profité de sa mini tournée pour s’offrir une nuit dans le palace. Hier soir, le chanteur assurait le show au Cirque d’hiver dans le 11ème arrondissement de Paris pour un concert en acoustique. Cette mini tournée est un avant-goût de son deuxième album qui sortira en septembre. J.DLR.







There were beautiful people in that luxury hotel this week-end !

SL and MF, whose new affair has caused quite a stir on the Internet, shared a room at the George V last night.

Among the hotel guests was Mika, who took advantage of his mini-tour to treat himself to a room there.

Last night the singer did an acoustic show at the Cirque d'Hiver, in Paris XXth arrt.

The mini-tour gives a fore-taste of his second album to be released in September.

Edited by marie-andrée de rougemont
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thank you marie-andrée for the translations! :thumb_yello:


i found another small web-article, and there are better pics :naughty:

i'm going to add the link in the first post :wink2:



here it is! :wink2:

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Mika est décidément une star à part. Le 12 juin dernier, le chanteur était surpris à la sortie de son hôtel, Le Georges V, à Paris.


Il était dans notre capitale pour assurer deux concerts au Cirque d'Hiver (les 11 et 12 juin). Cela faisait un an déjà qu'il n'était pas venu à Paris. La dernière fois, c'était au Parc des Princes.


Alors que les stars qui sortent du Georges V montent habituellement dans des limousines, lui non. Il enfourche... un scooter, en toute simplicité. Vêtu d'une veste à carreaux de couleurs (couverte de badges) et d'un jean, Mika avait une nouvelle fois le bon look.


L'accessoire du jour ? Un collier avec un petit bonhomme nu... La classe ! On attend désormais son deuxième album avec imaptience. Vous en voulez un avant-goût ? Cliquez ici



here are some 'new' pictures :teehee:










here is the link to my photobucket album if you want to download the bigger version of the pictures already posted :wink2:


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Mika est décidément une star à part. Le 12 juin dernier' date=' le chanteur était surpris à la sortie de son hôtel, Le Georges V, à Paris.


Il était dans notre capitale pour assurer deux concerts au Cirque d'Hiver (les 11 et 12 juin). Cela faisait un an déjà qu'il n'était pas venu à Paris. La dernière fois, c'était au Parc des Princes.


Alors que les stars qui sortent du Georges V montent habituellement dans des limousines, lui non. Il enfourche... un scooter, en toute simplicité. Vêtu d'une veste à carreaux de couleurs (couverte de badges) et d'un jean, Mika avait une nouvelle fois le bon look.


L'accessoire du jour ? Un collier avec un petit bonhomme nu... La classe ! On attend désormais son deuxième album avec imaptience. Vous en voulez un avant-goût ? Cliquez ici



[i']Mika is definitely a special star. On June 12th the singer was caught going out of his hotel, the George V, in Paris.


He was staying in our capital to give two concerts at the Cirque d'Hiver, on June 11th and 12th. It was already a year since he had last come to Paris, the last time being at the Parc des Princes.


While stars who go out of the George V usually use limos, he doesn't. He quite simply jumps onto... a scooter.

Wearing a colourfully checkered jacket, covered in badges, and jeans, he once more had the right look.


Latest toilet requisite ? A necklace with a naked little man... stylish !


We are now waiting impatiently for his second album. Want a foretaste of it ? Click here.[/i]


The silly b... wrote Georges V, with an 's', because that's the French spelling but the George who gave the hotel its name was an English king.


If it's not entirely off topic after a translation... I love him in white trainers :fangurl:.

Actually I love it when he is dressed in a very simple or even conservative way because it brings out his amazing class :bow::king: .

When he is wearing outrageous outfits, it does bring it out too, but in a more negative way, as in 'OMG, the guy must have class if he can wear that and survive :shocked: !'




The title was, I believe : 'Mika, the guy next door... and he is cute into the bargain !

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I don’t think that the MFC -rather dismissively referred to as ‘the forum’ by Mica’s people- is very important. It is very useful as it allows fans to share information, pictures and videos, although I must admit shamefully that my mother and I have been often been on the receiving side.

That is why it was I was so anxious to post the video of the Beirut press conference because it is the only footage that has been circulating, local televisions only showing very small extract of it. I was very privileged to be admitted and happy to share that privilege with other members.


Fishing for information ? Sorry, I won’t give her name, unlike you who flash them around. She doesn’t appear in gossip columns, is content with working in the big man’s shadow and doing a beautiful job. Some people don’t flirt with the spotlights.


You seem to find it difficult to understand what has actually been written in posts you are reacting to. Language barrier ?


I never told Niki to mind her own business and not intervene as a mod, I was responding to her offer -witty in her eyes I suppose- to lend me her dad or one of his lawyers friends. Her dad who, given her own age, must have been long superannuated. Surely it is all right to joke about MFCers’ age and their elderly parents, as it seems to be allowed to the administrator ? As we all know, there is no double standard on this forum :wink2: .


In the same way, I know that Mica has family and friends who would be delighted to photocopy a document for him, to say nothing of his shoe shining guy who would feel promoted. Better still, I am sure the ‘boy’ can do it to, I have been told that they teach them how to photocopy documents in kindergarten…

Furthermore, and strange as it may seem to people who think of him as a pampered nonentity, he can and does write and send letters. Abiding by the French rule, which the Lebanese middle-class have adopted, he always writes his personal letters by hand. His is a beautiful, flamboyant, nervous and slightly overwhelming writing. Much like the man himself I suppose.


Still he is also very charitable and so wouldn't like to be instrumental in shattering some MFCers' delusions, hallucinations or fantasies by giving them proof that Marie-Andrée de Rougemont is a bona fide member of this forum.


Living in denial must have some advantages and give pleasure or nobody would chose to.




Get - yourself - a - ... calculator :aah::roftl:


Babyyyyyyyyy, did you forget ... ? :blink:

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Firstly: Poor Freddie. Scared he'll be living in a box with his lager and an inflatable crocodile, listening to Songs for Sorrow, questioning his sexuality, waiting for Christian Louboutin to come rescue him on a scooter..


I don’t think that the MFC -rather dismissively referred to as ‘the forum’ by Mica’s people- is very important.

I don't find referring to MFC as "the forum" being dismissive at all. This is a forum. It's factual. A fan club is a group of people dedicated to something, or someone. We are a fan club. THIS is a forum.

But, I have to ask: if you don't find MFC important then why are you here?

It is very useful as it allows fans to share information, pictures and videos, although I must admit shamefully that my mother and I have been often been on the receiving side.

Firstly, yes, it is useful. The idea of the MFC is to belong to a community and contribute to it. Help it grow. Make it stronger.

Secondly, I don't know the history of you and your family on here or anywhere else for that matter, and to be honest, I don't even care to know. You're not interesting to me and I'd prefer not to read about you and your family in every hot topic thread. This thread isn't about you and them. No thread on MFC is as far as I know unless you made an introductory thread. So, can we stay on topic from now on and just focus on Mika like we should be.

That is why it was I was so anxious to post the video of the Beirut press conference because it is the only footage that has been circulating, local televisions only showing very small extract of it. I was very privileged to be admitted and happy to share that privilege with other members.

Well, that's very nice of you and is greatly appreciated.

Still he is also very charitable and so wouldn't like to be instrumental in shattering some MFCers' delusions, hallucinations or fantasies by giving them proof that Marie-Andrée de Rougemont is a bona fide member of this forum.


Living in denial must have some advantages and give pleasure or nobody would chose to.



Oh, come on. No one here even cares if your mum knows Mika or not..


I don't even get excited when I see Perez log in.

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Oh, come on. No one here even cares if your mum knows Mika or not.


Thank you for summing it up Kelzy. We don't care.


And in my experience Mika's collaborators where MFC are concerned are more than happy to leave the running of MFC to its members. Mika has reiterated this himself on numerous occasions and all these irrational and idle threats that have come to nothing over the last several months just serve to further diminish your credibility Marie-Th.


No one is interested in this nonsense. Time to move on.

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more than non interested, it makes fans run away from threads.


in case the nonsense goes on and on, i suggest to close this thread that, besides the last pages, was bad enough from the start 'cause it showed mika harassed by paps.

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Even if Mika himself decided to take the form of a disturbed family and started trolling the forum, I'd expect the moderators to do something about it :sneaky2:it's completely beyond me how this sh#t can still be going on, regardless of the possible fancy connections this nutter is believed/believes to have :freak:

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honestly i didn't read the whole matter, because i really don't like off-topics, they make me nervous, and so i don't read them purposely...


but i feel very sorry for opening a wrong thread and posting not appropriate pictures :sad:

feel free to remove it (as i wrote in the first post), to close it, and to do everything is better for this website, it's more than fine for me :thumb_yello:

i'm new here, and i'm still learning :blush-anim-cl:

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honestly i didn't read the whole matter' date=' because i really don't like off-topics, they make me nervous, and so i don't read them purposely...


but i feel very sorry for opening a wrong thread and posting not appropriate pictures :sad:

feel free to remove it (as i wrote in the first post), to close it, and to do everything is better for this website, it's more than fine for me :thumb_yello:

i'm new here, and i'm still learning :blush-anim-cl:[/quote']



please monica!

you are welcome with anything you want to post! :huglove:


i'm very happy you began posting here, you know english well and this is your place as mine.


the pics are not bad, you were nice to post them.

i was only hinting at the whole paps thing (including the video...puah, revolting)


(btw, have you translated the whole OMM article in italian for the italian fans? if you did...kudos to you!)

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aww, thank you robi, you cheer me up!! :sweatdrop: i was feeling really very sorry!!! :aah:

you're right about the paps, that vid is so horrible... :bash:


thank you for your kind welcome!! it's a little hard but i'm trying to do my best and in the best way i can :blush-anim-cl:


p.s.: yep, i did it! my hand still hurts for all that writing! :naughty:

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