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2009 - Le Poisson Rouge, NY - June 23 - reports, photos and videos


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Alice, thanks for the report. That was me you were talking to about the extra tickets I got for my kids in line.:biggrin2: My friend was quite concerned about your daughter in the bar area. She looked like she was having a clautrophobic attack with all the shoving from the rear.

Oh, HI again. i enjoyed very much our chat.

You know she has periodic, but infrequent episodes; she never knows when they will occur. In the past it's been flight take offs and landings, but those happen no longer.


The worst one I remember was driving the bridge into Charleston, S.C. once, but now she drives the Bay Bridge with out difficulty. There was a more recent one where we were in the "nosebleed" highest balcony section for a charity show and the front was just glassed in!


She hasn't had one in ages!


I was concerned, too, but her hubby seemed to know what to do.

I'll tell you though, it seemed like a potential danger to me there for a little while . . .

Edited by A. Clay
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"Everytime I say 'I'm too old for this S*IT, you prove me wrong'"









When you told me you had said that to him, I laughed Alice... because

it's exactly how I feel, too! :roftl:


Hehe, joining the club!:naughty:


Alice, remember what you said to me a long time ago?:wub2:

“Age is just a number!”

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When you told me you had said that to him, I laughed Alice... because it's exactly how I feel, too!:roftl:

You know MIKA didn't say a thing, just a little funny face before he moved on.

I got the strangest feeling that maybe he didn't appreciate the S*IT bit!


Surely, he doesn't believe such talk is reserved only for the young, does he?,

that F*CK this and D*CK that he's always throwing around!

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Cont'd - PART 2.b - Day of the Gig. Waiting in the Queue.


Sparkle gel pens + JackViolet = A new necklace for Mana



Surely these intelligent looking people are not fangurly types. :teehee:



Queuing is actually quite enjoyable when you're amongst friends.





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Cont'd - PART 2.c - Day of the Gig. Waiting in the Queue. ICECREAM!!


Sara - you lost your sparkly # 7! Good thing they still let you in.




Not quite the surprise that Mika intended to bring for the queue. But a nice distraction for some. :teehee:



Finally. The flag helped answer the question hundreds of passerbys asked all day. Who are you waiting for?



Fancy-shmancy. Old fashion styled like a pair of red, shiny 50s laundry machines. (The icecream truck - not Mana and I)




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Lucy (easy to find; just go to the front of the "Q"

HollyD (easy to find; just find Lucy)


OMG!!! You are sooo FUNNY :naughty::naughty:. Thank you for the credit!

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After my first gig experience in February 2008 I was a mess. Ask Andrew. On the planes from LA to San Francisco, then San Franciso to Vancouver I bawled my way through both flights. I was a little worried Canadian customs woldn't let me in due to running makeup and bloodshot eyes. :naughty:


This time around, I was sitting on a sidewalk in Paris bawling my eyes out after the secong gig, after it was all over. In NYC, as everyone was getting ready to leave the venue, same thing.


Oh, and in Amsterdam I cried not only through Over My Shoulder but Blue Eyes and Happy Ending as well. That's just how I roll. :blush-anim-cl:




What it comes down to is that for whatever reason, this whole Mika thing touches us. Out of six billion people in the world, we're a couple hundred, maybe a thousand who -for whatever reason - have these intense reactions to it, these intense addictions to it. And I'm so grateful that we have each other to share it with. Because those other six billion people just don't have a clue. They can't possibly begin to understand. They just pat you on the head, smirk, and have a giggle about your cutesy thing for "that guy with a squeaky voice." :naughty:


Everything about him touches me so much!!! I cried when Rain was playing. It gave me goose bumps! Eventhough the song is not slow at all. I hope the next album has that song!!

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Here the full list of my videos for the night now.

Some of them are still processing so the quality won't be very high quite yet, but give it a short while and they should come up alright:



Mika - Grace Kelly @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Lady Jane @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Stuck In The Middle @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609






Mika - Blue Eyes @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Toy Boy @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Billy Brown @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Over My Shoulder @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Big Girl @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Love Today @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - BIOTG @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Happy Ending @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Lollipop @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Lollipop (end of) @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609







Mika - goodbye @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Relax @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - My Interpretation @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Rain @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609





Mika - Love Today (encore) @ Le Poisson Rouge in New York 230609



I am glad that you got so many. I get so excited that I can't record and take pics:boxed:

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Cont'd - PART 2.d - Day of the Gig. Waiting in the Queue. Post-icecream


Post-icecream - after the sugar high.



Maybe the hat will magically re-energize us.



Or a spray of Apple-perfume to mask the "Queuing-all-day-in-New York" smell.




Now let's take the queue inside. Single file. All one hundred of us.:boxed:


Yeah, this all looks like a single file. Hehe.




Ummm... (perhaps...stress relief?)



20 hours from the start of marathon queuing. Holly and Lucy. When the head security guy told late coming people they must go to the end of the line, he used Holly and Lucy as the example of fans queuing earliest most deserving to go in first.


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20 hours from the start of marathon queuing. Holly and Lucy. When the head security guy told late coming people they must go to the end of the line, he used Holly and Lucy as the example of fans queuing earliest most deserving to go in first.



Holly and I look sooo out of it!!! :blush-anim-cl:



I need to get a better camera. Like that one Mana has or you. I need to get better pics next time.

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Surely, he doesn't believe such talk is reserved only for the young, does he?,

that F*CK this and D*CK that he's always throwing around!


He just didn't think it was appropriate for YOU, I guess, Alice :roftl:

Surely these intelligent looking people are not fangurly types. :teehee:




Hey, Mana, look -- I look pretty gangsta here! Hanging

with my homies! :wub2:


I'm not sitting on that dirty floor.



LOL! I look like such a loser loner!


Didn't anybody want to be with me? :tears:


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PART 3! - Yay! Finally - we're In! Get as close to the stage as possible!



What a relief - the security at Le Poisson Rouge honoured our queue numbering system and used it in their process of letting people inside ten at a time. I think I asked Candboys (whose number was in the 30s) if order was still maintained when she was being let in, and she replied "yes", despite some people who still tried to sneak by and were stopped by security :sneaky2:. But yay - it worked! Thanks especially to StandardToaster and lollipop_monkey, Sariflor (who continued to warn people in the 2nd chaotic queue), and dcdeb who took over the list for the new arrivals at the end of the queue.


It all paid off. The people who got their earliest, had first dibs all around the perimeter of the stage. Here is what it looked like around me, when we first got in:









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deb, you should have worn your bippidyboppidy (???) hairstyle!




I knew I forgot something!


Well that and the gift I was going to give to Mika! LOL!

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Let's wear some mylar confetti on our chests in case Mika doesn't notice our decadent presence here along fangurly front row as we scream, jump up and down and dance. It might just be that added umph to get him to motion the two of us on stage for an invasion. :naughty:


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LOL! I look like such a loser loner!


Didn't anybody want to be with me? :tears:



I did! I'm the biggest germaphobe around!

Somehow my ocd about dirty floors just went out the window. But my feet and ankles (despite orthotics and adrenalin) were telling me that I should join you. I was trying hard to stay in the 5 person single line. :naughty:

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Originally Posted by lollipop_monkey

After my first gig experience in February 2008 I was a mess. Ask Andrew. On the planes from LA to San Francisco, then San Franciso to Vancouver I bawled my way through both flights. I was a little worried Canadian customs woldn't let me in due to running makeup and bloodshot eyes.


This time around, I was sitting on a sidewalk in Paris bawling my eyes out after the secong gig, after it was all over. In NYC, as everyone was getting ready to leave the venue, same thing.


Oh, and in Amsterdam I cried not only through Over My Shoulder but Blue Eyes and Happy Ending as well. That's just how I roll.




What it comes down to is that for whatever reason, this whole Mika thing touches us. Out of six billion people in the world, we're a couple hundred, maybe a thousand who -for whatever reason - have these intense reactions to it, these intense addictions to it. And I'm so grateful that we have each other to share it with. Because those other six billion people just don't have a clue. They can't possibly begin to understand. They just pat you on the head, smirk, and have a giggle about your cutesy thing for "that guy with a squeaky voice."



You are the first person Ive met that has cried for Mika, other than me. I swear it is so rare that I cry, it really takes a lot, but sometimes just a thought, a photo, or a video of Mika can really hit me hard.


When I saw him at Sadler's Wells I cried about 5 times, hard :

When I got kicked out of the theater because I accidentally walked into him and the band rehearsing but i purposely sat down and watched them, when the show finally started I cried for the first 4 songs or so, when i ran down to the front row and he grabbed my hand, when we were dancing standing up, and when I saw him at the meet and greet.


god, am such a baby this is sick . But SO relieved that you've bawled too :)

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Part 4. MIKA!


So despite his sore throat (from the queue outside, we saw someone buying a cool-mist humidifier from the CVS pharmacy next door who said slyly "yeah, someone needs this tonight" :blink:) and his endearing little piano mistakes - Mika was pure pleasure....I was simply captivated.

Mika was beaming. He was playful. He had on a radiant smile throughout the whole performance. The excitement and energy was reciprocated with his fans. Everyone was full on. You can see that the orchestra he just met 3 hours before could not believe the exceptional spark between the artist and his fans.









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