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2009 - Le Poisson Rouge, NY - June 23 - reports, photos and videos


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I will try my best to give a short and detailed report:teehee:


My mika experience began on Monday when I pick Holly up from the airport.

My husband left us around 34th street. We found an internet access place where we spend 90 minutes on the MFC:teehee:

When to the venue and met BRITT! Super cool and sweet guy!!! Shortly after we went to eat chinese food. I ate but Holly babrely touch her food. She was looking at the venue all the time lol.

After we ate we decided to go back and we both met Mana and Andrew!! Super cute couple and very sweet too. Holly took some pics that she will post later. Then Holly and I walked to the hotel and waited for Cynthia. We didn't check in until 5:45pm. We spend almost an hour talking to Cynthia about the show. The three of us were trying on the masks I purchased for the show which we never used:teehee: After Cynthia left Holly tried to sleep. She only rest 45 minutes. I couldn't sleep at all. at this time, we didn't know what to do about the time getting to the venue. Holly and I knew that we would not be able to sleep. So we shower, dressed and head to the venue. We got there at 12am. And the venue was still open. There were lots of bars around and my God I didn't know that people get sooooo drunk on Monday. :naughty:

We were slowly moving to the venue and the security guy was giving us bad looks. But we didn't care. We were being super quiet. It took us 2 hours to get near the door. People were coming in and out of the venue until 4am!!! Around 4:45am the guy we met earlier came out and he recognized us. He was shocked we were there and even more shocked when we told him the time we arrived:teehee: The guy told someone inside to bring water for us and to let us use the toilets. We didn't want them to think we wanted some type of special treatment but he insisted and we finally said yes. Holly stayed outside talking to Britt's girlfriend while I went in. The venue had this naked sculptures but went well with the whole atmosphere. Britt told the rest of the staff about us being outside for Mika and they all cheered for us. I felt so happy because we were getting Mika noticed!! We wanted them to know how amazing and talented he is!!! I was very surprised that they knew a lot about him. The other shows I attended, the staff had no clue about him.

Edited by Lucy
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I'm impressed with Sariflor's report -- I couldn't have written a single word when I came in last night! Mika's performance was fantastic and, as always, the long hours waiting at the venue were made so much more bearable by the MFC.


To those who asked, IDs were checked so that people under 21 would not be able to get alcohol. I honestly don't know if they would have actually turned someone away who was just shy of 18. Employees of the venue told me (I don't know how reliably) that they would have been OK with all ages or at least accompanied by a parent, but that this was Mika's decision.

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I'm so sorry sweetie. :huglove:


Stop hugging her ! What she wants is sound advice... like putting some heavy make up on her face, changing her hairstyle to look like her mum, borrowing the latter's ID then going to the gig :thumb_yello: .

Remember, The Life of Brian, the stoning, when all women buy fake beards to enjoy the show ? Same idea :roftl: .





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Has anyone reported on the first act yet ? Her guitarist is DDG :swoon: !


Still hardly hot enough to justify the 'strictly over 18' rule. Unless it's a local law for some venues :confused: ?






The opening act was good, i thought. It was a solo artist name Diane or Diana Burke. She preformed 4 songs from her new album/EP (can't remember)Bible Belt. her songs sounded very similar except the one she mentioned was going to be her single. She has a good voice though.


Its really hard for me to judge music when i first hear it. I tend to try to give it a few listens before i can really say. Her music got me moving ,so thats something. :wink2:

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Sitting in our hotel room with Sunshine931 and Cassiopee, trying to gather our thoughts.

It's been ****IN AAAAMAAAAZING!! Seriously. The energy was incredible, we were like right on top of the tiny stage, it was very similar to the setup at The Roxy, and Mika was relishing it.

Queuing was fun, we spent tons of time doing the usual gossiping/chatting/moaning that we were tired :naughty :, and the icecream van was just an incredible touch.

We worked very well with the security and Team Mika, enforcing the numbers/time of arrival system, and it paid off. Of course you always get a few asses who try their luck at cheating the system, but luckily karma worked its magic and we all got the positions that we deserved based on the arrival time. I still can't get my head around the fact that some people are that selfish and bad, but I guess that at this stage in my Mika gig queuing career I should know better :roftl :.

On another order of things, I can't believe that Mika actually fleeted that icecream van for us. It was also high quality ice cream, not just any crappy old thing. It was also very cute that, as Kate was saying, Mika's family kept coming over to remind us that we had to have some free icrecream, on Mika. So sweet.

The gig:From the start it was so clear that the crowd was totally up for it, and of course he picked up on this and it magnified his own energy.

We were to the left of the stage, practically on top of the piano (it was tiiiny), and got tons of eye contact and lovely smiles from Mika while he sung.

At one point during Rain, he smirked and pointed his mike at Mana and I asking us to sing :roftl :. It was hilarious.

A bit of a downer was the fact that some rude peeps were chatting away during Over My Shoulder, and Mika kept shushing the crowd, but of course some would just keep speaking and making noise throughoutthe song. Dan looked a bit bothered by that as well. It's just rude, and it upsets me.

We tried to make them stfu and of course these things don't really work, but hey, we tried :naughty:.

Anyway, the gig was absolutely fantastic. Fantastic. He just gave his whole heart, and totally lost himself in the music. He did an especially heartfelt performance of Lonely Alcoholic, which was incredibly beautiful, and Happy Ending was also particularly amazing tonight.

Since we got into the venue, and saw that we were standing right next to the celesta (spelling??) where Mika does Toyboy, Christine, Deb and I were super excited thinking: OMG, he's going to be standing here while we lean onto the instrument (we were literally squashed against it!!), so we were gleefully looking forward to Toy Boy :wub2:.

Little did we expect that, when he started, some over excited girls who were standing next to us started touching him whilst he was starting the song, and to be honest, I think that it was this and not the slight feedback problem that caused him to retreat back to the safety of the piano.


In any case, it was one of the best performances that I've seen of Toy Boy. In fact, I will say that, except for the one at The Roxy (which will always remain the best in my mind because it was the first time that he did it and you could tell how much it meant to him to see the audience's reaction), this was the best Toy Boy that he's done. IMO of course.


He was SO excited!! HE kept smiling and laughing and repeating that we were fooking amazing, etc, and you could just tell how thrilled he was. Obviously, so were we, so it was a great combination.

He told us that he had a cold/sore throat and he was losing his voice, but that we were the best crowd to lose it with, implying that we were helping him so much. It was really touching.

At one point I noticed that he kept doing this thing with his hand at us, towards the place where Mana and I were (really, the two of us are a TERRIBLE combination when it comes to front row fangurliness :roftl:) like saying 'come up!', but it was so subtle that I didn't quite know if he meant that he wanted us to go on stage or not...He kept doing it and then did it again for another song, at which point it actually looked like he was going to grab Mana's hand, so we just jumped on the stage because it was just really clear to me that he was asking us to do that.

I think that *cough* I may have been the first one to get up there *cough* , but in any case we had a full stage a few seconds later so hey, it was fun.

After the gig we were a bit worried that he wasn't actually asking for the stage invasion, so someone (I think Mana?) asked him if that was what he wanted, and he said that yes, that was what he was trying to do, to get us up there.

It was good to get the confirmation, as we've always had this conversation where some people think that he's clearly asking for it, and others think that he's not unless he specifically pulls people up. So, mistery solved :naughty:.

Oh and when we thanked him for the gigs and the tour, he actually told us that it was great to have us follow him around, that he loves seeing our faces at the front all the time at the different places, and he actually told Mana and I that when he saw us there, "he knew that it would be a good one", hahaha! That must have been one of the sweetest things he's said, seriously. He's such a sweetheart, I mean, how can one not melt when he says things like that. Sigh.

Ok, this is all for just now. Cassiopee has dropped off to Mika dream land so Sunshine and I will now see if we missed anything and post again if we come up with some new stuff.


Amazing report .... you deserve all the recognition you get ... :thumb_yello:

Have loved reading about your travels with Mika ... hope to enjoy reading many many more ... and to experience more myself too :wub2:


He's incredible - thanks so much for the vids and pics guys .... :huglove:

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO HAVE JUST WOKEN UP FROM A DAZE I STILL FEEL LIKE IM ON CLOUD NINE...OR HIGH lol dont have post mika depression...yet but im sure this review is gonna do the trick havent read the others so this might be repetitive



ok so i woke up yesterday at 6 am (called holly and lucy on my way to school to find out they have been camping out there since midnight HA! its gonna be fun reading there review lmfao!) and had to go to school cuz ooooooooooof course i had my last french regents that morning and then got done with it and got picked up by my mom at 10 45 to go to the train station. it took about an hour and a half to get to le poisson rouge with all the subway stuff and everything. when i got to about a block away i saw the line and i legit ran hahaha i saw the whole crew and i hugged holly and everyone i was so happy hahahahaha then sometime later i dont remember his family came and damn they are GOOD GENES IN THE PENNIMAN NAME HAHAHA! his sister and brother were sorta just roaming around back and forth between the venue and going on those bicycle rides and then ice cream truck came sometime later and it was the most adorable truck i have seen! it was like a vintage yellow one with a biiiig window and the ice cream man may i just say was SOOO CUTE hahaha lucy said he looked like a skinnier jason mraz and i gotta agree lol! so then we all started getting ice cream and it was really really really good! like omg good! it was this gourmet kind of ice cream and the strawberry and chocolate were like orgasmic hahaha:roftl: fortune i guess was the mika clan ice cream provider and was getting like 5 cups of it constantly lol it was funny to see and him and his mum kept on coming up to us to tell us to eat lol it was so cute they treat u like ur part of the family! and can i say that fortune is a SPITTING image of mika when he was younger like exactly! hes got da penniman legs and style lol! his outfit was very mikaish looking i approved hehehe:naughty: then a bunch of hours later and convesations and chaos later we began to get in order based on our numbers and it was fine up till there until can i just say THAT LOUNGE THING WAS THE WORST IDEA EVER!!!!!! i mean we were fine until then! the lounge caused chaos and clausterphobia! (a women next to me who was around 60 i think she came with a clay had a legit clausterphobia attack next to me and her husband had to help her stand!) it was unsafe and not organized after that! then finally the security people began to have some common sense and bring us in by calling out numbers and then checking our hands as we go in. i got in to the venue AND OMG IT WAS TINY!!!!! it was like half the size of my downstairs lol! the stage was up to our knees and i was like inbetween 1st and second row cuz sivan and sam were infront of me but i had a perfect view inbetween them it was like a perfect little window lol! ANY WAY SO NOW TIME FOR THE GIG the opening was eh:blink: not so bad she had a good voice but her songs werent AMAZING she was a bit ordinary theeeeeeeeeeeeeeen mika came on AND OMG I CANT BEGIN TO DESCRIBE THE ADRENALINE AND HAPPINESS THAT PUMPED THROUGH ME IN THAT MOMENT! dont remember all the song order i remember he started with gk then lady jane and he sang with PURE and RAW passion and emotion it made my knees weak! seeing him so close and personal really allowed insight in how much he emerges himself in his music and how much pride he takes in it! lady jane lonely alcoholic and the love today encore i think were my favorite but that could easily change cuz they were all so amazing!!!!:wub2: u would have never thought he was loosing his voice cuz of how much fun he was having and still how beautiful and powerful his voice sounded! love today encore version was a-****ing-mazing!!!!! i love how he was so hands on with conducting the band and orchestrating the strings and cueing them in! it was like he didnt care if they did or didnt do this before or if they mess up he was having pure fun and it sounded amazing especially since i could really hear the strings well as i was RIGHT next to them i could touch the instruments if i wanted lol! the first lt was a bitch though AND NOT CUZ OF HIM! but this obnoxious ass girl who i think was high or drunk or both pushes her way through and jumps around trying to cause a mosh pit and she was hurting the girl infront of her and me and i think everyone around me and i thnk not totally sure but mika noticed our side getting angry at her and he stopped playing and looked towards us to see wat was going on but the rest of the venue didnt realize and kept on singing so he sorta just dropped it, finally she left and things were back to the good ole times and he sang ALOT OF SONGS i really wasnt expecting so many for an acoustic tour! he sang easily for an hour and a half then lollipop came on and it was amazing with all the balloons and confetti especially in such a small place cuz everyone really was able to participate and party around and he was so playful and hands on with the audience it was amazing! *stops to stretch fingers...JEEZ THIS IS GETTING LONG HAHAH* then during the last song i couldnt tell cuz it was such a blur and a daze i saw sarie getting up on to the stage and then sivan did and i right away climbed up and went towards mika and i was holding on to his shoulder so i wouldnt collapse hahaha and EW HIS BACK WAS SWWWWWWWWWWWEATY hahaha for good reason also:roftl: i also played a few notes on the piano just so i can say i played on mikas piano lol but i think it was off hahaaha:naughty: then we all climbed off the stage and i grabbed a balloon and me and my mom went out and i put my stuff in my dads car and the went back to the line with my mom for the autographs and ughhh my mom was trying to persuade me to leave BUT THERE WAS NO WAY IN HELL WAS I PLANNING ON LEAVING THEN HAHAH he finally came out at 1 05 and signed and did pics and talked and he really payed attention to everyone and took his time even if he was sick and then he came up to me and i handed my book for him to sign and i asked him what he like better this or terminal 5 and he had this huge grin on his face and he was like OMG THIS! even though i lost my voice half way through this was so much fun! i told him i agree and he was amazing he and i hope he gets his voice back and he responded cheekily ill be looking for it:blush-anim-cl: then he moved on to my mom who had him sign my ipod (he drew a heart with i think angel wings and signed below, IT COULDNT LOOK MORE PERFECT! like so cool looking!) and she of course told him hes the same age as my brother lolol and that he is the best and hugged him lol! and then i went home as i am now...IN A DAZE!!!



wow i made it through that with out crying! thats amazing! maybe its cuz i know ill be seeing him again in september lol!


any way all done hope u enjoy


if i could put more than 7 smiles i would have lol i had to narrow down from 32 LMFAO

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..........SPITTING image of mika when he was younger


...but if he hadn't had his hair cut in the last couple of weeks or so he would still look like the spitting image of his bro... (I understand they must have distinctive haircuts so that they are not mixed up.:naughty:)

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO HAVE JUST WOKEN UP FROM A DAZE I STILL FEEL LIKE IM ON CLOUD NINE...OR HIGH lol dont have post mika depression...yet but im sure this review is gonna do the trick havent read the others so this might be repetitive



ok so i woke up yesterday at 6 am (called holly and lucy on my way to school to find out they have been camping out there since midnight HA! its gonna be fun reading there review lmfao!) and had to go to school cuz ooooooooooof course i had my last french regents that morning and then got done with it and got picked up by my mom at 10 45 to go to the train station. it took about an hour and a half to get to le poisson rouge with all the subway stuff and everything. when i got to about a block away i saw the line and i legit ran hahaha i saw the whole crew and i hugged holly and everyone i was so happy hahahahaha then sometime later i dont remember his family came and damn they are GOOD GENES IN THE PENNIMAN NAME HAHAHA! his sister and brother were sorta just roaming around back and forth between the venue and going on those bicycle rides and then ice cream truck came sometime later and it was the most adorable truck i have seen! it was like a vintage yellow one with a biiiig window and the ice cream man may i just say was SOOO CUTE hahaha lucy said he looked like a skinnier jason mraz and i gotta agree lol! so then we all started getting ice cream and it was really really really good! like omg good! it was this gourmet kind of ice cream and the strawberry and chocolate were like orgasmic hahaha:roftl: fortune i guess was the mika clan ice cream provider and was getting like 5 cups of it constantly lol it was funny to see and him and his mum kept on coming up to us to tell us to eat lol it was so cute they treat u like ur part of the family! and can i say that fortune is a SPITTING image of mika when he was younger like exactly! hes got da penniman legs and style lol! his outfit was very mikaish looking i approved hehehe:naughty : then a bunch of hours later and convesations and chaos later we began to get in order based on our numbers and it was fine up till there until can i just say THAT LOUNGE THING WAS THE WORST IDEA EVER!!!!!! i mean we were fine until then! the lounge caused chaos and clausterphobia! (a women next to me who was around 60 i think she came with a clay had a legit clausterphobia attack next to me and her husband had to help her stand!) it was unsafe and not organized after that! then finally the security people began to have some common sense and bring us in by calling out numbers and then checking our hands as we go in. i got in to the venue AND OMG IT WAS TINY!!!!! it was like half the size of my downstairs lol! the stage was up to our knees and i was like inbetween 1st and second row cuz sivan and sam were infront of me but i had a perfect view inbetween them it was like a perfect little window lol! ANY WAY SO NOW TIME FOR THE GIG the opening was eh:blink: not so bad she had a good voice but her songs werent AMAZING she was a bit ordinary theeeeeeeeeeeeeeen mika came on AND OMG I CANT BEGIN TO DESCRIBE THE ADRENALINE AND HAPPINESS THAT PUMPED THROUGH ME IN THAT MOMENT! dont remember all the song order i remember he started with gk then lady jane and he sang with PURE and RAW passion and emotion it made my knees weak! seeing him so close and personal really allowed insight in how much he emerges himself in his music and how much pride he takes in it! lady jane lonely alcoholic and the love today encore i think were my favorite but that could easily change cuz they were all so amazing!!!!:wub2: u would have never thought he was loosing his voice cuz of how much fun he was having and still how beautiful and powerful his voice sounded! love today encore version was a-****ing-mazing!!!!! i love how he was so hands on with conducting the band and orchestrating the strings and cueing them in! it was like he didnt care if they did or didnt do this before or if they mess up he was having pure fun and it sounded amazing especially since i could really hear the strings well as i was RIGHT next to them i could touch the instruments if i wanted lol! the first lt was a bitch though AND NOT CUZ OF HIM! but this obnoxious ass girl who i think was high or drunk or both pushes her way through and jumps around trying to cause a mosh pit and she was hurting the girl infront of her and me and i think everyone around me and i thnk not totally sure but mika noticed our side getting angry at her and he stopped playing and looked towards us to see wat was going on but the rest of the venue didnt realize and kept on singing so he sorta just dropped it' date=' finally she left and things were back to the good ole times and he sang ALOT OF SONGS i really wasnt expecting so many for an acoustic tour! he sang easily for an hour and a half then lollipop came on and it was amazing with all the balloons and confetti especially in such a small place cuz everyone really was able to participate and party around and he was so playful and hands on with the audience it was amazing! *stops to stretch fingers...JEEZ THIS IS GETTING LONG HAHAH* then during the last song i couldnt tell cuz it was such a blur and a daze i saw sarie getting up on to the stage and then sivan did and i right away climbed up and went towards mika and i was holding on to his shoulder so i wouldnt collapse hahaha and EW HIS BACK WAS SWWWWWWWWWWWEATY hahaha for good reason also:roftl: i also played a few notes on the piano just so i can say i played on mikas piano lol but i think it was off hahaaha:naughty : then we all climbed off the stage and i grabbed a balloon and me and my mom went out and i put my stuff in my dads car and the went back to the line with my mom for the autographs and ughhh my mom was trying to persuade me to leave BUT THERE WAS NO WAY IN HELL WAS I PLANNING ON LEAVING THEN HAHAH he finally came out at 1 05 and signed and did pics and talked and he really payed attention to everyone and took his time even if he was sick and then he came up to me and i handed my book for him to sign and i asked him what he like better this or terminal 5 and he had this huge grin on his face and he was like OMG THIS! even though i lost my voice half way through this was so much fun! i told him i agree and he was amazing he and i hope he gets his voice back and he responded cheekily ill be looking for it:blush-anim-cl : then he moved on to my mom who had him sign my ipod (he drew a heart with i think angel wings and signed below, IT COULDNT LOOK MORE PERFECT! like so cool looking!) and she of course told him hes the same age as my brother lolol and that he is the best and hugged him lol! and then i went home as i am now...IN A DAZE!!!



wow i made it through that with out crying! thats amazing! maybe its cuz i know ill be seeing him again in september lol!


any way all done hope u enjoy


if i could put more than 7 smiles i would have lol i had to narrow down from 32 LMFAO[/quote']


:wub2: Thank you for sharing your day .... :wub2: Glad you had an amazing time .... :huglove:

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No, he didn't. He just wore that feather hat seen in the pics already posted.


hmmm... despite the fact that you are a new member, you are pretty familiar with the type of hat sienna was talking about...:das:

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Part 2


I came out of the bathroom as Holly was coming in. She finally got to used the toilet lol.

We went out and thanked Britt. All the staff were coming out one by one and all of them said to us "see you tomorrow" I don't know why they said that because it was already Tuesday lol. The early morning hours were very difficult because it got cold and windy. The pharmacies around the venue did not open until 7 or 8. Holly was standing the whole time. I decided to seat on newspapers. We got to experience good and bad things. But most people were super nice and sweet to us. There was a guy walking around bleecker street with a guitar. He approached us and asked who we were waiting for. Holly gave a brief story about mika and showed him the picture on the wall. He then sang some songs about us waiting for mika. I recorded him and will try to post the video ASAP.

At 7am Holly went to the store and finally got a chair. But unfortunately the chair was too low and she barely used it. I preferred to remain seated on the floor lol. Holly and I weer already out for 7 hours!! and it started to hit us. But all we thought about was seeing MIKA after one year and a half!!! He is the best medicine for pain lol

Around 8:30 or 8:45 Sivan arrived. I had my head covered with a towel Holly got for me because I was soo cold. But when I saw her I knew it was her. She is super nice and sweet!!!! I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy I got to finally meet her!

Then around 9 o'clock almost everyone else arrived. I met Suzy and her husband. They became my favorite people!! They are so sweet an funny..........perfect for each other. Super sweet. I met Mana and Andrew again, Sariflor, and Christine. As of now, I don't remember everyone because my head still at Le poisson rouge! lol

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Heyyyy alll!!! Aimee (I <3Mika), I loved your report. I felt like i was standing next to you/with you during most of your report.... i even chatted with your mom a bit. so i can empathize with everything!!!! also, the ipod idea was so smart! :thumb_yello:I should have done that ahhhh!!!!


mika was absolutely amazing! it's been more than a year since i last saw a mika concert, so the emotions just came flooding back in when i saw him walk on the stage. he was just so happy and ecstatic, i loved it!


at the end of the night, i gave him a t-qualizer t-shirt (he's a video explaining it

), which lights up based on soundwaves. i was still explaining it to him and as soon as he saw the lights when i was talking, he grabbed it out of my hands and started playing with it and saying "hellloooo, helloooo, one, two, three, hellooo" (while John was just holding his umbrella and staring at him with a straight face haha). he was like a little kid getting presents, it was funny. ahhh i dont really know what else to say.


ohhhh it was so great to finally meet mfcers!!!! i met sivan and holly in the beginning. and aimee, and cynthia, and dcdeb, and aclay, candboys, kateisakate, and a lot more!!!! you were all so sweet and friendly, i'm so glad to have experience this mika concert with you all! (i usually go with a friend who's not as big of a mika fan as i am, and its definitely not as fun as experiencing it with mfcers).


anyhoo, here are my pics! they should be easily accessible coz I left the album open for everyone.... let me know if it doesnt work



and the videos are being loaded onto youtube as we speak.... so i'll post when theyre ready!!!!!



Natalie :mf_lustslow:

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Thank you 1 <3MIKA for your funny report!

hehehe no problemo i had fun writing it lol! im saving it on my comp so i wont forget what happened lol

:wub2: Thank you for sharing your day .... :wub2: Glad you had an amazing time .... :huglove:

no problemo i always like when people leave long reports of gigs im not at so i think its fair to do the same :cheerful_h4h:

...but if he hadn't had his hair cut in the last couple of weeks or so he would still look like the spitting image of his bro... (I understand they must have distinctive haircuts so that they are not mixed up.:naughty:)

hahahaha there were times where i would look at the ice cream truck and see the profile of his brother and i would be like WTF why isnt everyone panicking lol! and then i realized it was fortune lol he def has the LOOOOONG eyelashes and legs:mf_lustslow: like basically he is exactly how mika looks when we take profile pics of him looking down when he signs stuff lol


sighhhhh i love the pennimans its the only thing that can justify wat i feel like right now lol! they are all so lovely and nice:naughty:




i just wanted to say EVERYONE who met yesterday were soooo incredibly nice and it was so much fun talking to all of you! i met lots of old faces from terminal 5 and the french concerts and it was great getting back to everyone and i also met loads of new people and everyone was so welcoming and nice and easy going! i love u all xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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Part 2


I came out of the bathroom as Holly was coming in. She finally got to used the toilet lol.

We went out and thanked Britt. All the staff were coming out one by one and all of them said to us "see you tomorrow" I don't know why they said that because it was already Tuesday lol. The early morning hours were very difficult because it got cold and windy. The pharmacies around the venue did not open until 7 or 8. Holly was standing the whole time. I decided to seat on newspapers. We got to experience good and bad things. But most people were super nice and sweet to us. There was a guy walking around bleecker street with a guitar. He approached us and asked who we were waiting for. Holly gave a brief story about mika and showed him the picture on the wall. He then sang some songs about us waiting for mika. I recorded him and will try to post the video ASAP.

At 7am Holly went to the store and finally got a chair. But unfortunately the chair was too low and she barely used it. I preferred to remain seated on the floor lol. Holly and I weer already out for 7 hours!! and it started to hit us. But all we thought about was seeing MIKA after one year and a half!!! He is the best medicine for pain lol

Around 8:30 or 8:45 Sivan arrived. I had my head covered with a towel Holly got for me because I was soo cold. But when I saw her I knew it was her. She is super nice and sweet!!!! I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy I got to finally meet her!

Then around 9 o'clock almost everyone else arrived. I met Suzy and her husband. They became my favorite people!! They are so sweet an funny..........perfect for each other. Super sweet. I met Mana and Andrew again, Sariflor, and Christine. As of now, I don't remember everyone because my head still at Le poisson rouge! lol



did u meet dcdeb also?

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Heyyyy alll!!! Aimee (I <3Mika), I loved your report. I felt like i was standing next to you/with you during most of your report.... i even chatted with your mom a bit. so i can empathize with everything!!!! also, the ipod idea was so smart! :thumb_yello:I should have done that ahhhh!!!!


mika was absolutely amazing! it's been more than a year since i last saw a mika concert, so the emotions just came flooding back in when i saw him walk on the stage. he was just so happy and ecstatic, i loved it!


at the end of the night, i gave him a t-qualizer t-shirt (he's a video explaining it

), which lights up based on soundwaves. i was still explaining it to him and as soon as he saw the lights when i was talking, he grabbed it out of my hands and started playing with it and saying "hellloooo, helloooo, one, two, three, hellooo" (while John was just holding his umbrella and staring at him with a straight face haha). he was like a little kid getting presents, it was funny. ahhh i dont really know what else to say.


ohhhh it was so great to finally meet mfcers!!!! i met sivan and holly in the beginning. and aimee, and cynthia, and dcdeb, and aclay, candboys, kateisakate, and a lot more!!!! you were all so sweet and friendly, i'm so glad to have experience this mika concert with you all! (i usually go with a friend who's not as big of a mika fan as i am, and its definitely not as fun as experiencing it with mfcers).


anyhoo, here are my pics! they should be easily accessible coz I left the album open for everyone.... let me know if it doesnt work



and the videos are being loaded onto youtube as we speak.... so i'll post when theyre ready!!!!!



Natalie :mf_lustslow:


Love the t-shirt ... that's so cool :wub2: I've got him a t-shirt too ... a Dr Seuss one ... still have to give it to him yet ... :aah: But that is awesome .... :biggrin2:

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Heyyyy alll!!! Aimee (I <3Mika), I loved your report. I felt like i was standing next to you/with you during most of your report.... i even chatted with your mom a bit. so i can empathize with everything!!!! also, the ipod idea was so smart! :thumb_yello:I should have done that ahhhh!!!!


mika was absolutely amazing! it's been more than a year since i last saw a mika concert, so the emotions just came flooding back in when i saw him walk on the stage. he was just so happy and ecstatic, i loved it!


at the end of the night, i gave him a t-qualizer t-shirt (he's a video explaining it

), which lights up based on soundwaves. i was still explaining it to him and as soon as he saw the lights when i was talking, he grabbed it out of my hands and started playing with it and saying "hellloooo, helloooo, one, two, three, hellooo" (while John was just holding his umbrella and staring at him with a straight face haha). he was like a little kid getting presents, it was funny. ahhh i dont really know what else to say.


ohhhh it was so great to finally meet mfcers!!!! i met sivan and holly in the beginning. and aimee, and cynthia, and dcdeb, and aclay, candboys, kateisakate, and a lot more!!!! you were all so sweet and friendly, i'm so glad to have experience this mika concert with you all! (i usually go with a friend who's not as big of a mika fan as i am, and its definitely not as fun as experiencing it with mfcers).


anyhoo, here are my pics! they should be easily accessible coz I left the album open for everyone.... let me know if it doesnt work



and the videos are being loaded onto youtube as we speak.... so i'll post when theyre ready!!!!!



Natalie :mf_lustslow:

awww natalie! it was great talking to u too! i had an amazing time on line with u!!

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